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Jacquelyn Christensen on Wordle and Survey Anchors

My name is Jacquelyn Christensen and I am an Evaluation Associate at a non-profit mental health agency in Los Angeles, as well as an advanced graduate student in Applied Developmental Psychology at Claremont Graduate University. I work closely with my organization to report program outcomes and monitor service quality. When working directly with staff or …

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Katya Petrochenkov on Surveygizmo

My name is Katya Petrochenkov and I am a Study Manager with Gatti Evaluation. I work on educational efficacy studies with numerous research participants all over the country, which makes data collection a full time job. Luckily, advances in easily accessible online survey tools have helped to streamline the process. Rad Resource: After interacting with …

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Jamie Coburn on PreK Data Resources

My name is Jamie Coburn and I recently completed my PhD in Program Planning and Evaluation from Tennessee Tech University (TTU). I am employed in state government as an early childhood consultant. I teach as adjunct faculty for both TTU and Nashville State Community College with both classroom-based and distance-based learners. My primary interest is …

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Bianca Montrosse on Innovative Data Displays

My name is Bianca Montrosse and I am a Research and Evaluation Specialist with the SERVE Center at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Since receiving my first Edward R. Tufte book as a gift, I’ve been searching for ways to visually articulate data that are both innovative and informative. Below are some rad …

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Susana Bonis on Logic Models and Outcomes

My name is Susana Bonis, and I am an advanced graduate student at Claremont Graduate University.  I work with small to mid-size nonprofit organizations in fundraising, strategic planning, and evaluation.  Most of the organizations I work with focus on outcome measurement, and many are looking to develop their own internal evaluation capacity.  I introduce nearly …

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Stefanie Leite on Building Rapport during Telephone Interviews

My name is Stefanie Leite and I am a Research Assistant for Advanced Empirical Solutions and an Independent Evaluation Consultant.  Interviewing is my favorite means of information gathering.  There is something immensely satisfying about asking people to tell their stories, capturing them accurately and artfully, and then relaying them to the decision makers in an …

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Alexey Kuzmin on Humor for Evaluation Reporting

My name is Alexey Kuzmin and I am the President of the Process Consulting Company (www.processconsulting.ru) based in Moscow, Russia. As an international evaluation consultant I am interested in exploring new and effective ways of communicating evaluation results to the interested parties. In particular, I often use cartoons. Especially when there is a need to …

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