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Prioritizing Equity, Trust, and Self-Care in Our Local Affiliates: Insights from the LAC Pre-Conference Retreat by Steve Mumford, Casey Filer, and Sheila Rodriguez

Hi! We are representing AEA’s Local Affiliate Collaborative (LAC) as active members of our local affiliates, Gulf Coast Evaluation Network (Steve) and Chicagoland Evaluation Association (Casey and Sheila). Before each AEA conference, the LAC organizes a pre-conference retreat where affiliate leaders come together in community. For many, it’s a conference highlight!

We organized this year’s retreat and want to share our experience. It was hosted in the Greater New Orleans Foundation’s headquarters, where we facilitated roundtables asking how affiliates can prioritize three complementary values: equity, trust, and self-care.

The Return of Your AEA365 Emails by Zachary Grays

My name is Zachary Grays and I am your Membership and Operations Manager here at the American Evaluation Association! The American Evaluation Association is pleased to share the transition of AEA365 to a new RSS and email service provider, Follow.it. AEA365’s previous email and RSS provider, Feedburner (powered by Google), has quietly been ending their maintenance to the product and its features over the course of 2022. With that, we’ve been working tirelessly behind the scenes to transition to a great new service that would still deliver the features you have come to know and love. Enter Follow.it!

Let’s Connect! by Elizabeth DiLuzio

Greetings, AEA365 community! I’m Liz DiLuzio, Lead Curator of AEA365. While I am a bit biased in my belief that AEA365 is a treasure trove of wisdom and communication for evaluators around the world, there are a number of other ways to engage with your fellow evaluators. Why not try something new this year?

Planning Your Evaluation Year by Elizabeth Grim

Happy New Year! This is Elizabeth Grim, AEA365 Curator and sometimes blog contributor. I’m not one for new year’s resolutions, but I do enjoy thinking about learning goals. One way I do this is to consider what professional development and networking opportunities align with my vision for the year. Planning my learning early helps to ensure that I am aware of proposal or registration deadlines, and gives me something to look forward to!Between the AEA Topical Interest Groups, AEA Local Affiliates, and other professional associations, there is no shortage of evaluation conferences, trainings, and events. Below are just a few examples of events to look forward to in 2023.

What Do You Want to Read About This Year? by Elizabeth DiLuzio

Happy weekend, AEA365 readers! I’m Liz DiLuzio, Lead Curator of AEA365. Now that you’ve read the top posts from 2022, it’s time to make your voice heard. What topics would you like to read about this year? This blog has become a cornerstone of communication, idea sharing, and learning for evaluators around the world. It …

What Do You Want to Read About This Year? by Elizabeth DiLuzio Read More »

EPE TIG Week: Evaluators as Data Shepherds by Rupu Gupta and Arika Virapongse

Hi, We are Rupu Gupta, Program-Chair of AEA’s Environmental Program Evaluation Topical Interest Group, and Co-Chair of the Community Resilience Cluster within Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP), and Arika Virapongse, Chair of ESIP’s Community Resilience Cluster, Director of Middle Path EcoSolutions, and Community Director of the Ronin Institute.

White Privilege Awareness Week: Relationship to Self: How it Supports Anti-Racist Evaluation Practice by Trilby Smith

Hi, I’m Trilby Smith (she/her).

I was born here, although I have lived in many other places in the interim before moving back to Vancouver 11 years ago. My ancestors are Anglican “smiths” – blacksmiths from the United Kingdom (on my father’s side) and Ashkenazi Jews from the Ukraine (on my mother’s side). Both sides of my family have been in Canada for many generations. I am on a continual journey to explore aspects of my family’s history, such as our involvement in the fur trade in Treaty 1 territory (Winnipeg).