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Susan Kistler on Data Visualization Part II

My name is Susan Kistler, the American Evaluation Association’s Executive Director, and I contribute each Saturday’s post to aea365. One hot topic for me this year is data visualization – representing data in ways that are accurate, accessible, and appealing. My very first aea365 post identified resources for those with interests in data visualization – …

Susan Kistler on Data Visualization Part II Read More »

Nicole Jackson on Improving Interview Techniques During Formative Evaluations

Hello, my name is Nicole Jackson. I am both an adjunct faculty in the Human Resource Management Certificate program at U.C. Berkeley Extension and a doctoral candidate in Policy, Organization, Measurement, and Evaluation at U.C. Berkeley’s Graduate School of Education. From my previous and current work, I discovered that interviewing is both an art and …

Nicole Jackson on Improving Interview Techniques During Formative Evaluations Read More »

Monica Hargraves on Supporting Evaluation Practice in Organizations

My name is Monica Hargraves and I work with Cooperative Extension associations across New York State as part of an evaluation capacity building effort in the Cornell Office for Research on Evaluation (CORE).  My work with Extension is shaped, in part, by insights we gained through a Concept Mapping research project we did in late …

Monica Hargraves on Supporting Evaluation Practice in Organizations Read More »

Michelle Jay on Lessons Learned in Acquiring Stakeholder Feedback

My name is Michelle Jay and I am an Assistant Professor at the University of South Carolina. I am an independent evaluator and also an evaluation consultant with Evaluation, Assessment and Policy Connections (EvAP) in the School of Education at UNC-Chapel Hill. Currently I serve with Rita O’Sullivan as Directors of AEA’s Graduate Education Diversity Internship …

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Katherine Tibbetts and Wendy Kekahio on Collaborative Inquiry

Hello, we are Katherine Tibbetts and Wendy Kekahio, and both program evaluators doing work within the field of education in Hawai`i. Our work involves using indigenous ways of teaching and learning to inform culturally relevant and responsive ways of conducting research and evaluation studies.  One of our recent projects involved working with Hawaiian-focused charter schools …

Katherine Tibbetts and Wendy Kekahio on Collaborative Inquiry Read More »

Robert Brunger on Practical Tips for Focus Groups

Hi, I’m Robert Brunger. I am an evaluator with the Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida; a Tallahassee based non-profit organization that has worked since 1989 to improve the lives of Florida’s children and families. If you are planning to use focus groups to learn more about what’s on the minds of your stakeholders, here …

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Randahl Kirkendall and Ellen Iverson on Integrating Web Analytics into Mixed Methods Evals

My name is Randahl Kirkendall. I work part-time as an Evaluator with Ellen Iverson, Director of Evaluation, for the Science Education Resource Center (SERC) at Carleton College, which works to improve education through projects that support educators.  Our work is funded primarily through NSF grants.  SERC has expertise in geoscience education, workshop leadership, website development …

Randahl Kirkendall and Ellen Iverson on Integrating Web Analytics into Mixed Methods Evals Read More »

Susan Kistler on Travel Planning for Evaluation 2010

My name is Susan Kistler, and I am the Executive Director for the American Evaluation Association. I contribute each Saturday’s aea365 alert. Summer is winding down and I know that over 2500 of you are finalizing your plans for attending AEA’s annual conference this November in San Antonio. Even if you won’t be able to …

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Michael Matteson on the Hawthorne Effect and Empowerment Evaluation

I’m Michael Matteson and I’m pursuing a graduate degree at the University of Wollongong (Australia). Lessons Learned – What’s the Hawthorne effect? Why would it matter in Empowerment Evaluation? Most people will remember hearing of the “Hawthorne effect “based on a major study of organizational and environmental effects on productivity which gave confusing and contradictory …

Michael Matteson on the Hawthorne Effect and Empowerment Evaluation Read More »

Susan Geier on Using a Participatory Evaluation Approach

Hi, my name is Susan Geier and I am a doctoral student at Purdue University studying research methods, measurement and evaluation. I employ a participatory evaluation approach with the GEMscholar project and have learned much from the Native American college students and the dedicated program staff. Lessons Learned: I would like to share my three …

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