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Commenting Guidelines

We are pleased to welcome you as a part of the American Evaluation Association’s (AEA’s) community! For over a decade AEA365 has been dedicated to highlighting tips, tricks, resources, and lessons learned by and for evaluators around the globe.

AEA365 is a thriving source for featured contributions from a diversity of evaluation perspectives, contexts, and settings. It is firmly rooted in AEA’s values of inclusiveness, diversity, and the continual development of evaluation professionals. By commenting on this blog, you agree that you have read and will follow the set of expectations and guidelines outlined in this code of conduct.

Please Note: Comments are monitored and must be approved by the curators, so you may not see your comment appear on the site immediately after posting. Should your post be deemed in violation of the expectations below, it may not be approved at all.

Commenting Expectations

  • Discussion is welcome. While not explicitly a discussion forum, polite exchange is welcome as it pertains to the daily postings.
  • Stay focused. Conversations should be relevant to the topic of the post. Off-topic and personal conversations or advertisements of any kind should be taken offline.
  • Be kind. Our valued contributors have taken time to compose posts and share their expertise. While you may be critical, we ask that you engage with something textual in the piece. Personal attacks will not be tolerated. Challenge ideas, not people.
  • Use appropriate language. Use of defamatory, abusive, profane, threatening and offensive language* will not be tolerated.

*Offensive language is defined as:

  • Slurs and jokes of any kind that focus on race, ethnicity, gender, religious, or sexual orientation.
  • Attribution to racial, ethnic, gender, religious or sexual orientation characteristics that promote devaluing of any member of society.
  • Promotion of anything that condones authoritarian values (political systems and practices that devalue any member of society).
  • Use of sexually explicit language, content, or imagery.

Please remember that information posted on the blog is available for all to see, and that your comments are subject to libel, slander, and antitrust laws. Please see the Legal Guidelines for more information.

With gratitude,

The AEA365 Team

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