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Linda Lee on Using Visual Methods to Give Voice in Evaluations

I’m Linda Lee, partner in a Canadian social research and program evaluation company. We work in the public and not-for-profit sectors often evaluating programs that concern children and youth. Both in our work in Canada and internationally, we are frequently working in communities that have been marginalized, such as First Nations communities in Canada or …

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Bi Deng on the Utility of GIS

Hi, my name is Bi Deng. I am a doctoral student at Claremont Graduate University (CGU) studying Organizational Behavior with a co-concentration in Evaluation. Back in 2009, I attended a CGU workshop by our GIS specialist Warren Roberts and was blown away by the utility of GIS in social science research, particularly for evaluation projects. …

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Sheila Kohn on Using the AEA365 Blog as a Teaching Tool

Hello! My name is Sheila Kohn, and I teach Program Evaluation Methods at the University of Rochester’s Warner School of Education. I’d like to share a Cool Trick and Hot Tip for other evaluation educators. I was very excited by AEA’s announcement of a daily evaluation blog and have faithfully read each entry since January …

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Norma Martinez-Rubin on Mentorship and Involvement in AEA

My name is Norma Martinez-Rubin and I am an independent program evaluator, occasional trainer, and public health practitioner. Having chosen program evaluation as a second-career focus (www.EvaluationFocused.com) the necessity to ramp up, jump in, and practice the art and science of evaluation as best possible led me to revisit a career strategy to which I …

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Susan Kistler on Lessons Learned Using Online Survey Software

My name is Susan Kistler and I am AEA’s Executive Director. I contribute each Saturday’s post to the aea365 blog. This week, Lois Ritter and Tessa Robinette gave a great (free!) webinar for AEA comparing Surveymonkey and Zoomerang, helping to compare and contrast the two for potential new users. Building on their presentation, and from …

Susan Kistler on Lessons Learned Using Online Survey Software Read More »

Gene Shackman on Evaluation Resources Available on the Web

I’m Gene Shackman, an applied sociologist in Albany, NY. One of the main projects I work on is managing the website “Free Resources for Program Evaluation and Social Research Methods”, http://gsociology.icaap.org/methods/.  I also wrote a set of beginner guides about evaluation, describing, for the general public, various aspects of evaluation and it’s methods. I’ve been …

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Susan Menkes on Constructing Developmentally Sensitive Questions

My name is Susan Menkes, and I’m an Applied Developmental Psychology doctoral student at Claremont Graduate University (CGU) and received my Masters in Evaluation from CGU, as well.  My work has focused on applying developmental research to understand effective interview strategies with younger children when evaluating programs serving children and youth.  Below are some tips …

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Seth Kaplan & Sue Sarpy on Organizational Factors When Trying To Evaluate Training Initiatives

Hi!  We are Seth Kaplan and Sue Ann Sarpy.  Seth is an assistant professor of Industrial/Organizational Psychology at George Mason University, and Sue Ann is an assistant Principal of Sarpy and Associates, LLC and Clinical Assistant Professor of Environmental Health Sciences at Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine.  Today we will be …

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Boris Volkov on What (Internal) Evaluators Can Do to Advance Evaluation Capacity Building

My name is Boris Volkov, and I am Assistant Professor in Evaluation Studies at the University of North Dakota. I’m involved with internal evaluation (IE) and evaluation capacity building (ECB) so I’ll share couple relevant tips and resources. We know that the ECB practice is different from program evaluation. Obviously, the goal of ECB is …

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