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Search Results for: data analysis

EPE Week: Matt Keene on Fuzzy Logic Models – Embracing and Navigating Complexity

My name is Matt Keene; I work with the Environmental Protection Agency and coordinate the Environmental Evaluators Network. Chris Metzner (freelance graphic designer and data visualization artist) and Jeff Wasbes (independent evaluation consultant with ResearchWorks, Inc.) helped enormously with this post. In 2009 Oregon became the first state to enact a law requiring paint manufacturers …

EPE Week: Matt Keene on Fuzzy Logic Models – Embracing and Navigating Complexity Read More »

IC TIG Week: Marty Henry on Collaboration

Hi, I’m Marty Henry, founder and President of M.A. Henry Consulting, LLC in St. Louis, Missouri.  As evaluators in a small, independent evaluation firm, the evaluation team at M.A. Henry Consulting is often asked to join others in joint evaluation ventures. We look forward to these invitations and are anxious to move forward with potential …

IC TIG Week: Marty Henry on Collaboration Read More »

MNEA Week: Beth Robelia on Using Online Focus Groups

My name is Beth Robelia. I am the proprietor of a micro-business that focuses on STEM education research, curriculum development and program evaluation. In evaluating the effectiveness of social media, the disbursed nature of users may make face-to-face focus groups impractical. Online focus groups can bridge the gap in geography by placing participants in an …

MNEA Week: Beth Robelia on Using Online Focus Groups Read More »

Susan Eliot on Attributes of a Successful Qualitative Coder

Hi. I’m Susan Eliot, an independent consultant who specializes in qualitative methods. I live in Portland, Oregon but work with nonprofit and government agencies nationwide. In addition, I write a qualitative blog and teach workshops on qualitative topics. Anselm Strauss once said: “Any researcher who wishes to become proficient at doing qualitative analysis must learn …

Susan Eliot on Attributes of a Successful Qualitative Coder Read More »

DVR Week: John Nash on Tips for Submitting Proposals to the DVR TIG

I’m John Nash and I’m the program co-chair, with Stuart Henderson, for the American Evaluation Association’s newest Topical Interest Group, Data Visualization and Reporting (DVR TIG). I also blog at Reform By Design. I’m here to help you turn the work you may be doing with data visualization and innovative evaluation reporting into proposals for …

DVR Week: John Nash on Tips for Submitting Proposals to the DVR TIG Read More »

DVR Week: Amy Germuth on Using Visual Design Principles

……When old age shall this generation waste, Thou shalt remain, in midst of other woe Than ours, a friend to man, to whom thou say’st, ‘Beauty is truth, truth beauty,—that is all Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.’ – John Keats ‘Ode to a Grecian Urn’ Hi, I am Amy Germuth, …

DVR Week: Amy Germuth on Using Visual Design Principles Read More »

Oscar Chavez on Lessons Learned in Evaluating High School Mathematics Curriculums

I am Oscar Chavez, assistant professor at the University of Missouri, co-PI of the COSMIC project. We are examining secondary students’ mathematics learning from textbooks embodying two distinct approaches to content organization: an integrated approach (e.g., Core-Plus Mathematics) and a subject-specific course approach (students follow an Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II sequence). The study was …

Oscar Chavez on Lessons Learned in Evaluating High School Mathematics Curriculums Read More »

Cindy Banyai on Creative Tech Tools for Participatory Evaluation

I am Dr. Cindy Banyai and I am the Executive Director of the Refocus Institute, a consultancy specializing in planning and training in participatory evaluation using visual methods.  I have recently returned to the U.S. from working and researching in Asia, where I was a member and an editor for the English language journal of …

Cindy Banyai on Creative Tech Tools for Participatory Evaluation Read More »

Sudharshan Seshadri on Mapping Resources for Conducting Useful Evaluations

Hello! My name is Sudharshan Seshadri and I am currently pursuing my Masters degree in Professional Studies specializing in Humanitarian Services Administration. My earlier post was a congregation of resources useful in conducting program evaluations catering to stakeholders of the project. In this post, I had planned to address the concerns of mapping the available …

Sudharshan Seshadri on Mapping Resources for Conducting Useful Evaluations Read More »

WMU Scribing: Michael Kiella on Social Science Standards and Ethics

My name is Michael Kiella. I am a student member of the American Evaluation Association, and a doctoral student at Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo Michigan. I served as a session scribe at Evaluation 2010 for Session 393: Research on Evaluation Standards and Methods. For this post, I will focus on the presentation by Dr. …

WMU Scribing: Michael Kiella on Social Science Standards and Ethics Read More »