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Elizabeth Harris on A Measure of Youth Resiliency

Greetings colleagues!  I am Elizabeth Harris, Ph.D., Vice President of Evaluation, Management and Training Associates, Inc. (EMT).  The focus of this blog is a free resource for measuring youth resiliency that we developed out of necessity.  For over 25 years, we have focused our evaluation, technical assistance, and training work on the prevention of substance …

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David Fetterman on Google

Hi.  I am David Fetterman, President and CEO of Fetterman & Associates (with 25 years of experience at Stanford University).  I work in many areas of evaluation including  as you may know – empowerment evaluation.  One of my primary concerns is fostering collaboration in evaluation.  My Hot Tip and Cool Trick both spring from the …

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David McDonald on assessing service user satisfaction

My name is David McDonald and I am the Director of a small Australia-based consultancy Social Research & Evaluation Pty Ltd, and a part-time academic at the National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health, The Australian National University, in Canberra, ACT, Australia. My consultancy work is largely policy analysis and policy & program evaluation in …

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Sue Griffey on Wordle

I’m Sue Griffey and I direct the Evaluation Center in the Public Health Research group at Social & Scientific Systems. I really like technology and the tools it’s given us – and I am always trying out new things. (I love the EZAnalyze program that Paul Pope blogged about a few days ago.)  So, when …

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Patricia Rogers on Recording and Sharing Information Across Geographical Distances

Hello, my name is Patricia Rogers. I am Professor of Public Sector Evaluation at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT University) in Australia and write a blog with Jane Davidson at http://genuineevaluation.com/. I’m particularly interested in evidence-based policy and practice for complicated and complex interventions which require a range of methods and research designs. …

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Takayoshi Kusago on Action Research

My name is Takayoshi Kusago, professor in Social System Design, Faculty of Sociology, Kansai University, Japan.  I teach fieldwork method and action research at the university.  Action research does require collaboration among researchers and practitioners – similar to empowerment evaluation.  Here I would like to share tips for those who are interested in action-oriented research. …

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Susan Kistler on AEA’s Evaluation Journals

Happy Saturday! My name is Susan Kistler and I am the Executive Director for the American Evaluation Association. I contribute each Saturday’s post to the aea365 blog. AEA members receive as part of their membership, free online access to four journals – AEA’s own American Journal of Evaluation (AJE) and New Directions for Evaluation (NDE), …

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Olmos-Gallo, DeRoche, and McKinney on Increasing Stakeholder Sophistication

We are P. Antonio Olmos-Gallo, Kathryn K. DeRoche, and C.J. McKinney.  We work at the Mental Health Center of Denver, a non-profit community mental health center which has become the de-facto mental health authority for the City and County of Denver. On any given day we provide services to about 4000 adults and 1000 youth. …

Olmos-Gallo, DeRoche, and McKinney on Increasing Stakeholder Sophistication Read More »

Cassandra O’Neill on 7 Norms of Collaboration

My name is Cassandra O’Neill and I’ve been a consultant for the past 10 years. I’m a member of a network of consultants and coaches called Wholonomy Consulting.  I’m also the President-Elect for the Arizona Evaluation Network and a member of the AEA Local Affiliate Council. A theme in my work is using effective engagement …

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