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AEA365 contributor, Curated by Elizabeth Grim

Evaluation 2022 Feedback in Evaluation Working Group Week: Indigenizing Evaluation by Brittany Schulman

My name is Brittany Schulman, and I’m the Vice President of Indigenous Leadership & Educational Programs at Native Americans in Philanthropy. As an enrolled citizen of the Waccamaw Siouan Tribe, a traditional storyteller, and a results-driven educator, I’m committed to ensuring that Indigenous values are not only included but at the forefront in every conversation. …

Evaluation 2022 Feedback in Evaluation Working Group Week: Indigenizing Evaluation by Brittany Schulman Read More »

Evaluation 2022 Feedback in Evaluation Working Group Week: D@^N it! Stop Excluding Us in Evaluation by Kerry Thompson and Melanie Kawano-Chiu

Hi! We are Kerry Thompson, Inclusion & Accessibility Development Manager, and Melanie Kawano-Chiu, Director of Learning & Evaluation, at the Disability Rights Fund/ Disability Rights Advocacy Fund (DRF/DRAF).  We’re data geeks – and so much more.  I, Kerry, am a woman with the most marginalized disability in the world. And, I, Melanie, am a mom …

Evaluation 2022 Feedback in Evaluation Working Group Week: D@^N it! Stop Excluding Us in Evaluation by Kerry Thompson and Melanie Kawano-Chiu Read More »

Evaluation 2022 Feedback in Evaluation Working Group Week: A Decision-Making Voice for Millions: Humanitarian Programs Gather Feedback from the People They Serve by Melisa Sanmiguel

Greetings evaluators, my name is Melisa Sanmiguel, and I am the information lead at Kuja Kuja, a real-time feedback and accountability system that amplifies communities’ ideas and empowers active participation in the design and implementation of humanitarian services. Since 2016, Kuja Kuja has actively listened to over 2.2 million members of vulnerable communities in seven …

Evaluation 2022 Feedback in Evaluation Working Group Week: A Decision-Making Voice for Millions: Humanitarian Programs Gather Feedback from the People They Serve by Melisa Sanmiguel Read More »

Evaluation 2022 Feedback in Evaluation Working Group Week: Using Feedback as an Evaluation and Capacity-Building Tool by Dina Wilderson, Pablo Gaxiola, and Jennifer Laird

Hello, we are Dina Wilderson (Director of Learning & Evidence at REDF), Pablo Gaxiola (Director of Reintegration Programs at Goodwill of Silicon Valley), and Jennifer Laird (Senior Researcher at RTI). We’re here today to talk about an evaluation project we collaborated on that included participant feedback as a core component. Our three organizations, in addition …

Evaluation 2022 Feedback in Evaluation Working Group Week: Using Feedback as an Evaluation and Capacity-Building Tool by Dina Wilderson, Pablo Gaxiola, and Jennifer Laird Read More »

Evaluation 2022 Feedback in Evaluation Working Group Week: Examining the Relationship Between Feedback and Outcomes by Penny Huang

Hi. I’m Penny Huang, and I manage the Feedback Research Portfolio at Fund for Shared Insight. Shared Insight has long advocated that creating high-quality, client-focused feedback loops is the “right thing to do.” Its signature initiative, Listen4Good, has demonstrated that feedback is a “feasible thing to do.” Now, we are starting to see the results …

Evaluation 2022 Feedback in Evaluation Working Group Week: Examining the Relationship Between Feedback and Outcomes by Penny Huang Read More »

Evaluation 2022 Feedback in Evaluation Working Group Week: Welcome to Feedback Week! by Britt Lake and Melinda Tuan

Hello, AEA! We are Britt Lake, CEO of Feedback Labs, which seeks to make feedback the norm in aid, philanthropy, nonprofits, and government, and Melinda Tuan, Managing Director of Fund for Shared Insight, a national funder collaborative seeking to improve philanthropy by promoting high-quality listening and feedback in service of equity. Both our organizations are …

Evaluation 2022 Feedback in Evaluation Working Group Week: Welcome to Feedback Week! by Britt Lake and Melinda Tuan Read More »

DRG TIG Week: DRG Evidence and MEL Insights into Academic and Practitioner Efforts to Improve Solutions for Women and Girls by Tanyel Taysi and Salome Tsereteli-Stephens

We are Tanyel Taysi and Salome Tsereteli-Stephens from the American Bar Association Rule of Law Initiative. One of the programs our organization leads is Women and Girls Empowered (WAGE) with the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE), Grameen Foundation, and Search for Common Ground (Search).