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AEA365 contributor, Curated by Elizabeth Grim

IPE TIG Week: Opportunities for Connection and Celebration by Elizabeth Taylor-Schiro, Aneta Cram, Alex Jauregui-Dusseau, Nate O’Connor, January O’Connor, Nicole Bowman, and Mark Parman

Aaniin indinawemaaganag (Hello friends/colleagues). We are Elizabeth Taylor-Schiro/Biidabinikwe (Chair; Lac Courte Oreilles Chippewa & St. Croix Ojibwe), Aneta Cram (Program Chair; Ngāti Pahauwera, Ngāti Kahungunu iw), Alex Jauregui-Dusseau (Program Co-Chair; Navajo Nation), Nate O’Connor (Communications Chair), January O’Connor (Communications Co-Chair; Tlingit), Nicole Bowman (Policy Chair; Mohican/Lunaape), and Mark Parman (Elder-In-Residence; Cherokee Nation) – the current …

IPE TIG Week: Opportunities for Connection and Celebration by Elizabeth Taylor-Schiro, Aneta Cram, Alex Jauregui-Dusseau, Nate O’Connor, January O’Connor, Nicole Bowman, and Mark Parman Read More »

IPE TIG Week: Beyond Do No Harm to Being Responsible Relatives: Celebrating and Valuing Indigenous Scholarship Through Peer-Reviewed Publications and Processes by Larry Bremner and Nicole Bowman

In 2021, the inclusive allies and Indigenous relatives of the Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation (CJPE) launched a permanent section called Roots and Relations (R&R). R&R is co-edited by us, Larry Bremner, FCES (Métis) and Nicole Bowman, Ph.D. (Lunaape/Mohican). Its intent is to honor our lineage, grow our kinship, and sustain intergenerational legacies of Indigenous …

IPE TIG Week: Beyond Do No Harm to Being Responsible Relatives: Celebrating and Valuing Indigenous Scholarship Through Peer-Reviewed Publications and Processes by Larry Bremner and Nicole Bowman Read More »

IPE TIG Week: Culturally Responsive Program Development and Evaluation by Noehealani Antolin

Aloha, My name is Noehealani Antolin, and I am a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Nevada of Las Vegas School of Public Health. My current work aims at increasing the minority representation, specifically Alaska Native and American Indian population, in STEM fields through a short-term biomedical research opportunity program. I have learned that integrating …

IPE TIG Week: Culturally Responsive Program Development and Evaluation by Noehealani Antolin Read More »

IPE TIG Week: Respect, reciprocity, and relationship: Lessons I have learned as a non-Indigenous person working primarily with Indigenous people and communities by Nathanael O’Connor

Hello, my name is Nathanael O’Connor and I reside in Alaska and live and work on the traditional lands of the Dena’ina peoples. From my experiences as a non-Indigenous person working in Indigenous spaces and contexts, I observe many non-Indigenous evaluators and researchers prematurely contacting Indigenous evaluators, researchers, and field experts requesting information on an …

IPE TIG Week: Respect, reciprocity, and relationship: Lessons I have learned as a non-Indigenous person working primarily with Indigenous people and communities by Nathanael O’Connor Read More »

IPE TIG Week: Searching for Our Two-Spirit Relations in Evaluation by Shepherd Tsosie and Michael Petillo

Hi, we’re Shepherd Tsosie (they/them) (Diné), an Independent Researcher living and working on the traditional territories of the Occaneechi Band of the Saponi Nation; and Michael Petillo (he/him or they/them), Principal Consultant for CES Partnership and Senior Research Coordinator at the Center for Health Equity Research of Northern Arizona University, which includes or touches on …

IPE TIG Week: Searching for Our Two-Spirit Relations in Evaluation by Shepherd Tsosie and Michael Petillo Read More »

IPE TIG Week: Taking a Culturally Grounded Approach to Tribal Community Engagement and Capacity Building by Melanie Nadeau

Greetings!  My name is Melanie Nadeau, and I am a citizen of the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians. I am currently serving as the Graduate Program Director for the Indigenous Health PhD program, which is housed in the School of Medicine and Health Sciences at the University of North Dakota. The theme for this blog is …

IPE TIG Week: Taking a Culturally Grounded Approach to Tribal Community Engagement and Capacity Building by Melanie Nadeau Read More »

IPE TIG Week: Getting Started in Indigenous Evaluation by Alexandria Jauregui-Dusseau

Yá’át’ééh (hello) fellow evaluators! I am Alexandria Jauregui-Dusseau (Diné and Mexican), DHSc, AEA Indigenous Peoples in Evaluation Program Co-Chair, and Evaluation Specialist at the Center for Community Engaged Evaluation in the Community Health and Research Department of the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. Much like my learning about my own culture and traditional customs, …

IPE TIG Week: Getting Started in Indigenous Evaluation by Alexandria Jauregui-Dusseau Read More »

Learning about New Orleans by Elizabeth Grim

Hello! This is AEA365 curator, Elizabeth Grim, writing to you during the week of Evaluation 2022: (Re)shaping Evaluation Together (#Eval22).   As I think about reshaping and reimagining evaluation, I believe it is important to understand the history of the spaces and places we are working. Eval22 is being held in New Orleans, which has Indigenous, …

Learning about New Orleans by Elizabeth Grim Read More »

Creating More Inclusive Conference Spaces by Elizabeth Grim

Greetings, evaluation friends! Elizabeth Grim here. Founder of Elizabeth Grim Consulting and Curator of AEA365. It’s conference season! This week, some readers may be traveling to New Orleans to gather with our fellow evaluators at the American Evaluation Association (AEA) conference, while others might be in Boston for the American Public Health Association (APHA) conference. …

Creating More Inclusive Conference Spaces by Elizabeth Grim Read More »

Evaluation 2022 Feedback in Evaluation Working Group Week: Three Ways We See Feedback Accelerating Equitable Evaluation by Lymari Benitez and Katie Smith Milway

Lymari Benitez of Pace Center for Girls here, with my coauthor Katie Smith Milway of MilwayPLUS social impact advisors. Through our experience and research across 15 nonprofits and evaluation experts committed to blending feedback measures with empirical evidence, we are learning that feedback not only helps us improve programs, but also influences participant engagement and …

Evaluation 2022 Feedback in Evaluation Working Group Week: Three Ways We See Feedback Accelerating Equitable Evaluation by Lymari Benitez and Katie Smith Milway Read More »