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Susan Hibbard on Conducting Anonymous Focus Groups

Hello Colleagues. My name is Susan Hibbard and I am an Assistant Professor of Research & Evaluation at Florida Gulf Coast University. Through my work conducting research on evaluation, I experienced difficulty in recruiting participants for focus groups due to political sensitivity. I wanted to conduct focus groups with personnel who conduct program evaluations as …

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Aubrey Perry on Ensuring a Positive Practica Experience

Hello colleagues! My name is Aubrey W. Perry, a graduate student in the Community Psychology doctorate program at Portland State University. I have had the privilege of working on two evaluation practicum projects before completing my master’s requirements. Through the completion of these projects, I have learned several actions that can be taken to ensure …

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Judah Viola on Building Capacity to Succeed as an Independent Consultant

My name is Judah Viola and I am a Community Psychologist at National-Louis University in Chicago. I also manage an independent consulting practice specializing in program evaluation and collaborative community research. Whether boom or bust economy, it is never a bad time to build your own evaluation skills and capacity to provide value for clients. …

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Mario Lurig on Becoming a Survey Rockstar

I’m Mario Lurig, the Technical Training Manager at SurveyGizmo, an online survey software tool. Translation: I help evaluators become survey rockstars for their clients. Hot Tips: There are 3 unique questions that evaluators need to keep in the forefront of their mind when surveying respondents: Is there an easier way to get my data? How …

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Steve Kymes on Incorporating Economic Evaluation into Program Evaluation

My name is Steve Kymes and I am the Director of the Center for Economic Evaluation in Medicine (CEEM) at Washington University in St. Louis. At CEEM, we assist investigators conducting clinical or community based research design, and implement and conduct cost-benefit and cost-effectiveness studies. While it may often seem that conducting valid and credible …

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Susan Kistler on Survey Response Rate, Sample Size, Disclosure, from AAPOR

My name is Susan Kistler and I am AEA’s Executive Director. I contribute each Saturday’s aea365 post. Many years ago I taught survey and instrument design at the University of Minnesota, and survey methodology is an issue near and dear to my heart. Thus, this week, I want to share a few resources from the …

Susan Kistler on Survey Response Rate, Sample Size, Disclosure, from AAPOR Read More »

Poster Week: Karen Zannini Bull on Making Good Evaluation Decisions

I am Karen Zannini Bull, the Assistant Director of Distance Learning at Onondaga Community college and doctoral student at Syracuse University in Instructional Design, Development and Evaluation. My interests reside in Evaluation Theory and what comprises a good evaluation decision. With that in mind, I wanted to share lessons learned and a great resource for …

Poster Week: Karen Zannini Bull on Making Good Evaluation Decisions Read More »

Poster Week: Anna Douglas on Using Asynchronous Discussion Groups for Evaluation

Hi. My name is Anna Douglas and I’m a PhD student in Evaluation, Measurement, and Applied Research Methods at Purdue University. I’ve been using asynchronous discussion groups online to evaluate a new learning tool. Online asynchronous discussion groups are discussions through an online media where participants are responding to each other, but not simultaneously. While …

Poster Week: Anna Douglas on Using Asynchronous Discussion Groups for Evaluation Read More »

Poster Week: Shobha Mittal on Seeking a Higher Survey Response Rate

My name is Shobha Mittal and I am an independent consultant. Seeking a higher response rate on the surveys has always been tricky in the field of evaluation. Lessons Learned: Although there are many good references available to help evaluators impact the response rates, I have found that thinking like a respondent before seeking their …

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Poster Week: Kristy Jang on Resources for Data Collection

My name is Kristy Jang, and I am a Master’s student at the University of British Columbia, Canada. I am interested in evaluating educational programs in developing countries and professional development programs in higher education. Since last fall, I have had the pleasure to help evaluate a graduate-level professional development program which is based on …

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