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AEA365 contributor, Curated by Elizabeth Grim

DRG TIG Week: Process Tracing and Wicked Problems by Laura Adams and Sarya Sok

Hello, we are Laura Adams, a MEL Director at Pact, and Sarya Sok, Acting Team Lead for Applied Learning and Evaluation at the State Department’s Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor. We are fans of solving wicked MEL challenges in democracy, rights, and governance programs (aka pulling for the DRG underdogs with our MEL muscles).?

AEA’s Digital Data & Technology Working Group Week: Lessons from MERL for Digital Social and Behavioral Change by Nicola Harford

Hi, my name is Nicola Harford and I am Principal Consultant and Managing Director of iMedia Associates, a consulting company working with donors, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and local media houses in the Global South on social and behaviour change (SBC) interventions. iMedia started out in broadcast and print media—especially using radio and entertainment-education approaches for change—but with the advent of mobile phones and expanding internet access across the globe our clients are increasingly using digital channels and platforms including Instagram, WhatsApp, YouTube, Facebook, and TikTok.

AEA’s Digital Data & Technology Working Group Week: Responsible Data in the Digital Age by Talitha Hlaka

Hello there! I’m Talitha Hlaka, and I’m a communications officer at the Center for Learning on Evaluation and Results, in Anglophone Africa (CLEAR-AA). Over the past two years I’ve been supporting work to improve responsible data management in the Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) sector, in collaboration with MERL Tech. It’s been an amazing ride!

AEA’s Digital Data & Technology Working Group Week: (Re)shaping Evaluation with Insights from the MERL Tech Community by Linda Raftree

Hi all, I’m Linda Raftree and I have been leading the MERL Tech community of practice since 2014. MERL Tech is a term we use to describe technology-enabled Monitoring, Evaluation, Research, and Learning (MERL). Our vision is a world where the use of digital tools, technologies, and data for MERL in humanitarian, development, human rights, peacebuilding, and social impact programming is inclusive, ethical, responsible, safe, and sustainable.