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Wendy Limbert on Google Sites

My name is Wendy Limbert. I’m an independent evaluator (http://www.limbertconsulting.com) and am also affiliated with Collaborative Research Associates (http://www.cr-assoc.com/) . I gravitate toward research and evaluation projects related to non-profits and/or social policies affecting disadvantaged groups. I am always on the lookout for new articles and reports in my topic areas, new technology tools, and …

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Susan Kistler on AEA Conference Proposal Submission

My name is Susan Kistler, and I am the American Evaluation Association’s Executive Director. It is my pleasure to contribute each Saturday’s post to the aea365 blog. AEA’s Call for Proposals for our 2010 annual conference is now online at http://www.eval.org/eval2010/default.asp. We welcome submissions that explore the breadth and depth of the field – this …

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Stewart Donaldson on Interactive Conceptual Modeling

My name is Stewart Donaldson, and I am a Professor and Director of the Institute of Organizational and Program Evaluation Research at Claremont Graduate University. I have been helping programs and organizations develop theories of change and related types of conceptual frameworks to guide evaluations for more than 20 years.  One of the big challenges …

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Belle Brett on Selecting and Working with Evaluators

My name is Belle Brett and I founded my own consulting firm in 1999, Brett Consulting Group. As evaluators, we sometimes find ourselves in the position of advising clients or other business associates about choosing another evaluator (because of the nature of the project, budgets, timeframes, conflict of interest, etc.), my tip for today helps …

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Sarah Sadeghi on Free Management Library

My name is Sarah Sadeghi and I currently work as an Associate Evaluation Consultant at Assist Management Consulting, LLC. In my current role I have conducted data analysis and written evaluation plans for grants. Rad Resource: Having practiced evaluation in a number of different industries, I have realized the importance of understanding the unique factors …

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Jim Dudley on Letting Go of Rigid Adherence to What Evaluation Should Look Like

My name is Jim Dudley and I am a faculty member at UNC Charlotte. Currently, when I conduct evaluations, I tend to conduct small community evaluations that have a social justice component. Hot Tip: Recently, in working with a board of directors of a grassroots organization, I was reminded of how important it is to …

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