Archive 2024 (340)12/03 - SETIG Week: Why Systems Thinking Should Drive Every Evaluation by Mari Gasiorowicz12/02 - SETIG Week: Engaging TIG Members Through Celebrating History by Jan Noga12/01 - SETIG Week: Celebrating 20 Years of Systems in Evaluation: A Week of Reflection and Learning by Hayat Askar and Brittany N. Dernberger11/30 - GEDI Week: GEDI Reflections by Jacques Lesure11/29 - GEDI Week: GEDI Hot Tips by Priyanka Kohli11/28 - GEDI Week: GEDI Reflections by Alfred Rodriguez11/27 - GEDI Week: GEDI Hot Tips by Leiny Yesenia Garcia11/26 - GEDI Week: The 3 Cs of Evaluation and Some GEDI Hot Tips by MariaBelinda Vasquez and Millicent Esi Gyan11/25 - GEDI Week: GEDI Lessons Learned by Yessy Medina and Kellie Johnson11/24 - GEDI Week: Welcome to GEDI Week! by monique liston11/23 - Confidence and Leadership in Evaluation by Sheena Yap Chan11/22 - Wait, Who Are You Again?: Getting Started with Positionality Statements by Lisa Sargent11/21 - Three Hot Tips for Becoming A More Effective Evaluator That I Learned In Law School by Ron Reich11/20 - Lessons Learned from Running (and Growing) a Nonprofit by Sasha Kalcheff-Korn11/19 - Moving Beyond Collaboration: Embracing Reciprocity in Trauma-Informed, Equitable Evaluation by Tasha Parker11/18 - Empowering Youth: The Impact of Involving Youth in Program Evaluation by Manuela Testolini11/17 - Storytelling about Health Disparities to Advance Public Health Evaluation by Dr. LaShaune Johnson11/16 - Urban Institute Week: Tips for Returning Evaluation Findings to the Community by Kathy Pettit and Leah Hendey11/15 - Urban Institute Week: Four principles for evaluating AI by Judah Axelrod, Alena Stern, Jamie Carter, and Sonia Torres Rodríguez11/14 - Urban Institute Week: Updating the Urban Institute Data Visualization Style Guide and Why You Should Build One Too by Jonathan Schwabish11/13 - Urban Institute Week: Preparing for Equitable Participatory Evaluation by Elsa Falkenburger and Lauren Farrell11/12 - Urban Institute Week: Elevating Native American Voice in Community Research by Lizzy Ferrara and Emily Wright11/11 - Urban Institute Week: Improve Your Findings by Engaging Communities Around Data by Anna Farr and Teresa Derrick-Mills11/10 - Urban Institute Week: Targeting Email Marketing to Increase Impact by Olivia Dunn, Jenna Williams, and Jimena Vallejo11/07 - DVR TIG Week: Creating Charts with AI: Can AI Out Beat Us?11/06 - DVR TIG Week: Bring Open-Ended Responses to Life Using Interactive Dashboards by Shelly Engelman and Tom Withee11/05 - DVR TIG Week: Want to Control the Quality of the Data You Inquire About? Make Your Own AI Chatbot by David Fetterman11/04 - DVR TIG Week: The Creative Process of Data Storytelling by Gwen Davis11/03 - DVR TIG Week: Let’s Get Physical (with Data and in the Garden) by Gretchen Biesecker11/02 - The Future of Evaluation of STEM Innovation and Entrepreneurship by Chithra Adams11/01 - Bringing Everyone In: Evaluating Inclusive Innovation by Jacki Purtell and Samantha Langan10/31 - Using Extant Data to Understand Impact and Reach by Emily Markese and Adam Blandford10/30 - Effective Data Management in Evaluation of Innovation & Entrepreneurship by Stefanie Leite and Olivia Noel10/29 - What Evaluators Can Learn From The Lean Startup by Stefanie Leite and Olivia Noel10/28 - Anchors Away! Navigating the Evaluation of STEM Innovation & Entrepreneurship Programming by Samantha Langan10/27 - Driving Innovation with Developmental Evaluation by Jacki Purtell10/26 - LaRED TIG: Celebrating Our 10th Anniversary by Alisha Garcia Flores and Emely Medina-Rodriguez10/25 - LaRED TIG: Evaluator is a Latina Job: Insights from Our Career Pathways into Evaluation by Leah C. Neubauer and Ayesha Boyce10/24 - LaRED TIG: Language Justice and Community Voice in Evaluation by Emely Medina-Rodríguez, Cynthia Surya, and Robin Horner10/23 - Refining the Approach to Evaluating Faculty’s Community Engaged Research in Promotion and Tenure by Lauren Wendling10/22 - You Can Do It! Expanding Meaningful Teen And Youth Engagement To Improve Evaluation in Youth Settings by Rugi Kane and Susan Igras10/22 - Empowering Next Generation Evaluators with a Step-by-Step Terms of Reference Checklist by Tom Scialfa, Alaa Issa, and Tom Clark10/21 - Collaborative Learning for Climate Action: Insights from the Sparking Dialogues series10/20 - IRBs for Everyone: Part II by Phil Stoeklen and Team Viable Insights10/19 - IPE TIG Week: Evaluating with Respect: Embracing Indigenous Perspectives in African Communities by Adeyemo Adetogun10/18 - IPE TIG Week: Decolonizing Evaluation Consulting, Funding and Partnerships: Developing A Seven Directions Framework for the Nexus of Human Health & Climate by Nicky Bowman, Charmagne Campbell-Patton, and Michael Quinn Patton10/17 - IPE TIG Week: Rooting Evaluation in Hawaiian Culture by Kinohi Fukumitsu, Debbie Gowensmith, and Niegel Rozet10/16 - IPE TIG Week: Personalizing Privilege & Accompanying Indigenous Peoples by Christopher Hall10/15 - IPE TIG Week: Working in Tribal Communities as a non-Indigenous Evaluator by Corrie Whitmore10/14 - IPE TIG Week: Poetry in Motion: Using Arts to Shake Up Evaluation and Reflect Deeply! by Gladys Rowe10/13 - IPE TIG Week: A Short Reflection on the Positionality and Creation of an Indigenous Evaluator – Dr. Nicky Bowman. A short summary of Dr. Bowman’s work by January O’Connor10/12 - Funder Review of Early Research and Evaluation Drafts – Part 1: The Values by Sonia Chen10/11 - Moving Forward Together: Utilizing Evaluation Technical Assistance to Promote Equitable Evaluation by Domonique Edwards, Vanessa Gomez, Mili Ferrer, Jared Zachary, and Cristina Magana10/10 - How Did I Adapt to My New Role After Moving from an Academic Program to a Fellowship Placement? by Fardin Rahman10/09 - Caffeinate and Evaluate! One-minute Videos Summarizing Evaluation Research Findings from Around the World from the American Journal of Evaluation by Alysson Akiko Oakley and Caitlin Blaser-Mapitsa10/09 - How Did I Transition from Academic Competition to Workplace Camaraderie? by Midjina Richard10/08 - What Evaluators Can Learn From Doulas by Amy Washbush10/07 - Best Practices for Building an Impact Framework for Program Evaluation by Orna Ehrlich and Mary Harkins-Schwarz10/06 - Announcing the Winners of the Second Annual Student Evaluation Case Competition by the Student Evaluation Case Competition Working Group10/05 - Quantitative Methods: Theory and Design TIG Week: Get Free Quantitative and Qualitative Advice at the Quant/Qual Café! by Haiyan Bai, Mende Davis, Vajeera Dorabawila, Karen Larwin, Antonio Olmos and Lana Yampolskaya10/04 - Quantitative Methods: Theory and Design TIG Week: Adopting Reproducible Research Practices Can Benefit Evaluators by Steven J. Pierce10/03 - Quantitative Methods: Theory and Design TIG Week: Statistical Mediation and Moderation in Program Evaluation: Two Key Principles Evaluators Should Use by Antonio Olmos10/02 - Quantitative Methods: Theory and Design TIG Week: Data Stories with Machine Learning by Oluwaseun Farotimi10/01 - Quantitative Methods: Theory and Design TIG Week: Method Effects of Keying and Wording in Psychometric Instruments: A Quantitative Method in Evaluation by Lin Ma09/30 - Quantitative Methods: Theory and Design TIG Week: Navigating the Complexities of Culture and Climate Studies: Insights from Diverse STEM Contexts by Courtney Stone, Ayesha Boyce, and Audrey Amrein-Beardsley09/29 - Quantitative Methods: Theory and Design TIG Week: Advancing Evaluation Through Quantitative Methods: A Sneak Peek at the AEA Annual Conference by Haiyan Bai, Mende Davis, Vajeera Dorabawila, Karen Larwin, Antonio Olmos, and Lana Yampolskaya09/28 - Goshen Consulting Week: Get Creative with Canva by Emily Love, Heidi Masching, Breanne Burton, and Danielle Kulina09/27 - Goshen Consulting Week: Airtable is Awesome! by Kristin Cowart09/26 - Goshen Consulting Week: Using the Qualtrics Survey Report Function as a Quick, Formative, Participatory Evaluation Tool by Miranda Chen Musgrove09/25 - Goshen Consulting Week: From Clipboard to Conversation: Reimagining Fidelity as a Participatory Process by Amber Lewis09/24 - Goshen Consulting Week: Navigating Transitions from Academia to Evaluation by Jess Krim09/23 - Goshen Consulting Week: How to Grow the Biggest Pumpkin by Tom Withee09/22 - Goshen Consulting Week: MOUs – The Key to Strong Partnerships by Matt Feldmann09/21 - DRG TIG Week: Using Ripple Effects Mapping and Most Significant Change to capture nuanced results and contributing factors in DG Programs by Karen Chen, Dylan Diggs, and Pragati Godbole09/20 - DRG TIG Week: Evaluation-informed Adaptation: Navigating Tradeoffs by Bret Barrowman09/19 - DRG TIG Week: The evolving landscape of global governance: Use of evaluation in addressing inequities and power imbalances by Amy Jersild and Michael Harnar09/18 - DRG TIG Week: Improving Governance and Service Delivery: Empowering Sub-National Governments for Accountability, Transparency and Effectiveness in Nigeria by Awuor Ponge and Irene Karimi09/17 - DRG TIG Week: Promoting Social Inclusion and Gender Equity in DRG Programming through Monitoring & Evaluation by Yana Ropaieva, Marian Ware, Ramsey Rodriguez, Alyson Kozma, and Marcia Mundt09/16 - DRG TIG Week: Designing and Evaluating Rapid Responses to Democratic Erosion by Linda Stern09/15 - DRG TIG Week: Principles that Make Evaluations Democratic by Jeanette Asencio Tocol09/14 - LAWG Week: Learning New Languages Together: Communication Across Evaluation and Art by Crystal Meneses09/13 - LAWG Week: Equitable Evaluators as Collaborators and Co-creators in Shifting Evaluation Practice: Unlearning White Supremacy Culture by Amani Austin and Katie Winters09/12 - LAWG Week: The Art of the Community Engagement Spectrum in Evaluation by Kim Leonard and Nelda Reyes09/11 - LAWG Week: A Totality Awe-some Eclipse: OSU’s STEM Research Center Conducts Evaluation during the 2024 Total Solar Eclipse by Oregon State University’s STEM Research Center09/10 - LAWG Week: Secrets to Guiding a Self-Study: Helping People Evaluate for Themselves by Steve Patty09/09 - LAWG Week: Evaluating From the Ground Up with Learning Communities by Jean-Marie Callan and Becky Seel09/08 - LAWG Week: Welcome (Back) to Oregon Evaluators’ Week! by Corey Newhouse09/07 - MSI Fellowship Week: The Journey Continues, by the ’23-’24 AEA MSI Fellows09/06 - MSI Fellowship Week: How Culturally Responsive and Equitable Evaluation Supports Navigating Ethical Dilemmas in Evaluation by Rachel Berkowitz09/05 - MSI Fellowship Week: Nice Data, Now Show Me the Human Story Behind These Numbers! by Reynold Galope09/04 - MSI Fellowship Week: Culturally Responsive and Equitable Evaluation in Social Work: Implications for the Classroom by Yiwei Zhang09/03 - MSI Fellowship Week: Is CREE the Same as DEI Under Erasure? by Elizabeth Bishop09/02 - MSI Fellowship Week: Application of CREE in Grant Writing by Kunga Denzongpa09/01 - MSI Fellowship Week: Introducing the ‘23-’24 AEA MSI Fellows08/31 - LGBTQ+ TIG Week: Becoming an Evaluation Ally to International LGBTI Civil Society Organizations by Robin Lin Miller08/30 - LGBTQ+ TIG Week: The Revolution Will Not Be Surveyed: Resisting Erasure and Othering of LGBTQ2S+ Community by Esrea Perez-Bill and Michael Petillo08/29 - LGBTQ+ TIG Week: The Double-Edged Sword of Queer Data by Scar Winter Kelsey08/28 - LGBTQ+ TIG Week: Intersectionality in Practice by Michael G. Curtis08/27 - LGBTQ+ TIG Week: Positionality: Mission, Methods, Motivations by Carlos Romero08/26 - LGBTQ+ TIG Week: Identity as a Compass within 2SLGBTQ Evaluations: Finding Your Compass by Andrew Hartman, Brian Hoessler, Carolyn Camman & Vincent Tom08/25 - LGBTQ+ TIG Week: A Letter to Our Future Selves by Lauren Dixon08/24 - Tech TIG Week: Why Evaluators (and Everyone Else) Need a New Way of Talking about AI by Paul Duignan08/23 - Tech TIG Week: Harnessing Machine Learning for Ethical and Effective Evaluation by Peter York08/22 - Tech TIG Week: The Use of AI for Qualitative Analysis – What Is the Harm? by Carolyn Fonseca08/21 - Tech TIG Week: Hot Tips: Using ChatGPT to Transcribe and Summarize In-person Meetings by Noah Goodman08/20 - Tech TIG Week: “I Need Another Me”: Leveraging AI as a Solution to Increase Personal Capacity in the Evaluation Industry by Emily Smith08/19 - Tech TIG Week: The Evaluation Time Machine: Charting the Course of Evaluation Intelligence by Zach Tilton08/18 - Tech TIG Week: A Snapshot of the State of Artificial Intelligence in Evaluation Practice by John Baek08/17 - Canadian Evaluation Society (CES) Adopts Values-based Ethics Guidance by the Ethics Guidance Working Group of the Canadian Evaluation Society08/16 - Navigating Challenges and Unveiling Insights: A Reflection on Evaluating the Young Emerging Evaluators (YEE) Program in Mongolia by Shelli Golson-Mickens, Nada Mousa, and Jennifer Ottolino08/15 - San Francisco Bay Area Evaluators Week: Leveraging Advisory Committees for Impact Evaluation: The JVS Bay Area Experience by Yana Kusayeva08/14 - San Francisco Bay Area Evaluators Week: Towards and Emancipatory Inquiry Method: The Work at Flourish Agenda Inc., by Oscar Cerna08/13 - San Francisco Bay Area Evaluators Week: Incorporating Equity into Program Evaluations by Jacqueline Chan08/12 - San Francisco Bay Area Evaluators Week: Two Sides of the Same Coin: Evaluation & Assessment by Jan van Stelle08/11 - San Francisco Bay Area Evaluators Week: The Critical Role of Community in Sustainable Impact by Tamara Hamai08/10 - ToE TIG Week: The Collective Closet: A Qualitative Analysis Activity by JoAnna Hillman08/09 - ToE TIG Week: Adding Context to Evidence – The Benefits of Implementation Evaluation by Tamara Calise08/08 - ToE TIG Week: Case-Based Approach in Teaching of Evaluation: Graduate Students’ Perspective by Doreen Otieno, Samuel Isiko, and Krisanna Machtmes08/07 - ToE TIG Week: Podcasts as Pedagogy: Enhancing Teaching of Evaluation with Podcast Integration by Gabriel Keney and Eunice Oduro08/06 - ToE TIG Week: Revolutionizing Teaching Evaluation: The Transformative Role of Artificial Intelligence by Samuel Isiko, Krisanna Machtmes, and Doreen Otieno08/05 - ToE TIG Week: Can role-play help students learn about evaluation? We think so! By Allison Prieur, Kari Ross Nelson, and Michael Harnar08/04 - ToE TIG Week: Introduction to the Teaching of Evaluation TIG by Kelly M. McGinn, Krisanna Machtmes, and Seema Mahato08/03 - Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Working Group (WG): Introducing The May 13 Group Podcast: Your Friendly Nonprofit/Nongovernmental-industrial-complex Deprogramming Chamber by Carolina De La Rosa Mateo, Vidhya Shanker, and Nayantara Premakumar08/02 - Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Working Group (WG): Collaborative Learning and Leading: An Exchange of Resources by Elizabeth Taylor-Schiro08/01 - Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Working Group (WG): Organizational Analysis and Recommendations through the Water of Systems Change Framework by Asma Ali, Diana Lemos, Kantahyanee Murray and Elizabeth Taylor-Schiro07/31 - Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Working Group (WG): Lessons Learned Adapting the Water of Systems Change Framework to Self Assess AEA’s Programs, Policies, and Practices by Diana Lemos07/30 - Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Working Group (WG): AEA’s DEI Metrics Sub Group: Recommended Indicators and Measures of DEI by Ayesha Boyce, Dylan Felt, Nisaa Kirtman and Stephen Maack07/29 - Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Working Group (WG): A DEI Statement that Feeds Transformation In, Through, and Around Evaluation by Jen Heeg, Donna Mertens, Vidhya Shanker, and Libby Smith07/28 - Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Working Group (WG): Reflections on Leading AEA’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Efforts: Achievements and Challenges by Elizabeth Taylor-Schiro, Nisaa Kirtman, and Vidhya Shanker07/27 - Designing Foundation L&E Functions by Albertina Lopez07/26 - Decolonisation in Evaluation and Use of Emotional Intelligence – A Connect by Rashmi Agrawal07/25 - Cooperation, Collaboration, Coordination, and Convening by Rasmus Heltberg and Tamar Gutner07/24 - Lived Experience as Knowledge Contribution in Evaluation by Kiani Oro07/23 - Activating Data: How a Small (but Mighty) Research Team has Systematized Data Use by Holly Carmichael Djang and Rocio Bravo07/22 - Lessons Learned: Creative Methods, DEAI, and Community Engagement Go Hand-in-Hand by Molly O’Connor07/21 - AI In Data Analysis: A Framework for Responsibly Incorporating AI into the Analytics Process by Elizabeth DiLuzio07/20 - LAWG Week: The Benefits of Strength-based Approaches in Evaluation by Juliette Mackin07/19 - LAWG Week: How R Can Help Evaluators Report More Efficiently by David Keyes07/18 - LAWG Week: Ripple Effects Mapping in the Columbia River Gorge by Chelsea Ruder, Kim Leonard, and Madeline Brandt07/17 - LAWG Week: Ripple Effect Mapping as a Means of Capturing Progress in Complex Change by Kendra Lodewick07/16 - LAWG Week: Everyday Evaluation: Demystification and Magic by Michelle Helman07/15 - LAWG Week: Counting Crows in Portland by Katie Winters07/14 - LAWG Week: Welcome to Oregon Evaluators’ Week! by Corey Newhouse07/13 - PE Standards Week: Evaluation Standards in a Changing Landscape: The PES and CES’s Journey Forward by Matthew Sanscartier07/12 - PE Standards Week: How did an article on yoga practice unlock new understandings of work to revise the Program Evaluation Standards? By Goldie MacDonald07/11 - PE Standards Week: Sharpening the Distinction between Research and Evaluation by Juan D’Brot07/10 - PE Standards Week: The Influence of the Program Evaluation Standards by Paula Egelson07/09 - PE Standards Week: Relevance and Applicability of the Joint Committee on Standards for Educational Evaluation (JCSEE) Standards on Program Evaluation by Art Hernandez07/08 - PE Standards Week: The Program Evaluation Standards – Guidelines and Practitioner’s Guide by Thanos Patelis07/07 - PE Standards Week: Thinking About Standards Past and Present, at Home and Abroad by Brad Watts07/06 - Independent Consulting (IC) TIG Week: How Scheduled Personal Days Keep Me Going as an Independent Consultant by Alicia Kiremire07/05 - Independent Consulting (IC) TIG Week: Why Claiming Neutrality Creates Harm by Naaima Khan07/04 - Independent Consulting (IC) TIG Week: Amplifying Indigenous Voices: Navigating the Evaluation Independence Consulting Terrain in Canada by Kim van der Woerd, Kylee Swift, and Billie Joe Rogers07/03 - Independent Consulting (IC) TIG Week: Collectively Generating Guiding Principles with Program Participants, Staff, and Other Interest Holders by Jennifer Jewiss07/02 - Independent Consulting (IC) TIG Week: Independence Sparks Equitable Innovation by Jodie Boisvert07/01 - Independent Consulting (IC) TIG Week: Doing Business as a Force for Good: B Corp Basics for Evaluation Consultancies by Liz Martin, Rochelle Zorzi, and Lynn Dare06/30 - Independent Consulting (IC) TIG Week: Uplifting Voices: Embedding Equity Practices as Independent Consultants by Tasha Parker06/29 - Community Development TIG Week: Evaluation in Gentrifying Communities by Asma Ali, Jovita Murillo, and Noé Rubén Chávez06/28 - Community Development TIG Week: Asset-Based Community Development Begins with Being a Good Organizational Neighbor by Sandy Sheppard06/27 - Community Development TIG Week: Reframe Reluctance when Partnering with Communities on Research and Evaluation Projects by Sylvia Pu06/26 - More Essential Excel Skills Every Evaluator Should Know by Elizabeth DiLuzio06/26 - Community Development TIG Week: Community Development is at the Core of Evaluating Place-Based Systems Change by Matthew Closter and David Hanson06/25 - Community Development TIG Week: Navigating Evaluation Approaches for Community Development Impact by Norma Kok06/24 - Community Development TIG Week: Integrative Community Therapy: Building Community While Supporting Mental Health in Allentown, PA by Cheryl Arndt, Samantha Shaak, and Edward Norris06/23 - Community Development TIG Week: Learnings from Applying Asset Based Community Development by Tatiana Bustos06/22 - Cluster, Multi-Site, and Multi-Level Evaluation (CMME) TIG Week: Using Extant Data Sources in Rigorous Health-focused Evaluation by Cathy Lesesne, Lorin Boyce, Lori Zakalik, Michele D Sadler, Erin Malone, and Drew Derrico06/21 - Cluster, Multi-Site, and Multi-Level Evaluation (CMME) TIG Week: Natural Language Processing and Evaluation by Pete Telaroli06/20 - Cluster, Multi-Site, and Multi-Level Evaluation (CMME) TIG Week: Fueling Evaluation Momentum Across Multiple Sites with Limited Funding by Heidi Kahle, Tori Pilman, Kirsten Albers, and Jenica Reed06/19 - Cluster, Multi-Site, and Multi-Level Evaluation (CMME) TIG Week: Exploring the Data Utility of Publicly Available Individual-Level Data Sets to Understand Self-Reported Experience with Social Determinants of Health by Michele D Sadler, Hope Gilbert, and Shilpa Londhe06/18 - Cluster, Multi-Site, and Multi-Level Evaluation (CMME) TIG Week: Exploring the Potential of NLP in Evaluation: Techniques, Use Cases, and How to Get Started by Juliette Berlin, Amy Shim, and Sarah Bergman06/17 - Cluster, Multi-Site, and Multi-Level Evaluation (CMME) TIG Week: Getting Gritty: Putting in the Work to Collect Quality Data for Multisite Evaluations by Felicia Seibert06/16 - Cluster, Multi-Site, and Multi-Level Evaluation (CMME) TIG Week: Synthesizing Meaningful Insights Across Recipients for Large Cooperative Agreements by Aundrea Carter, Molly Linabarger, Lauren Toledo, and Dee Dee Wei06/15 - Simplifying Program Evaluation for Teams of Non-Evaluators by Sarafina Robinson Ndzi06/14 - Better Together: Tips for Strengthening Collaboration Between Evaluators Working Inside and Outside of Philanthropy by Karuna Chibber, Andrea Lozano, Anjie Rosga, and So O’Neil06/13 - Leveraging National Partnerships to Further Our Work Around Social Determinants of Health by Cheryl Arndt and Samantha Shaak06/12 - Evaluation, the Unsung Golden Thread in an Innovative Community-Based Program by Cammie Switzer and Emily Elliot06/10 - How to Listen and Reflect Deeply to Move More Equitably by Ali Berlinski06/09 - IRBs For Everyone: Why Participant Welfare Is Not Just An Issue For the World of Academic Research, But Evaluation Too by Phil Stoeklen06/08 - International and Cross-Cultural (ICCE) TIG Week: Do You Want to Have an Impactful Career in a Large Organization? Learn These Things First!! by Deborah L. Rugg06/07 - International and Cross-Cultural (ICCE) TIG Week: Why Trauma-Informed Data Collection is Essential in Monitoring and Evaluation by Janice D’souza06/06 - International and Cross-Cultural (ICCE) TIG Week: Co-creating the AI-mediated Era of Evaluation by Charles Guedenet and Jennifer Villalobos06/05 - International and Cross-Cultural (ICCE) TIG Week: Leveraging Community Values and Cultural Heritage in Evaluating Programs for Underprivileged Groups by Chunling Niu06/04 - International and Cross-Cultural (ICCE) TIG Week: An Evaluation Journey: Seven Stops to a More Transformative, Equitable, and Harm-Reduction Evaluation Process by Julie Poncelet and Jude Kallick06/03 - International and Cross-Cultural (ICCE) TIG Week: Using Storytelling to Understand Network Capacity Strengthening by Toyin Akpan, Carlisle Levine, Melisa March, and Hippolyt Pul06/02 - International and Cross-Cultural (ICCE) TIG Week: Weaving Stories Across Disciplines and Experiences by Sharon Attipoe-Dorcoo06/01 - Research on Evaluation (RoE) TIG Week: Researcher-Practitioner Collaborations for Research on Evaluation by Mel Mark05/31 - Research on Evaluation (RoE) TIG Week: Empowering the Next Generation: Insights from the Research on Evaluation Lab’s Journey by Natasha J.G. Monteith, Stacy Huff, and Gabriel Keney05/30 - Research on Evaluation (RoE) TIG Week: Reflections on the Research on Evaluation Webinar Series 2024 by Tatiana E. Bustos, Jennifer Ann Morrow, Mark Mulobi, and Esrea Perez Bill05/29 - Research on Evaluation (RoE) TIG Week: What Makes an Evaluator an Evaluator? by Dana Linnell and Bianca Montrosse-Moorhead05/28 - Research on Evaluation (RoE) TIG Week: Practicing What You Preach: How Do You Talk About Values? by Valerie Marshall05/27 - Research on Evaluation (RoE) TIG Week: Exploring the Nature of Evaluation Practice in the Global South: A Search for Meaning Using a Purposeful Sampling Approach by Amy Jersild05/26 - Research on Evaluation (RoE) TIG Week: “Whether They Say It or Not, a Lot of the Program Evaluation is Informal”: Perspectives and Reflections from a Pilot Study of a Grassroots Organization by Christine Liboon05/25 - LEEAD Fellows Alumni Curated Week: Practicing Culturally Responsive and Equitable Evaluation in Hawai‘i by Jackie Ng-Osorio and Brooke Keliikoa05/24 - LEEAD Fellows Alumni Curated Week: Creating Safe, Inclusive, & Empowering Spaces for Youth in Research and Evaluation by Tanisha Tate Woodson05/23 - LEEAD Fellows Alumni Curated Week: How to Shift from a Deficit to a Systems or Asset Approach in our Evaluation Work by Nitya Venkateswaran05/22 - LEEAD Fellows Alumni Curated Week: Evaluation: A Dirty Word by Chelsey Branham05/21 - LEEAD Fellows Alumni Curated Week: Considerations for Using Comparison Groups to Examine Equality, Equity or Social Justice by Jaymie Lorthridge05/20 - LEEAD Fellows Alumni Curated Week: Advancing Data Equity through Culturally Responsive and Equitable Data Parties by Chandria Jones05/19 - LEEAD Fellows Alumni Curated Week: Magnifying Culturally Responsive and Equitable Evaluation (CREE) and Culturally Responsive Indigenous Evaluation (CRIE) in Connection to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) by Tamarah Moss, Kimberly Harris, Rachel Powell, Jochebed Gayles, and Jennifer Garcia05/18 - Undermining Intervention Design Effect (IDE) puts an intervention into External Reinforcing Factor’s Trap (ERFT) by G.M Shah and Farid Ahmad05/17 - Reflections of a Pipeline PhD: Reaching Postgraduation Aspirations by Jacqueline Singh05/16 - The Evidence Act & The Need to Facilitate Policymakers’ Access to Policy Position Statements by Quisha Brown05/15 - Benefits of Becoming an AEA Member by Mike Zapata05/14 - Evaluating Initiatives to Increase Retention in STEM Fields: Lessons Learned by Adriana Cimetta and Rebecca Friesen05/13 - Microclimates and Their Implications for Evaluation Thinking and Practice by Burt Perrin05/12 - Checklist for Sustaining an International Evaluation Community of Practice by Kim Norris05/11 - PreK-12 and Education Evaluation TIG Week: To Use or Not to Use Sentiment Analysis: Lessons Learned From Research Which Can Inform Evaluation by Kinsey Simone05/10 - PreK-12 and Education Evaluation TIG Week: We Treasure What We Measure: Student Work as Thermometers of School Climate by Vo Ram Yoon, Mira Best, Ian Rashleigh McNally, and Kasia Razynska05/09 - PreK-12 and Education Evaluation TIG Week: Learning from Legislation: Navigating Challenges to DEI in Educational Evaluation by Marlana Lastres05/08 - PreK-12 and Education Evaluation TIG Week: Navigating the Puzzle: Understanding the Complexities of Operationalizing Terminology by Zhan Shi, Molly Weinburgh, Daniella Biffi, and Melissa K. Demetrikopoulos05/07 - PreK-12 and Education Evaluation TIG Week: Treating the Whole Client and Teaching the Whole Child through Interdisciplinary Collaboration by Leigh M. Tolley and Morgan Fontenot05/06 - PreK-12 and Education Evaluation TIG Week: Process Mapping Teachers’ Journey Through a Certification Program by Cathy Malerba and Stacia Long05/05 - PreK-12 and Education Evaluation TIG Week: Program Evaluation in K-12 Leadership by Marian Dyer05/04 - YFE TIG Week: Adopting a Growth Mindset to Embrace Imperfection and Nurture Creativity in Youth-Focused Evaluation by Emilia Gonzalez05/03 - YFE TIG Week: Four Hot Tips for Supporting Youth Researchers’ Career Development by Samantha Holquist, Quiana Lewis Wallace, and Deja Logan05/02 - YFE TIG Week: Five Hot Tips to Sustain Youth Researcher Engagement in Projects by Brianna, Serrah, and Diamond05/01 - YFE TIG Week: Successes and Challenges of Upholding LGBTQ+ Youth Voice in Research by Diane Hsieh and Lex Nappa04/30 - YFE TIG Week: Collaborating with Indigenous Youth in Evaluation: Promoting Agency and Impact by Heather Sauyaq Jean Kwamboka Gordon04/29 - YFE TIG Week: Stronger Relationships and Centering Learning Opened Pathways to Youth Participation by Natalie De Sole04/28 - YFE TIG Week: Practical Tips for Honoring Youth Voice in Evaluation and Program Design Activities by Heather Worker04/27 - EPE TIG Week: Principles-Focused Evaluation for Agricultural Transformation by Greta Landis04/26 - EPE TIG Week: Increasing Awareness of Conservation Issues and Actions for School Children from 2021-2023 by Delaney Wellington04/25 - EPE TIG Week: Beyond Humanity: Rethinking Power in Honor of Earth Week by David Hanson04/24 - EPE TIG Week: High Tides Raise All Ships by Michelle Eckman04/23 - EPE TIG Week: Measuring Empathy for Deep Sea Life at an Aquarium Exhibition by DeDee Ludwig-Palit04/22 - EPE TIG Week: Do Environmental Evaluators Dream of “Electric” Leadership Fellowships? Career Development at the Intersection of Evaluation, Equity, and the Environment by David Hanson and Evan Kuras04/21 - EPE TIG Week: Finding Hope and Optimism in Environmental Work by Rupu Gupta04/20 - OL-ECB TIG Week: Learn-by-Doing to Refine Systems-Level Change by Brittany Dernberger04/19 - OL-ECB TIG Week: The role of translating OECD/DAC guidance in national evaluation capacity development (NECD): Evidence from China and Mongolia by Xin Xin Yang04/18 - OL-ECB TIG Week: Embracing Resistance to Build Evaluation Capacity by Allison Prieur04/17 - OL-ECB TIG Week: Organizational Learning About Values by Albertina Lopez04/16 - OL-ECB TIG Week: Using a culture of learning models to build organization-wide evaluation capacity by Arin Ahlum Hanson, Kristen Gardner-Volle, and Laura Pinsoneault04/15 - OL-ECB TIG Week: Ten Tactics Internal Evaluators Can Use to Build Organizational Learning within Nonprofits by Gretchen Biesecker04/14 - OL-ECB TIG Week: Why is Organizational Learning Relevant for Evaluation Today? By Dr. Cynthia Phillips and Courtney Long04/13 - Health Evaluation TIG Week: Harnessing the Power of PowerBI to Support Evaluations by Gizelle Gopez, Kim Ho, Michele Sadler, Cathy Lesesne04/12 - Health Evaluation TIG Week: Applying Program Evaluation Frameworks for Training Development and Design by Emily Barkin04/11 - Health Evaluation TIG Week: Data Collection for Robust Evaluations: Rigor Doesn’t Always Equate to the Same Mundane Data Collection Approach…Right? by Hope Gilbert04/10 - Health Evaluation TIG Week: Simple GenAI Tips and Tricks for Evaluators by Molly Linabarger04/09 - Health Evaluation TIG Week: Challenges to Engaging the Community for Health Evaluation by Lorin Boyce and Lori Zakalik04/08 - Health Evaluation TIG Week: The Health Equity Indicators for Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) Toolkit by Lauren Toledo04/07 - Health Evaluation TIG Week: Fostering a Community of Health Evaluators by Jenica Reed, Grace Bachman, Gizelle Gopez, Faiza Haq, Molly Linabarger, and Leslie Otto04/06 - STEM Education and Training TIG Week: Learning to Evaluate STEAM Programs by Julia Li04/05 - STEM Education and Training TIG Week: Strategic Outcomes Framework for Informal STEM Education by Laura Weiss and Deborah Wasserman04/04 - STEM Education and Training TIG Week: Cultural Profiles of Islander Scientists: Broadening Participation of Underrepresented Minorities in STEM Based on Context and Place by Manuel Pérez-Troncoso04/03 - STEM Education and Training TIG Week: Scenario or Vignette-based Interviews by Melissa K. Demetrikopoulos and Terry Mills04/02 - STEM Education and Training TIG Week: Collaboration Between Research and Evaluation Efforts to Reduce Participant Burden by John Pecore04/01 - STEM Education and Training TIG Week: Tools to Enhance the Functionality and Success of Science Teams by Sara Bolduc03/31 - STEM Education and Training TIG Week: Defining STEM Within Education and Training by Wesley D. Thompson and Andreas C. Thompson03/30 - NPF TIG Week: AEA Awards Working Group by Eric Barela and Rhonda Williams03/29 - NPF TIG Week: Updated Framework to Help Evaluators, Strategists, and Practitioners Understand the Nuances of Systems Change by Joel Gutierrez03/28 - NPF TIG Week: P.U.S.H. Evaluation: Practice (Equity, Justice and Liberation) Until Something Happens by monique liston03/27 - NPF TIG Week: Co-creating Meaningful Metrics Across Teams by Emily Kalnicky03/27 - NPF TIG Week: Designing Foundation L&E Functions by Albertina Lopez03/26 - NPF TIG Week: On Equity in Contracting with Small and Solo Local Evaluation Firms by Hippolyt Pul and Carlisle Levine03/25 - NPF TIG Week: Building a Case for Integration of MEL, Strategy, and Accountability by Barbara Klugman03/24 - NPF TIG Week: Moving from Mere Data Collection to a Strategic Evaluation Practice at Your Nonprofit by Emily Parrott03/23 - Multiple Perspectives: Reflections from Two University-Based Evaluation Centers in their First Year by Paula Ogston-Nobile, Jesse Senechal and Nena Bloom03/22 - Evaluation for Transformation: Developing Capacities of Young and Emerging Evaluators by Claudia Olavarria03/21 - When Evaluation Needs Transformational Change – Watch Out! by Romeo Santos03/20 - Uncovering Hidden Data to Address Organizational Slack: Decolonizing Efficiency-Centric Evaluation by Mita Marra03/19 - Analyzing Qualitative Data with Relevant Frameworks for Program Evaluation by Liane M. Ventura03/18 - Three Top Tips for SDG Evaluations by Dorothy Lucks03/17 - How Systems Thinking in Evaluation Supports Localization by Kim Norris03/16 - Washington Evaluators Affiliate Week: Evidence Act: Building Internal Evaluation Capacity for Social Impact Organizations by Quisha Brown03/15 - Washington Evaluators Affiliate Week: Research Partnerships for Better Evidence-based Policy Making by Matt St. John03/14 - Washington Evaluators Affiliate Week: Accountability and Learning Perspectives on the Evidence Act by Terell Lasane03/13 - Washington Evaluators Affiliate Week: How the Evidence Act Has Spurred Action in the Federal Government by Natalie Donahue03/12 - Washington Evaluators Affiliate Week: Looking Back and Going Forward with the Evidence Act by Valerie Jean Caracelli03/11 - Washington Evaluators Affiliate Week: A Milestone Worth Celebrating by Sana Ahmed Wilder03/10 - Washington Evaluators Affiliate Week: What is the Evidence Act, And Why Are We Still Talking About It? by Nicole Germano03/09 - Hot Tips for Black Women by Black Women with Monique Liston03/08 - Applying Intersectionality to Program Theory: Gender-Based Violence & Violence Against Women by Vidhya Shanker03/07 - Overcoming underrepresentation of Women in Remote Data Collection by Jess Littman03/06 - Evaluation, Transformation & Power – Unearthing and Navigating Values in Evaluating Programmes Focused on Women’s Rights and Social Justice by Mine Pabari and Alejandro Imbach03/05 - Insights into Academic and Practitioner Efforts to Improve Solutions for Women and Girls by Tanyel Taysi and Salome Tsereteli-Stephens03/04 - Engaging Young Women of Color in Program Design & Evaluation by Nicole Clark03/03 - Our Individual and Collective Liberation is Connected – so Let’s Connect! by Melissa Chapman Haynes03/02 - Needs Assessment TIG Week: Overcoming Five Obstacles to a Successful Needs Assessment by Ryan Watkins03/01 - Needs Assessment TIG Week: Identifying Needs and Assets Using GIS by Madhawa Palihapitiya02/29 - Needs Assessment TIG Week: Evaluating Student Success in Higher Education: A Plea for Needs Assessment by Jessica Osborne02/28 - Needs Assessment TIG Week: When Your Needs Assessment Involves City Planning by Maurya West Meiers02/27 - Needs Assessment TIG Week: Lessons Learned From a National Needs Assessment of Community-Based, Culturally Specific, Gender-Based Violence Organizations by Krista Grajo02/26 - Needs Assessment TIG Week: Beyond the Hype: Leveraging AI for Needs Assessments (as well as M&E) by Ryan Watkins02/25 - Needs Assessment TIG Week: The Power of Community Health Needs Assessments as a Tool for Community Engagement by Susana Morales02/24 - Graduate Students & New Evaluators TIG Week: Cookie Logic by Crystal Luce02/23 - Graduate Students & New Evaluators TIG Week: Story Telling is a (Cognitive) Science by Briana Thompson Ford02/22 - Graduate Students & New Evaluators TIG Week: How Evaluation Found Me: My Journey into the World of Program Evaluation by Christine Liboon02/21 - Graduate Students & New Evaluators TIG Week: Submitting a Presentation Proposal for Eval 2024 by Crystal Luce02/20 - Graduate Students & New Evaluators TIG Week: A New Evaluator Survival Guide by Briana Thompson Ford, Christine Liboon, Crystal Luce02/19 - Graduate Students & New Evaluators TIG Week: “It’s Not a Sprint, it’s a Marathon.” Choosing a Doctoral Degree in Evaluation by Christine Liboon02/18 - Graduate Students & New Evaluators TIG Week: Introducing Peer Perspectives: An AJE Journal Group by Randi Knox and Selena Lilly02/17 - Arts, Culture, and Museums TIG Week: Dance as a Means of Documentation, Exploration, Interpretation and Communication of What and How We Value by Vincent E Thomas and Geri Lynn Peak02/16 - Arts, Culture, and Museums TIG Week: De-Weaponizing Evaluation in a Public School District Arts Initiative by Sister IAsia Thomas and Rodney Hopson02/15 - Arts, Culture, and Museums TIG Week: Listening/Creating Healthful Narratives: What else can we be? by Shanaé Burch02/14 - Arts, Culture, and Museums TIG Week: “Culture”: What Is It Good For? by Justin Laing02/13 - Arts, Culture, and Museums TIG Week: Linguistic Inclusivity: Navigating Language Justice in Creative Spaces by Eva Chavez02/12 - Arts, Culture, and Museums TIG Week: Trees of Knowledge & Trees of Life: Modernist Discourses of Art and Evaluation by Vidhya Shanker02/11 - Arts, Culture, and Museums TIG Week: Enhancing Vaccine Confidence in a Culturally Responsive Way by Brianna Smith and Myrline Newton02/10 - University-Based Centers TIG Week: The Realities of Real-World Evaluation Work in the South: Navigating the Complexities of Evaluation Guiding Principles within a Large University System in the South by Bich Do and Samuel B. Robison02/09 - University-Based Centers TIG Week: Working with Students at a University-Based Evaluation and Research Center by Rae Jing Han, Liz Litzler, Erin Carll, Emily Knaphus-Soran, and Daniel Mackin Freeman02/08 - University-Based Centers TIG Week: Why do you work at a UNIVERSITY? You’re an evaluator?! by Sarah Mason02/07 - University-Based Centers TIG Week: The Benefits of Working at a University-Based Evaluation Center by Shannon Sharp02/06 - University-Based Centers TIG Week: University-Based Partnership and Evaluative Capacity-Building by Olivia Melvin, Gray Flora, and Yasmin McLaurin02/05 - University-Based Centers TIG Week: Collaborating Across Knowledge Paradigms in a University-Based Evaluation Center by Ashlee Lewis and Jen Crooks-Monastra02/04 - University-Based Centers TIG Week: Introduction to UBC by Jessica Osborne02/03 - Making Data Accessible to All Using Data Warehousing and BI Tools by Taj Carson02/02 - Every Evaluation Contributes to Sustainable Development – the Only Question is How Much and for Whom? by Dorothy Lucks02/01 - A Systematic Approach to Addressing Data Management by Kavita Mittapalli01/31 - Applying Digital Development Principles to Locally Contextualize Evaluations by Kim Norris01/30 - What’s next for Emerging AI in Evaluation? Takeaways from the 2023 AEA Conference by Zach Tilton and Linda Raftree01/29 - Staff Making Meaning from Evaluation Data by Lenka Berkowitz and Elena “Noon” Kuo01/28 - Unlocking the Power of Communities: Key takeaways from supporting Community-Led Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability, and Learning (CoLMEAL) by Paula Richardson01/27 - American Journal of Evaluation Week: AJE and YOU by Rodney Hopson and Laura Peck01/26 - American Journal of Evaluation Week: Meet One of AJE’s Excellence in Reviewing Awardees by Bob Williams01/25 - American Journal of Evaluation Week: Meet AJE’s Editorial Board by Thomas Archibald01/24 - American Journal of Evaluation Week: Meet AJE’s Ethics, Values & Culture Section Editors by Nicky Bowman, Ayesha Boyce, and Gregory Phillips II01/23 - American Journal of Evaluation Week: Meet AJE’s International Developments in Evaluation Section Editors by Alysson Akiko Oakley and Caitlin Blaser Mapitsa01/22 - American Journal of Evaluation Week: Meet AJE’s Economic Evaluation Section Editors by Vivana Rodriguez and Brian Yates01/21 - American Journal of Evaluation Week: AJE’s Managing Editor Discusses Why & How to be a Journal Reviewer by Shannon Hitchcock01/20 - Meet The Team: You! by Elizabeth DiLuzio01/19 - Meet The Team: Senior Membership and Operations Manager, Zachary Grays01/18 - Meet The Team: Membership and Operations Senior Associate, Kutia Swinney01/17 - Meet The Team: Membership and Operations Coordinator, Nicki Sheffield01/16 - Meet The Team: Elizabeth Grim, AEA365’s Curator01/15 - Meet The Team: Elizabeth DiLuzio, AEA365’s Lead Curator01/14 - Meet The Team: Let’s Play ‘Guess Who’ by Elizabeth DiLuzio and Elizabeth Grim01/13 - SIM TIG Week: Unintended Consequences of Impact by Andrea Nelson Trice01/12 - SIM TIG Week: Social Return on Investment (SROI) as an Evaluation Framework for Localization by Shubha Kumar01/11 - SIM TIG Week: Let’s Stop Undervaluing Project Outputs and Outcomes by Seth Tucker01/10 - SIM TIG Week: Using Most Significant Change Stories in Social Finance System Change Initiatives by Jane Reisman, Jasmine Johnson, and John Sherman01/09 - SIM TIG Week: Friends or Frenemies? Evaluation, Corporations and Sustainability by Morgan Buras-Finlay, Veronica Olazabal, Jared Raynor, and John Sherman01/08 - SIM TIG Week: Qualitative Data Tools for Impact Measurement and Management by Slavica Stevanovic01/07 - SIM TIG Week: Social Impact in Indianapolis by Courtney Bolinson, Morgan Buras-Finlay, Heather Esper, Lala Kasimova01/06 - American Journal of Evaluation Week: Meet AJE’s Associate Editors by Stephanie A. Dopson, Melissa Rae Goodnight, Leanne Kallemeyn, John LaVelle, and Dana Linnell01/05 - American Journal of Evaluation Week: Meet AJE’s Book Review Section Editors by Cherie Avent and Aileen Reid01/04 - American Journal of Evaluation Week: Meet AJE’s Method Note Section Editors by Tarek Azzam and Ralph Renger01/03 - Building Effective Evaluation Advisory Committees by Amanda Robinson and Nubia Goodwin01/03 - American Journal of Evaluation Week: Meet AJE’s Experimental Methodology Section Editor by Carl Westine01/02 - American Journal of Evaluation Week: Meet AJE’s Teaching & Learning of Evaluation Section Editors by Daniela Schroeter and Rebecca Woodland01/01 - American Journal of Evaluation Week: Meet AJE’s Managing Editor – Plus, A Discussion of the Review Process! by Shannon Hitchcock2023 (366)12/31 - American Journal of Evaluation Week: Meet AJE’s New Co-Editors-in-Chief by Rodney Hopson & Laura Peck12/30 - Walking Our Talk: Charting the Course of Data Use – Collaborative Data Analysis by Sharon Twitty, Natalie Lenhart, and Paul St Roseman12/29 - Walking Our Talk: New Insights – Emerging A Collaborative Diagnostic Tool and Data Visualization by Sharon Twitty, Natalie Lenhart, and Paul St Roseman12/28 - Walking Our Talk: Using the Data – Emerging a Data Informed Evaluation Design through Peer Editing by Sharon Twitty, Natalie Lenhart, and Paul St Roseman12/27 - Walking Our Talk: Laying the Foundation – The Rise of the Logic Model by Sharon Twitty, Natalie Lenhart, and Paul St Roseman12/26 - Every Child Everywhere: Assessing USAID’s Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Strategy by Caitlin Showalter12/25 - Evaluating Research for Development by Svetlana Negroustoueva and John Gargani12/24 - Stories of Change from Refugees and People Living with Disabilities that Changed Programming by Soledad Muniz12/23 - EvalSDGs Week: Institutionalization of Evaluation in Small Island Developing States: Case Study Mauritius by Rooba Moorghen12/22 - EvalSDGs Week: Charting the Course: Nigeria’s Journey in Establishing a National Monitoring and Evaluation Policy – The Way Forward by Zakariyau Lawal and Denis Jobin12/21 - EvalSDGs Week: The Power of Networking and Professional Growth in Evaluation by Eddah Kanini12/20 - EvalSDGs Week: Evaluation and the Transformational Imperative by Joyce Mukoma and Scott Chaplowe12/19 - EvalSDGs Week: Transforming SDG Evaluations with Artificial Intelligence: Insights from A Young and Emerging Evaluator by Lydiane Mbia12/18 - EvalSDGs Week: Synthesizing Evaluations and Mapping to the SDGs by Seda Kojoyan12/17 - EVALSDGs Week: Collaborating for a Sustainable Tomorrow: Our Journey with EVALSDGs by Denis Jobin, Florence Etta, Roxana Gomez, Hayat Askar, Mariia Matsepa12/16 - Transformational Eval Week: Transformation Matters? An Indian Perspective by Rajib Nandi12/15 - Transformational Eval Week: Where to Start When Working with Indigenous Communities to Transform Evaluation by Andrealisa Belzer and Taruna Gupta12/14 - Transformational Eval Week: How Can Problem Questioning be Useful in Decolonized Evaluation Practice? by Matodzi M Amisi12/13 - Transformational Eval Week: Decolonizing M&E: Shifting Power to Communities by Rituu B Nanda12/12 - Transformational Eval Week: Thinking in System Patterns by Beverly Parsons and Katie Winters12/11 - Transformational Eval Week: Principles for Evaluating Transformation by Michael Quinn Patton and Weronika Felcis12/10 - Transformational Eval Week: Decolonising National Evaluation Systems by Ian Goldman, Candice Morkel, Edoe Dimitrij Agbodjan, and Thokozile Molaiwa12/09 - Case Collaborative Week: Reflective Practice for Teaching and Learning with Cases by David Ensminger and Tiffany Tovey12/08 - Case Collaborative Week: Developing and Using Cases Centering Culturally Responsive Evaluation by Elissa Frazier and Leanne Kallemeyn12/07 - Case Collaborative Week: Case Teaching and Learning Requires Connection and Contextual Relevance by Caitlin Mapitsa and Christine Roseveare12/06 - Case Collaborative Week: Current Practices in Case-Centered Teaching and Learning by Isabelle Bourgeois, Lauren Wildshut, and Marla Steinberg12/05 - Case Collaborative Week: What does research about teaching with cases tell us? by Bianca Montrosse-Moorhead12/04 - Case Collaborative Week: The Characteristics of Cases Used to Teach and Learn Evaluation by Leanne Kallemeyn and David Ensminger12/03 - Case Collaborative Week: Introducing a Week on Case Teaching and Learning in Evaluation by Tiffany Tovey and Ken Linfield12/02 - The Evaluation Center at WMU Week: Managing Student-evaluator Anxiety and Interpersonal Communication by Brandon Youker12/01 - The Evaluation Center at WMU Week: Developing Evaluation Elearning: Our Journey and Lessons Learned by Kelly Robertson and Lori Wingate11/30 - The Evaluation Center at WMU Week: Scholarship Can Support Evaluation Success by Brad Watts11/29 - The Evaluation Center at WMU Week: Evaluation Café: Four Decades of Learning and Growth by Samantha Hooker11/28 - The Evaluation Center at WMU Week: In Defense of Checklists: More Than Checking a Box by Lori Wingate11/27 - The Evaluation Center at WMU Week: Supporting Open-Access Evaluation Scholarship through JMDE by Lyssa Wilson Becho and Michael Harnar11/26 - The Evaluation Center at WMU Week: Celebrating The Evaluation Center’s 50 Years at Western Michigan University by Lori Wingate11/25 - ENRI Week: Fostering learning and capacity building in data and evaluation through campus-community partnerships by Dan Turner11/24 - ENRI Week: Promoting Equity Through AI: A Game-changer in Evaluation and Consulting by David Stanton Robinson11/23 - ENRI Week: Evaluation of Upstream Public Health Initiatives Often Continues to be Reduced to Downstream Health Outcomes, Giving Little Importance to Critical Metrics of Social Change by Jennifer Latham11/22 - ENRI Week: Practicing into equity in evaluation is a continuous journey of transformation by Cynthia Roberts11/21 - ENRI Week: Shifting Mindsets with the Equitable Evaluation Framework™ by Katie Murray, Jenny Pereira and Inés Merchan11/20 - ENRI Week: A Trust-Based Philanthropy Journey by Adama Brown11/19 - ENRI Week: Building Trusting Relationships to Create and Sustain a Local Affiliate by Cynthia Roberts, Adama Brown, Jen Latham, Katie Murray, David Robinson, and Dan Turner11/18 - IPE TIG Week: Notes from the Field: Wild Foods and Medicines Teachers Develop an Indigenous Visual Logic Model for Program Evaluation by Jamie Donatuto, Rose James, Elise Krohn, Diana Rohlman, and Valerie Segrest11/17 - IPE TIG Week: Navigating Life Stage Reflections: Uncovering Multicultural Insights and Values by Shelbi Nahwilet Meissner11/16 - IPE TIG Week: Cool Tips from NPAIHB on Evaluation and Dissemination by Stephanie Craig Rushing, Celena Ghost Dog, Amanda Gaston, Grazia Cunningham, and Allyson Kelley11/15 - IPE TIG Week: Meaningful Community Involvement in Indigenous Evaluation Projects: The Power of Guide Groups and Reciprocity in Action by Gladys Rowe11/14 - IPE TIG Week: Calling on the Wisdom of the Seven Grandfathers by Linda Sue Warner (Comanche) and Jeremy Braithwaite11/13 - IPE TIG Week: Keys for Project Success: Evaluating Relationships and Abilities to Build and Nurture Them by Katja Brundiers and Paul Coseo11/12 - IPE TIG Week: Some Basic Guidelines for Evaluation with Indigenous Peoples by Art Hernandez11/11 - Community Storytelling Through Needs Assessment: Learning How to Improve Rural Health from the People Who Live There by Heidi Berthoud11/10 - Strategies for a High Social Network Analysis Survey Response Rate by Nubia Goodwin and Carolyn Fisher11/09 - So, You Want to Lead an Evaluation Practice or Center? by Sam Robison & Matt Feldmann11/08 - Breaking the Silence: Story-telling on a Policy Development Facility in Nigeria by Sabrina Nwonye and Daniel Ticehurst11/07 - 10 Ways to Increase the Use of Evaluation Findings by Agata Slota, Cassandra Ake, and Lucinda Jones11/06 - Unlocking Success: Strategies to Bulletproof DEI Evaluation Plans, Shielding Organizations from Discrimination Allegations and Lawsuits by Omar Brown and Quisha Brown11/05 - Post Program Monitoring: An Entry Point for Localization by Kim Norris11/04 - AHE TIG Week: Developing Culturally Responsive Evaluation in Urban Education Leaders by Omari Jackson11/03 - AHE TIG Week: The Importance and Value of Conducting an Assessment that Centers Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion within Higher Education by Chad Kee11/02 - AHE TIG Week: Evaluation and Capacity Building in A Master of Social Work Curriculum by Candace Carter11/01 - AHE TIG Week: Bridging the Gap: From Grad School to Becoming an Evaluator by Fanni Farago10/31 - AHE TIG Week: Saving Time through Data Dashboards by Matt Feldmann and Tom Withee10/30 - AHE TIG Week: Harnessing Big Data in Higher Education: Evaluators as Data Scientists by Stephanie Fuentes10/29 - AHE TIG Week: Using Competency-based Assessment in Faculty Evaluations of Teaching in Higher Education to Support Experts in Teaching Roles by Amy Bowser10/28 - Artificial Intelligence (AI): Using AI to Build Evaluation Capacity by David Fetterman10/27 - Thinking about Thinking: Exploring Faculty Transformation Narratives to Fuel Best Practices for Critical Thinking Workshops by Gideon Eduah10/26 - How do we measure infrastructure support? An example from the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline by Kristen Quinlan10/25 - Evaluation of Global Health Security in Militancy-Hit Areas of Pakistan Bordering Afghanistan – Lessons Learned by Saeed Ahmed10/24 - Blue Marble Evaluation Questions by Charmagne Campbell-Patton, Hannah McMillan, Mike Moore, Michael Quinn Patton, and Rees Warne10/23 - Captivate Your Crowd with Audience Engagement Principles by Sheila B. Robinson10/22 - Applying Digital Development Principles to Locally Contextualize Evaluations by Kim Norris10/21 - About my Research Focus & a Reflection on Identify as an Evalpreneur or Evaluation Consultant by Nicolas Uwitonze10/20 - Putting Descartes Before the Report: Telling your Evaluative Story with the Grid Design System by Rose Konecky10/19 - The American Journal of Evaluation at the 2023 AEA Conference by Laura R. Peck10/18 - Spurious Precision – Leading to Evaluations that Misrepresent and Mislead by Burt Perrin10/17 - Shifting the Evaluation Lens to Localization – Progress You Can See by Kim Norris10/16 - No More Crappy Survey Reporting – Best Practices in Survey Reporting for Evaluations by Janelle Gowgiel, JoAnna Hillman, Mary Davis, and Christiana Reene10/15 - Reflections from a Youth Evaluator by Yasemin Simsek10/14 - Measuring DEI in Our Own Workforce: Lessons from Four Studies Across Two Years by Laura Kim and Brooke Hill10/13 - Enriching the Local Evaluation Story Using “Most Significant Change” Adaptations by Kim Norris10/12 - The Story of Systemic Racism and Playgrounds: How KABOOM! uses data to overcome playspace inequity by Isaac Castillo and Colleen Coyne10/11 - Sharing How the Inaugural AEA Student Evaluation Case Competition Went by Dana Linnell, Steve Mumford, Carolina De La Rosa Mateo, Julian Nyamupachitu, Rana Gautam, Jennifer Yessis, Christine Roseveare, and Asma Ali10/10 - No More Crappy Survey Analysis – Best Practices in Survey Analysis for Evaluations by Janelle Gowgiel, JoAnna Hillman, Mary Davis, and Christiana Reene10/09 - In recognition of Indigenous Peoples’ Day: Recognizing Indigenous Rights and Sovereignty by The IPE TIG Leadership10/08 - The Power of Story by Corrie Whitmore10/07 - Decolonization in Evaluation Week: Knowledge asymmetries and struggles for space: Towards a decolonial turn in the evaluation of ‘development’ and ‘conservation’ programmes by Linda Khumalo & Gert Van Hecken10/06 - Decolonization in Evaluation Week: Finding Place: Grounding Evaluation by Decolonizing Context by Katie Boone10/05 - Decolonization in Evaluation Week: Decolonizing Evaluation Requires Decolonizing What We are Evaluating by Susan M. Wolfe10/04 - Decolonization in Evaluation Week: Becoming an Evaluation Accomplice by Using Critical Indigenous Theories By Christopher Hall10/03 - Decolonization in Evaluation Week: Articulating Our Values as a Path to Decolonization by Andrea Nelson Trice10/02 - Decolonization in Evaluation Week: Dismantling the White Gaze in Program Evaluation by Shama Dossa & Sadaf Shallwani10/01 - Decolonization in Evaluation Week: Social Change Happens from the Inside/Out by Rita Fierro09/30 - Global Evaluation Initiative (GEI) Week: Strengthening Administrative Data Systems for Evidence-Based Policymaking in India by Megha Pradhan09/29 - Global Evaluation Initiative (GEI) Week: Lessons Learned from Launching an Online M&E Boot Camp by Faizan Rashid09/28 - Global Evaluation Initiative (GEI) Week: The Process to Strengthen National Evaluation Systems MUST be Country-Owned and Country-Led by Taku Chirau09/27 - Global Evaluation Initiative (GEI) Week: Working with Finance Ministries to Strengthen National M&E Systems by Gonzalo Hernández Licona09/26 - Global Evaluation Initiative (GEI) Week: Lessons Learned from Mapping Evaluation Systems in Brazilian Subnational Governments by Lycia Lima, Gabriela Lacerda, and Lorena Figueiredo09/25 - Global Evaluation Initiative (GEI) Week: Lessons Learned from Coordinating gLOCAL Evaluation Week, a Global Knowledge-Sharing Event by Patrizia Cocca09/24 - Global Evaluation Initiative (GEI) Week: Lessons Learned in Using GEI’s “Monitoring and Evaluation Systems Analysis” (MESA) Tool by Heather Bryant09/23 - La RED TIG Week: A Collaborative Approach to Program Evaluation by Toi Wise09/22 - La RED TIG Week: Reflections of an Emerging Culturally Responsive Evaluator by Elia H. Bueno09/21 - La RED TIG Week: Reflections from an Emerging Evaluator about the Need for Latinx Evaluation Theory and Framework by Gabriela Castro09/20 - La RED TIG Week: Finding my Leadership Identity as a Latina (Reflections from a Leadership Seminar Specifically for Latinx Professionals) by Tatiana Elisa Bustos09/19 - La RED TIG Week: Culturally Relevant Evaluation (CRE) In Practice by Susana Morales09/18 - La RED TIG Week: Empowerment Evaluation: Links to Paulo Freire’s influences from Latin America by Emely Medina-Rodriguez09/17 - La RED TIG Week: The Power of Names by Art Hernandez09/16 - DRG TIG Week: Will Our DRG Capacity Building Efforts Lead to Policy Changes? by Jeanette (Jay) Tocol09/15 - DRG TIG Week: Made in Africa Evaluation: Applying Tanzanian Indigenous Knowledge Systems by Francis Mwaijande09/14 - DRG TIG Week: Development of the African Evaluation Principles (AEP) as a Consultative, Inclusive Process by Rosetti Nabbumba Nayenga09/13 - DRG TIG Week: Learning How to Evaluate Meaningful Outcomes in Collaborative Human Rights Digital Security Programs by Deanna Kolberg-Shah, Leah Squires, and Megan Guidrey09/12 - DRG TIG Week: From Evidence Review to Practicing with Tools: Insights on Evidence-Informed Dialogues from USIP’s Learning Agenda by David Connolly and Jill Baggerman09/11 - DRG TIG Week: Using a Learning Agenda to Test a Theory of Change by Marcia Mundt, Linda Stern, Natalie Trisilla, and Rakesh Sharma09/10 - DRG TIG Week: Democracy, Rights & Governance (DRG) Approaches to Learning Agendas by Laura Adams09/09 - The Case For A Shared Outcomes Measurement Framework for DEI Initiatives by Quisha Brown09/08 - Rapid Assessment of Qualitative Data for Program Evaluation by Liane Ventura09/07 - Reassessing and Reshaping our Research Study in Uncertain Times by Will Fisher and Jenny Seelig09/06 - Can Evaluation Help Make Bureaucracy More Responsive – or is it Part of the Problem? by Burt Perrin09/05 - R Without Statistics by David Keyes09/04 - A Rapid Cycle Evaluation Approach: Implementing Micro Steps for Program Improvement by Elena Pinzon O’Quinn09/03 - Making Complex Content Clear: AI’s Potential for Readability in Evaluation by Jeff Kosovich09/02 - Getting Ready for Indianapolis by Elizabeth DiLuzio09/01 - “Best of Indy” by Robert Hoke08/31 - What is a “Hoosier”? by Jennifer Borland08/30 - Madam CJ Walker Was Self-made, Right Down the Street by Kyle Hannon08/29 - Evaluating a Museum? Where to Begin? By Karen Breece08/28 - Indianapolis Cultural Attractions! by Susan Foutz08/27 - Welcome to Local Arrangement Working Group Week on AEA365 by Robert Hoke08/26 - Tech TIG Week: How Will Evaluators Work with Blockchain? by Michael Cooper08/25 - Tech TIG Week: Supporting Data Analytics with Google BigQuery by Wai Lam Wong08/24 - Tech TIG Week: Lessons Learned when Implementing an Electronic Health Record in Behavioral Health by Amanda Zwirecki08/23 - Tech TIG Week: Exploring the Potential of Automated Qualitative Coding by Vo Ram Yoon08/22 - Tech TIG Week: Understanding Sources of Bias in Big Data by Michael Bamberger08/21 - Tech TIG Week: Collaborating on the Responsible Use of Emerging Artificial Intelligence for MERL by Linda Raftree08/20 - Tech TIG Week: Integrating Technology in Evaluation TIG Themes by John Baek and Diamond St. Thomas08/19 - SCENE Collab Week: Visualizing our Community of Practice Using Social Systems Mapping by Min Ma, Haylea Hubacz, and Maya Komakhidze08/18 - SCENE Collab Week: Actors of Regional Associations: Gender Responsive Evaluations in Latin America by Sonia Baron08/17 - SCENE Collab Week: Equity in Data Visualization: Explorations from Vermont by Cindy Char, Jennifer Jewiss, Jody Kamon, Lisa Natkin, and Qing Ren08/16 - SCENE Collab Week: Moving Toward Equity: Improving Demographic Data Collection in Community Settings by Naomi Ali and Dayna Gallagher08/15 - SCENE Collab Week: Funder-Evaluator Relationships: Barriers, Workarounds, and More by Emily Gates, Andres Castro Samayoa, and Min Ma08/14 - SCENE Collab Week: From Data to Compassion: How Empathy Maps Can Foster Understanding by Dana Benjamin-Allen08/13 - SCENE Collab Week: Strengthening Capacity for Equity in Evaluation Through Regional Networks by Emily Gates, Min Ma, and Andres Castro Samayoa08/12 - Needs Assessment TIG Week: Ethics in Evaluation: Identifying and Valuing Human Participants by Sue Hamann08/11 - Needs Assessment TIG Week: Considering Universal Design in Your Needs Assessments and Planning by Maurya West Meiers08/10 - Needs Assessment TIG Week: ChatGPT’ing with Needs Assessment Experts by Ryan Watkins08/09 - Needs Assessment TIG Week: Place-based Approach to Community Health Needs Assessments: An Example from Laredo by Susana Morales08/08 - Needs Assessment TIG Week: Toward More Meaningful Needs Assessments by James Altschuld, Hsinling Sonya Hung, Yi-Fang Lee08/07 - Needs Assessment TIG Week: Identifying Gaps and Assets in an Eviction Diversion Initiative Through Storytelling Approaches in a Hybrid Needs Assessment by Madhawa “Mads” Palihapitiya08/06 - Needs Assessment TIG Week: How the Power of Story Should Serve to Guide Purposeful Needs Assessment by Lisle Hites08/05 - RoE TIG Week: What are Evaluator Beliefs on Knowledge and Participation? An Instrument Design and Validation Study by Amanda Sutter08/04 - RoE TIG Week: Evaluators’ Values and How They “Show Up” in Evaluation Practice: An Empirical Study by Rebecca Teasdale, Jennifer McNeilly, and María Isabel Ramírez Garzón08/03 - RoE TIG Week: Concentrating on Collaboration: How we Used the CAE Principles in an Online Evaluation by Paisley Worthington08/02 - RoE TIG Week: What’s a Girl Gonna Do?: Understanding Evaluation Theory From A Postcolonial Lens Resources and References by Brianna Hooks Singletary, ‘Malitšitso Moteane, and Tyler Clark08/01 - RoE TIG Week: Who is Doing Research on Evaluation, and Where is It? by Dana Linnell, Esther Nolton, Michael, Harnar, Seema Mahato, and Travis R. Moore07/31 - ROE TIG Week: How Published Research on Evaluation Influences Evaluators’ Thinking by Chris Coryn and Lyssa Wilson07/30 - RoE TIG Week: Research, Evaluation, Research ON Evaluation?! by Dana Linnell07/29 - DEI Working Group Week: Call for Applications! by Nisaa Kirtman, Vidhya Shanker, and Elizabeth Taylor-Schiro07/28 - DEI Working Group Week: Evaluation at a Crossroads: Time to Choose Who We Want to Be and How We Think by Vidhya Shanker07/27 - DEI Working Group Week: Passing Generational Wisdom: Using Narrative and Oral History to Honor Legacies (Part II) by Nisaa Kirtman and Ayesha Boyce07/26 - DEI Working Group Week: Passing Generational Wisdom: Using Narrative and Oral History to Honor Legacies (Part I) by Nisaa Kirtman and Ayesha Boyce07/25 - DEI Working Group Week: AEA’s DEI Metrics Sub Group: Recommended Indicators and Measures of DEI by Ayesha Boyce, Dylan Felt, Nisaa Kirtman and Stephen Maack07/24 - DEI Working Group Week: Adapting Tools for Use in DEI Initiatives of Member-led Organizations: Lessons Learned Adapting the Water of Systems Change Framework to Self Assess AEA’s Programs, Policies, and Practices by Diana Lemos07/23 - DEI Working Group Week: AEA’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Working Group Week: A Re-Introduction by Nisaa Kirtman, Vidhya Shanker and Elizabeth Taylor-Schiro07/22 - Balancing Optimism and Concerns for the Use of Generative AI for Evaluation by Jennifer Borland07/21 - Tips and Tools for Engaging with Data in Online Convenings by Mindy Hightower King07/20 - Stand Up and Be Counted by Kyle Hannon07/19 - Inspiration from Walt Disney World for More Magical Evaluations by Jennifer Borland07/18 - Exploring the Narrative Policy Framework for Evaluation by Jacqueline Singh07/17 - Developing a Theory of Change with Arts and Culture Professionals by Karen Breece07/16 - Local Affiliate Groups Aren’t Just for Locals by Jennifer Borland07/15 - Applying Rubrics in Evaluation by Gerard Atkinson07/14 - Facts and Evidence Make No Difference – or Worse by Burt Perrin07/13 - Embracing Vulnerability in Evaluation by Luba Falk Feigenberg07/12 - Qualitative Interviews: the Deep Breath Evaluations Need by Maya Lefkowich and Michaela Raab07/11 - Distilling Evaluation Practice into 43 Essential Tasks by Kelly Robertson and Lori Wingate07/10 - How to Improve Partners’ Data Quality and Strengthen Your Relationships by Masha Keller07/09 - Presenting a Virtual Poster: Lessons Learned by Gabby Huff, Anna Poole, Lauren Kennedy, and Rebecca Long07/08 - Independent Consulting TIG Week: How Rural Folks Shared Their Skepticism Around Evaluation and What We Did About It by Cheralynn Corsack07/07 - Independent Consulting TIG Week: Making Sense of My Own Story by Barbara Klugman07/06 - Independent Consulting TIG Week: My Journey Towards Becoming an Evaluation Consultant/Entrepreneur: A Personal Story by Nicolas Uwitonze07/05 - Independent Consulting TIG Week: How Scheduled Personal Days Keep Me Going as an Independent Consultant by Alicia Kiremire07/04 - Independent Consulting TIG Week: How I’m Building Ease into My Consulting Practice by Alli Shurilla07/03 - Independent Consulting TIG Week: Being a Team of One Doesn’t Mean You’re Alone: When and How to Collaborate by Min Ma07/02 - Independent Consulting TIG Week: Purpose Calendar: Mastering the “4 Ds” by Mindelyn Anderson07/01 - STEM Education & Training TIG Week: Issues in Scaling out a STEM Summer Camp for Students in JROTC by Jim Van Haneghan and David Reider06/30 - STEM Education & Training TIG Week: Building Trust within Liberatory STEM Ecosystems by Angelicque Tucker Blackmon and David Sul06/29 - STEM Education & Training TIG Week: Evaluating a 6-week Virtual Pilot for American Indian 9th and 10th Graders by Linnea Hjelm06/28 - STEM Education & Training TIG Week: Rethinking the Story of STEM Career Interest by Callie Dean06/27 - STEM Education & Training TIG Week: Measuring STEM Outcomes in Young Students by Kathy Dowell06/26 - STEM Education & Training TIG Week: Using Crowdsourcing to Update STEM Evaluation Repositories by Melissa Page06/25 - STEM Education & Training TIG Week: Make it Phenomenal! Connecting Classrooms with Digital Place-Based Science Phenomena by Tiffany Morgan and Cori Hyde06/24 - RTD TIG Week: Graphic Recording as a visual tool for evaluating Research, Technology and Collaboration by Clara Pelfrey and Johnine Byrne06/23 - RTD TIG Week: Augmenting Expert Opinion with Data-driven Approaches by Ian Hutchins06/22 - RTD TIG Week: Evaluation of Research Collaborations Enabled through Linked Datasets by Jodi Basner06/21 - RTD TIG Week: A Dedicated Path to Building Evaluation Capacity in a Federal Agency by Yaw Agyeman and Kezia Dinelt06/20 - RTD TIG Week: Scientific Research Impact: Building Chains of Evidence by Sara Dodson06/19 - RTD TIG Week: Linking Scientific Discoveries to Societal Needs by Shannon Griswold, Alexandra Medina-Borja, and Kostas Triantis06/17 - LGBT+ TIG Week: Good Relations, Chosen Family: Solidarity Building for Indigenous & 2SLGBTQ+ Research and Evaluation by Dylan Felt and Waapalaneexkweew AKA Nicky Bowman06/16 - LGBT+ TIG Week: Counting Matters—LGBTQ+ and Two-Spirit Representation in Rural Areas by Cody Ingle06/15 - LGBT+ TIG Week: The Revolution Will Not Be Surveyed: Resisting Erasure and Othering of LGBTQ2S+ Community by Esrea Perez-Bill and Michael Petillo06/14 - LGBT+ TIG Week: A Roadmap to Equitable Decision Making by Lauren Dixon 06/13 - LGBT+ TIG Week: Building a Liberatory Praxis Together: an eStudy by Alex Bauer, Dylan Felt, Amy Lippincott, Esrea Perez-Bill, Michael Petillo, JulieAnn Sickell, and Shepherd Tsosie06/12 - LGBT+ TIG Week: Trends That Have Influenced the Creation and Advancement of LGBTQ+ Evaluation by Eric Barela06/11 - LGBT+ TIG Week: Meet the New LGBT+ TIG Leadership! by Dylan Felt, Alex Bauer, Esrea Perez-Bill, and Amy Lippincott06/10 - Washington Evaluators Affiliate Week: Better Late Than Never by Evan Seidner06/09 - Washington Evaluators Affiliate Week: Where Evaluations End and Relationships Begin by Sana Ahmed Wilder06/08 - Washington Evaluators Affiliate Week: Wait, Am I An Evaluator? by Elizabeth Botkin06/07 - Washington Evaluators Affiliate Week: Zooming Out for a Broader Perspective: My Journey into Evaluation by Joanna Prout06/06 - Washington Evaluators Affiliate Week: Lessons Learned: A Map Is Worth A Thousand Words by Amy Kracker Selzer06/05 - Washington Evaluators Affiliate Week: Evidence-Based Medicine to Evidence-Based Policymaking by Esther Nolton06/04 - Washington Evaluators Affiliate Week: Learning (and Re-Learning) the Ropes by Natalie Donahue06/03 - CMM TIG Week: Google Tools for Multi-site Evaluation by Audrey Roerrer06/02 - CMM TIG Week: Online Activity Logs: Low Cost and High Impact for Multisite Evaluations by Jonathan Margolin06/01 - CMM TIG Week: Supporting Evaluation Practice in Organizations by Monica Hargraves05/31 - CMM TIG Week: Cross Classified Random Effects Models in Evaluation by Leland Lockhart05/30 - CMM TIG Week: Using Literature Review in Cluster Evaluation by Mika Yoder Yamashita05/29 - CMM TIG Week: Multisite Longitudinal Studies in Education by Edith Gozali-Lee05/28 - CMM TIG Week: Using Social Network Analysis to Describe Inter-Organizational Coordination and Collaboration Networks by Gary Resnick05/27 - ICCE TIG Week: EvalSDGs Insights – A Treasure Trove of Rad Resources by Scott Chaplowe05/26 - ICCE TIG Week: Looking back at the Youth in Evaluation Week 2023 by Maria Montenegro05/25 - ICCE TIG Week: Reevaluating Distance Education Teaching in the Era of Covid-19: Contextualizing Teacher Evaluation by Edith J. Cisneros-Cohernour05/24 - ICCE TIG Week: Birth Story of Mongolian Evaluation Association (MEA) by Erdenechimeg (Chimgee) Ulziisuren05/23 - ICCE TIG Week: The Evolution of Evaluation in South Korea by Injae Son and Minji Cho05/22 - ICCE TIG Week: Honoring Holistic Worldviews by Integrating Intangible Domains by Kurt Wilson and Aaron Kates05/21 - ICCE TIG Week: Retrospective Impact Evaluation for the Real World: How to Credibly Evaluate Completed Change Efforts Years after Exit and With Less-than-ideal Evidence by Jane Davidson and Thomaz Chianca05/20 - DVR TIG Week: Creating Visually Appealing Findings Reports for Federal Clients by Jessie Rouder, Alyssa Contreras, Samantha Hubbard, Chloe Bryen, Michelle Segall, and Cindy Hockaday05/19 - DVR TIG Week: Four Fun Chart Hacks To Make Data More Engaging by Amelia Kohm05/18 - DVR TIG Week: Gathering Feedback on Data Visualizations by Christy King05/17 - DVR TIG Week: Unlocking Data: Extracting Data Tables from PDFs with Power Query by Zoraya Cruz-Bonilla05/16 - DVR TIG Week: Considering Accessibility in Evaluation Presentations by Caitlyn Bukaty and Morgan Buras-Finlay05/15 - DVR TIG Week: Culturally Inclusive Knowledge Kit Icons for Indigenous Youth Programs by Alva Gachupin05/14 - DVR TIG Week: Rejecting Colonialism and Being a Truthful and Active Relative Through Data Visualization by Nicole Bowman and Jeremy Braithwaite05/13 - Best of AEA365: Approaching Document Review in a Systematic Way by Linda Cabral05/12 - Thoughts on Infographics and Data Story-Telling by Ron Schack05/11 - Using Tracer Methodology to Understand the Lived Experience of Diverse Individuals by Michael Valenti and April Wall-Parker05/10 - Lessons Learned in Planning a Student-Led Evaluation Conference: Insights from the EViE Conference Planning Committee by Gabriel Keney05/09 - Making the Most of Conference Opportunities: Insights from Emerging Evaluators by Stacy Huff and Tyler Clark05/08 - Becoming Catalysts for Change: The 2023 Emergent Voices in Evaluation (EViE) Conference by Tiffany Tovey05/07 - Engaged and Empowering Evaluation: Leveraging the Expertise of Stakeholders within Non-Profit Evaluations by Tom Summerfelt05/06 - PreK-12 Ed Eval TIG Week: Who Gets to Tell the Story in Teacher Education? by Leigh M. Tolley05/05 - PreK-12 Ed Eval TIG Week: Lessons Learned: Choosing Software for Analyzing Large Educational Datasets by Kinsey Simone05/04 - PreK-12 Ed Eval TIG Week: Use Surveys Sparingly when Collecting Data in School Districts by Mya Martin-Glenn05/03 - PreK-12 Ed Eval TIG Week: All In! Spanning Boundaries to Increase Understanding and Advance Equity by Mark Yu and Christina Lemon05/02 - PreK-12 Ed Eval TIG Week: Working with Educators as Partners in Evaluation by Maia Elkana05/01 - PreK-12 Ed Eval TIG Week: Actionable Feedback: From Teacher Mentoring to Educational Evaluation by Leigh M. Tolley04/30 - This is Dedicated to the AEA Volunteers (Past, Present, and Future)! by Zachary Grays04/30 - PreK-12 Ed Eval TIG Week: It Helps to Assess Multiple Educational Learning Outcomes by George Chitiyo04/29 - Internal Evaluation TIG Week: Meeting the Moment: Stages of Relationship-Building in Ongoing Internal Evaluation by Kate Satterfield04/28 - Internal Evaluation TIG Week: Huddle Up: Data Huddles for the Collaborative Win! by Jodie Galosy04/27 - Internal Evaluation TIG Week: Evaluation for Leaders by Kylie Hutchison and Chris Lovato04/26 - Internal Evaluation TIG Week: Steering Evaluation within a New Organization by Rhonda Williams04/25 - Internal Evaluation TIG Week: Why the Beginning of a Meeting Matters by Lenka Berkowitz04/24 - Internal Evaluation TIG Week: Strengthening Learning Culture and Building Evaluation Capacity Before Measuring Impact by Rafiqah Mustafaa04/23 - Internal Evaluation TIG Week: Evaluation for an Introspective Organization by Boris Volkov04/22 - Environmental Program Evaluation TIG Week: Building Stronger Climate Resilience – One Conversation at a Time by Lisa Yeager04/21 - Environmental Program Evaluation TIG Week: Principles in Practice: Using Mixed Methods Measurements for Principles-focused Evaluation in Agroecosystems Research by Greta Landis04/20 - Environmental Program Evaluation TIG Week: Ideas for a Sustainable and Eco-Centered Evaluation Practice by Kristi Lekies04/19 - Environmental Program Evaluation TIG Week: The Need for Evaluation in Environmental Public Policy Curriculum by Caitlyn Leary04/18 - Environmental Program Evaluation TIG Week: Putting Assets-based Approaches into Action in Environmental Education Evaluation by Melanie Giangreco, Megan Ennes, and Rupu Gupta04/17 - Environmental Program Evaluation TIG Week: Using Photovoice to Promote Healthy Equity in Environmental Justice by Dawn Valentine04/16 - Environmental Program Evaluation TIG Week: Reflections on the Intersection of Equity, Environment, and Evaluation by Evan Kuras and Rupu Gupta04/15 - Data Ethics Week: Don’t Forget to Take a Break! by Johnny Du04/14 - Data Ethics Week: Building Your Team’s Ethical Thinking Muscles: Professional Development in Ethics by Anjie Rosga04/13 - Data Ethics Week: It’s Not Just Data by Billie Joe Rogers04/12 - Data Ethics Week: Thinking Ethically and Thinking Equitably by Caitlin Stanton04/11 - Data Ethics Week: Collecting Demographic Data with Care by Inti Chomsky04/10 - Data Ethics Week: Our Data Ethics Journey by Andrea Lozano04/09 - Data Ethics Week: What is Data Ethics? by Anjie Rosga and Caitlin Stanton04/08 - OL-ECB TIG Week: Build Community to Build Capacity by Jan Fields04/07 - OL-ECB TIG Week: Meeting To Meet: Why We’re Terrible at Learning in Meetings by Elizabeth McGee04/06 - OL-ECB TIG Week: Putting Capacity Back in Capacity-Building by Gretchen Biesecker04/05 - OL-ECB TIG Week: Making Sustainability Fit in Evaluation Capacity Building by Dr. Tatiana Bustos04/04 - OL-ECB TIG Week: Evaluation Capacity-Building: Reflections from Teaching Arts-Based Methods by Maya Lefkowich & Jennica Nichols04/03 - OL-ECB TIG Week: Zoom Out Before Zooming In: Building Evaluation Capacity In a School District Using Implementation Science by Nora Phelan and Lily Corrigan04/02 - OL-ECB TIG Week: Learning and Evaluation Capacity Building for Philanthropic Organizations and Their Grantees While Flipping the Orthodoxies around Evaluation That Are Incongruent With Equity Work by Ava Yang-Lewis and Mark Lewis04/01 - Nonprofits and Foundations Evaluation TIG Week: Using Metaphors to Communicate Impact in the Social Sector by Valerie A. Futch Ehrlich03/31 - Nonprofits and Foundations Evaluation TIG Week: Using Storytelling to Get Nonprofits Excited About Evaluation by Ann Price03/30 - Nonprofits and Foundations Evaluation TIG Week: Storytelling from the Staff Perspective by Allison Prieur03/29 - Nonprofits and Foundations Evaluation TIG Week: Collaborating and Storytelling by Rhonda Williams03/28 - Nonprofits and Foundations Evaluation TIG Week: Storytelling to Unpack How to Establish a MEL System that Works for Us by Barbara Klugman03/27 - Nonprofits and Foundations Evaluation TIG Week: Lessons Learned from 20 Years of Nonprofit Storytelling by Maryfrances Porter03/26 - Nonprofits and Foundations Evaluation TIG Week: Storytelling in/with Nonprofits and Foundations by Bernadette Wright03/25 - University-Based Centers TIG Week: When Evaluation Doesn’t Mean Evaluation by Elizabeth Winchester03/24 - University-Based Centers TIG Week: Undergrads4Eval: Evaluative Experience and its Connection to Classroom and Career Skills by Olivia Melvin and Anna Kang03/23 - University-Based Centers TIG Week: Lessons Learned from the History of Making a University-Based Center by Brad Watts03/22 - University-Based Centers TIG Week: Using an Asset-Based Approach for Understanding and Evaluating HBCUs by Adrian Neely03/21 - University-Based Centers TIG Week: How Do You Become an Evaluation Teaching Center? by Cathy Hearn, Vicki Bigelow, and Nate Phipps03/20 - University-Based Centers TIG Week: Creating Effective Data Dashboards through University-based Collaborations by Miriam Jacobson and Natashia Bibriescas03/19 - Introduction to the University-Based Centers TIG Week by Sam Robison and Joey Rutherford03/18 - Centering Equity in a University-Based Evaluation Center by Liz Litzler, Erin Carll, and Emily Knaphus-Soran03/17 - Picking the Best Tool for the Job: Qualtrics vs. REDCap by Madeleine deBlois and Rachel Leih03/16 - Establishing Values as Your North Star in the Rough Seas of Real-World Evaluation by Eden Kyse and Erin Bunger Johnson03/15 - Empowerment Evaluation and ChatGPT by David Fetterman03/14 - We Know Us: Guide to Participatory Meaning Making with Young People by Kim Sabo Flores and Andrea Juarez Mendoza03/13 - Model for Collaborative Evaluations by Liliana Rodríguez-Campos03/12 - The Power of Stories in Evaluation by Quisha Brown03/11 - FIE TIG Week: Rituu Nanda and The story of gender and evaluation in an online community03/10 - FIE TIG Week: Donna M. Mertens on Evaluation’s Contribution to Solving Wicked Problems03/09 - FIE TIG Week: Archive of AEA 365 posts on feminism by Melissa Chapman03/08 - FIE TIG Week: Reflections on being a feminist evaluator. Also, an invitation to others to be one because we ALL have what it takes by Divya Bheda03/07 - FIE TIG Week: The power of stories and woman to create change: Sophonisba Breckenridge, Edith Abbott and innovative evaluation by Michelle DiStefano03/06 - FIE TIG Week: Storytelling among diverse groups builds solidarity and creates the space for deep learning on strategic challenges by Barbara Klugman03/05 - FIE TIG Week: Building intersectional, feminist communities by Melissa Chapman 03/04 - Building More, Making Time & Coming Together: Honoring A Magnificent Elder by Leah Christina Neubauer03/04 - In Memory of Stafford Hood by Karen Kirkhart03/03 - Speaking freely, no longer in code thanks to Dr. Stafford Hood by Vidhya Shanker03/02 - The Many Ripples of Stafford Hood by Dominica McBride03/01 - Equity, Authenticity, and Convening: Reflecting on the Impact of Dr. Hood’s Mentorship by Ayesha Boyce02/28 - Insights and Legacy of Stafford Hood by Michael Quinn Patton02/27 - Death as Ceremony Because the Spirit Lives On: Honoring the Medicine of Dr. Stafford Hood by Nicole Bowman02/26 - Work Hard. Be Each Other’s Business: Lessons learned from Dr. Stafford Hood by Pamela Frazier-Anderson02/25 - Arts, Culture, and Museums TIG Week: Dance as a Means of Documentation, Exploration, Interpretation and Communication of What and How We Value by Vincent E Thomas and Geri Lynn Peak02/24 - Arts, Culture, and Museums TIG Week: Arts Evaluation and Engaging with Elders with Memory Loss by Angela Fingard and Daima Machang’u02/23 - Arts, Culture, and Museums TIG Week: Arts Institutions and the Reproduction of Racial Capitalism by Justin Laing02/22 - Arts, Culture, and Museums TIG Week: Awareness of Cognitive Biases in Organizational and Policy Evaluation in the Arts by Rachael Jenison02/21 - Arts, Culture, and Museums TIG Week: Hiring Non-Evaluators to Do Evaluation by Madeleine Pope02/20 - Arts, Culture, and Museums TIG Week: (Mis)Adventures in Arts-Based Evaluation: Reflections on a Pandemic Practice by Maya Lefkowich and Jennica Nichols02/19 - Arts, Culture, and Museums TIG Week: GET. EXCITED. by Marcel W. Foster02/18 - Health Evaluation TIG Week: Text Analytics: Automation Can Be a Huge Timesaver by Alex Weckenman, John Zimmerman, and Jenica Reed02/17 - Health Evaluation TIG Week: Virtual Office Work Hacks by Michael Greenberg02/16 - Health Evaluation TIG Week: The Data Utility of Publicly Available Individual-Level Data Sets Capturing Social Determinants of Health by Shilpa Londhe and Michele Sadler02/15 - Health Evaluation TIG Week: Exploring Outcome Harvesting and New Contexts and Tools by Lauren Toledo and Heidi Kahle02/14 - Health Evaluation TIG Week: Lessons Learned from Virtual Interviews and Focus Groups by Aundrea Carter and Celeste Chung02/13 - Health Evaluation TIG Week: Designing and Implementing Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) Initiatives through an Evaluative Lens by Malachi Rice, Chelsie White, Gizelle Gopez, and Roman Mitchell02/12 - Health Evaluation TIG Week: Social Media Scanning and Analysis: A Strategy to Rapidly Gain Insight into Current and Emerging Trends by Jenica Reed, John Zimmerman, and Brian Geoghagan02/11 - Celebrating Black History Month: The Invisible Labor of Women of Color and Indigenous Women in Evaluation, Part 2 by Vidhya Shanker02/10 - Celebrating Black History Month: The Invisible Labor of Women of Color and Indigenous Women in Evaluation by Vidhya Shanker02/09 - Celebrating Black History Month: Engaging Young Women of Color in Program Design & Evaluation by Nicole Clark02/08 - Celebrating Black History Month: Living with the People by Dominica McBride02/07 - Celebrating Black History Month: Hot Tips for Black Women by Black Women with Monique Liston02/06 - Celebrating Black History Month: How a Seasoned Consultant Navigates Social-Justice-Oriented Evaluation by Jara Dean-Coffey02/05 - Celebrating Black History Month: No Tricks, Real Talk on Healing Racialized Trauma on the Evaluator’s Path by Geri Peak02/04 - Social Impact Measurement TIG Week: Collecting Better Gender Data from Businesses in Low- and Middle-income Countries (LMICs): How Evaluators Can Help Close the Evidence Gap of Financial Returns by Heather Esper and Yaquta Fatehi02/03 - Social Impact Measurement TIG Week: Lessons from Building a Body of Knowledge for Impact Measurement and Management by Allison Ricket02/02 - Social Impact Measurement TIG Week: IMM at the Mission Investors Exchange National Conference: Power, Systems, and Building Bridges by Laura Budzyna02/01 - Social Impact Measurement TIG Week: Cheese Cake: Why Must We Lead IMM Practices by Daniel Brandão01/31 - Social Impact Measurement TIG Week: How to Defend Against Impact Washing with Zones of Greater Scrutiny (ZOGS) by John Gargani01/30 - Social Impact Measurement TIG Week: What Was Learned From a Teaching Case on the Role of Evaluation in Corporate Supply Chains and Gender Equity by Courtney Bolinson01/29 - Social Impact Measurement TIG Week: Three Questions From a Newcomer About Measuring Social Impact in Impact Investing by Andrea Azevedo01/28 - BH TIG Week: Go with the Flow by Elizabeth Oyer01/27 - BH TIG Week: Counting “Distinctly” in Excel by Elizabeth Oyer01/26 - BH TIG Week: For the Record by Elizabeth Oyer01/25 - BH TIG Week: How to Convince, Coax, & Cajole Behavioral Health Providers to Engage with Program Evaluation by Paul Frankel01/24 - BH TIG Week: Leveraging LinkedIn by Elizabeth Oyer01/23 - BH TIG Week: Let’s Meet Up! by Elizabeth Oyer01/22 - BH TIG Week: On that Note by Elizabeth Oyer01/21 - ChatGPT: Considering the Role of Artificial Intelligence in the Field of Evaluation (Part 2) by Silva Ferretti01/20 - ChatGPT: Considering the Role of Artificial Intelligence in the Field of Evaluation (Part 1) by Silva Ferretti01/19 - Essential Excel Skills Every Evaluator Should Know by Elizabeth DiLuzio01/18 - Quantitative Measures Reduce People of Color to Numbers: Changing The Paradigm by Quisha Brown01/17 - A few Hot Tips for Designing Quality Survey Questions by Kim Firth Leonard and Sheila Robinson01/16 - Youth Participation in Afterschool Program Evaluation by Stephanie Mui01/15 - Prioritizing Equity, Trust, and Self-Care in Our Local Affiliates: Insights from the LAC Pre-Conference Retreat by Steve Mumford, Casey Filer, and Sheila Rodriguez01/13 - SIM TIG Week: Unintended Consequences of Impact by Andrea Nelson Trice01/13 - The Return of Your AEA365 Emails by Zachary Grays01/12 - Let’s Connect! by Elizabeth DiLuzio01/11 - Planning Your Evaluation Year by Elizabeth Grim01/10 - Answering Your Top Questions About AEA365 by Elizabeth Grim01/09 - Tuning into 2022 by Elizabeth Grim01/08 - What Do You Want to Read About This Year? by Elizabeth DiLuzio01/07 - EPE TIG Week: Evaluators as Data Shepherds by Rupu Gupta and Arika Virapongse01/06 - White Privilege Awareness Week: Relationship to Self: How it Supports Anti-Racist Evaluation Practice by Trilby Smith01/05 - #Eval22 Roundup by Elizabeth DiLuzio01/04 - OL-ECB TIG Week: Must We Call It ‘Evaluation’? – How ‘M&E’ Language Can be a Barrier to Institutionalising Learning by Barbara Klugman01/03 - Reflections of an Evaluator during Pinktober by Beverly Peters01/02 - What if Funders Asked New Grantees About Their Learning Plans Instead of Their Evaluation Frameworks? by Andrew Taylor and Ben Liadsky01/01 - Creating More Inclusive Conference Spaces by Elizabeth Grim2022 (366)12/31 - MSI Fellowship Week: AEA MSI Fellow Session held at the 2022 Annual Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana by Negin Fouladi, Dorothy Brandon, Rick Sperling, Leandro Echt12/30 - MSI Fellowship Week: The Expertise of Experience – The (Re)Consideration of Evaluator Qualifications in the Selection of Evaluators by Art Hernandez12/29 - MSI Fellowship Week: Expanding the Knowledge that Counts in Evaluation Efforts by Leandro Echt12/28 - MSI Fellowship Week: Cultural Responsiveness and Self Awareness by Dorothy Brandon12/27 - MSI Fellowship Week: Equitable and Culturally Responsive Teaching, Mentorship, and Research in Public Health by Negin Fouladi12/26 - MSI Fellowship Week: Evaluation as Counter-hegemony when Chicano Studies Isn’t an Option by Rick Sperling12/25 - MSI Fellowship Week: Welcome to Minority Serving Institution (MSI) Fellowship Week by Art Hernandez12/24 - Theories of Evaluation TIG Week: Conclusion to Theory Week by John LaVelle and Jennifer Billman12/23 - Theories of Evaluation TIG Week: Ontology in the Time of Climate Emergency by Eric Einspruch12/22 - Theories of Evaluation TIG Week: Developmental Evaluation in Practice by Elizabeth DiLuzio12/21 - Theories of Evaluation TIG Week: Corpus Linguistics: What’s All This Talk About Evaluation? by Aaron Kates12/20 - Theories of Evaluation TIG Week: Strengthening our Evaluative Thinking through Critical Theory by Dylan Felt12/19 - Theories of Evaluation TIG Week: Should We Create or Adopt Standardized Definitions for Evaluation Types? by Marshall Young12/18 - Theories of Evaluation TIG Week: Introduction to Theory Week by John LaVelle and Jennifer Billman12/17 - YFE TIG Week: Moving beyond the ‘Whys’ and ‘Whats’ of adolescent-led evaluation to practical ‘Hows’ by Susan Igras and Ousséni Kinda12/16 - YFE TIG Week: Interviewing Minors in Schools by Christine Crumbacher and Michael Sikes12/15 - YFE TIG Week: Merging Resources to Meet the Challenges of Youth Programming Long-Term Follow-up by Deborah Wasserman, Kit Klein, Carey Tisdal, and Priya Mohabir12/14 - YFE TIG Week: Lessons from Youth Focused Evaluation at a Distance by Rebekah Davis12/13 - YFE TIG Week: Engaging with Youth and Young Emerging Evaluators by Cassandra Backman12/12 - YFE TIG Week: Inviting Youth into the Evaluation Process with Qualitative Approaches by Jenna Sethi and Clare Eisenberg12/11 - YFE TIG Week: Youth Engagement during a Pandemic by Marcia M. Zorrilla12/10 - RTD TIG Week: Finding a Needle in a Stack of Needles by Gavin Reddick12/09 - RTD TIG Week: AEA Involvement is More Important than Ever by Josh Schnell12/08 - RTD TIG Week: Observations from Four Days at a Conference by Anand Desai12/07 - RTD TIG Week: Representation of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research in PubMed’s Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) by Abbey Zuehlke12/06 - RTD TIG Week: Augmenting Expert Opinion with Data-driven Approaches by Ian Hutchins12/05 - RTD TIG Week: Evaluating Interdisciplinarity by Bethany Laursen, Nicole Motzer, and Kelly Anderson12/04 - RTD TIG Week: Promoting Rigor and Reproducibility in Your Day-to-Day Work by Paula Fearon, Heather Eshleman, Ami Shah, and Leigh Firestone Brooks12/03 - Government Eval TIG Week: Layering Data Placemat Sessions by Elise Garvey12/02 - Government Eval TIG Week: Evaluation Advisory Groups are the way to go, but planning is key by Chris Voegeli12/01 - Government Eval TIG Week: Aligning Strategies to Broader USG Policies by Natalie Donahue11/30 - Government Eval TIG Week: Using an Evaluation Lens to Strategically Elevate SOF Education by Beth Fidermutz11/29 - Government Eval TIG Week: Embracing Relational Accountability by Steven Lize11/28 - Government Eval TIG Week: Using a Free and Validated Questionnaire to Make the Most of a Government Evaluation Requirement by Allison Watson, Peyton Holzworth, and Sara Wolicki11/27 - Welcome to Government Eval TIG Week by Steven Lize and Chris Voegeli11/26 - Using Journey Maps for Qualitative Data Collection by Elizabeth DiLuzio11/25 - Getting Started with Alt Text by Elizabeth Grim11/24 - Add a Little Context with R by Ben Cohen11/23 - Reflections on Practicum Assignments: Part III: Supervisor Perspectives by Marshall Bailly, Assetou Barry, Beverly Peters, Danuta Dobosz, Talatha Kiazolu-Reeves, Jillian Klarman, Michael Petillo, and Tiffany Smith11/22 - No More Crappy Surveys: Best Practices in Survey Design for Evaluations by Janelle Gowgiel, JoAnna Hillman, and Christiana Reene11/21 - Tips for Participatory Program Sustainability Assessments by Tatiana Elisa Bustos11/20 - Meet the 2022 AEA Candidates by Elizabeth DiLuzio and Elizabeth Grim11/19 - IPE TIG Week: Opportunities for Connection and Celebration by Elizabeth Taylor-Schiro, Aneta Cram, Alex Jauregui-Dusseau, Nate O’Connor, January O’Connor, Nicole Bowman, and Mark Parman11/18 - IPE TIG Week: Beyond Do No Harm to Being Responsible Relatives: Celebrating and Valuing Indigenous Scholarship Through Peer-Reviewed Publications and Processes by Larry Bremner and Nicole Bowman11/17 - IPE TIG Week: Culturally Responsive Program Development and Evaluation by Noehealani Antolin11/16 - IPE TIG Week: Respect, reciprocity, and relationship: Lessons I have learned as a non-Indigenous person working primarily with Indigenous people and communities by Nathanael O’Connor11/15 - IPE TIG Week: Searching for Our Two-Spirit Relations in Evaluation by Shepherd Tsosie and Michael Petillo11/14 - IPE TIG Week: Taking a Culturally Grounded Approach to Tribal Community Engagement and Capacity Building by Melanie Nadeau11/13 - IPE TIG Week: Getting Started in Indigenous Evaluation by Alexandria Jauregui-Dusseau11/12 - #Eval22 Roundup by Elizabeth DiLuzio11/10 - Data Collection Tool or Intervention? Why Choose? by Annette Ghee and Emily Carnahan11/09 - Learning about New Orleans by Elizabeth Grim11/08 - Using Developmental Evaluation to Design and Implement Public Health Programs During Times of Crisis by Emily Costello, Julia Bleser, Tracy Wharton, Shakiera Causey, and Oscar Espinosa11/07 - Creating More Inclusive Conference Spaces by Elizabeth Grim11/06 - Conference Week Has Arrived! by Elizabeth DiLuzio11/05 - Reflections on Practicum Assignments: Part II: Alumni Perspectives by Danuta Dobosz, Talatha Kiazolu-Reeves, Jillian Klarman, Michael Petillo, Tiffany Smith, Beverly Peters, Assetou Barry, and Marshall Bailly11/04 - Decolonization in Evaluation Week: Is Evaluation for Liberation or Assimilation? by Geri Peak11/03 - Decolonization in Evaluation Week: What is Your DEI Journey? What Shaped Your Ancestors’ Journeys? by Vidhya Shanker and Diana Siegel-Garcia11/02 - Decolonization in Evaluation Week: Critical Reflexivity and the Experience of Becoming a Non-Indigineous, Indigenist Scholar by Katie Boone and Eleanor Fuchs11/01 - Decolonization in Evaluation Week: Liberation is a Giggle! by Rita Sinorita Fierro10/31 - Decolonization in Evaluation Week: Voices of Decolonizing Evaluation Needs YOUR Voice by Albertina Lopez, Jewlya Lynn, Geri Peak, Michael Petillo, Aisha Rios, Vidhya Shanker & Susan Wolf10/30 - Decolonization in Evaluation Week: Decolonizing and Racial Healing as Bridge-building by Rita Sinorita Fierro10/29 - Evaluation 2022 Feedback in Evaluation Working Group Week: Three Ways We See Feedback Accelerating Equitable Evaluation by Lymari Benitez and Katie Smith Milway10/28 - Evaluation 2022 Feedback in Evaluation Working Group Week: Indigenizing Evaluation by Brittany Schulman10/27 - Evaluation 2022 Feedback in Evaluation Working Group Week: D@^N it! Stop Excluding Us in Evaluation by Kerry Thompson and Melanie Kawano-Chiu10/26 - Evaluation 2022 Feedback in Evaluation Working Group Week: A Decision-Making Voice for Millions: Humanitarian Programs Gather Feedback from the People They Serve by Melisa Sanmiguel10/25 - Evaluation 2022 Feedback in Evaluation Working Group Week: Using Feedback as an Evaluation and Capacity-Building Tool by Dina Wilderson, Pablo Gaxiola, and Jennifer Laird10/24 - Evaluation 2022 Feedback in Evaluation Working Group Week: Examining the Relationship Between Feedback and Outcomes by Penny Huang10/23 - Evaluation 2022 Feedback in Evaluation Working Group Week: Welcome to Feedback Week! by Britt Lake and Melinda Tuan10/22 - ITE TIG Week: A Framework and a Process for Using Evidence Infrastructure to Inform Dynamic Decision-Making: Lessons Learned from the Federal Acquisition Service (FAS), General Service Administration by Ioana Munteanu and Clifton Best10/21 - ITE TIG Week: Never Assume Anything: Using System Data in EdTech Evaluation Work by Mingyu Feng and Kelly Collins10/20 - ITE TIG Week: Mobile Data Collection in East Africa: Lessons Learned from the Field by Chndy Rogel10/19 - ITE TIG Week: Best Practices for Preparing to Implement a New Data Collection Software When You Think Your Legacy System is a Mess by Diamond St. Thomas10/18 - ITE TIG Week: Using Dashboarding Software When a Database Isn’t an Option by Elizabeth DiLuzio10/17 - ITE TIG Week: Space and Place in Evaluation: How GIS Illuminates Stories by Katie Butler10/16 - ITE TIG Week: The Integrating Technology in Evaluation TIG is Cool Hunting for Innovative Ideas by John Baek10/15 - Reflections of an Evaluator during Pinktober by Beverly Peters10/15 - Evaluation 2022 New Actors Working Group Week: Impact & Analytics: Risks & Opportunities of New Actors & Digital Technologies in Evaluation by Jason Block10/14 - Evaluation 2022 New Actors Working Group Week: Gender Lens Investors: Invest Resources to Build Capacity and Apply a Gender Lens on Impact Measurement and Management by Yaquta Kanchwala Fatehi10/13 - Evaluation 2022 New Actors Working Group Week: Standardized IMM Frameworks are Signposts for Your IMM Journey, Not the Destination by Nora Prahar, Donna Loveridge and Fabiola Lopez-Gomez10/12 - Evaluation 2022 New Actors Working Group Week: How to Connect Impact Measurement Across Sectors? Anchor in Purpose. by Laura Budzyna10/11 - Evaluation 2022 New Actors Working Group Week: Lessons from the Intersection of Evaluation x Entrepreneurship by Nina Sabarre10/10 - Evaluation 2022 New Actors Working Group Week: How Does Evaluation Look Different for Traditional Actors and Impact Investors? by Farahnaz Karim10/09 - Evaluation 2022 New Actors Working Group Week: Who Are the “New Actors” in Evaluation? An Evaluator’s Guide to Impact Investing, Social Finance, and Beyond by Shawna Hoffman and Courtney Bolinson10/08 - GBEN Affiliate Week: Shared Values Can Create Strong Partnerships by Kelly Washburn and Tiana Yom10/07 - GBEN Affiliate Week: Making Space for Equitable Evaluation Discussions by Fatima Fairfax10/06 - GBEN Affiliate Week: Equitable Decision Making by Ben Faust, Min Ma, and Kathleen Sullivan10/05 - GBEN Affiliate Week: GBEN’s Membership Committee Processes to Create an Engaged, Diverse Membership Organization by Chantal Hoff10/04 - GBEN Affiliate Week: GBEN’s Equity Plan and Strategies by Noe Medina and Matan BenYishay10/03 - DRAFT GBEN Affiliate Week: Surprise! You’re a CEO Now! by Min Ma and Luba Falk Feigenberg10/02 - GBEN Affiliate Week: The Affiliate is the Organization by Sarah Faude and Danelle Marable10/01 - Evaluation 2022 Equity Working Group Week: Reflections on the (Re)imagining Equity, Social Justice and Decolonization Town Hall by Libby Smith, Ayesha Boyce, Stephen Porter, Dana Wanzer, Gabriela Garcia, Elizabeth Taylor-Schiro, and Aisha Rios09/30 - Evaluation 2022 Equity Working Group Week: Embedding an Equity Focus in Experimental Evaluations by Laura Peck09/29 - Evaluation 2022 Equity Working Group Week: Liberate Your Whole Knowing: Embrace Your Mind and Body in Evaluative Work by Drs. Albertina Lopez and Chera Reid09/28 - Evaluation 2022 Equity Working Group Week: The Practice and Business of Equitable Evaluation by Carlos Romero09/27 - Evaluation 2022 Equity Working Group Week: Exploring Liberatory Practice- What if We’re Wrong? By Dr. Zuri Tau09/26 - Evaluation 2022 Equity Working Group Week: Hey Evaluator! Our Liberated Tomorrow Requires We Study Today! by dr. monique liston09/25 - Evaluation 2022 Equity Working Group Week: (Re)imagining Equity, Social Justice and Decolonization in Evaluation Week by Gabriela Garcia, Libby Smith, Ayesha Boyce, Elizabeth Taylor-Schiro, Dana Wanzer, Aisha Rios, and Stephen Porter09/24 - Global Evaluation Initiative (GEI) Week: Investing in The Next Generation of Local Evaluators: Lessons Learned from CLEAR SA Efforts by Megha Pradhan09/23 - Global Evaluation Initiative (GEI) Week: Footprint Evaluation Initiative: Incorporating Environmental Sustainability into ALL Evaluations by Alice Macfarlan09/22 - Global Evaluation Initiative (GEI) Week: Lessons Learned from an Online Mentorship Program on Rapid Evaluation for Teams from Lusophone Africa and Brazil by Lycia Lima, Gabriela Lacerda and Marina Lafer09/21 - Global Evaluation Initiative (GEI) Week: Building Community: How IPDET Creates Evaluation Community – Connections that Last by Laszlo Szentmarjay and Vanessa Krieger09/20 - Global Evaluation Initiative (GEI) Week: Best Practice Analysis to Improve M&E Systems in Pakistan by Myra Imran Rafiq, Muhammad Adnan and Eman Haider09/19 - Global Evaluation Initiative (GEI) Week: Collaboration: The Future of Strengthening National Monitoring and Evaluation Systems by Candice Morkel09/18 - Global Evaluation Initiative (GEI) Week: Hot Tips on Navigating the Challenges of the Complex Process of Building or Strengthening a Country Level M&E System by Edoé Djimitri Agbodjan09/17 - Reflections on Practicum Assignments: Part I: Faculty Perspectives by Beverly Peters, Danuta Dobosz, Talatha Kiazolu-Reeves, Jillian Klarman, Michael Petillo, Tiffany Smith, Marshall Bailly and Assetou Barry09/16 - LaRED TIG Week: Utilizing Latinx College Peer Leaders as Institutional Agents of Change by Oscar Cerna09/15 - LaRED TIG Week: Reflections on the Nature of Advocacy by Art Hernandez09/14 - LaRED TIG Week: Entre una Fila y una Columna Hay un Universo: Explorando el Significado de los Datos de la Respuesta Coordinada al COVID-19 en Minnesota by Martha Hernández Martinez y Erick Antonio Aragón09/13 - LaRED TIG Week: LaRED TIG Engagement and Collaboration During the Pandemic: A way to Engage, Learn, and Share Best Practices by Susana Morales and Alisha Garcia Flores09/12 - LaRED TIG Week: Lessons Learned in Promoting International Discussions on Participatory Evaluation with Latin America and the Caribbean Region by Maritza Concha and Rasha Mannaa09/11 - LaRED TIG Week: Reflections and Examples of Decolonizing Our Research and Evaluation Practices by Martha Hernández Martínez, Kshitiz Karki, Samuel Leguizamon Grant, and Rebecca Saito09/10 - DRG TIG Week: Creative Visualization of Qualitative Outcome Harvesting Data by Lauren Serpe09/09 - DRG TIG Week: DRG Evidence and MEL Insights into Academic and Practitioner Efforts to Improve Solutions for Women and Girls by Tanyel Taysi and Salome Tsereteli-Stephens09/08 - DRG TIG Week: Thinking and Working Politically in the Evidence Movement: Lessons from the DRG Sector by Denise Baer09/07 - DRG TIG Week: Are We Learning? Shifting Paradigms in Evaluating Democracy, Rights and Governance Interventions by Jerim Obure09/06 - DRG TIG Week: Strengthening Citizen-Centered Governance through Opinion Polls: Takeaways for Evaluation and Program Design by Prakhar Sharma and Keith Proctor09/05 - DRG TIG Week: Process Tracing and Wicked Problems by Laura Adams and Sarya Sok09/04 - DRG TIG Week: Nimbly Adapting Democracy, Rights and Governance Programs during Global Democratic Decline by Lauren Serpe09/03 - Learning from Healthcare: Bringing Implementation Science to Evaluation by Moira A. Ragan & S. Hope Gilbert09/02 - See These Gulf Coast Evaluator Workshops and Sessions at AEA 2022 by the Gulf Coast Eval Network09/01 - Propensity Score Matching: Maybe More Than Just a Means to an End by Jason Torres Altman08/31 - Developing Trust in the Evaluation Process of a College/Career Readiness Program by Albion Sumrell08/30 - Finding What Works When Working with Kids by Shannon Sharp and Moira Ragan08/29 - Get Involved in the Gulf Coast Evaluation Without Boundaries by William Faulkner08/28 - An Untapped Resource: Using 211 Call Data to Assess Community Needs by Tosha Shanableh, Steve Mumford, and Andrew Holbein08/27 - Making Evaluation Communication Inclusive: Some Accessibility Considerations by Sanela Muharemovic08/26 - Supporting Learners with ADHD in Online Sessions (and Everywhere Else) by Chris Corrigan08/25 - Getting Started with the Scholarly Journal Publication Process by Laura Sefton08/24 - AHE TIG Week: Using Competency-based Assessment in Faculty Evaluations of Teaching in Higher Education to Support Experts in Teaching Roles by Amy Bowser08/23 - AHE TIG Week: Saving Time through Data Dashboards by Matt Feldmann and Tom Withee08/22 - AHE TIG Week: Bridging the Gap: From Grad School to Becoming an Evaluator by Fanni Farago08/21 - AHE TIG Week: The Importance and Value of Conducting an Assessment that Centers Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion within Higher Education by Chad Kee08/20 - AEA’s Digital Data & Technology Working Group Week: ‘Lucky’ Luke and Doing Evaluation in a Digital World by Valentine J. Gandhi08/19 - AEA’s Digital Data & Technology Working Group Week: (Re)Shaping Evaluation by Building Data Fluency, One Chart at a Time by Amanda Makulec08/18 - AEA’s Digital Data & Technology Working Group Week: Lessons from MERL for Digital Social and Behavioral Change by Nicola Harford08/17 - AEA’s Digital Data & Technology Working Group Week: Using Digital Data to Strengthen the Evaluation of Complex Programs by Michael Bamberger08/16 - AEA’s Digital Data & Technology Working Group Week: Responsible Data in the Digital Age by Talitha Hlaka08/15 - AEA’s Digital Data & Technology Working Group Week: (Re)shaping Evaluation with Insights from the MERL Tech Community by Linda Raftree08/14 - AEA’s Digital Data & Technology Working Group Week: The Shape of Evaluation to Come: From Artificial Accountability to Deep Learning by Zach Tilton08/13 - RoE TIG Week with EvaluATE: Finding Out How Programs Actually Use Evaluation by Michael Harnar and Zach Tilton08/12 - RoE TIG Week with EvaluATE: Smoothing the Evaluator Procurement Process by Mike Lesiecki08/11 - RoE TIG Week with EvaluATE: Analyzing Unstructured Evaluation Data by Larry Mallak and Nolen Akerman08/10 - RoE TIG Week with EvaluATE: Keeping Participants Involved in Long-term Studies by Kelly Robertson and Lori Wingate08/09 - RoE TIG Week with EvaluATE: Defining and Measuring Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion by Ayesha Boyce and Tiffany Tovey08/08 - RoE TIG Week with EvaluATE: Using Evaluation Plans to Study Evaluation Capacity by Lori Wingate, Kelly Robertson, Lana Rucks, and Michael FitzGerald08/07 - RoE TIG Week with EvaluATE: Funding Your Research on Evaluation Initiatives by Megan Zelinsky and Lyssa Wilson Becho08/06 - Locally-led MEL Week: A Loop, not a Line: Engaging Beneficiaries in Dissemination and Feedback by Brooke Hill08/05 - Locally-led MEL Week: Four Lessons on Localising CLA by Abhirup Bhunia08/04 - Locally-led MEL Week: Localization in Research and Evaluation: a Challenging but Worthwhile Journey to Sustainable Development by Phuong Pham08/03 - Locally-led MEL Week: Adding Introspection to Practice: Reflecting on the Impact of Colonization and Patriarchy in Evaluation by Tanya A. Garnett08/02 - Locally-led MEL Week: Connecting to the Implementer Early in Evaluation by Femi Gisanrin08/01 - Locally-led MEL Week: Contextual Dive into the Barriers, Gaps, and Levels of MEL Capacity Development Frameworks by Saqib Mehmood Khan, Adeel Iqbal, and Nainan Nawaz07/31 - Locally-led MEL Week: Welcome to an Exploration of Locally-led MEL in International Development by Katie Sciarini07/30 - AEA’s DEI Working Group Week: Collaborative Learning and Leading: An Exchange of Resources by Elizabeth Taylor-Schiro/Biidabinikwe07/29 - AEA’s DEI Working Group Week: The Power of Perspective: Generations of Evaluators Generating Change by Vidhya Shanker, Ayesha Boyce, and Libby Smith07/28 - AEA’s DEI Working Group Week: Applying Complexity & Equity Principles in Our Collective Work by Jen Heeg07/27 - AEA’S DEI Working Group Week: Using Metrics & Assessments for Transformative Equity at AEA: Reflections on our Journey by Nisaa Kirtman, Leah Q. Peoples, Ayesha Boyce, Dylan Felt, and Stephen Maack07/26 - AEA’s DEI Working Group Week: DEI Through an Emergent Liberatory Analysis of AEA’s Policies, Practices, and Procedures by Asma Ali, James Groh, Diana Lemos, Katayahynee Murray, David Sul, and Elizabeth Taylor-Schiro07/25 - AEA’s DEI Working Group Week: A DEI Statement that Feeds Transformation In, Through, and Around Evaluation by Jen Heeg, Donna Mertens, Esther Nolton, Vidhya Shanker, and Libby Smith07/24 - AEA’s DEI Working Group Week: Introducing the American Evaluation Association’s Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Working Group by Nisaa Kirtman, Vidhya Shanker, and Elizabeth Taylor-Schiro07/23 - Best of AEA365: Building a Learning Culture and Using Data to Drive Decisions by Hilary Leav07/22 - Best of AEA365: Inspiring Curiosity Through Evaluation Capacity Building Guided by Self-Assessment by Leah Josephson, Lauren Beriont & Alex Bauer07/21 - Best of AEA365: Using a Journalism Model for Evaluation Reporting by Amanda Kelley Corbin07/20 - Best of AEA365: As an Evaluator, Do I Use Words (e.g., Stakeholder) That Can Be Harmful to Others? by Goldie MacDonald & Anita McLees07/19 - Fatigued Monitoring Eyes by Awab Sibtain07/18 - The Role of Facilitation in Evaluation by Amy Griffin07/17 - Free Statistical Software by Gene Schackman07/16 - SIM TIG Week: Evaluative Thinking and Public Policy: Taking Advantage of Opportunities by Courtney Bolinson and John Sherman07/15 - SIM TIG Week: Evaluating the Return on Investment of Social Inclusion by Ben Fowler and Erin Markel07/14 - SIM TIG Week: Ventures at the Helm by Laura Budzyna07/13 - SIM TIG Week: Engaging Founders and Teams with Impact Management and Measurement (IMM) by Daniel Brandão07/12 - SIM TIG Week: Making Sense of Social Value in Foundation Impact Investments: The Importance of Accessible Impact Measurement Frameworks by Kirsten Andersen07/11 - SIM TIG Week: Impact Measurement and Management (IMM) Must be Intentional, Humble, and Right-Sized by Catherine Dun Rappaport07/10 - SIM TIG Week: Why Should Evaluators Care About Impact Washing in Private Sector Investments? by Ewa Sobczyska07/09 - IC TIG Week: Why So Serious? Using Creative Humor to Facilitate Engagement and Skill Development in Evaluation by Emma Duer07/08 - IC TIG Week: Naming Your Evaluation Consultancy by Laura Budzyna07/07 - IC TIG Week: Cruising Toward Truth by Nathan Browning07/06 - IC TIG Week: Creatively Building a Team by Tamara Hamai, Ibiaso Adajames, Kadijah Williams, and Zachariah Rabah07/05 - IC TIG Week: Creativity is Essential to Evaluation Practice—and For a Just and Equitable World by Nora Murphy Johnson, A. Rafael Johnson, and Molly O’Connor07/04 - IC TIG Week: Iterating, Creating, and otherwise Innovating in Evaluation Practice by Norma Martínez-Rubin07/03 - IC TIG Week: You Never Know What You’ll Find by Lisa Kaczmarczyk07/02 - GSNE TIG Week: What Happens After Grad School and After “New Evaluator” Status Ends? by Maddison Staszkiewicz07/01 - GSNE Week: Feeling Legit by Megan Olshavsky06/30 - GSNE TIG Week: Using Evaluation Competencies to Boost Your Career by María Montenegro06/29 - GSNE TIG Week: Collected Wisdom from Experienced Evaluators by Christopher Hall06/28 - GSNE TIG Week: Making a Distinction Between Research and Evaluation: A Dialogue by Ian Burke and Seema Mahato06/27 - GSNE TIG Week: A Helping Hand to Emerging Evaluators by Caitlin Rivera and Danielle Murillo06/26 - GSNE TIG Week: Choosing a Master’s Degree in Evaluation by Randi Knox06/25 - DVR TIG Week: Insights-to-Action: An Intentional Process by Kendra Thompson-Dyck and Deven Wisner06/24 - DVR TIG Week: Three First Steps to Data Visualization by Kristin Giordano and Carise Mitch06/23 - DVR TIG Week: Taking the first step: creating a data visualization culture in our organization by Manon Billaud, Meredith Pinto, Emily Moore, Anika Hannan, and Whitney Rémy06/22 - DVR TIG Week: A web-based interactive dashboard to improve access to and use of data in decision making by John Manda06/21 - DVR TIG Week: Using a Geographical Map Chart in Evaluation by David Fetterman06/20 - DVR TIG Week: Digestive Aids for Large Numbers by Amelia Kohm06/19 - DVR TIG Week: Weaving Together Narrative Through Journey Mapping by Marsha Williamson, Manon Matchett, and Mindelyn Anderson06/18 - LAWG Week: Leveraging Collective Agency: Empowering Stakeholders to Address Housing Issues in the Mississippi Delta by Olivia Melvin, Monica L. Coleman, and Moira A. Ragan06/17 - LAWG Week: Evaluation and Inclusion: Lessons Learned at the Split Second Foundation by Michelle Lawrence Bidwell and Mark Raymond Jr.06/16 - LAWG Week: Advising for Equity in Evaluation by Emmy O’Dwyer06/15 - LAWG Week: Evaluating for Public Value: Making Service Count by Ronjanett Taylor, Sondra Collins, and Jason Torres Altman06/14 - LAWG Week: Expanding the Qualitative Toolkit: Skills Adopted from the Helping Fields by Jenna LaChenaye and Shannon McCarthy06/13 - LAWG Week: Putting Down Roots: The Gulf Coast Eval Network Comes of Age by William Faulkner06/12 - LAWG Week: Introducing: Disempowerment Evaluation by Sarah Mason06/11 - LGBT TIG Week: A Deeper Love: LGBTQ2S-Centered Anti-Oppressive, Equitable Evaluation in Practice by Michael Petillo & Rory Neuner06/10 - LGBT Issues TIG Week: Cultural Adaptation of LGBTQ Evaluation Trainings by Gregory Phillips II and Eva Sarr06/09 - LGBT Issues TIG Week: Perspectives from Emerging LGBTQ+ Evaluators: On Advocacy, Love, and Making a Difference by Esrea Perez-Bill06/08 - LGBT Issues TIG Week: The Double-Edged Sword of Queer Data by Scar Winter Kelsey06/07 - LGBT Issues TIG Week: Positionality: Mission, Methods, Motivations by Carlos Romero06/06 - LGBT TIG Week: Intersectionality in Practice by Michael G. Curtis06/05 - LGBT TIG Week: Sex-Critical Data for Evaluation by Dylan Felt06/04 - ICCE TIG Week: Inverting the Power Structure: lessons learned in moving evaluation practice into local communities by Nimisha Poudyal and Becky Findley06/03 - ICCE TIG Week: Culturally Responsive and Equitable Approaches in Evaluation Practice by Liudmila Mikhailova06/02 - ICCE TIG Week: Evaluating Sustainability: How Do We Measure Up? by Jindra Cekan/ova06/01 - ICCE TIG Week: Localization: How Do We Do This Well? by Lisa Frantzen05/31 - ICCE TIG Week: Ensuring Child Rights in Program Evaluation by Dawn Pauls05/30 - ICCE TIG Week: The Self-Reliance Index: Supporting the Self-Reliance of Displaced Persons Through Data by Amy Gray, Ned Meerdink, and Simar Singh05/29 - ICCE TIG Week: AEA’s International Working Group and the International Evaluation Ecosystem by Lisa Frantzen, Amy Jersild, and Scott Chaplowe05/28 - Needs Assessment TIG Week: Five Must Read Articles on Needs Assessment by Ryan Watkins05/27 - Needs Assessment TIG Week: Benjamin Franklin’s Advice in Decision Making by Maurya West Meiers05/26 - Needs Assessment TIG Week: Letting Your Needs Assessment Skills Shine by Sue Hamann05/25 - Needs Assessment TIG Week: The Needs Assessment and Asset/Capacity Building Hybrid Model by Hsin-Ling (Sonya) Hung05/24 - Needs Assessment TIG Week: Trying the Nominal Group Technique (NGT) on the Web: Maybe Yes, Maybe No by Hsin-Ling (Sonya) Hung, Shea Wenzler, and James Altschuld05/23 - Needs Assessment TIG Week: Assessing Access to Justice Needs and Assets through Community Mediation in Massachusetts from a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Lens by Madhawa “Mads” Palihapitiya05/22 - Needs Assessment TIG Week: One Needs Assessment May Lead to Another: Following the Data by Lisle Hites05/21 - ACM TIG Week: Evaluation, risk, and our collective power by Jeremy Foutz05/20 - ACM TIG Week: Audience Impact by Jennifer Novak-Leonard05/19 - ACM TIG Week: Evaluating our Impact: Priorities and Instruments by Kari Ross Nelson05/18 - ACM TIG Week: Building Staff Evaluative Thinking (and a Pyramid) with a Guest Needs Hierarchy by Lauren Holley05/17 - ACM TIG Week: Collaborating with Practitioners to Create Relevant Instruments to Measure Library Staff Capacity for Informal Learning Activities by Patricia Montaño, Megan Littrell, Anne Gold, Claire Ratcliffe Adams, & Brooks Mitchell05/16 - ACM TIG Week: A Research Agenda for Zoos and Aquariums (and Beyond) Part 2 by Emily Kalnicky & Kathryn Owen05/15 - ACM TIG Week: A Research Agenda for Zoos and Aquariums (and Beyond) Part 1 by Emily Kalnicky & Kathryn Owen05/14 - AEA’s Summer Evaluation Institute 2022 by Elizabeth DiLuzio05/13 - Breaking into Evaluation Consulting by Wheeler del Torro05/12 - Enhancing Learning by Requiring Written Project Responses by Stephanie Chasteen05/11 - Evaluator Self-Reflection to Identify Values and Principle by Evan Poncelet05/10 - Parameterized Reporting by David Keyes05/09 - How to Make Evaluation Results Actionable for Decision-Makers by Pam Lilleston05/08 - They Love Me, They Love Me Not…(Part 3) by Kavita Mittapalli05/07 - PreK-12 Ed Eval TIG Week: “Learning as We Go” in Surfacing the Real Stories and Harnessing our Potential as Blue Marble Evaluators by Keiko Kuji-Shikatani, Wendy Rowe, and Chi Yan Lam05/06 - PreK-12 Ed Eval TIG Week: Remote Learning: Far from Remotely Interesting by Leigh M. Tolley05/05 - PreK-12 Ed Eval TIG Week: Common String Manipulation Tasks with Educational Data in R by Carrie Wiley05/04 - PreK-12 Ed Eval TIG Week: Multi-method Evaluation: The Benefits of Qualitative Insight by Haley Johnson and Natasha Saelua05/03 - PreK-12 Ed Eval TIG Week: Listening Orientations by Erin D’Amelio05/02 - PreK-12 Ed Eval TIG Week: Evaluation with Aloha in Work With Schools and Teachers by Mark Yu, Darienne Dey, and Natasha Saelua05/01 - PreK-12 Ed Eval TIG Week: Context Matters: At Last, the Recognition Context Deserves by Lisa M. Jones04/30 - STEM Education & Training TIG Week: Moving Beyond National Assessments: One Positive Impact of COVID-19 by Tom Withee and Marcia Nation04/29 - STEM Education & Training TIG Week: Piecing Together a STEM Shared Measurement System Through Community Collaboration by Tracy McMahon and Gary Silverstein04/28 - STEM Education & Training TIG Week: Decreasing Intersectional Barriers in Youth Interventions by Shetay Ashford-Hanserd and Kathy Haynie04/27 - STEM Education & Training TIG Week: Defying Stereotype Narratives on who can do STEM: Lessons from a Historically Black College and University (HBCU) by John Chikwem, Toks Fashola, Kevin Favor, and Monica Mitchell04/26 - STEM Education & Training TIG Week: Which One? Evaluator, Researcher, or Both? It’s a Matter of Perspective by Angelicque Tucker Blackmon04/25 - STEM Education & Training TIG Week: Importance of Building Relationships with STEM Education Program Staff for Successful Evaluation Process by Melissa K. Demetrikopoulos04/24 - STEM Education & Training TIG Week: Celebrate Ten Years of Good Times with the STEM Education and Training Evaluation TIG by Kim Kelly04/23 - EPE TIG Week: Modern Environmental Program Evaluation by Allison Van04/22 - EPE TIG Week: Facilitation Styles in Environmental Education with Animals by Shuli Rank04/21 - EPE TIG Week: Environmental Volunteer Motivations: Place & Space by Cat Scharon04/20 - EPE TIG Week: Thinking Globally: How to evaluate the effectiveness of aid to the environment on a global level by Sara El Choufi04/19 - EPE TIG Week: Blossoming Needs and a Big Tent in Environmental Evaluation by Katie Butler04/18 - EPE TIG Week: Evaluators as Data Shepherds by Rupu Gupta and Arika Virapongse04/17 - EPE TIG Week: What We Talk About When We Talk About Environmental Program Evaluation by Greta Landis04/16 - NPF TIG Week: Equitable Collaboration with Nonprofits and Foundations by Susan Wolfe and Ann Price04/15 - NPF TIG Week: What I Am Learning as a Culturally Responsive Evaluator by Kimberly Harris04/14 - NPF TIG Week: Facilitating Academic Research Partnerships for An Inner-City Agency by Tracy Borrelli.04/13 - NPF TIG Week: Role of Evaluation Policies for Supporting Equity by Emily Kalnicky04/12 - NPF TIG Week: Equitable Disaster Response Evaluation by Michelle Lawrence Bidwell, Steve Mumford, and Kellie Chavez Greene.04/11 - NPF TIG Week: Building Equity into Internal Evaluation Infrastructure by Courtney Bolinson04/10 - NPF TIG Week: Lessons from the Landscape by Kimberly Harris, Geri Peak, and Mindelyn Anderson04/09 - AKEN Affiliate Week: on Inclusion of Individuals with Disabilities in Disabilities Research, Evaluation and Surveillance Teams by Tasha Boyer, Tamara Douglas, Vanessa Hiratsuka, and Nathan Rabang04/08 - AKEN Affiliate Week: Approaching Cross-Cultural Evaluation with Humility by Rebecca Braun04/07 - AKEN Affiliate Week: Is This More Than an Evaluation? Ask Your IRB by Cassie Pinkel04/06 - AKEN Affiliate Week: Evaluation in Alaska’s Rural, Remote Communities by Patricia Moore Shaffer04/05 - AKEN Affiliate Week: Science Writing Skills by Alda Norris04/04 - AKEN Affiliate Week: Transforming Local and Indigenous Community Engaged Research and Evaluation Practices in Alaska by Diane Hirshberg04/03 - AKEN Affiliate Week: Enhancing AEA Connections Through Affiliates by Corrie Whitmore04/02 - Community Development TIG Week: The Power of Collective Reflective Practice in Community Development Evaluation by Joy Amulya04/01 - Community Development TIG Week: Activating Community-Based Participatory Research Methods in Immigrant Communities Impacted by High-Trauma by Ivonne Chand O’Neal and Lauren Shelton03/31 - Community Development TIG Week: Designing Inclusive Participatory Evaluation Approaches in Global Projects by Jennifer Roglà, Daniel Kanyembe, Festus Hanankuni, Elise Mann, and Lauren Riley03/30 - Community Development TIG Week: Empowering Residents of an Affordable Housing Complex Through Evaluation by Deacon Dzierzawski, Laura Brinson, and Mary Ann Wojton03/29 - Community Development TIG Week: R.E.S.P.E.C.T. Framework in Community Development Evaluation by Sharon Attipoe-Dorcoo03/28 - Community Development TIG Week: Using Evaluation and Data to Catalyze Community Capacity, not Protect Power By Samantha Shaak, Jared Raynor, Julie Simpson, and Ron Dendas03/27 - Community Development TIG Week: Providing Culturally Competent Programming: Special Focus on Adult Care Facilities by Rhyanne McDade03/26 - Assumptions about Adult Learning that Every Evaluator Should Know by Elizabeth DiLuzio03/25 - Rethinking Evidence: A Learning & Unlearning Journey by Elizabeth Grim03/24 - Bringing Evaluation Data to Life Using Power BI by Hannah McMillan03/23 - When it Comes to Volunteering, the Sky is the Evaluator’s Limit by Hayat Askar03/22 - Using the Bridge Model in Virtual Focus Groups by Beverly Peters, Maha Alkhafaji, and Zachariah Rabah Barghouti03/21 - Tell Them What You Will Tell Them, Tell Them, Tell Them What You Told Them…(Part 2) by Kavita Mittapalli03/20 - gLOCAL Evaluation Week 2022 by Shaha Zehra03/19 - White Privilege Awareness Week: Relationship With My Own Maleness by Tom Kelly03/18 - White Privilege Awareness Week: Rushing into White Supremacy by Anna Martin and Betsy Block03/17 - White Privilege Awareness Week: Relationship with Our Own Country: Confessions of a Returning Globalist by Michelle Garred03/16 - White Privilege Awareness Week: Showing Up for Conflict by Maddy Frey and Libby Smith03/15 - White Privilege Awareness Week: Relationship to Self: How it Supports Anti-Racist Evaluation Practice by Trilby Smith03/14 - Happy Pi(e) Day! Let’s Revamp a Page of Pie Charts by Ann K. Emery03/14 - White Privilege Awareness Week: Relationship with Unlearning by Matteah Spencer Reppart03/13 - White Privilege Awareness Week: What Would a New Relationship with Land Look Like? by Rita Sinorita Fierro03/12 - Social Work TIG Week: How Has COVID Infected EBP Evaluations? by Rick Hoefer03/11 - Social Work TIG Week: I.M.P.A.C.T. Framework in Social Work Practice by Sharon Attipoe-Dorcoo and Norma Martínez-Rubin03/10 - Social Work TIG Week: Evaluating Community-Campus Partnerships by Tamarah Moss03/09 - Social Work TIG Week: Evaluation Theory in Social Work Practice: Beyond Application by Aaron Kates03/08 - Social Work TIG Week: Evaluation of Self Care by Tamarah Moss03/07 - Social Work TIG Week: The Health Stigma and Discrimination Framework: A Qualitative Evaluation Example by Djosy Charles, Leon Moraes, and Lisa Melchior03/06 - Social Work TIG Week: The Value of Social Workers in Evaluation by Aaron Kates03/05 - Systems- and Complexity-informed Evaluation Week: A Systems Thinking and Complexity Science Principles-based Framework Aiming to Enhance Evaluation Practice by Maria Bustamente, Lauren Baker, and Pablo Vidueira03/04 - Systems- and Complexity-informed Evaluation Week: Five Tips for Evaluation of System Change by Emily Gates and Francisca Fils-Aime03/03 - Systems- and Complexity-informed Evaluation Week: Design-Driven Evaluation and System Change by Cameron Norman03/02 - Systems- and Complexity-informed Evaluation Week: Using Boundary Critique in Cross-Cultural Evaluation Research by Maria Hepi and Jeff Foote03/01 - Systems- and Complexity-informed Evaluation Week: Two Resources to Build Evaluation Capacity by KaYing Vang, Marah Moore, and Claire Nicklen02/28 - Systems- and Complexity-informed Evaluation Week: What Kind of Systemic Evaluator Are You? by Bob Williams02/27 - Systems- and Complexity-informed Evaluation Week: Trends in Systems and Complexity-informed Evaluation by Mat Walton, Emily Gates, and Pablo Vidueira02/26 - International Evaluation Academy (IEA) Week: Liberating Evaluation by Bob Picciotto02/25 - International Evaluation Academy (IEA) Week: Transformation: the Quest for an Operational Concept by Christina Magro02/24 - International Evaluation Academy (IEA) Week: Evaluating Outside the Box: Evaluation’s Transformational Potential by Scott Chaplowe02/23 - International Evaluation Academy (IEA) Week: Evaluation, Transformation & Power – Unearthing and Navigating Values in Evaluating Programmes Focused on Women’s Rights and Social Justice by Mine Pabari and Alejandro Imbach02/22 - International Evaluation Academy (IEA) Week: The United Nations Food Systems Summit and Global Evaluation by Michael Quinn Patton02/21 - International Evaluation Academy (IEA) Week: “Salmon Fishing in the Yemen”: Swimming Upstream to Transform Evaluation Systems by Candice Morkel02/20 - International Evaluation Academy (IEA) Week: Introducing the International Evaluation Academy by Zenda Ofir and Scott Chaplowe02/19 - Principles and Theories of Evaluation: Reflections from Human Resources Professionals by Beverly Peters, Corlene Dixon, Diane Hamilton, and Kenya Richardson-El02/18 - Navigating Challenges: A Path to Understanding Ourselves and Others by Matteah Spencer Reppart02/17 - Accessing Academic Research as a Consultant by Matthew Von Hendy02/16 - Find Evaluation Programs and Opportunities with EvalYouth North America’s New Map by María Montenegro02/15 - Communication and Relationship are Two-Way Streets (Part 1) by Kavita Mittapalli02/14 - Function over form: Applying best-fit evaluation methods to drive learning and action by Michael Moses02/13 - What if funders asked new grantees about their learning plans instead of their evaluation frameworks? by Andrew Taylor and Ben Liadsky02/12 - Indiana Evaluation Association Week: Evaluators: The ‘E’ in Grant Writing Team by Kate Bathon Shufeldt02/11 - Indiana Evaluation Association Week: Journalists Use It. You Can Too by Kyle Hannon02/10 - Indiana Evaluation Association Week: Asking a Return on Investment Question? by Jacqueline Singh02/09 - Indiana Evaluation Association Week: Communicating through Data Visualization by Amanda Vote02/08 - Indiana Evaluation Association Week: Sew What? by Jennifer Borland02/07 - Indiana Evaluation Association Week: Lead the Experts? Jump Right In by Kyle Hannon02/06 - Indiana Evaluation Association Week: Hoosier Data by Kate Bathon Shufeldt02/05 - Chicagoland Evaluation Association Week: Assessing Evaluation Elements to Increase Sustainable Program Implementation and Health Equity by Christina Iyengar02/04 - Chicagoland Evaluation Association Week: Using CBPR Evaluation Methods to Train Community Researchers by Amanda Dougherty02/03 - Chicagoland Evaluation Association Week: Strengthening Evaluation Practice by Attending to Evaluative Criteria by Ceily Moore, Mikayla Strasser, and Rebecca Teasdale02/02 - Chicagoland Evaluation Association Week: Evaluation with Muslim Organizations: Confronting Bias for Culturally Responsive Evaluation by Yasmeen Khayr and Asma M. Ali02/01 - Chicagoland Evaluation Association Week: Scaling Collective Impact Initiatives by Tameeka Christian01/31 - Chicagoland Evaluation Association Week: Using a Photovoice Approach to Engage Community College Students to Reflect on Sense of Belonging by Erika E. De la Riva01/30 - Chicagoland Evaluation Association Week: Humility in Evaluation to Address Disparities by Brad Krueger01/29 - Washington Evaluators Affiliate Week: Equitable and Accessible Communications by Katherine Braga01/28 - Washington Evaluators Affiliate Week: Embodying DEIA principles in WE’s Outreach by Natalie Donahue01/27 - Washington Evaluators Affiliate Week: Engaging the WE Community with a focus on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Antiracism by Kantahyanee Murray and Fanni Farago01/26 - Washington Evaluators Affiliate Week: Power of the Pivot – Programming that Meets the Moment by Esther Nolton01/25 - Washington Evaluators Affiliate Week: Planning for Equity by Patricia Moore Shaffer01/24 - Washington Evaluators Affiliate Week: Embodying Antiracism Principles and Practices in Evaluation – Commitments made by Washington Evaluators by Emily Bango01/23 - Washington Evaluators Affiliate Week: Leading in Uncertain Times and Learning Along the Way by Beeta Tahmassebi01/22 - OL-ECB TIG Week: Top 10 Considerations for Evaluation Capacity Building in Organizations (1/2) by Scott Chaplowe01/21 - OL-ECB TIG Week: Value of a Peer Network for Evaluation Staff at Nonprofit Organizations by Shenandoah Gale and Andrea Scallon01/20 - OL-ECB TIG Week: Not All Learning is Created Equal: How to be More Intentional in our Efforts to Engage in Transformative Learning by Elizabeth McGee01/19 - OL-ECB TIG Week: Must We Call It ‘Evaluation’? – How ‘M&E’ Language Can be a Barrier to Institutionalising Learning by Barbara Klugman01/18 - OL-ECB TIG Week: Strengthening Evaluation Capacity in Public Health: Tools from the CDC by Leslie Fierro, Heather Codd, and Ann Marie Castleman01/17 - OL-ECB TIG Week: Want to Be a Better Evaluator? Watch TV by JoAnna Hillman01/16 - OL-ECB TIG Week: The Importance of Evaluation Champions in Evaluation Capacity Building by Joy Kubarek and Brian Johnson01/15 - Searching TIG Archives by Elizabeth Grim01/14 - ToE TIG Week: Effective Presentations by Dana Wanzer01/13 - ToE TIG Week: The Collective Closet: A Qualitative Analysis Activity by JoAnna Hillman01/12 - ToE TIG Week: Amplifying Youth Voice through Focus Group Instruction by Hilary Loeb01/11 - ToE TIG Week: Vacuums, Reviews, and Outputs: Teaching Logic Models by Ayesha Boyce01/10 - ToE TIG Week: Activity for Evaluating Items Commonly Found in a Home Using Evaluation Logic by Bianca Montrosse-Moorhead01/09 - ToE TIG Week: Developing Your Next Evaluation Lesson by Aileen Reid01/08 - CREATE Week: Tips for Navigating the Shifting Landscape of Educational Evaluation by Jim Van Haneghan01/07 - CREATE Week: Measuring Critical Thinking by Doug Wren01/06 - CREATE Week: Project-Based Learning by Daina Lieberman01/05 - CREATE Week: Reframing Teacher Education for Learning Equity by John Fischetti01/04 - CREATE Week: The Definition of Insanity by John Fischetti01/03 - CREATE Week: Mini-Case Studies in Formative Assessment by Paula Egelson01/02 - CREATE Week: Using the Problem-Solving Wheel to Prioritize Solutions by Abby Woods01/01 - YEE Week: The Wisdom of Emerging Evaluators for the Emerging 2022 Journey by Beverly Parsons2021 (355)12/31 - YEE Week: Emerging Evaluators’ Ethos on Transformational Change by Phung Pham and Ann Marie Castleman12/30 - YEE Week: Changing Behavior to Achieve SDG Progress: Sustainable Transformation by Jaideep Visave12/29 - YEE Week: Challenges of evaluating transformations: Perspective from a YEE by Michael Ojo12/28 - YEE Week: Evaluator Reflexivity for Radical Global Systems Transformation by Elizabeth Taylor-Schiro/Biidabinikwe12/27 - YEE Week: Power, the Status Quo, and the Individual by J.R. Moller and Taruna Gupta12/26 - YEE Week: Meeting the Transformational Moment – Wisdom from Young and Emerging Evaluators by Scott Chaplowe12/25 - God Rest Ye Merry Grantseekers by Kylie Hutchinson12/24 - An Evaluator’s Guide to the Holidays by Chris Lysy12/23 - The Value of Eliminating the Code Switch By Lila Burgos, Tsuyoshi Onda, and Cristina Magaña12/22 - Building a Culture of Data for Decision Making By Elena Pinzon O’Quinn12/21 - Developing More Intentional Budgets By Redefining LoE by Nina Sabarre and Kathleen Doll12/20 - Integrating equity-based learning into our evaluative practices by Elizabeth McGee12/19 - Paying It Forward by Ann Webb Price12/18 - DUP TIG Week: DUP Week: Inclusive Evaluation Design – Size and Space for Approach and Use by June Gothberg and Caitlyn Bukaty12/17 - DUP TIG Week: DUP Week: Inclusive Evaluation Design – Low Physical Effort by June Gothberg and Caitlyn Bukaty12/16 - DUP TIG Week: Inclusive Evaluation Design – Tolerance for Error by June Gothberg and Caitlyn Bukaty12/15 - DUP TIG Week: Inclusive Evaluation Design – Perceptible Information by June Gothberg and Caitlyn Bukaty12/14 - DUP TIG Week: Inclusive Evaluation Design – Keep it Simple and Intuitive by June Gothberg and Caitlyn Bukaty12/13 - DUP TIG Week: Inclusive Evaluation Design – Flexibility in Use by June Gothberg and Caitlyn Bukaty12/12 - DUP TIG Week: Inclusive Evaluation Design – Equitable Use by June Gothberg and Caitlyn Bukaty12/11 - Developing the right project that ABLES farmers: true sustainable agricultural transformation in Africa by Rachel Zozo, Sabra Lewis, and Atayi Opaluwah12/10 - DEME TIG Week: Addressing Public Health Emergencies with Monitoring and Evaluation by Emily Moore, Meredith Pinto, Samantha Cruise, and Anja Minnick12/09 - DEME TIG Week: Disaster, Emergency, and Crisis Definitions by Phung Pham12/08 - DEME TIG Week: Lessons Learned from Evolving Evaluation Practice in the Evaluation of Humanitarian Action by Minji Cho, Ann Marie Castleman and Scott Chaplowe12/07 - DEME TIG Week: Lessons Learned from Evaluating an Opioids and Workplace Training Program by Eric Persaud12/06 - DEME TIG Week: Enhancing Humanitarian Response Data-Driven Decision-Making Using Technology and Adaptive Management Frameworks by Alex Tran, Piva Bell, David Okutu, Hanna Camp, and Amy Joce12/05 - DEME TIG Week: Assessing Adaptive Capacity of Organizations During Dual Disasters: Lessons Learned from Evaluating Effectiveness in Addressing Emerging Needs of Vulnerable Populations by Sue Ann Sarpy12/04 - IPE TIG Week: Lessons Learned from the Colonizer by Linda Sue Warner12/03 - IPE TIG Week: Indigenous Data Sovereignty and IP Rights: On Being Good Relatives by Nicole Bowman/Waapalaneexkwee, Michael Petillo and Andrealisa Belzer12/02 - IPE TIG Week: Empowering Data Collection by Dyani Bingham, Desiree Restad, Kelley Milligan, and Allyson Kelley12/01 - IPE TIG Week: Indigenous Evaluation and Learning Centers on the How by Dr. Gladys Rowe11/30 - IPE TIG Week: Intentionally Reframing Logic to Hope by Dyani Bingham, Desiree Restad, Kelley Milligan, and Allyson Kelley11/29 - IPE TIG Week: Journeying from Settler Colonialism Towards Indigenous Liberation Through Culturally Specific Assessment by David Sul11/28 - IPE TIG Week: Being a Good Guest in Different Cultural Spaces by Aneta Katarina Raiha Cram11/27 - Building Capacity for Evaluation Dissertations, Theses, and Culminating Projects by Tamara Walser and Mike Trevisan11/26 - Internal Eval TIG Week: Evaluation in the Era of the “Great Resignation” by Rachel Sier and Morgan Buras-Finlay11/25 - Internal Eval TIG Week: Internal Evaluation as a Catalyst for Cross-Program Collaboration by Amber Kraft, Melissa Schwarz, and Lindsay Zeman11/24 - Internal Eval TIG Week: Harnessing the Value of an Online Collaborative MEL Platform by Andressa Gutierrez11/23 - Internal Eval TIG Week: Gaining Acceptance as an Internal Evaluator by Maddison Staszkiewicz11/22 - Internal Eval TIG Week: Offering Free Workshops to Build Internal Evaluation Capacity within Organizations by Danelle Marable11/21 - Internal Eval TIG Week: Recipe for Success: Reflections of an Internal Evaluator 43 Years Later by Stanley Capela11/20 - Use Community-Engaged Research to Create Change From Bottom Up by Sylvia Pu11/19 - Networking Karma by Matt Feldmann11/18 - Lessons Learned from Day-to-Day, Real-Life Evaluation for Small- and Medium-Sized Nonprofits by Maryfrances Porter11/17 - Transformative Leadership Fellowships Need Transformative Evaluation Approaches by Barbara Klugman11/16 - Taking Time for Intentional Questions in Your Practice by Jenna Sethi11/15 - Using the CIPP Evaluation Model’s 26 Checklists to Plan and Guide Evaluations by Guili Zhang11/14 - Systemic Design Thinking for Evaluation of Social Innovations: a PD for Intermediate and Advanced Evaluators by Jan Noga11/13 - The Many Purposes of Evaluability Assessment by Mike Trevisan and Tamara Walser11/12 - Staying Connected Beyond #Eval21 by Elizabeth Grim11/11 - New Directions for Utilization-Focused Evaluation by Michael Quinn Patton and Charmagne E. Campbell-Patton11/10 - Twitter’s Conference Takeaways by Elizabeth DiLuzio11/09 - Tips for Navigating a Virtual Conference by Elizabeth DiLuzio11/08 - All about AEA365 by Elizabeth Grim & Liz DiLuzio11/07 - Meeting the Moment by Elizabeth Grim11/06 - Decolonizing Evaluation Week: Unearthing Evaluation’s Roots by Albertina Lopez, Aisha Rios, Sheri Scott, Vidhya Shanker, Libby Smith, and Carolyn Camman11/05 - Decolonizing Evaluation Week: Changing the Future: The Transformative Potential of Decolonized Foresight Practices by Jewlya Lynn and Jen Heeg11/04 - Decolonizing Evaluation Week: Who Tells the Story? Decolonizing Dissemination by Sheri Scott and Coco Villaluz11/03 - Decolonizing Evaluation Week: Decolonizing Evaluation: It Starts with Examining the Paradigm by Susan M. Wolfe11/02 - Decolonizing Evaluation Week: Re-Imagining Evaluation through Decolonial Practices by Rayna Brown and Esrea Perez-Bill11/01 - Decolonizing Evaluation Week: Clarifying Decolonization Mumbo Jumbo by Geri Peak10/31 - Decolonizing Evaluation Week: Welcome to Decolonizing Evaluation by Sheri Scott and Michael Petillo10/30 - Blue Marble Evaluation by Michael Quinn Patton10/29 - You’re Invited to a Data Party by Kylie Hutchinson10/28 - Mixed Methods Design in Evaluation by Donna M Mertens10/27 - Displaying Expertise for All Audiences: Don’t Forget the Simple Things by Patricia Campion10/26 - Am I a Colonizer or Decolonizer … of Methodologies? Part II by Charity Odetola10/25 - Am I a Colonizer or Decolonizer … of Methodologies? Part I by Charity Odetola10/24 - Centering Our Values and Cause to Define Evaluation by Tamara Walser & Kirsten Kainz10/23 - Welcome to the Team, Elizabeth Grim! by Elizabeth DiLuzio10/22 - NA TIG Week: Needs and Artificial Intelligence by Ryan Watkins10/21 - NA TIG Week: Decision-making Resources for your Needs Assessments by Maurya West Meiers10/20 - NA TIG Week: Conducting a Labor Market Assessment for Youth Employment Programs: Three Resources by Sylvia Otieno10/19 - NA TIG Week: Lessons Learnt from Participatory Needs Assessment and Asset Mapping with Youth by Madhawa Palihapitiya10/18 - NA TIG Week: The Needs Index, A Simple Concept Maybe? By James W. Altschuld, Hsin-Ling Hung, and Yi-Fang Lee10/17 - NA TIG Week: Just-in-Time Community Engaged Needs Assessment: Driving Action by Lisle Hites10/16 - BH TIG Week: Program Evaluation in Behavioral Health: Limitations of Expert-driven Models and New Directions by Joanna Prout10/15 - BH TIG Week: Making Quality Improvement Accessible and Useful: The Key Role of Data Visualizations by Eryn Collins10/14 - BH TIG Week: Knack: A Tool to Enhance Data Collection and Reporting Efforts by Kristina Little and Sam Robison10/13 - BH TIG Week: Finding our way toward beneficiary-defined outcomes in behavioral health by Jessica Headley10/12 - BH TIG Week: Conducting an Environmental Scan of Collegiate Recovery Programs in Washington State by Jennifer Battis and Kathleen Ferreira10/11 - BH TIG Week: Collaboration on a Budget by Elizabeth Oyer10/10 - BH TIG Week: Evaluating the emotion behind words by Jonathan Scaccia10/09 - Thank you from all of us! by Elizabeth DiLuzio10/08 - The Ten Commandments for Evaluation Research Assistants (Part II) by Arena Lam & Anthony Petrosino10/07 - The Ten Commandments for Evaluation Research Assistants (Part I) by Anthony Petrosino & Arena Lam10/06 - Seven tips to decolonize your MEL practice, by Sabine Topolansky and JulieAnn Sickell10/05 - Using Performance Management Principles and Metrics to Build Evaluation Capacity by Disa Patel10/04 - Podcasting as Evaluators by Nora Nemeth10/03 - Hierarchical Card Sorting (HCS) – a simple tool for qualitative inquiry by Rick Davies10/02 - MSI Fellowship Week: The importance and value of self-reflection by Arthur Hernandez10/01 - MSI Fellowship Week: Reflective Practice and Critical Reflection: Quiet Moments with an Extension Education Evaluator by LaJoy R. Spears09/30 - MSI Fellowship Week: Benefits of being an AEA MSI Fellow by Lynette Williamson09/29 - MSI Fellowship Week: Strategies for Equitably Evaluating Research Productivity during COVID-19 by Erica T. Sosa09/28 - MSI Fellowship Week: How Academic Policies Affect Faculty During COVID 19 by Jeton McClinton09/27 - MSI Fellowship Week: COVID-19: Benefits of Adopting CRE policies at MSI’s, Student Considerations by Lynette Williamson09/26 - MSI Fellowship Week: Always Changing, Always Improving: Extension Education Evaluation by LaJoy R. Spears09/25 - Saying good-bye to AEA365 by Sheila B. Robinson09/24 - LA RED TIG WEEK: How to Institute an Internal Culture of Evaluation by Susana Morales09/23 - LA RED TIG WEEK: What about Positionality? A Brief Reflection on How We Can Approach Participatory and Equity Evaluation by Jessica Saucedo and Tatiana Elisa Bustos09/22 - LA RED TIG WEEK: Lessons Learned in Developing a COVID-19 Emergency Funds Response in Little Village Through a Culturally Responsive Evaluation (CRE) Lens by Alisha Garcia Flores and Quintiliano Rios Perez09/21 - LA RED TIG WEEK: Preparing the Evaluation Field for Evaluators of Color in Modern Times by Sahiti Bhaskara, Wanda Casillas, and Jack Serna09/20 - LA RED TIG WEEK: Striving for Authenticity or Accuracy? by Art Hernandez09/19 - LA RED TIG WEEK: Why is Evaluation Important? A Perspective from a Nonprofit Organization by Ana Maria Martinez09/18 - We Want to Hear Your Voice by Elizabeth DiLuzio09/17 - DRG TIG Week: Make evaluation more democratic by prioritizing consent and agency by Kate Krueger and Sarya Sok09/16 - DRG TIG Week: Hot Tips: Decolonizing Aid Through Community Assessment Partner-ships in the Sahel, by Daniella Montemarano, Aboudou Berthe and Marian Ware09/15 - DRG TIG Week: Evaluation of International Democracy Promotion and Anti-Corruption Interventions: Aid Decolonization and Staff Safety, by Jeremy Danz09/14 - DRG TIG Week: “Decolonizing aid” through everyday M&E practices, by Robinson Chikowero and Roland Kovats09/13 - DRG TIG Week: The role of humility in evaluation to rebalance democratic governance to-ward equity and sustainability, by Nicole Bowman, Larry Bremner & Andrealisa Belzer09/12 - DRG TIG Week: Closing Civic Spaces and the Decolonization of Aid: What role for program evaluation? by Alysson Akiko Oakley09/04 - YFE TIG Week: The Importance of Empathy in Youth Focused Evaluations by Monica Coleman, Shannon Sharp and Moira Ragan09/03 - YFE TIG Week: Empowering Young People to Advance Equity at Overnight Camp by Hannah Patterson09/02 - YFE TIG Week: A positive youth development (PYD) approach to engaging young people in research & evaluation by Sarah Jonson09/01 - YFE TIG Week: Moving beyond the ‘Whys’ and ‘Whats’ of adolescent-led evaluation to practical ‘Hows’ by Susan Igras and Ousséni Kinda08/31 - YFE TIG Week: You(th) Matter: A Collaborative, Youth-focused, Community-Involved Inquiry about Mental Health and Well-being by Christina Koumoutsidis and Charlotte Schwass08/30 - YFE TIG Week: Hosting a Youth Summit to Promote Community Change by Deacon Dzierzawski and Mary Ann Wojton08/29 - YFE TIG Week: Accessing Youth Expertise in Designing Surveys for Youth by Mary Murray08/28 - Evaluators As Essential Workers by Michael Quinn Patton08/27 - Where Evaluation Meets Visualization: Help the Data Visualization Society Understand How Evaluators Work by Jill Brown08/26 - Best of AEA365: Dominica McBride on Living with the People08/25 - Best of AEA365: Participatory Qualitative Data Analysis by JT Taylor & Emily Drake08/24 - Evaluating Evidence-based interventions by Miranda Lee & Michael Maranda08/23 - Evaluation as Pathway to Transformation for a Sustainable Future by Jaideep Visave08/22 - Implementation/Process Evaluation: Strategies to Identify Potential Areas of Focus by Tamara Young08/21 - Evaluating Onboarding Processes by Elizabeth DiLuzio08/20 - STEM Program Evaluation Lab Week: Implementing EDI in the Current Evaluation Climate by Tyler Clark, Joy Alcantara, Omodolapo Somo-Aina, and J.R. Moller08/19 - STEM Program Evaluation Lab Week: Multiculturalism in STEM Program Evaluation: Perspective of Three International Students by Adeyemo Adetogun, Onyinyechukwu Onwuka, and Grettel Arias Orozco08/18 - STEM Program Evaluation Lab Week: Reflective Practice Strategies within Evaluation by Christopher Hall, Brianna Hooks Singletary, Charity Odetola, & Sara Stephenson08/17 - STEM Program Evaluation Lab Week: Tips from Undergraduate Students for Mentoring Undergrad Lab Assistants by Chandni Lal, Caraline Malloy, Aundrea Smith, Annaia Ndjoli, Charles J. Rouse, and Myranda Cook08/16 - STEM Program Evaluation Lab Week: Lessons Learned when Mentoring Undergraduate Students by Onyinyechukwu Onwuka du Bruyn, Brianna Hooks Singletary, and Grettel Arias Orozco08/15 - STEM Program Evaluation Lab Week: Training culturally responsive evaluators: The STEM Program Evaluation Lab by Aileen Reid, Ayesha Boyce and Tiffany L. S. Tovey08/14 - NC Evaluators Week: Evaluation as civic practice by Tim Leisman08/13 - NC Evaluators Week: Why your online evaluation capacity building efforts are doomed to fail by Chris Lysy08/12 - NC Evaluators Week: Feedback Loops- Add on’s or must have? by Kamna Mantode08/11 - NC Evaluators Week: Teaching Moments in Evaluation by Carrol Warren08/10 - NC Evaluators Week: Considerations for Responding to an RFP by Ellen Wilson08/09 - NC Evaluators Week: How I Benefit from Being a Non-Traditional Graduate Student in Program Evaluation by Noelle Wyman Roth08/08 - NC Evaluators Week: Expanding an AEA affiliate: Lessons from RTP Evaluators-turned-NC Evaluators by Jessica Sperling08/07 - A Call to Check out AEA’s Policy Advocacy Work by Sheila B. Robinson08/06 - Best of AEA365: Leveraging Libraries for Evaluation Success by Rick Stoddart08/05 - Using a Storytelling Model for Evaluation Reporting by Amanda Kelley Corbin08/04 - Best of AEA365: Setting Yourself Up For Success in Qualitative Data Collection by Ayana Perkins08/03 - As an evaluator, do I use words (e.g., stakeholder) that can be harmful to others? by Goldie MacDonald & Anita McLees08/02 - Toward Racial-Equity: A SJEDI Checklist by Tamara Young08/01 - Using a Journalism Model for Evaluation Reporting by Amanda Kelley Corbin07/31 - GAO Week: Supporting the Congress by Providing Foresight and Policy Analysis to Solve Wicked Problems, by Jenny Chanley07/30 - GAO Week: GAO’s 100th Celebration: Examples of How Agencies have Addressed Some Evaluation Challenges by Elaine Vaurio07/29 - GAO Week: An Updated Classic on Key Terms and Concepts: Using the 4 “Ps” and an “I” by Terell P. Lasane07/28 - GAO Week: Using Evidence and Rigor to Answer Complex Questions and Assess Important Programs by Lawrance L. Evans, Jr.07/27 - GAO Week: Ensuring National Security-Related Evaluations Are Fair, Objective, and Balanced by Charles Michael Johnson, Jr.07/26 - GAO Week: Complexity and Coherence in Government, Evidence, and Evaluation Methods by Steven Putansu07/25 - GAO Week: Finding Our Roots and Bonds, AEA at 35 and GAO at 100 by Valerie Jean Caracelli07/24 - For the Love of Data Studio by Elizabeth DiLuzio07/23 - TOE TIG Week: Lessons in Grace by Tamara Walser07/22 - TOE TIG Week: Making Superstar Social Scientists Journals: Supporting emerging evaluators through culturally responsive and brain compatible teaching and learning by Sondra LoRe07/21 - TOE TIG Week: Teaching You, Teaching Me: The Power of Photovoice During the Pandemic by Gail Vallance Barrington07/20 - TOE TIG Week: Using Mural in Your Evaluation Course by Kelly McGinn07/19 - TOE TIG Week: Applying progressive pedagogy to how I teach evaluation by Dana Wanzer07/18 - TOE TIG Week: Teaching Evaluation During Societal Turbulence by Jill Hendrickson Lohmeier07/17 - Connecting the Intra/Inter/Structural Week: Active Listening through a Heuristic Approach by Dawn Valentine07/16 - Connecting the Intra/Inter/Structural Week: Mohala i ka wai ka maka o ka pua by Kathy Tibbetts07/15 - Connecting the Intra/Inter/Structural Week: CREE as Journey To and Through (the Intra, the Inter, the structural) by Karyl Askew, Monifa Beverly, and Angelicque Tucker Blackmon07/14 - Connecting the Intra/Inter/Structural Week: Virtues that Measure Us by Geri Peak07/13 - Connecting the Intra/Inter/Structural Week: Using Our Evaluator Competencies to Live-Into Socially Just Evaluation Praxis: Activating Self-in-Context at Multiple Levels–Intrapersonal * Interpersonal * Systemic by Hazel Symonette07/12 - Connecting the Intra/Inter/Structural Week: As above, so below; as within, so without by Vidhya Shanker07/11 - Connecting the Intra/Inter/Structural Week: An Invitation to Explore the Universal Current of Life by Libby Smith07/10 - IC TIG Week: Design and Evaluation — Same, Same, but Different by Anna Martin & Katrina Mitchell07/09 - IC TIG Week: Stepping Outside the SOW to Help a Project Succeed by Lisa Kaczmarczyk07/08 - IC TIG Week: 4 Lessons Learned from Engineering by Alicia B. Kiremire07/07 - IC TIG Week: Work Where You Live, Live Where You Work by Ebony Reddock07/06 - IC TIG Week: Organizational Development for Agents of Change: The Oppression Matrix by Laurie Jones Neighbors07/05 - IC TIG Week: Shifting into Solopreneurship: Wearing the Hat of Business Owner by Elizabeth Grim07/04 - IC TIG Week: Finding Independence Through Professional Branding by Nina Sabarre07/03 - Cool Tricks for Learning in the Summer Heat! by Sheila B Robinson07/02 - STEM TIG WEEK: Evaluating Industry Engagement in STEM Education Initiatives by Lana Rucks, Imelda Castaneda-Emenaker, Michael FitzGerald, Leela Hebbar, and Thomas Singer07/01 - STEM TIG WEEK: Engaging with the work of those who came before us to Build and Measure STEM Self-Efficacy and Career Awareness by Callie Dean, Kimberly Cowley and Tom Withee06/30 - STEM TIG WEEK: Rethinking What it Means to Engage Ourselves and Others to Build Capacity of STEM Evaluators by Sophia Mansori, Tracy McMahon, Evangeline Ambat, and Leslie Goodyear06/29 - STEM TIG WEEK: Disseminating Results to Engage Multiple Audiences by Alan Melchior, Tatjana Meschede and Nancy Boyer06/28 - STEM TIG WEEK: Adapting Monitoring Surveys to Respond to and Engage a Community by Val Marshall, Megan Zelinsky, and Lyssa Wilson Becho06/27 - STEM TIG WEEK: Engaging Others, Engaging Ourselves: Lessons from across the STEM Learning Sector by Karen Peterman and David Sul06/26 - Getting Involved in the AEA Community by Sheila B. Robinson06/25 - The Health Impacts of Anti-Trans Legislation: Looking Back on NC House Bill 2 to Understand the Current Political Climate by Jen Gathings06/24 - Evaluation science and the rise of artificial intelligence by Robert Picciotto06/23 - Roadblocks to Change Within Collective Impact Initiatives and How Evaluators Can Help by Elayne McIvor06/22 - Evaluating Teacher Wellbeing with the Concerns-Based Adoption Model by Katie Allen and Tameka Porter06/21 - Framework for policy evaluation by Christy King06/20 - Preventing Inequities in Program Evaluations when Valuing Recipient as well as Provider Time by Brian Yates06/19 - Facilitating Trauma-Informed Evaluations: Creating a Safe Space for New Yorkers to Process Their COVID-19 Experience by Elizabeth DiLuzio06/18 - Breaking Free: Transforming the Practice of Evaluation: Put Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion into Action — It Pays Off by Khalil Bitar06/17 - Breaking Free: Transforming the Practice of Evaluation: Evaluation is So White: Systemic Wrongs Reinforced by Common Practices and How to Start Righting Them by Fontane Lo and Rachele Espiritu06/16 - Breaking Free: Transforming the Practice of Evaluation: Listening for Change: Reflections from Evaluators of Color by Pilar Mendoza and Cristina Whyte06/15 - Breaking Free: Transforming the Practice of Evaluation: Moving from an Evaluator Pipeline to an Evaluation Ecosystem by Kelly Hannum and Jara Dean-Coffey06/14 - Breaking Free: Transforming the Practice of Evaluation: Tired Narratives about Talent in Evaluation by Clare Nolan06/13 - Breaking Free: Transforming the Practice of Evaluation: Sometimes the Best Advice is to Just Get Started by Nate Madden, Jessica Mindnich, and Brett Hembree06/12 - LGBT TIG Week: A Deeper Love: LGBTQ2S-Centered Anti-Oppressive, Equitable Evaluation in Practice by Michael Petillo & Rory Neuner06/11 - LGBT TIG Week: The Revolution Will Not Be Surveyed: Resisting Erasure and Othering of LGBTQ2S+ Community by Esrea Perez-Bill & Michael Petillo06/10 - LGBT TIG Week: LGBTQ sex ed can work!: Lessons and tips from evaluating an LGBTQ sex ed program by Ash Philliber06/09 - LGBT TIG Week: Shining a light on LGBTQ+ professionals in STEM by Veronica S. Smith06/08 - LGBT TIG Week: Good Relations, Chosen Family: Solidarity Building for Indigenous & 2SLGBTQ+ Research and Evaluation by Dylan Felt & Waapalaneexkweew AKA Nicky Bowman06/07 - Best of AEA365 LGBT TIG Week: Identity as a Compass within 2SLGBTQ Evaluations: Finding Your Compass by Andrew Hartman, Brian Hoessler, Carolyn Camman & Vincent Tom06/06 - LGBT TIG Week: Becoming an evaluation ally to international LGBTI civil society organizations by Robin Lin Miller06/05 - ICCE TIG Week: Livaluate by going within by Hayat Askar06/04 - ICCE TIG Week: Embedding inclusive accountability by building trust by Jeremy Danz & Dhaval Kothari06/03 - ICCE TIG Week: Meeting The Moment at Minwashin Lodge by Florence Etta06/02 - ICCE TIG Week: Restorative Validity: Confronting barriers to participation and self-realization through participatory and collaborative moments in Guatemala by Giovanni Dazzo06/01 - ICCE TIG Week: Mitigating Risk Posed by the Evaluation of Advocacy Work in the Global Souths by Jenn Esala, Kirsten Anderson, Craig Higson-Smith & Liz Sweitzer05/31 - ICCE TIG Week: Challenges to Culturally Responsive Evaluation by Andrea Nelson Trice05/30 - ICCE TIG Week: What is the role of TIG Leadership in Meeting the Moment? By Mishkah Jakoet, Lisa Frantzen, & Christina Bowles05/29 - Memorializing Peace Corps Volunteers by Michael Quinn Patton05/28 - MN IBPOC in Evaluation Community of Praxis Week: “There is no bad bush to throw away a bad child”: Developmental and principles-based evaluation in Sierra Leone by Hindolo Pokawa05/27 - MN IBPOC in Evaluation Community of Praxis Week: Beyond “Indian Scout Mentality” by Marguerite DeSpain05/26 - MN IBPOC in Evaluation Community of Praxis Week: (Under)understanding of the Complexities of Cultural Insiders in Evaluation by Chou Moua05/25 - MN IBPOC in Evaluation Community of Praxis Week: Evaluating How the State Handled the Civil Unrest Following the Killing of George Floyd by Nicole MartinRogers05/24 - MN IBPOC in Evaluation Community of Praxis Week: What Could Evaluation Unencumbered by Whiteness Be Like? by Duaba Unenra05/23 - MN IBPOC in Evaluation Community of Praxis Week: Welcome to the Revolution! MN IBPOC in Evaluation Community of Praxis by co-founders Tia Bastian, Carolina De La Rosa Mateo, Anne Gomez, and Vidhya Shanker05/22 - What’s Your #Mosaic? by Elizabeth DiLuzio05/21 - The Covid-19 pandemic: a push for flexibility, inclusivity, and re-thinking M&E by Binod Chapagain & Tripti Pande05/20 - Self-care for Evaluators working on Vicarious Trauma related projects by Sonia Chen05/19 - Including Costs in Evaluation: Why and How by Brian Yates05/18 - Overcoming underrepresentation of women in remote data collection by Jess Littman05/17 - gLOCAL Evaluation Week: Connecting People, Places, and Ideas by Shaha Zehra & Leonardo Lemes05/16 - Notetaking For Observation And Participant Observation Part 4 by Beverly Peters05/15 - DVR TIG Week: VirBela (Avatar-based Communication Platform): An Alternative to Zoom-Fatigue by David Fetterman05/14 - DVR TIG Week: Lessons from Instilling a Data Viz Culture by Rocele Estanislao05/13 - DVR TIG Week: Breaking the Data Viz and Reporting Rules by Tatiana Masters05/12 - DVR TIG Week: Location Location: Data Storytelling with Maps by Andrea Miller05/11 - DVR TIG Week: Interactive Dashboards in Excel: A Cost Effective, Easy-to-Learn Alternative by Shelly Engelman & Tom Withee05/10 - DVR TIG Week: Shifting Data Visualization Feedback From Criticism to Curiosity by Elizabeth Grim05/09 - DVR TIG Week: A Sensory Immersion Experience with Data Visualization by Zoraya Cruz-Bonilla05/08 - PreK-12 Ed Eval TIG Week: Evaluative Thinking in Teacher Mentoring by Leigh M. Tolley05/07 - PreK-12 Ed Eval TIG Week: Making the most of evaluation in a virtual space by Sondra LoRe05/06 - PreK-12 Ed Eval TIG Week: Students Describe How the COVID-19 Pandemic Affected Their Engagement in Learning by Marisa K. Crowder and Samantha E. Holquist05/05 - PreK-12 Ed Eval TIG Week: Education Evaluation’s Lessons Learned from a Year at Home by Amanda Klein-Cox05/04 - PreK-12 Ed Eval TIG Week: It’s All About Relationships by Lisa M. Jones05/03 - PreK-12 Ed Eval TIG Week: Using the Three “D’s” of Data with Educators: Demystify, Democratize, and Demonstrate. by Tameka Porter, Kim Good, & Susan Shebby05/02 - PreK-12 Ed Eval TIG Week: Validity, Context, and Circumstance by Sheila A. Arens05/01 - Summer Evaluation Institute is now the Summer Learning Series by Sheila B. Robinson04/30 - Promoting Equity Through Participatory Evaluation Approaches Week: Centering Equity as a Process and an Outcome by Jack Tebes04/29 - Promoting Equity Through Participatory Evaluation Approaches Week: Making Evaluation Challenges Explicit to Promote Equity by Michael Awad and Derrick Gordon04/28 - Promoting Equity Through Participatory Evaluation Approaches Week: Promoting Equity for Underserved Populations by Amy Griffin04/27 - Promoting Equity Through Participatory Evaluation Approaches Week: Promoting Equity Through Evaluation Capacity Building by Cindy Crusto04/26 - Promoting Equity Through Participatory Evaluation Approaches Week: Equity Through Community-Based Participatory Evaluation by Joy Kaufman04/25 - Promoting Equity Through Participatory Evaluation Approaches Week: Promoting Equity through Participatory Evaluation Approaches by Jack Tebes04/24 - Celebrating 4000 articles on AEA365! By Sheila B. Robinson04/23 - EPE TIG Week: Principles-Focused Evaluation for Agricultural Transformation by Greta Landis04/22 - EPE TIG Week: Evaluation for the Environment: Transdisciplinary Teams and the Next Generation by Kristi Lekies04/21 - EPE TIG Week: Getting Started as an Environmental Advocate by Dawn Valentine04/20 - EPE TIG Week: Empowering Evaluators to Create a Just Environmental Movement by Rupu Gupta04/19 - EPE TIG Week: How Do We Know We’re Helping? The Future of Evaluating US Climate Action by Sarah Sutton04/18 - EPE TIG Week: Environmental Evaluation and Life in a Post-Vaccine World by Dylan Galos04/17 - Become an AEA Comments Connoisseur by Sheila B. Robinson04/16 - CREA-HI week: Equity in a changing climate by Laurien Baird Hokuli’i Helfrich-Nuss04/15 - CREA-HI week: Data Storytelling by Thaddeus Pham04/14 - CREA-HI week: Refocusing the Evaluation Lens on Native Wellbeing by Palama Lee04/13 - CREA-HI week: Data Sovereignty by Katherine Tibbetts04/12 - CREA-HI week: Evaluating with Aloha by Patrick Uchigakiuchi04/11 - CREA-HI Week: Introduction to CREA-Hawai‘i by Dawn Mahi04/10 - Tackling Organizational Challenges with Evaluation Tools by Elizabeth DiLuzio04/09 - A New Visual Thinking Approach to Evaluation: Introducing EvaluVision by Keisuke Taketani, Katherine Haugh, Yumiko Kanemitsu04/08 - Making the M&E game worth the candle: How Skillful Facilitation of Staff Engagement Can Unlock the Benefits of Systematic Evaluation Practice by Jennifer (Jenny) Cohen & Shira Ben-Sasson Furstenberg04/07 - Building a Learning Culture and Using Data to Drive Decisions by Hilary Leav04/06 - The evaluation of outcome of TAAT High Iron Beans productivity at Manicaland and Midlands Provinces in Zimbabwe by Rachel Zozo04/05 - Establishing and Honoring Boundaries While Consulting by Elizabeth Grim04/04 - Observation And Participant Observation: What Should We Observe? Part 3 by Beverly Peters04/03 - Ten Tips for Top Notch Conference Proposals by Sheila B. Robinson04/02 - Reality TV Lessons Week: Making Meaningful Connections: Reality TV and Culturally Responsive Equitable Evaluation by Karyl Askew & Monifa Beverly04/01 - Reality TV Lessons Week: What America’s Next Top Model Can Teach Us About Evaluation by Michael Arnold03/31 - Reality TV Lessons Week: What the Great British Baking Show Can Teach Us About Evaluation by Corey Newhouse03/30 - Reality TV Lessons Week: What RuPaul’s Drag Race Can Teach Us About Evaluation by Rhodri Dierst-Davies03/29 - Reality TV Lessons Week: What Survivor Can Teach Us About Evaluation by Jen van Stelle03/28 - Reality TV Lessons Week: Crucial Lessons for Evaluators! by Betsy Block03/26 - SIM TIG Week: Putting Stakeholder Voice at the Heart of Social Impact Measurement by Ben Fowler03/25 - SIM TIG Week: Tips for Examining and Addressing Inequity by Heather Esper03/24 - SIM TIG Week: What is it Like Measuring the Social Impact of… Ourselves? by Leah Goldstein Moses03/23 - SIM TIG Week: The SDG Impact Standards by Belissa Rojas03/22 - SIM TIG Week: Corporate Monitoring & Evaluation: Setting Up a CoP to Tackle Challenges of an Emerging Practice by Sasha Zoueva03/21 - SIM TIG Week: Evaluation and Gender Lens Investing by Courtney Bolinson and Lucy Wakiaga03/20 - white antiracism & racial healing: the journey is long by Matteah Spencer Reppart03/19 - white antiracism & racial healing: picking up the mic: using my white privilege to elevate voices of people of color by Martha Brown03/18 - white antiracism & racial healing: racial healing in community by Lenka Berkowitz & Libby Smith03/17 - white antiracism & racial healing: the temptation to quit by Anna Martin03/16 - white antiracism & racial healing: moving from learning to integration and action by Elizabeth Grim03/15 - white antiracism & racial healing: how do we use our power/privilege to transform our field? by Libby Smith & Maddy Frey03/14 - white antiracism & racial healing: turning the pointing finger around: white supremacy in me by Rita Sinorita Fierro03/13 - Happy Pi(e) Day! Here’s When Pie Charts are Okay (Seriously) by Ann K. Emery03/12 - FIE TIG Week: Evaluation at a crossroads: Time to choose who we want to be and how we think by Vidhya Shanker03/11 - FIE TIG Week: Example of Female Engineering Student’s Project Assessment from the gender lens by Ana Androsik03/10 - FIE TIG Week: Trying out a sex, gender, and intersectionality lens for evaluations by Peter Czerny, Ashley Zelmer and Robert Tkaczyk03/09 - FIE TIG Week: Evaluator Roles in Preventing Hate Crimes by Crystallee Crain03/08 - FIE TIG Week: Reflections on being a feminist evaluator. Also, an invitation to others to be one because we ALL have what it takes by Divya Bheda03/07 - FIE TIG Week: Feminist Issues in Evaluation TIG Week by Elyse McCall-Thomas and Melissa Chapman Haynes03/06 - Celebrating 4000 posts, thanks to you – our AEA365 community! by Sheila B Robinson03/05 - APC TIG Week: Why you should include a foresight practice in your evaluation toolkit by Jewlya Lynn03/04 - APC TIG Week: The limitations of using an advocacy frame to understand and evaluate grassroots-led change by Katie Fox03/03 - APC TIG Week: APC Evaluators can stand in Greater Solidarity with Indigenous People by Sarah Stachowiak03/02 - APC TIG Week: Reframing Evaluative Processes to Build Equity and Inclusion: The Role of Evaluation in Disability Rights Advocacy by Melanie Kawano-Chiu03/01 - APC TIG Week: Advocacy Evaluation that Supports Equity Treats Power as the Ultimate Goal by Albertina Lopez, Julia Coffman & Mariah Brothe Gantz02/28 - APC TIG Week: A tool to drive toward equitable policy advocacy approaches and outcomes by Allister Byrd and Joel Gutierrez02/27 - Tools & Resources for Participatory Data Analysis by Sheila B Robinson02/26 - A call for a wider perspective on impact evaluation… by Rick Davies02/25 - Virtual Data Collection and Participatory M&E by María José De León and Chandani López Peralta02/24 - Capacity, Complexity, and Collaboration to Transform Evaluation by Tom Archibald02/23 - Inspiring curiosity through evaluation capacity building guided by self-assessment by Leah Josephson, Lauren Beriont & Alex Bauer02/22 - Participant Observation: Getting To The Backstage Part 2 by Beverly Peters02/21 - Observation and Participant Observation Part I by Beverly Peters02/20 - These Open Data Portals Have the Information You’ve Been Seeking by Elizabeth DiLuzio02/19 - Gov’t Eval TIG Week: Adapting Evaluations of Governmental Public Health and Behavioral Health Programs During Covid-19 by Lisa Bowers02/18 - Gov’t Eval TIG Week: Research Clearinghouses Can Help Guide Government Program Evaluations by Steven Lize02/17 - Gov’t Eval TIG Week: Mind the Gap: Considerations When Using Scientific Publications in Evaluations by Melissa Day02/16 - Gov’t Eval TIG Week: Striving for Balance as the Crises Keep Coming: Working in Evaluation in Public Health in 2020 by Kathryn Lowerre02/15 - Gov’t Eval TIG Week: Aligning Strategies to Broader USG Policies by Natalie Donahue02/14 - Gov’t Eval TIG Week by Chris Voegeli and Krystal Tomlin02/13 - The 2021 Annual Call for Blog Posts by Sheila B. Robinson02/12 - CP TIG Week: The Stories our Communities Tell: How Evaluations Can Promote Equity and Parity in Access to Service Provision by Martha Hernandez-Martinez & Lumarie Orozco02/11 - CP TIG Week: How Community Psychology Values Influence Your Evaluation by Sonji Jones, Judah Viola, & Cari Patterson02/10 - CP TIG Week: Building Relationships for Community Transformation: Engaging the Community by Brittany Cook02/09 - CP TIG Week: Incorporating Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) into all stages of the evaluation processes by Elizabeth McGee02/08 - CP TIG Week: Community Psychology Foundations for Practice: Practicing our Values by Ann Price & Susan Wolfe02/07 - CP TIG Week: Finding Inspiration in 2021 by Ijeoma Ezeofor02/06 - ACM TIG Week: Evaluating Creative Placemaking by Patricia Moore Shaffer02/05 - ACM TIG Week: Collaborative Partnerships with Clients as a Foundation for Evaluation and Program Improvement by Yvette Clinton & Sharika Bhattacharya02/04 - ACM TIG Week: Collective Impact Meets Networked Improvement Science by Don Glass02/03 - ACM TIG Week: Supporting Access to Museums through Evaluation by Susan Foutz & Bethany Thomas02/02 - ACM TIG Week: Finding New Treasures in Old Data: Re-analyzing Past Qualitative Data for Future Learning by Patti Saraniero02/01 - ACM TIG Week: Honoring Community Voices and Multiple Ways of Knowing in Designing STEAM Education Means Doing More than Sending a Survey by Patricia Montaño, Katie Boyd, Christine Okochi, Megan Littrell, & Anne Gold01/31 - ACM TIG Week: Shifting the Value of Evaluation by Jeremy Foutz01/30 - Trauma-informed Eval Week: The Systems Perspective: Trauma-Informed Organizations & Systems by Tamara Hamai01/29 - Trauma-informed Eval Week: The Inherent Healing-Centered Nature of Trauma-Informed Care by Pamela “Denise” Long01/28 - Trauma-informed Eval Week: Photovoice as a Trauma-Informed Evaluation Approach by Debbie Gowensmith01/27 - Trauma-Informed Eval Week: Trauma-Informed Consent by Carolyn F Fisher01/26 - Trauma-informed Eval Week: A Flare for the Traumatic: How Careless Evaluation Can Retraumatize by Aaron Kates01/25 - Trauma-informed Eval Week: Situating Yourself in Trauma-informed Evaluation by Lisa Raphael01/24 - Trauma-informed Eval Week: Principles of Trauma-informed Evaluation by Martha Brown01/23 - Calling all aea365 readers: What do YOU want to read more about in 2021? by Sheila B Robinson01/22 - Ex-post Eval Week: Exiting For Sustainability by Jindra Cekan01/21 - Ex-post Eval Week: Measuring sustainability post-program –go in and stay for the learning! By Holta Trandafili01/20 - Ex-post Eval Week: Evaluating Peace for Sustainability by Peter Kimeu Ngui01/19 - Ex-post Eval Week: Tips for Conducting an Ex-Post Evaluation by Wendi Bevins01/18 - Ex-post Eval Week: Are we serious about project sustainability and exit? By Abu Ala Hasan01/17 - Ex-post Eval Week: Exiting For Sustainability by Jindra Cekan01/16 - ITE TIG Week: Doing no harm with technology in evaluation: Part 2 by Antony Maikuri, Veronica Olazabal, and Vidhya Shanker01/15 - ITE TIG Week: Doing no harm with technology in evaluation: Part 1 by Antony Maikuri, Veronica Olazabal, and Vidhya Shanker01/14 - ITE TIG Week: Hot Tips for Effective Virtual Data Collection by Ghazia Aslam and Sarah Lunsford01/13 - ITE TIG Week: Open Source for Monitoring, Evaluation, Research and Learning (MERL) by Stephanie Coker01/12 - ITE TIG Week: MEL at the Speed of Response: Humanitarian Data for Decision-Making by Carly Olenick and Alex Tran01/11 - ITE TIG Week: Sailing Through A Post-Truth Pandemic Portal Towards Post Normal Evaluators and Evaluation by Ichhya Pant01/10 - ITE TIG Week: Developing Practical Skills and Critical Consciousness for Tech-enabled Evaluation by Zach Tilton, Linda Raftree, Kecia Berterman, and Ichhya Pant01/09 - The Power of Youth Voice in Data Conversations by Stephanie Mui01/08 - AZENet Week: The Value of Ongoing Evaluation Reporting by Tabitha Cox01/07 - AZENet Week: Counting the Uncounted: Affirming Evaluation Practices for Transgender and Non-binary (TNB) Populations by Trey Jenkins & Isaac Akapnitis01/06 - AZENet Week: Beyond the Comfort Zone: Learning Quickly in the Information Age by Meagan Schlinkert & David Schlinkert01/05 - AZENet Week: The Power of Listening in Evaluation by Hildie Cohen01/04 - AZENet Week: Show Up and Do the Work: How to Build Bridges between Research and Communities of Color to Improve Research Turnout by Cynthia Mackey01/03 - AZENet Week: Evaluation as Accompaniment by Abby Henderson2020 (343)12/25 - I Had a Meeting on Zoom Today by Kylie Hutchinson12/22 - Lessons Learned Moderating Virtual Focus Groups During a Pandemic by Jacob Schreiber by Cha-Chi Fung12/21 - Building Capacity and Fostering Enthusiasm for Internal Evaluation by Chantal Hoff12/20 - Analyzing Interview Data by Beverly Peters12/18 - SIM TIG Week: The Growing Case for Evaluation in Social Finance and Impact Investing by Veronica Olazabal12/17 - SIM TIG Week: Accelerating Action in Impact Measurement & Management Today, Together by Samira Khan & Eric Barela12/16 - SIM TIG Week: Impact Investing, Public Policy, and Evaluation: Opportunity and Obligation by John Sherman12/15 - SIM TIG Week: Transformative Evaluation and Impact Investing: A Fruitful Marriage by Courtney Bolinson and Donna M. Mertens12/14 - SIM TIG Week: Lessons for Evaluating the Impacts of Accelerators by Ben Fowler, Erin Markel, and Amanda Woomer12/13 - SIM TIG Week: Love the Connectors: The Measurable Value of an Ecosystem Focused on Social Impact by Leah Goldstein Moses12/12 - Where Do I Begin? : Using Best Practices in Culture Change to Incorporate Participatory Evaluation Into Your Work by Elizabeth DiLuzio12/11 - CEA Affiliate Week: Evaluation Footprints in Unprecedented Times by Asma M. Ali12/10 - CEA Affiliate Week: Networking Karma by Matt Feldmann12/09 - CEA Affiliate Week: Maximizing Impact: How Evaluation can Help Address the Global Pandemic by Dominica McBride & Jen LoPiccolo12/08 - CEA Affiliate Week: How To Show The Real People Behind The Data by Amelia Kohm12/07 - CEA Affiliate Week: Opportunities for Evaluation in the Family First Prevention Services Act by Cara Karter & Anne Farrell12/06 - CEA Affiliate Week: When Multidisciplinary Collaboration Leads to Identifying an Access Protective Factor by Christina Iyengar12/04 - NPF TIG Week: Setting Partnership Expectations Between Nonprofits and Foundations by John Byrnes12/03 - NPF TIG Week: Achieving unity: Building and using shared measures across funders and non-profits by Allison Meserve, Rochelle Zorzi & Liz Martin12/02 - NPF TIG Week: How foundations can prioritize learning-centered reporting by Harry Daley and Carrie Tanasichuk12/01 - NPF TIG Week: Skills Evaluators Can Draw Upon to Strengthen Relationships between Funders and Nonprofits by Loraine Park11/30 - NPF TIG Week: Some Suggested Principles to Guide Nonprofits and Foundations to Collaborate Collaborating for Equity and Justice By Susan Wolfe and Ann Price11/29 - NPF TIG Week: Looking Inside the Black Box: Increasing Transparency between Foundations and Nonprofits by Marcela Gutierrez11/27 - Program Design TIG Week: Evaluations for Program Development: Lessons Learned from Six Months of Virtual Community-Building by Asma M. Ali11/26 - Program Design TIG Week: Engaging Program Stakeholders in Theory of Change and Logic Modeling by Patricia Moore Shaffer11/25 - Program Design TIG Week: Defunding the Police Bias: A Thought Exercise for Discussing Achievable and Measurable Solutions by Lyn Boswell11/24 - Program Design TIG Week: The Power of Document Models in Program Design by Jacqueline Singh11/23 - Program Design TIG Week: Research Activism for Youth: Facilitating a Virtual, Community-based Skill- Building Program by Asma M. Ali & Myles Castro11/22 - Program Design TIG Week: What is a program? by Catherine Nameth & Jacqueline Singh11/21 - FIE TIG Week: Taking Lessons from Government Agency Failures to Apply an Equity Lens by Crystallee Crain11/20 - FIE TIG Week: Transforming AEA: Activating our Power by Albertina Lopez and Florence Etta11/19 - FIE TIG Week: Can Evaluation Touch Your Heart? Trauma-Informed and Healing-Centered Practice…and Feminism by Allison Shurilla and Vidhya Shanker11/18 - FIE TIG Week: A Framework for robust, actionable feminist quantitative evaluation by Heather Krause11/17 - FIE TIG Week: Evaluators as true partners in dismantling white supremacy and creating a more equitable and just society by Cynthia Roberts, Veronica Smith & Martina Todaro11/16 - FIE TIG Week: Reflexivity and the Importance of Practicing it in Evaluation by Divya Bheda & Alissa Jones11/15 - FIE TIG Week: Shaking up the Evaluation Patriarchy: AEA Womanists/ Feminists Coming Together to Claim Power and Place in the Academy by Kathleen Doll, Libby Smith, & Vidhya Shanker11/14 - Why They Call It Developmental Evaluation When They Mean Evaluative Friendship by Sara Vaca11/13 - Using Participatory Tools Virtually by Beverly Peters, Michelle Conway, Tabetha Karydas, Talatha Kiazolu-Reeves, Jess Littman, and Mallika Rodriguez.11/12 - How do I shut down my Imposter Syndrome in the workplace? by Kimberly Castelin11/11 - The Big Problem with “Dashboards” by Ann K. Emery11/10 - Are There Specific Academic Specializations Or Degrees That Are More Appropriate to Become An Evaluator? Part 3 by Kavita Mittapalli11/09 - Outcome Case Study of Sheep Fattening Project in Bonga and Doyogena Field Sites, Ethiopia by Rachel Zozo11/08 - Collecting Useful Data from Interviews by Beverly Peters11/07 - Participatory Evaluation in Remote Times by Zachariah Barghouti11/06 - Decolonizing Evaluation Week: Lessons in Anticolonialism from BIPOC Innovators by Geri Lynn Peak11/05 - Decolonizing Evaluation Week: The Role of Aloha in Decolonizing Evaluation by Kathy Tibbetts11/04 - Decolonizing Evaluation Week: Settler Accountability to Self Determination in Decolonizing Evaluation Practices by Kate McKegg11/03 - Decolonizing Evaluation Week: Questioning How White Supremacy Shows Up in Our Work by Lauren Beriont11/02 - Decolonizing Evaluation Week: Moving Beyond Cultural Competence in Evaluation to Ontological Justice by Jennifer A.H. Billman, Ph.D.11/01 - Decolonizing Evaluation Week: Indigenous Storytelling: Evaluative Opportunity for Cultural Regeneration and Resistance by Persephone Hooper Lewis10/30 - What will you takeaway from #Eval20 Reimagined? by Sheila B Robinson10/29 - Tips on Following Up After a (Virtual) Conference by Elizabeth DiLuzio10/28 - Planning and Conducting Virtual Workshops Part III: Rad Resources for Online Teaching by Jan Noga10/27 - Planning and Conducting Virtual Workshops Part II: Facilitating Online Learning by Jan Noga10/26 - Planning and Conducting Virtual Workshops Part I: Make sure attendees can get to your event by Jan Noga10/25 - Evaluation and the Challenge of Our Time by Scott Chaplowe10/24 - AEA members – you ARE registered for this vote! Let’s do it! by Sheila B Robinson10/23 - Washington Evaluators Week: Evaluation Without Borders: A Note from the Program Coordinator by Laura O’Brien10/22 - Washington Evaluators Week: Evaluation Without Borders: A Client’s Perspective by Jamie Kasper10/21 - Washington Evaluators Week: Evaluation Without Borders: A Volunteer Team’s Perspective by Erin Clements, Sarah Kohari, Woody Stanley, and Jill Tirnauer10/20 - Washington Evaluators Week: Evaluation Without Borders: A Unique Opportunity for Evaluators to Pay-it-Forward by Lauren Jowell10/19 - Washington Evaluators Week: Recounting Evaluation Without Borders: Experiences and Observations by Jacqueline Singh10/18 - Washington Evaluators Week: An Ethic of Humility: Reflections on the Greatest Lessons Learned from Pro Bono Evaluation by Giovanni Dazzo10/16 - IEA Affiliate Week: Taking Care of Yourself, Even Outdoors, Can be a Challenge by Kyle Hannon10/15 - IEA Affiliate Week: Pivoting to Online Training by Claire Thoma Emmons and Susan Foutz10/14 - IEA Affiliate Week: Embracing Socially Distant Data Collection by Jennifer Borland10/13 - IEA Affiliate Week: Separating Working at Home from Home Life by Kate Bathon Shufeldt10/12 - IEA Affiliate Week: Let’s Get Digital — Ripple-Effect Mapping in the COVID-19 Era by Sarah Goletz and Jennifer Taylor10/11 - IEA Affiliate Week: Pivoting and Adapting during COVID by Jennifer Bellville10/10 - Spreadsheet vs Database: Which One is Right for Me? by Elizabeth DiLuzio10/09 - Evaluation as an Ecosystem: Building our ability to collaborate effectively by Liz Gordillo, Rory Neuner, Leah Josephson, and Lauren Beriont10/08 - Interviewing Minors in Schools10/07 - How to measure innovation? by Rick Davies10/06 - Who will hire and train an absolute novice? Part 2 by Kavita Mittapalli10/05 - But, How Do I Find My First (Evaluation) Job? Part 1 by Kavita Mittapalli10/04 - Interview Sampling by Beverly Peters10/02 - ICCE TIG Week: Engaging Children in International and Cross-Cultural Evaluations by Michele Tarsilla10/01 - ICCE TIG Week: Using Evidence in Policy and Practice – lessons from Africa by Ian Goldman09/30 - ICCE TIG Week: COVID-19 and the off-grid energy sector: How are consumers affected? By Marina Lahowin and Tabitha Olang09/29 - ICCE TIG Week: Culturally Competent Realist Evaluation in Global Contexts by Abi Sriharan09/28 - ICCE TIG Week: Speaking Truth to Power and Participation in International and Cross-Cultural Evaluation by Sandra Ayoo09/27 - ICCE TIG Week: Power and Participation in Evaluation through Reflection by Maddison Staszkiewicz09/26 - Evaluation 2020 is now Eval20 Reimagined! by Sheila B Robinson09/25 - Oregon Evaluators Week: Advancing a Responsive Evaluation Learning Community by Chris Cartwright & Karyl Askew09/24 - Oregon Evaluators Week: Be Inspired at the AEA Annual Conference by Eric Einspruch09/23 - Oregon Evaluators Week: Pivoting Professional Development: An Online Journal Club for Building Skills and Staying Connected by Adrienne Zell09/22 - Oregon Evaluators Week: Targeting your Professional Development by Kendra Lodewick09/21 - Oregon Evaluators Week: Sustaining a CREE Independent Evaluation Practice using Near-Peer Mentoring by Karyl Askew09/20 - Oregon Evaluators Week: Being a part of an AEA Topical Interest Group: Building Connections and Shared Learning by Chari Smith09/18 - DemTIG Week: Evaluating Democracy In Crisis: Emerging Lessons from the Fundamental Freedoms Consortium by Linda Stern09/17 - DemTIG Week: The right initiative to improve Human Rights by Francisco Hernandez, Carlos Urquilla, and Nigina Valentini09/16 - DemTIG Week: Evaluating Civic Networks in Complex Contexts: Lessons from Democracy, Human Rights and Governance Implementers by Kate Krueger and Norma Ruiz09/15 - DemTIG Week: Expanding the Toolkit for DRG Evaluators: New DRG Evaluation E-learning and Resources by Antonella Guidoccio and Claudia Olavarria09/14 - DemTIG Week: Challenging Longstanding Democracy and Governance Efforts Using Quantitative Evaluation Approaches by Chhork Boeurng and Ihor Matviichuk09/13 - DemTIG Week: Democracy Day Turns into Democracy Week by Dylan Diggs09/12 - Labor Day Week: Towards A New Division Of Labor In Evaluation: Reflections stimulated by America’s 2020 Labor Day celebration by Robert Picciotto09/11 - Labor Day Week: Blue Marble Evaluation, cash cropping and labor in an African context: Reflections stimulated Labor Day in the United States by John Wilson09/10 - Labor Day Week: Labour Day Reflections: The undervaluing of lives and labor in the Global South by Zenda Ofir09/09 - Labor Day Week: The Labor of Inner Work: Reflections stimulated by Labor Day in the USA by Nora F. Murphy Johnson09/08 - Labor Day Week: Belabored Labor: A Perspective on Labor Exploitation in the Field of Evaluation by Nicole Bowman09/07 - Labor Day Week: Labor Day Reflections: Unpacking Work and Labor by A. Rafaeal Johnson09/06 - Labor Day Week: Evaluating Labour Policies: Can The New International Evaluation Academy Help? by Robert Picciotto09/05 - 75th Birthday Tribute to MQP by Charmagne Campbell-Patton09/04 - LaRED TIG Week: Building our culture of evaluation with high staff engagement–lessons learned from an internal (nonprofit) evaluation team by Alisha Garcia Flores, Vianney Leon, and Matthew Silva09/03 - LaRED TIG Week: Lessons Learned from Community-Engaged Evaluations by Jessica Saucedo and Tatiana Elisa Bustos09/02 - LaRED TIG Week: Utilizing Latinx college peer leaders as institutional agents of change by Oscar Cerna09/01 - LaRED TIG Week: Chocolate Cake Making: How the Mission Promise Neighborhood implements the Collective Impact Approach as a recipe to achieve results by Liz Cortez08/31 - LaRED TIG Week: Becoming Culturally Responsive During COVID-19 Era by Diana Lemos08/30 - LaRED TIG Week: Deepening our ability to understand our Latinx communities and our culturally responsive approaches by Grisel M. Robles-Schrader, Susana Morales and David Garcia08/29 - On Being a Powerful Evaluator by Elizabeth DiLuzio08/28 - Getting Ready for the Conference with the AEA Guiding Principles by Leanne Kallemeyn08/27 - Is Virtual Logic Model Coaching Here to Stay? by Taylor Harrell and Kendra Straub08/26 - Improving Performance with Flowcharts by Ruth Aboagye08/25 - EVALpalooza by Matt Feldmann and Asma Ali08/24 - Any independent evaluator can have an environment impact by Lisa Kaczmarczyk08/23 - Interview Continuum by Beverly Peters by Beverly Peters08/21 - RTD TIG Week: Bias – It’s Still Here by Didi Cross08/20 - RTD TIG Week: Evaluation of Research Collaborations Enabled through Linked Datasets by Jodi Basner08/19 - RTD TIG Week: Triangulation Across Mixed Methods in Comprehensive Program Evaluations by Asher Beckwitt and Lex Helsel08/18 - RTD TIG Week: Finding a Needle in a Stack of Needles by Gavin Reddick08/17 - RTD TIG Week: Synthesis Across Copy Cat Studies Helps Answer Really Big Policy Questions by Gretchen Jordan08/16 - RTD TIG Week: AEA Involvement is More Important than Ever by Josh Schnell08/15 - Growing Tolerance To The Incertitude Linked To My Practice As A Consultant By Sara Vaca08/14 - LGBTQ Week: Do you need to ask about sex & gender on your survey? By Joseph Van Matre08/13 - LGBT TIG Week: Identity as a Compass within 2SLGBTQ Evaluations: Finding Your Compass by Andrew Hartman, Brian Hoessler, Carolyn Camman & Vincent Tom08/12 - LGBT TIG Week: Intersectionality in LGBTQ+ Evaluation by Jackie Xu, Erik Elías Glenn, Jason Roth08/11 - LGBT TIG Week: In Support of Abolition and a More Loving Future – Perspectives from LGBTQ+ Evaluators by Esrea Perez-Bill & Dylan Felt08/10 - LGBT TIG Week: Becoming a Better Evaluator for LGBTQ+ Stakeholders: It’s On Us! By Morgan Wright and John LaVelle08/09 - LGBT TIG Week: Reflections on LGBTQ+ Liberation and Evaluation by Dylan Felt & Rocco Bagnarol08/07 - Policy Governance Week: Tips for Implementing PG by Aimee White & Leslie Goodyear08/06 - Policy Governance Week: Understanding the Board’s Financial Duties by Felicia Bohanon08/05 - Policy Governance Week: Through the Executive Director’s Lens by Anisha Lewis08/04 - Policy Governance Week: Diving Into Policy Governance by Libby Smith, Karen Jackson, & Tom Kelly08/03 - Policy Governance Week: Evolution of the board after 3 years of service by Bianca Montrosse-Moorhead, Eric Barela and Jara Dean-Coffey08/02 - Policy Governance Week: Our Path to Policy Governance by Aimee White & Leslie Goodyear08/01 - Let’s Have a Conversation! Commenting on AEA365 Posts by Sheila B. Robinson07/31 - Oregon Evaluators Week: The benefits of strength-based approaches in evaluation by Juliette Mackin07/30 - Oregon Evaluators Week: Evaluation in Rural and Frontier Settings: What Us Urbanites Should Keep in Mind by Corey Newhouse07/29 - Oregon Evaluators Week: Evaluating Through Simulations by Katie Street07/28 - Oregon Evaluators Week: Avoiding Bias and Maintaining Objectivity by Kristi Manseth and Regina Wheeler07/27 - Oregon Evaluators Week: Using R to Automate Analysis and Provide Immediate Feedback to Clients by David Keyes07/26 - Oregon Evaluators Week: Navigating evaluation in the time of COVID 19 – an Oregon perspective by Kimberly Leonard and Kimberlee Salmond07/25 - Level Up: Growing Your Approach to Participatory Evaluation by Elizabeth DiLuzio07/24 - Adaptive Capacity Assessment in Times of Corona by Jennifer Cohen & Batya Kallus07/23 - Designing Accessible Digital Evaluation Materials by Don Glass07/22 - Introducing a New Research Guide on How to Evaluate Use of Guidelines by Melissa Jennings07/21 - Interviews: The Right Tool for Me? by Beverly Peters07/20 - 4 Ways Members are Using the AEA Guiding Principles by Sarah Heath07/19 - Artificial Intelligence in Evaluation: Transcription with Otter by Tatiana Masters07/17 - RT&C Week: Are we loving bravely enough? by Tom Kelly, Shiree Teng & Audrey Jordan07/16 - RT&C Week: Using Reflexivity to Build Relationships, Trust, & Connection in Challenging Times and Beyond by Elizabeth Taylor-Schiro07/15 - RT&C Week: Building Trust, an Essential Activity for Evaluators by Rakesh Mohan07/14 - RT&C Week: Relationships and Reflective Practice by Trilby Smith & Kris Archie07/13 - RT&C Week: Who you are matters in the work by Jara Dean-Coffey07/12 - RT&C Week: A Week of Relationship, Trust, & Connection by Libby Smith & Deven Wisner07/10 - AZENet Week: Daily Metrics to Drive Strategic Goals by Martha Franquemont07/09 - AZENet Week: Insights from an Internal Evaluator by Ana Lucero07/08 - AZENet Week: Supports for Internal Evaluators by Joanne Basta07/07 - AZENet Week: Filling in the Strengths Gaps by Melissa Kovacs07/06 - AZENet Week: A Place of Encouragement & Support by Holly Brown07/05 - AZENet Week: Who are we? What’s our why? By Deven Wisner & Allison Titcomb07/04 - Being an AEA365 Sponsored Weeks Archaeologist! by Sheila B Robinson07/03 - IC TIG Week: Leveraging my Independence to Transform My Skills and the Quality of my Work by Susan Wolfe07/02 - IC TIG Week: June 5th is My Independence Day by Mindelyn Anderson & Geri Lynn Peak07/01 - IC TIG Week: Using a Sabbatical to Transform My Consulting Practice by Ann Price06/30 - IC TIG Week: Leveraging Independence, Together by are Amanda Klein, Ann Price, Chelsea BaileyShea, & James Pann06/29 - IC TIG Week: Evaluation as a Tool for Social Justice by Chad E. Kee06/28 - IC TIG Week: Leveraging Independence for Transformation by Nina Sabarre06/27 - Trying to Empower Female Evaluators To Stop Feeling Like Impostors by Sara Vaca06/26 - SEA Affiliate Week: The Benefits of Being A Grant Reviewer by Dr. Moya Alfonso06/25 - SEA Affiliate Week: Using Mentoring and Training Programs to Develop Knowledge and Skills by Jennifer Johnson and Melanie Meyer06/24 - SEA Affiliate Week: Book Reviewing for Skill Growth by Sean Little06/23 - SEA Affiliate Week: Situation Awareness in Evaluation by Dr. Sara Mason06/22 - SEA Affiliate Week: Illuminating Racism During Evaluation by Dr. Martha Brown06/21 - SEA Affiliate Week: The After Party: Implementing Data Party Results for a Nationwide Mental Health Program by Bryan Higham and Amanda Peterson06/20 - Equitable Data Collection in the Age of COVID by Ally Rakus06/19 - The role of values in advancing field-level change by Meg Long and Clare Nolan06/18 - Strategic Resilience: Shifting Programming and Data Collection by Maryfrances Porter06/17 - The invisible labor of women of color and indigenous women in evaluation, Part 2 by Vidhya Shanker06/16 - Guiding Collective Impact through Evaluation by Teresa McCaffrey06/15 - How to promote your evaluation course by Steven E. Wallis & Bernadette Wright06/14 - A Common Conflation: Standards And Guidelines by Jeffrey Hillman06/12 - RoE TIG Week: The Power of Valuing in Evaluation: How the Layering of Qualitative and Quantitative Data in Program Evaluation Enhances the Value to the People Served by Programs by Sondra LoRe06/11 - RoE TIG Week: Institutionalizing Evaluation in the U.S. Federal Government by, Esther C. Nolton, PhD06/10 - RoE TIG Week: Knowing Ourselves: Driving the Field Forward Through Self-Discovery by Maggie Schultz Patel06/09 - RoE TIG Week: Integrating Me-search and Re-search by John LaVelle06/08 - RoE TIG Week: Evaluator Competencies Assessment Tool (ECAT) by Minji Cho, Ann Marie Castleman, Haley Umans, and Mike Mwirigi06/07 - RoE TIG Week: Getting RoE Published by J. Bradley Cousins06/06 - What do you want to learn next? A quest for input by Sheila B Robinson06/05 - NA TIG Week: Using a Needs Assessment Double Scale Survey Method to Pilot Test a Survey Instrument by Sue Hamann06/04 - NA TIG Week: Images as Data for Needs Assessments and Evaluation by Madhawa “Mads” Palihapitiya06/03 - NA TIG Week: Necessity and Sufficiency: A quick example by Ryan Watkins06/02 - NA TIG Week: After Action Reviews for Planning Future Needs: Never let a crisis go to waste by Maurya West Meiers06/01 - NA TIG Week: Improving the Validity of Data from Qualitative Methods Used in Needs Assessments by James W. Altschuld, Hsin-Ling (Sonya) Hung, & Yi-Fang05/31 - NA TIG Week: Just-in-Time Community Engaged Needs Assessment: COVID-19 Redux by Lisle Hites05/30 - Finding Out More About What Makes Us Feel Inadequate by Sara Vaca05/29 - Memorial Day Week: Defining Evaluation in the Military by Stephen Axelrad05/28 - Memorial Day Week: The Fort Bragg Evaluation: A military setting that created evaluation history by Len Bickman05/27 - Memorial Day Week: Community-Based Participatory Research in the Military: Lessons Learned by Stephen Axelrad05/26 - Memorial Day Week: Use of evaluation data viz in military contexts by Lara Hilton05/25 - Memorial Day Week: The After-Action Review: Military Origins and Universal Applications by Stephen Axelrad05/24 - Memorial Day Week: Evaluation Reflections by Michael Quinn Patton05/22 - IDPE Week: Why bother with graduate education in evaluation? An alumni perspective by Amy M. Gullickson05/21 - IDPE Week: Why I love teaching interdisciplinary evaluation by Michael Harnar05/20 - IDPE Week: From Evaluation Practitioner to Evaluation Scholar by Amy Jersild05/19 - IDPE Week: The Journal of Multi-Disciplinary Evaluation, A True Evaluation Asset by Aaron Kates05/18 - IDPE: Seventeen Years of Doctoral Education in Evaluation by Chris L. Coryn05/17 - IDPE Week: The Interdisciplinary PhD in Evaluation at Western Michigan University by Michael Harnar05/16 - Evaluation’s Role in a Data-Driven Reopening of Society by Elizabeth DiLuzio05/15 - Quick Reference Guides Evaluators Can’t Live Without by Kelly Robertson05/14 - How to teach a course on evaluation? by Steven E. Wallis and Bernadette Wright05/13 - Evaluation in the time of Covid 19 by Isabelle Collins05/12 - gLOCAL Evaluation Week: Connecting People, Places, and Ideas by Shaha Zehra and Leonardo Lemes05/11 - Advocacy Evaluation is Complicated! Let’s make it simpler by Leah Zallman05/10 - Making the most of the AEA Ethical Guiding Principles in your evaluation practice by Leslie Goodyear05/09 - Using Twitter for not-so-professional learning by Sheila B Robinson05/08 - Ed Eval TIG Week: Considering Teaching’s Future in Educational Evaluation by Leigh M. Tolley05/07 - Ed Eval TIG Week: Teacher Appreciation During a Pandemic: Understanding the Changed Resources and Demands of Teachers by David Osman05/06 - Ed Eval TIG Week: COVID-19’s Disruptive Impact on K-12 Educational Evaluation by Carrie Wiley and Becky Dvorak05/05 - Ed Eval TIG Week: I couldn’t do it without ‘em! by Lisa M. Jones05/04 - Ed Eval TIG Week: Using Free Data and Mapping Resources to Better Understand School Communities by Amanda Klein05/03 - Ed Eval TIG Week: Learning, Evaluating, and Staying Strong Together by Leigh M. Tolley05/02 - Fighting My (Unjustified) Impostor Syndrome by Sara Vaca05/01 - STEM TIG WEEK: CAISE’s Work to Support Evaluation in Informal STEM Learning Settings by Jamie Bell and Sasha Palmquist04/30 - STEM TIG WEEK: Share and Share Alike: Challenges and Lessons Learned from Using Embedded Assessments as Shared Measures by Veronica Del Bianco, Cathlyn (Cat) Davis Stylinski, Rachel Becker-Klein, Amy Grack Nelson, Karen Peterman and Jenna Linhart04/29 - STEM TIG WEEK: Generating and Supporting Innovative Strategies to Build Evaluation Capacity in Communities Historically Underrepresented In STEM by Frances Carter-Johnson, Felicia Fullilove, Mark Leddy, Regina Sievert, Simone Soso and Eric Stone04/28 - STEM TIG WEEK: Multi-modal Connecting with STEM Undergraduate Students to Increase Response Rates by Sharon O’Connor04/27 - STEM TIG WEEK: Decreasing Intersectional Barriers in Youth Interventions by Shetay Ashford-Hanserd and Kathy Haynie04/26 - Toward an Interactive Hub – Welcome to STEM Education and Training Week! by Jason Ravitz04/25 - Reflex or Reflection: Three Lessons for Evaluators Amid COVID-19 by Martena Reed04/24 - EPE TIG Week: Testing Ways to Inspire Conservation Action by Shuli Rank04/23 - EPE TIG Week: Encouraging Environmental Education Centers to be Realistic About Inspiring Conservation Actions by Rachel Becker-Klein04/22 - EPE TIG Week: Equipping Students to Address Climate Resilience Locally by Lisa Marckini-Polk & Patricia Jessup04/21 - EPE TIG Week: Independent Evaluation Consulting Opportunities and Climate Change by Stephen Maack04/20 - EPE TIG Week: Evaluation and the Battle of Our Time by Scott Chaplowe04/19 - EPE TIG Week: Seeing Global Interconnections and Trends by Michael Quinn Patton04/18 - Contactless Evaluation – (in Times of COVID-19) by Vardhani Ratnala04/17 - Expanding the Bench™ Week: Shifting Funders’ Mindset on Evaluation by Jackie W. Kaye04/16 - Expanding the Bench™ Week: Thoughts Concerning Technical Contributions of Cultural Responsiveness to Evaluation by Art Hernandez04/15 - Expanding the Bench™ Week: Culturally Responsive and Equitable Evaluation: African American Practitioners’ Reflections on Opportunities and Challenges in our Sector by Tracy Hilliard & Michael Arnold04/14 - Expanding the Bench™ Initiative Week: Culturally Responsive Evaluation Practice beyond “Hello” by Sharon Attipoe-Dorcoo & Norma Martínez-Rubin04/13 - Expanding the Bench™ Week: A Mentor and Protégé Model: Strengthening Transformative Culturally Responsive Evaluation through Forming a Mutually Beneficial Relationship by Donna Mertens & Tamarah Moss04/12 - Expanding the Bench™ Week: Culturally Responsive and Equitable Evaluation: What is it and Why is it Important? by Karla Mendez & Alina Taniuchi04/11 - Making it Work Online: A Rapid Response to COVID by Barbara Klugman04/10 - Where to teach a course on evaluation by Steven E. Wallis & Bernadette Wright04/09 - AEA Guiding Principles: Maintaining Ethical Standards and Conducting Meaningful Evaluation by Xiaoxia Newton04/08 - The AEA Evaluators’ Ethical Guiding Principles by Mónica Ruiz-Casares04/07 - Social Justice Is More Than a Sign by Ann Del Vecchio04/06 - Count Your Hearts & Remember to Say Thank You by Timara McCollum04/05 - Working ‘with’ (not just ‘for’) your client by Holly Brown04/04 - Self-Care in the Age of Coronavirus by Elizabeth DiLuzio04/03 - Reflections on Constructivism Week: Viewing problems through paradigmatic lenses by Amy Jersild04/02 - Reflections on Constructivism Week: Valuing whose values? by Valerie Marshall04/01 - Reflections on Constructivism Week: The Constructivism of Everyday Evaluation by Zach Tilton03/31 - Reflections on Constructivism Week: (Re)Constructing Identity and Hierarchy by Fernando Ospina03/30 - Reflections on Constructivism Week: Sensemaking as theory development by Amy Jersild03/29 - Reflections on Constructivism Week: Introduction by Michael Harnar03/28 - Tips + Resources for Virtual Gatherings During This Global Pandemic by Elizabeth DiLuzio + Laura Zatlin03/27 - MSI Fellowship Week: Three Lessons Learned in Teaching Evaluation and Policy Research by Tao Gong03/26 - MSI Fellowship Week: Engaging Social Work Students in Program Evaluation by Lorraine Graves03/25 - MSI Fellowship Week: Evaluation and Capacity Building in A Master of Social Work Curriculum by Candace Carter03/24 - MSI Fellowship Week: Empowering Educators to Conduct Evaluation: 3 Considerations for the Field by Sharla Berry03/23 - MSI Fellowship Week: Developing Culturally Responsive Evaluation in Urban Education Leaders by Omari Jackson03/22 - MSI Fellowship Week: Some Thoughts Concerning Culturally Responsive Evaluation by Art Hernandez03/21 - Reflecting on the Role of Evaluator During This Global Pandemic by Miranda Yates03/20 - Letting Go of Perfectionism by Lisa Danielson Gierach & Katie Winters03/19 - Letting Go of White Saviorism by Heather Mack03/18 - Letting Go of Thought Worship: Embodied Racial Healing by Libby Smith03/17 - Letting Go of Good by Meredith Reitman03/16 - Letting Go of White Solidarity: Questioning and Rearranging Cultural Value by Martha A. Brown03/15 - So We’ve Got Privilege! What Are We Willing to Let Go of? by Rita Sinorita Fierro03/14 - Writing for Twitter by Jayne Corso03/13 - ToE TIG Week: Lessons Learned at the 2019 AEA Conference: How to Improve my Teaching of Program Evaluation by Kelly McGinn03/12 - ToE TIG Week: Tips for Teaching Evaluation to Non-profits by Kylie Hutchinson03/11 - ToE TIG Week: Tailoring Evaluation Workshops for the Perfect Fit by JoAnna Hillman03/10 - ToE TIG Week: Teaching Interpersonal Competencies to Graduate Students by Libby Smith03/09 - ToE TIG Week: Self-Reflection as a Novice Evaluator: Using Reflection Journals in a Program Evaluation Classroom by Jennifer Ann Morrow, Ph.D03/08 - ToE TIG Week: A Second Week of Hot Tips, Rad Resources, and Reflections from Evaluation Educators03/07 - Using Open Data to Accelerate Data Literacy Learning by Elizabeth DiLuzio03/06 - How To Simplify Complex Systems Change Initiatives to Design Effective Evaluations by Elizabeth McGee03/05 - Increasing Youth Engagement in Focus Groups by Taneisha Lee03/04 - Independent Evaluator Lessons from the Hilton Lobby Bar: A Drama in Two Acts by Kathleen Sullivan03/03 - Examining the Validity of Evaluation Methods in Practice by Drs. Kelly Skinner and Sneha Shankar03/02 - The Invisible Labor of Women of Color and Indigenous Women in Evaluation by Vidhya Shanker03/01 - Creating Space for Reflective Practice by Deven Wisner!02/29 - Welcome to AEA366 (at least for 2020)! by Sheila B Robinson02/28 - DVR TIG Week: Data Visualization to Communicate Floor and Ceiling Effects for Test Items By Robin Terrell Taylor02/27 - DVR TIG Week: Tableau’s Map Functionality for Enhancing Dashboards by Billi Shaner02/26 - DVR TIG Week: Note-Taking with Flair: Drawing Connections by Michaela Anang and Mindelyn Anderson02/25 - DVR TIG Week: How R Has Helped Me Go From Data Viz Dabbler to Data Viz Pro by David Keyes02/24 - DVR TIG Week: Benchmarking Foundation Evaluation Practices 2020: Tips from our dataviz process by Piper Grandjean Targos and Devin Larsen02/23 - DVR TIG Week: Journey Mapping: Inspiring Dynamic Participation Through Visual Storytelling by Katherine Haugh and Jenny Nulty (Lyons)02/22 - Evaluation Conferences: To Go or Not To Go, That Is The Question by Sara Vaca02/21 - ToE TIG Week: Walking between worlds: Training evaluation scholar-practitioners to conduct RoE by Christina Peterson, Rachel Ladd, Brenna Butler and Erica Echols02/20 - ToE TIG Week: Applying Principles of Dialogue Education for Adult Learners of Evaluation by Elizabeth Henry02/19 - ToE TIG: Co-Creating a Living Laboratory to Cultivate Socially Responsive Evaluators by Kathleen Doll, Jennifer Villalobos and Leslie Fierro02/18 - ToE TIG Week: Applying an Adaptive Change Framework to the Teaching of Evaluation by Kristie A. Thomas02/17 - ToE TIG Week: Teaching Evaluation Well in Specific Contexts by Sue Hamann02/16 - ToE TIG Week: Introducing a week of teaching and learning about evaluation by John LaVelle, Tiffany Smith and Aileen Reid02/15 - Practice Positivity: Thinking Happy Thoughts in 202002/14 - Visionary Evaluation Week: Living as a Visionary Evaluative by Lovely Dhillon02/13 - Visionary Evaluation Week: Visionary Evaluation through Design & Systems Thinking by Cameron Norman02/12 - Visionary Evaluation Week: Being a Visionary Evaluative as an Internal Evaluator by Eric Barela02/11 - Visionary Evaluation Week: A Visionary Evaluative’s Dirt Meditation by Beverly Parsons02/10 - Visionary Evaluation Week: Being a Visionary Evaluative in the Health Field by Jeanne Ayers02/09 - Visionary Evaluation Week: Visionary Evaluation for a Sustainable, Equitable Future: by Matt Keene02/07 - PE Standards Week: Connecting Measurement, Research, and Evaluation (An Educational Perspective) by Juan D’Brot02/06 - PE Standards Week: Evaluating Evaluation with Standards or Evaluating Evaluator with Competencies by Sandra Ayoo02/05 - PE Standards Week: A Delicate Balancing Act: Encouraging Stakeholders’ Participation in an Emotionally Charged Context by Rosalie Hirch & Brandi Geisinger02/04 - PE Standards Week: Evaluation Standards and Quality Evaluation Practice by Michael Harnar02/03 - PE Standards Week: Lessons Learned from Developing Program Theory, Applying Culturally Responsive Evaluation, and Integrating Program Evaluation Standards by Rodney Hopson & Aneta Cram02/02 - PE Standards Week: (Re)Introducing the JCSEE Program Evaluation Standards by Brad Watts02/01 - Diffusing the Drama: How the Karpman Triangle Can Help Us Move Past Conflict with Evaluation Stakeholders by Yael Gil’Adi and Elizabeth DiLuzio01/31 - Conceptualizing community engagement by Carolyn Fisher01/30 - Listening — It’s More Than Hearing by Deven Wisner01/29 - How to plan and execute an authentic convening between a funder and its grantees? by Joel Gutierrez, Houa Lee and Nate Madden01/28 - Using logic modeling to build understanding between foundations, grantees, and evaluators by Ranjani Paradise01/27 - Perspectives on Building Interaction and Understanding between Nonprofits and Foundations by Ann Price, Susan Wolfe and Jenn Ballentine01/26 - Using the chaordic stepping stones to advance inclusion and creativity in a partnership by Miranda Yates, Nancy Eagan, Elise Cappella, Sophia Hwang, and Michael Kieffer01/25 - The 2020 call for blog posts by Sheila B. Robinson01/24 - What Do Blog Readers Think / Want to Know More About Social Justice? by Jeremy W. Foutz01/23 - What are Some Resources to Assist with Social Justice Work? by Mellie Torres01/22 - How a Seasoned Consultant Navigates Social-Justice-Oriented Evaluation by Jara Dean-Coffey01/21 - How do I Include Social Justice in My Work? by James Groh01/20 - Why should I Be Interested in Social Justice? by Jen LoPiccolo01/19 - MIE TIG Week: What is Social Justice? by Nicole Clark01/18 - Calling all aea365 readers: What do YOU want to read more about in 2020? by Sheila B Robinson01/17 - ICCE TIG Week: Cross-analysis of evaluation reports for broader learning by Sandra Nkusi01/16 - ICCE TIG Week: Innovative M&E: testing interactive voice response (IVR) for rapid, mobile data collection by Nichelle Walton01/15 - ICCE TIG Week: Reflecting on evaluators’ responsibilities for social change by Rosie Emerson01/14 - ICCE TIG Week: The evolution from evaluators to evaluative thinkers: evaluative thinking with the Open Government Partnership by Kari Selander, Emma Jones, Soren Vester Haldrup and Claire Hutchings01/13 - ICCE TIG Week: New frontiers in African evaluation by Courtney Bolinson and Tiroyaone Kebalepile01/12 - ICCE TIG Week: 2019: ICCE TIG year-in-review by Shawna Hoffman and Xiaoxia Newton01/11 - Find Inspiration in the New Year01/10 - CREATE Week: Using the Problem-Solving Wheel to Prioritize Solutions by Abby Woods01/09 - CREATE Week: Assessment Equity: The Needed Shift from Standardization by Sheila Wilson01/08 - CREATE Week: Effective Evaluation Begins with Understanding the Scales of Measurement by Jacqueline Craven01/07 - CREATE Week: CAEP Content Validity Resource and Lessons Learned by Kevin Eakes01/06 - CREATE Week: Leveraging Emerging Technologies to Produce Efficient Evaluation Practices by Sean Owen01/05 - CREATE Week: Creating Evaluation Reports that are 508 Compliant by Stacy Leggett01/03 - AaEA Week: Building Evaluation Pro Bono in the Atlanta Community by Charlotte Newman and Lauren Reef01/02 - AaEA Week: Using M&E for Conservation and Peacebuilding by Amanda Woomer01/01 - AaEA Week: Utilizing Culturally Responsive Evaluation for Education by Olivia Halls, Shanice Bennerson, and Shanesha Brooks-Tatum2019 (358)12/31 - AaEA Week: Using CRM platforms in performance monitoring for consistent, reliable, and useful data by Scott Klisures, Colin Regan, and Gizelle Gopez12/30 - AaEa Week: Data Party Prep 101: data placemat and facilitation guide tips for throwing a successful data party by Omoshalewa Bamkole and Caitlin McColloch12/29 - AaEA Week: Atlanta-area Evaluation Association Week by Sarah Boyd12/28 - Happy New Year! 20 reasons to be excited about 2020 by Sheila B Robinson12/26 - Empowerment evaluation and value for money by Julian King12/25 - My Favourite Competencies by Kylie Hutchinson12/24 - Collecting cleaner data with query management by Diego Menchaca12/23 - Visualizing Your Data: Google’s (free) Data Studio by David Fetterman12/22 - Using the Google Search Engine to Find and Get Data: From Filetype to Public Data Explorer by David Fetterman12/21 - Realizing The Diversity Of My 2019 Evaluation-Related Assignments by Sara Vaca12/20 - RoE TIG Week: Incorporating Research on Evaluation into your Evaluation Projects by Miriam Jacobson12/19 - RoE TIG Week: Lessons from Research on Evaluation for/of System Change by Emily Gates and Francisca Fils-Aime12/18 - RoE TIG Week: What Do Evaluators Mean by “Context?” by Sarah Mason12/17 - RoE TIG Week: Evaluation Capacity Building Interventions & Sustainable Evaluation Practice: Research & Practice by Jay Wade12/16 - RoE TIG Week: The Influence of Gatekeeping in Evaluation by Travis R. Moore12/15 - RoE TIG Week: What is This Thing Called Theory Knitting? by Sebastian Lemire12/14 - 2 Digital Trends to Follow in 2020 by Jessica Byrnes12/13 - YFE TIG Week: Creating Youth Inclusive Spaces within Adult-Centric Events by Ross VeLure Roholt12/12 - YFE TIG Week: Assessing Social and Emotional Skills by Amy Hardeman12/11 - YFE TIG Week: Climbing Hart’s ladder: Methods for engaging youth in evaluation and decision-making by Cara Karter12/10 - YFE TIG Week: Dipping your toes into youth focused evaluation by Lizzie Esposito12/09 - YFE TIG Week: The Youth Opportunity Initiative by Elizabeth Kim12/08 - YFE TIG Week: Elevating Youth Focused Evaluation by Christen Pentek and Ross Velure Roholt12/07 - Lean Data in Action by Elizabeth DiLuzio, Christa Perfit, and Nate Mandel12/06 - NPF TIG Week: Building an Evaluation Ecosystem by Kellie Chavez-Greene and Steve Mumford12/05 - NPF TIG Week: Honest Feedback Supports Power Sharing Between Nonprofits and Grantmakers by Lisa Ranghelli12/04 - NPF TIG Week: Thinking differently to measure creative risk by Madeline Brandt12/03 - NPF TIG Week: The Teaching Case: A 360 Review for Evaluators and the Partners Who Love Them! by Mindelyn Anderson12/02 - NPF TIG Week: Building Capacity and Trust: Lessons Learned from The Healing Trust’s Advocacy Grantmaking Practice by Meredith Benton and Shannon Williams12/01 - NPF TIG Week: How do funders use data? By Chari Smith11/30 - Social Chatter at Eval19 by Jayne Corso11/30 - R Week: Using R to Create and Update Reports by Dana Wanzer11/29 - R Week: How We Moved Our Entire Team to R by Ava Elliott11/28 - R Week: Process Analysis: Determining Where to Begin with R by Tom McKlin11/27 - R Week: Process Analysis: Determining Where to Begin with R by Tom McKlin11/26 - R Week: Fundamental Data Tasks in R by Eric Einspruch11/25 - R Week: Getting Started with R by David Keyes11/24 - R Week: Introduction – How R has Transformed Our Work by This Week’s Authors11/23 - My elevator speech only goes to the second floor by Sheila B Robinson11/22 - Tools for evaluators conducting participatory and empowerment evaluations by Nicole Turcheti11/21 - Rising Impact Investment and the need for Harmonization of Measurements by Reagan Ronald Ojok11/20 - Should we have experts in evaluation teams? by Masahiro Igarashi & Maria Alice Christofoletti11/19 - Evaluating Alternative Futures by Rick Davies11/18 - Managing and Analyzing Focus Group Data by Beverly Peters11/17 - Moderating a Focus Group by Beverly Peters11/16 - Conclusions On Evaluators’ Reading Speed by Sara Vaca11/15 - Saying good-bye to #Eval19 by Sheila B Robinson11/14 - What Evaluators Can Learn from Improv by Maria Moeller11/13 - Silence is Golden – How to find stillness in the chaos by Melissa Chapman Haynes and the MNEA Board of Directors11/12 - Inspiring data excitement at Evaluation 2019 by Tia Bastian and Carolina De La Rosa Mateo11/11 - A place for solitude, community, and healing for attendees who identify as Indigenous, Black, and People of Color (IBPOC) at Evaluation 2019! by Elizabeth Taylor-Schiro/Bidabinikwe, Leah Peoples, Geri Lynn Peak, Ivan Lopez, Vidhya Shanker, and Dane Verret11/10 - National Native American Heritage Month and Active Reflection During Evaluation 2019 by Elizabeth Taylor-Schiro11/09 - #Eval19: Enjoy YOUR learning and help extend opportunities for OUR learning! by Sheila B Robinson11/08 - SIM TIG Week: Evaluators: You’re Invited To The Social Impact Party! by Jane Reisman and Leah Goldstein Moses11/07 - SIM TIG Week: Evaluation And Impact Investing: Webinar Series Explores Using Evaluative Thinking in Social Finance And Impact Investing by John Sherman11/06 - SIM TIG Week: Listening To Each Other: Achieving Impact Through The Private Sector In Emerging Markets by Debby Nixon Williams, Alyna Wyatt and Alisee de Tonnac11/05 - SIM TIG Week: Integrating Impact Management Into The Private Equity Lifecycle by Gwendolyn Zorn11/04 - SIM TIG Week: Grantmakers, Grantees and Evaluators Learning Together by Jill Lipski and John Fetzer11/03 - SIM TIG Week: Bridging, Translating and Welcoming Non-evaluators Into AEA, By The Leaders Of The SIM TIG11/02 - How a Lean Data Approach Can Change Your Effectiveness as an Evaluator by Elizabeth DiLuzio11/01 - TRE TIG Week: Approaches to community engagement in evaluation research to improve translation: Lessons learned from the field by Christina Welter10/31 - TRE TIG Week: Community Engagement Support Metrics within Translational Research10/30 - TRE TIG Week: Development and evaluation of a consistent rating tool for knowledge uptake and use: The Knowledge Uptake and Utilization Tool (KUUT) by Kelly Skinner10/29 - TRE TIG Week: Adapting a Framework: Moving from Evaluating Science to Evaluating Practice by Lianne Estefan10/28 - TRE TIG Week: Mapping out Translational Research Stories using the NIEHS Translational Research Framework by Kristi Pettibone10/27 - TRE TIG Week: Strengthening the Evaluation of the Clinical and Translational Science Awards by Tanha Patel10/26 - Reading Speed And Evaluation by Sara Vaca10/25 - ITE TIG Week: The Role of Evaluators in the Fourth Industrial Revolution by Valentine J Gandhi10/24 - ITE TIG Week: Designing a “Center” for M&E Practitioners on GitHub by Mala Kumar10/23 - ITE TIG Week: Decolonizing Data and Tech in Evaluation by Adeline Sibanda, Silvia Salinas and Veronica Olazabal10/22 - ITE TIG Week: Integrating Technology into the Evaluation of Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives by Eric Barela10/21 - ITE TIG Week: Research on Evaluation: Describing the Use of Technology in the Monitoring, Evaluation, Research, and Learning Space by Linda Raftree and Michael Harnar10/20 - ITE TIG Week: Digital Principles-Focused Evaluation Manifesto by Zach Tilton10/18 - Neutrality: A state of disassociation by Christen Pentek10/17 - Developing a Purposeful Presentation— What I learned Using My Favorite New Tools by Brittnee Hawkins10/16 - Advocacy vs Objectivity in Evaluation by Yuan(Linda) Zhou10/15 - Collaborative Mapping: A Participatory Technique for Understanding the Program by Steve Wallis and Bernadette Wright10/14 - Designing your Focus Group Questions and Questioning Route by Beverly Peters10/13 - Populating a Focus Group by Beverly Peters10/12 - The difference between “Magic” (I mean, Logic) Models and Theories of Change by Sara Vaca10/11 - BH TIG Week: Branding of evidence-based practices: What’s in a name? by Curt Mearns10/10 - BH TIG Week: Learning from Learning Collaboratives: Part II Sustainability by Amy Herschell10/09 - BH TIG Week: Learning from Learning Collaboratives: Part I Implementation by Shari Hutchison10/08 - BH TIG Week: When Promising and Best Practices are All We Have: Child Abuse Prevention in Schools by Marian Bussey10/07 - BH TIG Week: Some Reflections on Requirements for the Use of Evidence-based Practices by David Shern10/06 - BH TIG Week: To Publish or Not to Publish… by Elizabeth Oyer10/05 - Welcoming Elizabeth DiLuzio to the AEA365 team! by Sheila B Robinson10/04 - Public Speaking 101: Overcoming Stage Fright10/04 - Washington Evaluators Week: Say Yes: Make the Time to Volunteer by Patricia Moore Shaffer10/03 - Washington Evaluators Week: Fostering Student Engagement in Evaluation by Esther Nolton10/02 - Washington Evaluators Week: Strengthening and sustaining the evaluation community through organizational mentorship by Tamarah Moss10/01 - Washington Evaluators Week: Mentor Minutes – A Community-Building Initiative by Emily Bango09/30 - Washington Evaluators Week: Programming for Community Engagement by Melissa Chiu09/29 - Washington Evaluators Week: Why Evaluators Should Care About Building Community by Giovanni Dazzo09/28 - Utilize Social Media to the Fullest at Conferences by Jessica Byrnes09/27 - LAWG Week: Diversifying the field of evaluation by Veronica Deenanath and Erica Orton09/26 - LAWG Week: Dealing with and Overcoming Imposter Syndrome by Maira Rosas-Lee09/25 - LAWG Week: Finding your Community of Practice by Sandra Ayoo09/24 - LAWG Week: Building Community: Failures and creativity’s nexus, and a nod to MESI09/23 - LAWG Week: Building Community: Building the Minnesota Evaluation Community – Creative and Innovative Approaches by Jean A. King09/22 - LAWG Week: Building Community: Welcome to Minnesota! A LAWG welcome to the North Star State by Melissa Chapman Haynes and Tia Bastian09/21 - Preparing Picture Perfect Presentations by Sheila B Robinson09/20 - LA RED TIG Week: How you see Latina/o/x communities. Do you see Latina/o/x communities? by Grisel M. Robles-Schrader09/19 - LA RED TIG Week: Language Justice in Evaluation by Ana Paula Noguez Mercado, Ada Palotai and Susan Ghanbarpour09/18 - LA RED TIG Week: Evaluating Culturally-Specific Services in Latinx-Serving, Gender-Based Violence Organizations by Josephine V. Serrata & Rebecca Rodriguez09/17 - LA RED TIG Week: Let’s Talk About Race by Elizabeth DiLuzio09/16 - LA RED TIG Week: Latinx-LGBTQ Intersectionality – Implications for Culturally Responsive Evaluation by David Garcia and Gregory Phillips II09/15 - LA RED TIG Week: Centering Latina/o/x Voices in Evaluation Practice by Grisel M. Robles-Schrader and Robin Horner09/13 - MVE TIG Week: Military Evaluation Methods: Maintaining Rigor when Context Limits Design Choices by Stephen Axelrad and Lara Hilton09/12 - MVE TIG Week: Emerging Health Topic: Electronic Cigarette use Among Military Personnel by Rhodri Dierst-Davies09/11 - MVE TIG Week: Lessons Learned Working with the Military by Pam Imm and Abraham Wandersman09/10 - MVE TIG Week: Evaluation Capacity Building in Military Health Evaluation and Beyond by Lara Hilton09/09 - MVE TIG Week: Being at the “tip of the spear” of important social issues: Why evaluators should pay attention to the military in understanding and contributing to positive social change? By Stephen Axelrad09/08 - MVE TIG Week: Military and Veterans Topical Interest Group Sponsored Sessions at AEA 2019 by Rhodri Dierst-Davies09/07 - Making Bibliography Sections More User-Friendly by Sara Vaca09/06 - Labor Day Week: Laboring to Make Evaluation More Welcoming, Equitable, and Inclusive by Nora Murphy Johnson09/05 - Labor Day Week: Rodney Hopson: Teacher, Mentor, Learner by Nora Murphy Johnson09/04 - Labor Day Week: Tales from the Ingle Award Files by Jean A. King09/03 - Labor Day Week: Deepening our cultural understanding and competency by Stephanie Evergreen09/02 - Labor Day Week: Saving AEA in 1998 by Donna Mertens09/01 - Labor Day Week: Honoring and appreciating those who have labored on behalf of the evaluation profession by Michael Quinn Patton08/31 - Prepping a Presentation for Evaluation 2019? Practice, create, practice, create, and don’t forget about the elevator! by Sheila B Robinson08/30 - Contribution, Leadership, and Renewal: Perspective from a path less traveled by A. Rafael Johnson08/29 - Contribution, Leadership, and Renewal: Perspectives of three newly trained evaluators by Carolina De La Rosa Mateo, Audrey Hanson, and Lindsay Anderson08/28 - Contribution, Leadership, and Renewal: Centering Indigenous Voices by Elizabeth Taylor-Schiro and Nicole Bowman08/27 - Contribution, Leadership, and Renewal: Centering Youth Voices in Evaluation by Annie Nguyen08/26 - Contribution, Leadership, and Renewal: What we focus on becomes our reality by Melissa Chapman Haynes Part II08/25 - Contribution, Leadership, and Renewal: What we focus on becomes our reality by Melissa Chapman Haynes Part I08/24 - My 8 Tips (To Myself) To Try To Make My Consultant Life (Physically and Mentally) Healthier by Sara Vaca08/23 - A first timer’s guide to getting the most out of the annual AEA conference by Darla Scott08/22 - The Wisdom of Youth by Richard Chase08/21 - Measuring Your Mission by The Evaluation Team at MHP Salud08/20 - Focus Group Planning by Beverly Peters08/19 - Focus Groups: The Right Tool for Me? By Beverly Peters08/18 - New tools to help foster grantmaker-grantee shared learning by Andrew Taylor and Ben Liadsky08/17 - Tips for Conference Speakers by Jessica Byrnes08/16 - CD TIG Week: Lessons Learned regarding In-House Research, Evaluation and Learning by Catherine Dun Rappaport08/15 - CD TIG Week: Evaluation in Partnership with Communities by Audrey Jordan and Tom Kelly08/14 - CD TIG Week: Evaluation as Tool to Prioritize Community in Community Economic Development Projects by Roman Katsnelson08/13 - CD TIG Week: Using Evaluation to Guide Foundations on Community Development By Douglas Easterling08/12 - CD TIG Week: Lesson Learned from Foundation, Multi-site, and Community-based Organization Evaluation by Tom David08/11 - CD TIG Week: On the Meaning of Change in the Evaluation of Community Change Initiatives by David Chavis08/09 - MIE & La RED TIGs Week: Community Engagement in Evaluation by Grisel Robles-Schrader08/08 - MIE & La RED TIGs Week: The Cultural is Political by Satlaj Dighe08/07 - MIE & La RED TIGs Week: No Tricks, Real Talk on Healing Racialized Trauma on the Evaluator’s Path by Geri Peak08/06 - MIE & La RED TIGs Week: Fostering Diversity and Inclusion in AEA Leadership by Eric Barela and Lisa Aponte-Soto08/05 - MIE & La RED TIGs Week: Diversity TIGs provide Connections and Leadership Opportunities by Asma Ali08/04 - MIE & La RED TIGs Week: Welcome to MIE & La RED AEA 365 Week by Ayesha Boyce08/03 - AEA’s Potent Presentations Initiative (p2i): Priceless for Presentation Planning! by Sheila B Robinson08/02 - LAWG Week: Engaging Youth to Improve Program Quality by Stella SiWan Zimmerman08/01 - LAWG Week: Afterschool Programs: Young People are Evaluation Experts by Cheryl Meld07/31 - LAWG Week: MNEA and Youth Evaluation by Lauren Bloem07/30 - LAWG Week: Centering Youth by Claire Dunlap07/29 - LAWG Week: Evaluation Firms: Let’s Hire Youth! by Katie Fritz Fogel and Selam Tilahun07/28 - LAWG Week: WOPASI: Indigenous Youth Research & Development Center by Wakinyan LaPointe07/27 - Creating Compelling Content by Cady Stokes07/26 - CEA Affiliate Week: Swapping Speakers Builds Knowledge and Community: The Simple Magic of a Speakers’ Exchange by Asma M. Ali, Amelia Kohm and Matt Feldmann07/25 - CEA Affiliate Week: Committing to Building Local Evaluation Capacity for International Projects by Casey Solomon-Filer07/24 - CEA Affiliate Week: Evaluating informal learning in Chicagoland and beyond By Rebecca Teasdale, Lindsay Maldonado, and Cecilia Garibay07/23 - CEA Affiliate Week: Using process mapping to visualize program components by Cara Karter07/22 - CEA Affiliate Week: The LIVING Logic Model: A Logic Model Plugged Into Real-Time Data by Amelia Kohm07/21 - CEA Affiliate Week: CEA Speaker Series by Asma Ali and Rebecca Teasdale07/20 - My Favorite Features In Powerpoint And Illustrator for Creating Visuals by Sara Vaca07/19 - Beyond Theory: Locating Power in Culturally Responsive Evaluation Practice by are Jaimie Haugen and Jill Anne Chouinard07/18 - Evaluation: Everything Changes by Tom Grayson07/17 - Visualizing results from an evaluative rubric, Part II by Stephanie Chasteen07/16 - Visualizing results from an evaluative rubric, Part I by Stephanie Chasteen07/15 - Analyzing surveys with complex sampling designs? There’s an R package for that! By Monique Farone07/14 - Teachers Are Important Participants in Student-centered Interventions, Not Just Inputs by Bryan Hall and Danielle Fontaine07/12 - CDC Week: Using Funding Proposals as an Evaluation Lever by Dan Kidder07/11 - CDC Week: Reflecting on our Practice: CDC’s Evaluator Self-Assessment by Sarah Gill07/10 - CDC Week: User-Friendly, Accessible Guidance–Framework Checklists by Tom Chapel07/09 - CDC Week: CDC’s Evaluation Fellowship Program—Creating Infectious Agents for Good Evaluation Practice by Sarah Gill07/08 - CDC Week: CDC’s Evaluation Framework Turns 20! A Time for Reflection by Tom Chapel07/07 - CDC Week: CDC’s Path to Improving Program Evaluation by Dan Kidder07/06 - Show us your 2020 Vision! Let’s Rock the 2019 AEA Vote! by Sheila B Robinson07/05 - IC TIG Week: How does white fragility impact our evaluations? By Rita Fierro07/04 - IC TIG Week: Building Collaborative Communities for Systemic Change and Improvement by Tamara Hamai07/03 - IC TIG Week: Making Connections and Building Community as an Independent Consultant by Cate Samuelson07/02 - IC TIG Week: Testing the Waters through Part-time Consulting by Rocele Estanislao07/01 - IC TIG Week: Great (Master)minds Think Alike by Nina Sabarre06/30 - IC TIG Week: Boundless Teams; Endless Possibilities by Maria Viteri Vela and Robert Perez06/29 - Are You Listening? Social Listening Tips by Jayne Corso06/28 - A Look at Language Week: It’s Time to Move Away From Opaque Evaluation Concepts by Melissa Chapman Haynes06/27 - A Look at Language Week: Renaming Social Betterment by Jean King06/26 - A Look at Language Week: Beyond Competency by Michael Quinn Patton06/25 - A Look at Language Week: (On The Absence of) Whiteness by A. Rafael Johnson06/24 - A Look at Language Week: Tidying Evaluation of “Diversity” & “Culture” by Vidhya Shanker06/23 - A Look at Language Week: Words That Make Me Cringe by Nora Murphy Johnson06/22 - Hot Tips and Rad Resources for Summer Evaluation Learning by Sheila B Robinson06/21 - NA TIG Week: Saying It Visually! Participatory Photography for Needs Assessment and Asset Mapping by Madhawa “Mads” Palihapitiya06/20 - NA TIG Week: Measuring Necessity and Sufficiency by Ryan Watkins06/19 - NA TIG Week: Needs Assessments in City Planning: Examples from Four Cities – Saint Paul, Portland, Oklahoma City and Edmonton by Maurya West Meiers06/18 - NA TIG Week: Using a Logic Model Framework to Plan an Evaluation by Sue Hamann06/17 - NA TIG Week: Why Journal Articles about Needs Assessment (NA) Aren’t Plentiful? Excerpts from a 2018 AEA Ignite Session by Jim Altschuld06/16 - NA TIG Week: Community Based Participatory… Needs Assessment: Are you trying to tell me what I need??? by Lisle Hites06/15 - What Social Media Platform Is Best for You and Your Industry? by Jessica Byrnes06/14 - APC TIG Week: It’s Time to Evaluate 501(c)(4) Activities by Kat Athanasiades06/13 - APC TIG Week: Using Twitter to Track Narrative Change for Policy Advocacy Efforts by Laura Pryor & Heather Lewis-Charp06/12 - APC TIG Week: The Political Context: Paradoxical Observations by Nicole Robinson06/11 - APC TIG Week: Mitigating Advocacy Capacity Assessment Power Dynamics by Anne Gienapp and Sue Hoechstetter06/10 - APC TIG Week: How To Evaluate Actions Aimed To Improve Advocacy Capacity by Barbara Klugman06/09 - Advocacy and Policy Change TIG Week: Defensive Advocacy by Sarah Stachowiak and Joel Gutierrez06/07 - CP TIG Week: The Evolution of Action-Orientation in the Field of Community Psychology by Elizabeth McGee06/06 - CP TIG Week: Mentor Me by Ann Price06/05 - CP TIG Week: About Evaluating Health Promotion Efforts by LaShaune P. Johnson06/04 - CP TIG Week: What Moments Were CRITICAL? Reflection in Evaluation by Jonathan Scaccia and Paul Howard06/03 - CP TIG Week: Tips For Evaluating Community Inclusion Principles (II) by Susan M. Wolfe and Kyrah Brown06/02 - Community Psychology TIG Week: Tips For Evaluating Community Inclusion Principles (I)06/01 - What I Have Learned From Having A Website/Blog For 7 Years by Sara Vaca05/31 - Memorial Day Week: Extinctions and why Broadening Participation (BP) needs sunsetting and rethinking by Rodney Hopson05/30 - Memorial Day Week: Sustainability-Ready Evaluation by Andy Rowe05/29 - Memorial Day Week: Stranger (En)Danger: Continued Colonial Impacts on Kukuna Áhkuy by Waapalaneexkweew A.K.A. Nicole Bowman (Mohican/Lunaape)05/28 - Memorial Day Week: Memorializing Forests of the Pacific Northwest by Beverly Parsons05/27 - Memorial Day Week: Humanity’s Game of Thrones in the Anthropocene by Glenn Page05/26 - Memorial Day Week: AEA365 on Remembering and Foreshadowing Extinctions by Michael Quinn Patton05/25 - Focus Groups by Sheila B Robinson05/24 - Lessons in Building Evaluation Weeks: Starting with Mexico, Broadening to Latin America, and Evolving to gLOCAL Evaluation Week by Emil Salim Miyar05/23 - gLOCAL Evaluation Week – Local Gatherings of Evaluation Stakeholders Around the Globe by Leo Lemes and Mariana Branco05/22 - What is evaluation? And how does it differ from research? by Dana Wanzer05/21 - Why You Should Consider Learning R By David Keyes05/20 - How to make Outcome Harvesting Gender-responsive and Equity-focused Part II by Awuor Ponge05/19 - How to make Outcome Harvesting Gender-responsive and Equity-focused Part I by Awuor Ponge05/18 - AEA’s 2019 Summer Evaluation Institute by Sheila B Robinson05/17 - SIM TIG Week: The most important impacts are not measurable—does that skew things? by Simon Dixon05/16 - SIM TIG Week: The unavoidable impact of impact by Nicole Martens05/15 - SIM TIG Week: Developmental evaluation provides outcomes in real-time by Olivia Rebanal05/14 - SIM TIG Week: How to best integrate respective areas of expertise toward a common purpose by Joanna Cohen05/13 - SIM TIG Week: Moving beyond scale: the importance of capturing feedback from your target audience by Sachi Shenoy05/12 - SIM TIG Week: How people in non-evaluation fields inform impact measurement, and how evaluation informs their work, by Irene Basile05/11 - Using Twitter at #SummerEval by Jessica Byrnes05/10 - Ed Eval TIG Week: The Program Evaluation Standards – Not Just for the Bookshelf… by Thanos Patelis and Emily Dickinson05/09 - Ed Eval TIG Week: Self-care for Leaders by Tiffany Squires05/08 - Ed Eval TIG Week: The Parallels Between Evaluation Methods and Blank’s Lean Startup Methods by Cathy Callow-Heusser05/07 - Ed Eval TIG Week: A People Vision by Amy Zilbar05/06 - Ed Eval TIG Week: Take this model and replicate it! by Leigh M. Tolley, Melanie Harrington, and Brady McKellar05/05 - Ed Eval TIG Week: A Community Approach for Informing and Advancing Educational Evaluation by Carrie Wiley05/04 - Why (Real) Participation Is A Still a Pipe-dream (So Far ) In My Evaluation Practice by Sara Vaca05/03 - SETIG Week: Systems in Evaluation Principles: The Lineages Project by Marah Moore and Beverly Parsons05/02 - SETIG Week: Using Guiding Principles to Strengthen Evaluator Practice by Pablo Vidueira05/01 - SETIG Week: Using Systems in Evaluation Principles to Support Analysis and Interpretation by Brandon Coffee-Borden04/30 - SETIG Week: Using Principles of Systems Thinking to Guide Evaluation Design by Meg Hargreaves04/29 - SETIG Week: Explaining the Systems in Evaluation Principles to Ordinary Folk by Michael Quinn Patton04/28 - SETIG Week: Principles for Effective Use of Systems Thinking in Evaluation: A TIG Milestone by Heather Britt04/27 - The Case for Curiosity by Kristin Fields04/26 - EPE TIG Week: Testing Ways to Inspire Conservation Action by Shuli Rank04/25 - EPE TIG Week: Discovering the Key Information that Makes a Difference in Behaviors by Jean Eells04/24 - EPE TIG Week: Evaluating Disruptors: Thoughts from Engagement with an Eco-village by Allison Van04/23 - EPE TIG Week: Rupu Gupta on Purposeful Partnerships to Create Equitable Connections with Nature04/22 - EPE TIG Week: The Importance of Developmental Evaluation in the Changing Energy Landscape by Katie Cary04/21 - EPE TIG Week: What’s Valuable about the Environment? by Bethany Laursen04/19 - Helping clients develop Theories of Change as an external evaluator (Part 2) by Stephanie Chasteen04/18 - Helping clients develop Theories of Change as an external evaluator (Part 1) by Stephanie Chasteen04/17 - There’s more to working independently than making your own coffee by Chelsea BaileyShea and Corey Smith04/16 - Introducing a Repository of STEM Education Evaluation Resources by Ann Martin, Kathy Haynie, David Fetterman, and Kimberle Kelly04/15 - Navigational Models – Confronting Conflation by Jacqueline Singh04/14 - Some R Packages, Tips, and Tools for Getting Started on Your Next Project by Jennifer Dolatshahi04/12 - IED UN Week: Lessons Learned by Demetra Arapakos04/11 - IED UN Week: A case in point – IED in action by Mona Fetouh04/10 - IED UN Week: Marvelous Methods! By Pankaj Verma04/09 - IED UN Week: Head on: Tackling the challenges IED faces in conducting its evaluations by Juan Carlos Peña04/08 - IED UN Week: Scoping it out! Scoping and planning evaluations in the United Nations by Sinduja Srinivasan and Srilata Rao04/07 - IED UN Week: Evaluating the United Nations Secretariat’s Work by Michael Craft and Sinduja Srinivasan04/06 - Lessons Learned from Applying for 100+ Evaluations by Sara Vaca04/05 - AZENet Week: Musing on Evaluator Competencies by Michel Lahti04/04 - AZENet Week: New Year Resolutions & Rethinking Data by Marisol Diaz04/03 - AZENet Week: Revisiting Dataviz & Reporting Fundamentals by Deven Wisner04/02 - AZENet Week: Educating for Empowerment & Impact by Scott Swagerty04/01 - AZENet Week: Renewing Your Strategies for Meaningful Collaboration by Jenny McCullough Cosgrove03/31 - AZENet Week: Re-Focusing on the Fundamentals by Jenny McCullough Cosgrove, Scott Swagerty, and Deven Wisner03/30 - 3 Tips for Working with Blog Contributors by Kristin Fields03/29 - Outcome Harvesting Week: Commissioning and Managing an Outcome Harvest: Optimizing participation and adaptation by Heather Britt03/28 - Outcome Harvesting Week: Outcome Harvesting: Revealing types and patterns of change over time by Barbara Klugman03/27 - Outcome Harvesting Week: Using Outcome Harvesting Principles to Enhance Equity and Inclusion by Heidi Schaeffer03/26 - Outcome Harvesting Week: Outcome Harvesting as a Monitoring Approach by Goele Scheers03/25 - Outcome Harvesting Week: Outcome Harvesting Principles by Michael Quinn Patton03/24 - Outcome Harvesting Week: What is Outcome Harvesting? Barbara Klugman, Heather Britt and Heidi Schaeffer03/23 - Creating Mobile-Friendly Content for Social Media by Jayne Corso03/22 - STEM TIG Week: Catalysts of Change: Out-of-School Time STEM Programs for Underrepresented Youth by Shetay Ashford-Hanserd, Garima Bansal, and Rosio Pedroso03/21 - STEM TIG Week: Tips for evaluating equity-focused STEM education programs that have good intentions but mixed results by Elizabeth Pierson, Sophia Mansori, Jamie Kynn, and Sara Greller03/20 - STEM TIG Week: Parallels of Evaluation and Project Management by Robin Taylor, Erin Burr, and Ann Martin03/19 - STEM TIG Week: Speaking Truth to Power in Three NSF Evaluation Contexts by Ayesha Boyce, Adeyemo Adetogun, Cherie Avent, and Grettel Arias Orozco03/18 - STEM TIG Week: Defying Stereotype Narratives on who can do STEM: Lessons from a Historically Black College and University (HBCU) by John Chikwem, Toks Fashola, Kevin Favor, and Monica Mitchell03/17 - STEM TIG Week: Building capacity of STEM evaluators: The landscape of people and resources in the field by Sophia Mansori, Tracy McMahon, Evangeline Ambat, and Leslie Goodyear03/16 - When to Post on Social Media – and Does It Matter? by Jessica Byrnes03/15 - Strengthening the Field of Philanthropic Evaluation by Clare Nolan and Meg Long by Clare Nolan and Meg Long03/14 - To Midpoint or Not to Midpoint: That is the Question by David Bernstein03/13 - Identifying scammers in online studies by Elizabeth Cook, Makedah Johnson, and Jennifer Manlove03/12 - One Course Fits All: Making Space for Program Evaluation Content in U.S. Higher Education Degree Programs: Teaching Reflections and a Call for Improvement by Brianna P. Lemmons03/11 - Perfecting Stakeholder Involvement by Mary Lou D’Allegro03/10 - Using remote sensing tools and Google Earth for evaluation purposes by Serdar Bayryyev03/09 - Ten Tips for Top-Notch Conference Proposals by Sheila B Robinson03/07 - DG TIG Week: Recent Developments in Outcome Harvesting – an Approach Tested on DRG Program Evaluation by Salome Tsereteli-Stephens03/06 - DG TIG Week: Broadening the Circle: Involving the Evaluated in Evaluation Process by Natalie Trisilla03/06 - DG TIG Week: Evaluating Complex Rule of Law Programs Using Contribution Analysis by Jeanette Tocol03/05 - DG TIG Week: Developing a Collaboration Tool to Assess Collective Action Coalitions by Martina Hrvolova and Elizabeth Lenz Jedwab03/04 - DG TIG Week: Exploring Power and Values in the Democracy and Human Rights Space by Giovanni Dazzo03/03 - DG TIG Week: Our Coming “Inflection” Point by Denise Baer03/02 - My “Home-Made” Evaluation Tools to Avoid Gender (and Equity) Blindness by Sara Vaca03/01 - FIE TIG Week: Applying Intersectionality to Program Theory: Gender-Based Violence & Violence Against Women by Vidhya Shanker02/28 - FIE TIG Week: Bridging the Divide: Gender-based Analysis Quality and Evaluation by Jane Whynot02/27 - FIE TIG Week: Data Is Not Objective: Feminist Data Analysis by Heather Krause02/26 - FIE TIG Week: The Rise and Grind of Women in Evaluation by Kathleen Doll, Nina Sabarre, and Libby Smith02/25 - FIE TIG Week: Evaluation in the Era of #MeToo by Kate Locke and Rose Konecky02/24 - FIE TIG Week: Excellent Sessions You Might Have Missed from the FIE TIG at AEA 2018 by Christine Bell02/23 - Take Advantage of Canva’s Latest Updates by Jayne Corso02/22 - MSI Fellowship Week: Reflections of an AEA MSI Fellow by Cynthia Gonzalez02/21 - MSI Fellowship Week: Teaching an Entry-Level Evaluation Course Incorporating Culturally Responsive Evaluation in a Professional Doctoral Program by Lu Liu02/20 - MSI Fellowship Week: Reflecting on Culturally Responsive Evaluation in Relationship to the Higher Education Context by Tiffany J. Davis02/19 - MSI Fellowship Week: Evaluation Challenges in Applying Cultural responsiveness by Tiberio Garza02/18 - MSI Fellowship Week: Counter-Life Herstories and Histories Elicit Cultural Context in Culturally Responsive Evaluation (CRE) by Shetay Ashford-Hanserd02/17 - MSI Fellowship Week: Teaching about Culturally Responsive Evaluation (CRE): What we can learn from listening to our students by Darla Scott02/16 - 2 Social Media Trends to Follow in 2019 By Jessica Byrnes02/15 - Post-Eval Action Plan Week: Following Up to Drive Change by Janet Mou Pataky and Diana Tindall02/14 - Post-Eval Action Plan Week: Promoting the Use of Action Plans Through Technical Assistance to Grantees by Robin Kuwahara and Maureen Wilce02/13 - Post-Eval Action Plan Week: Engaging Stakeholders in Action Planning by Amy Griffin02/12 - Post-Eval Action Plan Week: Use of Stakeholder Prioritization in Evaluation Action Planning by Kellie Baxter02/11 - Post-Eval Action Plan Week: Incorporating the Use of Post-evaluation Action Planning Into Program Planning by Judi Magaldi02/10 - Post-Eval Action Plan Week: Enhance Utilization with Post-evaluation Action Planning by Kylie Hutchinson02/09 - The 2019 Call for AEA365 Blog Posts by Sheila B Robinson02/08 - NME Week: Building Partnerships in Sexual Violence Prevention by Nancy Breton02/07 - NME Week – Introducing Evaluation: A View from One Museum by Tamara Grybko02/06 - NME Week: The Importance of Being Present by Scott Hughes02/05 - NME Week: “View From Inside”: A Brief Guidebook to Internal Evaluation by Deborah Good02/04 - NME Week: Context matters by Carlos Romero02/03 - NME Week: New Mexico (NM) Evaluators Week by Kathryn Lowerre02/02 - About Evaluation Matrixes by Sara Vaca02/01 - Gov’t Eval TIG Week: Website usability testing tips and resources by Elise Garvey01/31 - Gov’t Eval TIG Week: Evaluation Advisory Groups are the way to go, but planning is key by Chris Voegeli01/30 - Gov’t Eval TIG Week: Making the most of GAO’s online resources by Brooke Leary01/29 - Gov’t Eval TIG Week: Layering data placemat sessions by Elise Garvey01/28 - Gov’t Eval TIG Week: Lessons Learned in Government Evaluation by David Bernstein01/27 - Gov’t Eval TIG Week: by Elise Garvey01/26 - Keep Your Social Content Mobile by Jayne Corso01/25 - Getting Great Data Week: Assessing Organizational Data Quality by Morgan Buras-Finlay and Eric Barela01/24 - Getting Great Data Week: What if everyone owns the data? by The Improve Group01/23 - Getting Great Data Week: Capacity building with funders: Lessons learned from helping nonprofits build data systems by Nick Arevalo01/22 - Getting Great Data Week: Finding the Right Data System Vendor with a Rockin’ RFP by Corey Newhouse01/21 - Getting Great Data Week: How to Have Great Data: When People and Technology Both Do Their Part by Taj Carson01/20 - Getting Great Data Week: Lessons learned on collecting great data by Betsy Block01/18 - Evaluation Accountability: Why Share Early Artifacts of an Evaluation by Goldie MacDonald and Jeff Engel01/17 - Should we be having FUN with evaluation? By Wendy Tackett01/16 - Take time to consider the role of racialization when evaluating STEM interventions by Dawn Henderson, Chad Markert, and Breonte Guy01/15 - Helping Organizations Understand Data and Relationships with Clients by Alex Fink01/14 - Navigating Organizational Politics and Paving the Way for Real Organizational Change by Cynthia Cortez01/13 - The Classroom as Clinical Laboratory: Reflections on Community-Based Participatory Narrative Medicine by Jonathan Chou and Ianthe Schepel01/12 - Calling all aea365 readers: What do YOU want to read more about in 2019? by Sheila B Robinson01/11 - SEA Affiliate Week: What Evaluation and Weight Watchers Have in Common: Evaluation as Accountability by Tatia Prieto01/10 - SEA Affiliate Week: Embracing Your Role as a Delegator by Sheena Horton01/09 - SEA Affiliate Week: Tips for Engaging Stakeholders in Logic Modeling by Moya Alfonso01/08 - SEA Affiliate Week: “Jazzing Up” Evaluation Reports by Rhonda Williams01/07 - SEA Affiliate Week: Staying Sane While Growing Your Evaluation Business by Megan Hartman01/06 - SEA Affiliate Week: Prioritizing and Planning Your Personal Professional Development by Sheena Horton01/05 - 7 Tips To Get Started with Data Visualization by Sara Vaca01/04 - IE TIG Week: Building a Learning Culture via Communities of Practice by Molly Chen and Sarah Frazer01/03 - IE TIG Week: Using Evaluation of Service Geography for Organizational Improvement by Matan BenYishay and Allison Guarino01/02 - IE TIG Week: You’re Invited! How Data Parties Contribute to a Culture of Participation in Internal Evaluation Activities by Omoshalewa Bamkole01/01 - IE TIG Week: Combining Evaluation with Process Improvement for Organizational Improvement by Jessica Cargill2018 (359)12/31 - IE TIG Week: The case for Developmental Evaluation Frameworks by Lauren Bloem12/30 - IE TIG Week: Empowering Staff with the Tools to Improve Their Programs by Ali Holstein12/29 - Reflections on My Year as AEA President by Leslie Goodyear12/28 - Evaluation Reporting with Adobe Spark by Ouen Hunter and Emma Perk12/27 - Putting values into evaluative practice – Part II by Alison Miranda12/26 - Understanding values in evaluation – Part I by Alison Miranda12/25 - Blue Evaluation by Kylie Hutchinson12/24 - Supporting Individual Client Goals by Laura Beals and Aaron Gunning12/23 - Lessons Learned: How to Compare Evaluation Approaches of Botswana Innovation Actors by Pierce Gordon12/22 - Three Trends to Watch for on Facebook in 2019 by Jayne Corso12/21 - SNA TIG Week: Going beyond the graph – Tools to increase interest in the results of SNA by Sophia Guevara12/20 - SNA TIG Week: Researchers making use of SNA in healthcare, care coordination and fraud investigations by Sophia Guevara12/19 - SNA TIG Week: Is There A Divide Between SNA Data And Traditional Evaluation Data? by Simon Geletta12/18 - SNA TIG Week: An Introduction to Network Canvas by Gregory Phillips12/17 - SNA TIG Week: Is It A Small World After All? by Dr. Abhik Roy12/16 - SNA TIG Week: A Little History by Maryann Durland12/15 - Introducing… the New AEA365! by Jessica Byrnes12/14 - YFE TIG Week: Youth at the Center of MERL Practices by Pia Saunders Campbell and Alejandra De Freitas12/13 - YFE TIG Week: Advancing Youth Equity through YPE by Nou Yang12/12 - YFE TIG Week: Co-leading evaluations with youth by Cara Karter and Julian Brown12/11 - YFE TIG Week: Engaging young people in online consultations using Slack by Dr. Natasha Koustova and Kimberly Bowman12/10 - YFE TIG Week: Purple slushy data points: lessons learned from program evaluation in high school settings by Scott Mengebier12/09 - YFE TIG Week: Establishing and Maintaining Child and Youth Advisory Committees by Mónica Ruiz-Casares12/08 - Sharing My Evaluation Doubts (II) by Sara Vaca12/07 - HPEER TIG Week: Evaluating Inter-professional Quality Improvement Education: Lessons Learned from Continuing Education Programs in the Health Professions by Asma M. Ali and Francis Kwakwa12/06 - HPEER TIG Week: Creating a Model for Student-Led, Online Peer Education in Medical School by Andrew Nelson12/05 - HPEER TIG Week: Empowering medical students through diversity and inclusion work by Ann Blair Kennedy12/04 - HPEER TIG Week: Mapping Assessments to Licensing Exam Content Areas Utilizing the Model for Collaborative Evaluation by Davina M. DeVries12/03 - HPEER TIG Week: Strategies for getting started with evaluation in HPE by Donna Lancianese12/02 - HPEER TIG Week: What’s the Latest in Health Professions Education Evaluation and Research? By Anne Vo, Asma Ali, Jessica Harlan, and Patrick Barlow12/01 - Call for Submissions for the Canadian Evaluation Society’s 40th National Conference by Nancy Carter, Andrealisa Belzer and Louise Adongo11/30 - EERS Week: The Swimmy Model – Strategic Partnerships to Survive in a Changing Evaluation Market by Kirk Knestis11/29 - EERS Week: The Voldemort Effect by Jennifer Hamilton11/28 - EERS Week: Planning Study Sample Sizes by Eric Hedberg11/27 - EERS Week: Evaluating in the Midst of Complexity by Patricia Moore Shaffer11/26 - EERS Week: Adapt!: Lessons for evaluation from the #AdaptDev community by Tom Archibald11/25 - EERS Week: Evaluators as Codebreakers: How to Build a Culture of Evaluation by Elizabeth Grim11/24 - Reflections on #Eval18 by Jayne Corso11/23 - Challenges of sharing truth through evaluation in the non-profit sector and strategies that are proven to work by Alicia McCoy11/22 - Hot tips for building the evidence base around gender through evaluations by Emily Springer11/21 - Achieving Greater Impact By Starting with Learning by Andrew Taylor and Ben Liadsky11/20 - Evaluating Balance Between Work and Life: A Worthy Effort by Lisa Moore and Sy Islam11/19 - Mentoring Initiatives for Young and Emerging Evaluators by Evan Poncelet11/18 - Introducing the Checklist of Key Considerations for Development of Program Logic Models by Goldie MacDonald11/17 - Post-conference Hot Tips, Cool Tricks, and ways to Get Involved! by Sheila B Robinson11/16 - DVR TIG Week: Dashboarding for continuous improvement: a preview of an upcoming field guide by Veronica S. Smith11/15 - DVR TIG Week: Speaking Truth to Power Through Data Visualization: Strategies for Engaging, Designing, and Sustaining Success by Robert Blagg, Todd Franke, and Jonathan Litt11/14 - DVR TIG Week: TIG Data Visualization by Fiona Remnant11/13 - DVR TIG week: Conveying Constituent Voice: Two New Data Viz Techniques to Try by Elizabeth DiLuzio11/12 - DVR TIG Week: Meet Them Where They Are: Adjusting Data Visualization to Resonate with K–12 Evaluation Stakeholders by Rachel L. Schechter11/11 - DVR TIG Week: Turning Reports into Stories by John Nash, Jenny Lyons, and Kasey Gordon11/10 - Sharing My Top 10 Evaluation Doubts by Sara Vaca11/09 - BH TIG Week: Lessons Learned from Evaluating a 5-year Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) Program: Integration of Behavioral Health Services in Medical Settings by Sindy Bolaños-Sacoman11/08 - BH TIG Week: Maximizing the Value of GPRA Data for Day-to-Day Decision Making by Jennifer Battis11/07 - BH TIG Week: Lesson Learned: Simplify Paperwork by Terrence Tutchings11/06 - BH TIG Week: Hot Tip: Don’t Stop “Doing GPRA” by Terrence Tutchings11/05 - BH TIG Week: Some Thoughts About Using GPRA Data for Local Evaluation by Lisa Melchior11/04 - BH TIG Week: GPRA Reporting by Kathleen Ferreira and Roger Boothroyd11/03 - Using Twitter at #Eval1810/31 - Hilton Cleveland Downtown and Convention Center are Art-astic! by Sheila B Robinson10/30 - AEA Pre-conference workshops are underway! by Sheila B Robinson10/29 - Things NOT To Do! (;-P) At The AEA Conference by Sara Vaca10/28 - Engaging with TIGs at Evaluation 2018 by Leigh M. Tolley10/27 - Hellooo Cleveland! Here we come…Evaluation 2018 is here! by Sheila B Robinson10/26 - Reflections on Privilege When Working with Latin@ Communities: Perspectives from a Student Evaluator by Sarah Fleming10/25 - The Value of an Independent Evaluation Advisory Group for Developmental Evaluators by Barbara Klugman10/24 - Cultural responsive evaluation in reproductive health programs targeting Latinos by Maritza Concha10/23 - Breathing Life Into a Living Document: PDTIG Strategic Plan by Jacqueline Singh10/22 - Getting good survey data from youth by Betsy Olson10/21 - How Miriam’s Kitchen (a non-profit) is overcoming challenges of building a truthful evaluation practice by Andrea Scallon10/20 - Tips for Using the Evaluation 2018 Mobile App by Jayne Corso10/19 - SIM TIG Week: How to Integrate Gender-Based Analysis Plus (GBA+) into Impact Measurement Practice by Victoria Carlan10/18 - SIM TIG Week: Evaluating Social Impact with a Participatory Mixed Method by Carter Garber10/17 - SIM TIG Week: Driving the Measurement of Social Investment towards 2030: Integrating the SDG’s into Impact Investment Monitoring Systems by Debby Nixon Williams, Noel Verrinder and Kagiso Zwane10/16 - SIM TIG Week: Using poverty data to speak truth to power in Impact Investing by Heather Esper10/15 - SIM TIG Week: Bridging evaluation and impact measurement and management, by Sara McGarraugh, Leah Goldstein Moses and Ben Fowler10/14 - SIM TIG Week: Evaluator Engagement in the Evolution of Social Impact Measurement by Jane Reisman and Alyna Wyatt10/13 - Promoting Critical Thinking with the Six Thinking Hats applied to Evaluation by Sara Vaca10/12 - ICCE TIG Week: Data privacy starts at the design phase! By Linda Raftree10/11 - ICCE TIG Week: Boundaries in International Evaluation by Michele Tarsilla10/10 - ICCE TIG Week: Invisibility in Evaluation by Stephen Porter10/09 - ICCE TIG Week: Evaluation, Truth and Accountability – the Case of Climate Change Mitigation by Scott Chaplowe10/08 - ICCE TIG Week: Can big data be used in evaluation? By Claudia Lopes and Shravanti Reddy10/07 - ICCE TIG Week: End-User Feedback in Speaking Truth to Power By Veronica Olazabal10/06 - Social Media Tips for Conference Time by Jessica Byrnes10/05 - NPF TIG Week: Speaking Truth to Power as an Internal Evaluator in the Non-Profit Space by Valerie Ehrlich10/04 - NPF TIG Week: How to build advocates’ evaluation capacity–start with the advocates! by Sue Hoechstetter10/03 - NPF TIG Week: Stakeholders Come First: Reflecting on Lessons Learned from Prioritizing Truth in Evaluations by Jessica Robles, Nitya Venkateswaran, and Jay Feldman10/02 - NPF TIG Week: Peeling Back Layers of Truth-Telling: When Evaluation Findings and Outcomes Are Less-Than-Ideal or Unexpected by Shanesha Brooks-Tatum10/01 - NPF TIG Week: 3 Traps that Hold Back Sharing Truths in Philanthropy by Clare Nolan and Sonia Taddy09/30 - NPF TIG Week: Finding Meaning in the “Post-truth’ Era by Kelly Hannum09/29 - Hot Tips for #Eval18 First Time Conference Attendees by Sheila B Robinson09/28 - Applying Design Thinking in Evaluation by Asma M. Ali and Isabel P. Cuervo09/27 - Latin American Perspectives on the VOPE Toolkit by Gunter Rochow and Josette Arévalo09/26 - How VOPEs Support EvalAgenda2020 by Jennifer Bisgard09/25 - Evaluating in French: the “Réseau Francophone de l’évaluation” by Benoît Gauthier09/24 - How Can You Help to Establish, Institutionalize, and Grow a VOPE? by Benita Williams09/23 - What Are VOPEs? And How Do They Relate To Us As Evaluators? by Jim Rugh09/22 - Use LinkedIn to Make Connections at Evaluation 201809/21 - LA RED TIG Week: Beyond the zero-impact result: have you checked the spillover effects? By María Fernanda Rodrigo09/20 - LA RED TIG Week: Challenges and Opportunities of Disaggregated Data by Rasec Niembro09/19 - LA RED TIG Week: Evaluar con confianza es mejorar / Evaluation with trust is improvement by Susana Morales09/18 - LA RED TIG Week: Evaluators as Allies by Asma M. Ali and Grisel M. Robles-Schrader09/17 - LA RED TIG Week: Understanding Systemic Trauma When Working With Latinx Communities by Josephine V. Serrata, Gabriela Hurtado Alvarado, & Laurie Cook Heffron09/16 - LA RED TIG Week: Evaluation Approaches with Latinx Communities by Lisa Aponte-Soto, Grisel M. Robles-Schrader and Arthur Hernandez09/15 - Tell Me a Story: Tips for Interviewing and Being a Good Listener by Kristin Fields09/14 - LAWG Week: The Potential Impact of Twitter on Disseminating Evaluation Findings by Tania Jarosewich09/13 - LAWG Week: Graphical Excellence by Douglas Clay09/12 - LAWG Week: Great Lakes, Great Data: COVES implementation at The Great Lakes Science Center by Scott Vollmer09/11 - LAWG Week: Evaluation Without Borders: Giving Back During Evaluation 2018 by Seema Mahato09/10 - LAWG Week: Playhouse Square Welcomes You to Cleveland by Cindi Szymanski09/09 - LAWG Week: There is so much to see and do in Cleveland, you might want to stay a few extra days by Clara Pelfrey09/08 - Conducting Evaluations and Writing Reports: Same Object, Two Different Realms by Sara Vaca09/07 - Visualizing Meeting Outcomes: Using Data Visualization for Networking and Professional Organizations by Anthony Oboh and Sy Islam09/06 - Stakeholder Involvement and Collaboration in Evaluation by Lindsay Anderson09/05 - Six Conditions that Increase the Likelihood and Effectiveness of Evaluators Speaking Truth to Power by Barbara Klugman09/04 - Translating Data into Consumable Infographics for Decision-Makers by Katherine Bergmann and Eryn Collins09/03 - Are you really coaching? by Betsy Block09/02 - Using Text Analysis to Identify New Areas of Improvement in Evaluation by Sy Islam, Michael Chetta, and Andrzej Kozikowski09/01 - AEA’s Potent Presentations Initiative (p2i): A Great Place to Start Presentation Planning! by Sheila B Robinson08/31 - Theory & Practice Week: Getting to Know You: The Necessity of Evaluator Reflection by Cherie Avent08/30 - Theory & Practice Week: What’s real!?! How your Understanding of Reality Can (and does) subconsciously Affect your Methods by Justin Long08/29 - Theory & Practice Week: Theory, Methodology, and Application by J. R. Moller08/28 - Theory & Practice Week: Evaluation theory and practice: Two halves of the same body by Adeyemo Adetogun08/27 - Theory & Practice Week: Chicken or the egg: Evaluation theory and practice by Jeremy Acree08/26 - Theory & Practice Week: Advanced Studies in Evaluation Theory by Ayesha Boyce08/25 - Creating a Social Media Content Calendar by Jayne Corso08/24 - WE Affiliate Week: Evaluation and Foreign Affairs: Evaluating Diplomacy in the 21st Century by Stephanie Cabell08/23 - WE Affiliate Week: The Politics of Evaluation and the Evaluation of Politics by Linda Stern08/22 - WE Affiliate Week: How Do We Know If Our Advocacy Is Making a Difference … or Not? By Carlisle Levine08/21 - WE Affiliate Week: Fostering the Intersection between Evaluation and Performance Management to Enhance Learning from Both by Cheryl Oros08/20 - WE Affiliate Week: Encouraging the Next Generation of Evaluators: The Washington Evaluators New Professional Scholarship by Shannon Williams, Allison Schachter and Tyler Spenser08/19 - WE Affiliate Week: Using Social and Behavior Insights to Improve Outcomes by Stephanie Cabell08/18 - Let’s Play Evaluation Conference Trivial Pursuit! by Sheila B Robinson08/17 - CEA Week: Partnerships for Networking and Evaluation Capacity Building by Lisa Aponte-Soto08/16 - CEA Week: Evaluating Community Engagement Support & Resources by Grisel M. Robles-Schrader and Keith A. Herzog08/15 - CEA Week: Alternate Local Affiliate Experiences by Matt Feldmann08/14 - CEA Week: Valuing Youth Voices in Evaluation by Amanda Lambie, Cara Karter, and Michelle Lopez08/13 - CEA Week: Fostering a Learning Community to Improve the Health and Well-Being of Sexual and Gender Minority (SGM) Populations by Dylan Felt and Peter Lindeman08/12 - CEA Week: Living and Learning with A Local AEA Affiliate by Asma Ali and Leah C. Neubauer08/11 - Are You Following #Eval18? By Jayne Corso08/10 - Detecting Fraudulent Responses to Online Surveys by Laura Beals and Barbara Perry08/09 - The core of evaluation: Evaluative Thinking by Tom Grayson08/08 - Measuring and Evaluating the Impact of Learning Interventions in Organizations by Stephen J. Gill08/07 - Towards a “post p < 0.05 era” by Tamara Young08/07 - Assessing the Feasibility of Conducting a Retrospective Impact Evaluation by Larry Dershem, Ashley Bishop, and Brad Kerner08/07 - Mentoring Future Evaluators by Beverly Peters08/04 - Summer Social Media Tips by Jessica Byrnes08/03 - EEE TIG Week: Tom Archibald on Whose Extension Counts?08/02 - EEE TIG Week: Teresa McCoy on Agile & Lean Evaluation Capacity Building (AL-ECB)08/01 - EEE TIG Week: Chris Okafor on Assessing Farmer Knowledge Before and After Training Using the Ballot Box Test07/31 - EEE TIG Week: Chelsea Hetherington on Evaluating the Impact of Extension Pre-college Programs07/30 - EEE TIG Week: Mary Arnold on Program Quality Matters for Youth Development07/29 - EEE TIG Week: Alda Norris and Kendra Lewis on Extending your Evaluation Education07/27 - CP TIG Week: To Liberate and Be Liberated: A Commitment to Realizing Freedom by Tiffeny Jimenez07/26 - CP TIG Week: Cool Trick for Infusing Community Psychology Values into the Evaluation Synthesis Process by Susan Staggs07/25 - CP TIG Week: Commitment to Collaboration by Sharon Wasco07/24 - CP TIG Week: Principled Practice by Brian Hoessler07/23 - CP TIG Week: Evaluation as Social Intervention by Jeff Sheldon07/22 - CP TIG Week: Reflections on Speaking Truth to Power by Ann Price07/21 - Rockin’ the 2018 AEA Vote! by Sheila B. Robinson07/20 - LAWG Week: Evaluation 2018 from a Systems Thinking Perspective by Jan Noga07/19 - LAWG Week: Community Outreach and Engagement in Cleveland by Michelle Davis07/18 - LAWG Week: Learning from Non-Visitors to the Cleveland Museum of Art by Elizabeth Bolander07/17 - LAWG Week: Cleveland Rocks! by Matt Linick07/16 - LAWG Week: A Culture of Learning by Myron Marshall07/15 - LAWG Week: Welcome to Cleveland LAWG Week! By Lana Rucks07/14 - AEA Events Manager Shares her Excitement for Evaluation 2018 by Kelly Laurie07/13 - CREATE Week: CAEP Rubric Creation and Revision: A Basic Refresher on Measurement Concepts by Jacqueline Craven07/12 - CREATE Week: Promoting Program-Evaluation Competency Through Doctoral Dissertations by C. Steven Bingham07/11 - CREATE Week: Project-Based Learning by Daina Lieberman07/10 - CREATE Week: The Definition of Insanity by John Fischetti07/09 - CREATE Week: Leveraging Emerging Technologies to Produce Efficient Evaluation Practices by Sean Owen07/08 - CREATE Week: Use of Program Evaluation Standards by Paula Egelson07/07 - Why It’s Important to Post Frequently on Social Media by Jayne Corso07/06 - IC TIG Week: Reaping What You Sow by Martha Brown07/05 - IC TIG Week: Evaluator as Translator by Melanie Hwalek07/04 - IC TIG Week: What is this thing deemed “value-added”? by Norma Martínez-Rubin07/03 - IC TIG Week: Saying Yes by Kate Clavijo07/02 - IC TIG Week: Finding New Evaluator Digs by Mary Nash07/01 - IC TIG Week: A Tiny Moment of Magnitude by Myia Welsh06/30 - Considering using an evaluation performance survey instead of disturbing my references (again) by Sara Vaca06/29 - EPTF Week: Evaluation Policy and Foundations: How the Work of Foundations can Help Inform Evaluation Policy and Vice Versa by Katrina Bledsoe06/28 - EPTF Week: Affecting Policy in the Public Sector by Tom Chapel06/27 - EPTF Week: Implementing the Evaluation Recommendations from the U.S. Commission on Evidence-Based Policymaking by Nick Hart06/26 - EPTF Week: How Evaluators’ Responses to Federal Register Notices Can be Most Useful to the Government by Demetra Smith Nightingale06/25 - EPTF Week: AEA’s Roadmap for Using Evaluation to Improve Government Performance by Stephanie Shipman06/24 - EPTF Week: How does AEA influence federal evaluation policy? By Nick Hart and EPTF members06/23 - Rad Resources for Connecting with Stakeholders by Sheila B Robinson06/22 - Using evaluation methods to improve program outcomes by Nicky Grist06/21 - Our Story is Their Story: Increasing community engagement in project monitoring in the community of Tumbit Melayu in Berau, Indonesia by Miki Tsukamoto06/20 - The Unwelcome Power of the Evaluator by Beverly Peters06/19 - Speaking Truth to Power – in AEA spaces by Martha Brown06/18 - Top 10 Considerations for Evaluation Capacity Building in Organizations (2/2) by Scott Chaplowe06/17 - Top 10 Considerations for Evaluation Capacity Building in Organizations (1/2) by Scott Chaplowe06/16 - Simple Tips for Reminding People That You are on Social Media by Jayne Corso06/14 - DEME TIG: Improving effectiveness and sustainability of disaster risk reduction interventions by Ramesh Tuladhar06/13 - DEME TIG Week: Incorporating Cultural Responsiveness into Disaster and Emergency Management Evaluation by Nnenia Campbell06/12 - DEME TIG Social Networking Among Citizen Scientists for Monitoring Environmental Contamination by Alicia Stachowski06/11 - DEME TIG Week: Getting Acquainted with Disaster and Emergency Management Evaluation and Research by Phung Pham and Jordan Freeman06/10 - DEME TIG Week: Evaluating Resiliency and Mental Health Training in Disaster Impacted Communities by Sue Ann Corell Sarpy06/08 - APC TIG Week: Evaluating the effects of NGO organizational change processes on Human Rights advocacy outcomes by Tosca Bruno-van Vijfeijken06/07 - APC TIG Week: What’s the role of local context in advocacy? Developing success factors from three case studies by Johanna Morariu, Katie Fox and Marti Frank06/06 - APC TIG Week: Building international teams to evaluate international advocacy initiatives by Carlisle Levine and Toyin Akpan06/05 - APC TIG Week: Using SNA to quantify and visualise relationships of power and influence in advocacy networks by Barbara Klugman06/04 - APC TIG Week: Evaluating a Dynamic Initiative by Susanna Dilliplane06/03 - APC TIG Week: Learning and evolving in advocacy and campaign evaluation by Rhonda Schlangen and Jim Coe06/02 - Facilitating the Use of Evaluations by Sara Vaca06/01 - Memorial Week in Evaluation: AEA’s first Public Policy Positions by Richard Krueger05/31 - Memorial Week in Evaluation: The pioneering evaluation of the international response to genocide in Rwanda by Niels Dabelstein05/30 - Memorial Week in Evaluation: Gunnar Myrdal’s pioneering study of racism in America and its influence on policy by Stephanie Evergreen05/29 - Memorial Week in Evaluation: The classic Nothing as Practical as Good Theory by Carol H. Weiss by Sharon Rallis05/28 - Memorial Week in Evaluation: The first national Head Start evaluations by Lois-ellin Datta05/27 - Memorial Week In Evaluation: A pioneering study of evaluation use by Michael Quinn Patton05/26 - Getting Connected at AEA: Small Fish, Big Pond by Zachary Grays05/25 - MVE TIG Week: Developing Indicators for Successful Veteran Transitions by Pat Clifford05/24 - MVE TIG Week: Conducting Needs Assessments in Military Settings by Julianne Rush-Manchester05/23 - MVE TIG Week: Creating A Reliable Assessment in Veteran Affairs (VA) by Erika Steele05/22 - MVE TIG Week: Engaging Military Stakeholders in Military Evaluations by Stephen Axelrad05/21 - MVE TIG Week: Collaborative Evaluations in Military Contexts by Julianne Rush-Manchester05/20 - MVE TIG Week: Using Case Studies to Improve Care for Veterans and the Nation by Annette L Gardner05/19 - Delivering Negative Evaluation Results (Part2) by Kylie Hutchinson05/18 - Delivering Negative Evaluation Results (Part 1) by Kylie Hutchinson05/17 - Turning ‘negative’ findings into a learning opportunity by Chari Smith05/16 - Toastmasters Tips on Delivering Negative Evaluation Findings by Bernadette Wright05/15 - Softening the Blow of Bad News by Glenn Landers05/14 - Attending to nuance with Qualitative Comparative Analysis by Maureen Hawes, Arlene Russell and Jason Altman05/13 - The Basic Necessities Survey: A simple and democratic method of measuring poverty by Rick Davies05/12 - How to Stand Out on Facebook by Jayne Corso05/11 - Ed Eval TIG Week: Applying Developmental Evaluation in the Education Sector by Chad Green and Keiko Kuji-Shikatani05/10 - Ed Eval Week: Evaluation Capacity Building of Pre-service Teachers by Garima Bansal05/09 - Ed Eval TIG Week: The Importance of High Quality Relationships for Promoting Use by Dana Wanzer and Tiffany Berry05/08 - Ed Eval Week: Recruiting and Working with Out-of-School-Time (OST) Programs by Andrea Beesley05/07 - Ed Eval TIG Week: Using Social Network Analysis to evaluate professional development for teachers by Valerie Ehrlich, Tim Leisman, Micela Leis, and Jeff Kosovich05/06 - Ed Eval TIG Week: Educational evaluation: A Diverse Field of Inquiry by Kelly Murphy05/05 - Refining Theories of Change by Sara Vaca and Lovely Dhillon05/04 - Theories of Eval TIG Week: Evaluation Paradoxes by Steve Powell05/03 - Theories of Eval TIG Week: Using Multiple Prescriptive Theories To Form a Descriptive Theory To Guide Your Practice by Eric Barela05/02 - Theories of Eval TIG Week: Application of the Fourth Generation or Constructivist Evaluation to Health Benefits of Moderate Drinking by Gisele Tchamba05/01 - Theories of Eval TIG Week: Teaching evaluation theory (to non-evaluators, in under two hours) by Jessica Shaw04/30 - Theories of Eval TIG Week: Making Sense of Evaluation Theory by Lori Wingate04/29 - Theories of Eval TIG Week: Evaluation Theories: Aids to the Evaluation Imagination by Lyssa Wilson Becho04/28 - Celebrating 3000 Lessons Learned, Hot Tips, Cool Tricks, and Rad Resources! by Sheila B Robinson04/27 - EPE TIG Week: Sustainability at AEA by Heather Dantzker04/26 - EPE TIG Week: Understanding Emotions and Behavior: Implications for Evaluation