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DVR Week: John Nash on Tips for Submitting Proposals to the DVR TIG

I’m John Nash and I’m the program co-chair, with Stuart Henderson, for the American Evaluation Association’s newest Topical Interest Group, Data Visualization and Reporting (DVR TIG). I also blog at Reform By Design. I’m here to help you turn the work you may be doing with data visualization and innovative evaluation reporting into proposals for …

DVR Week: John Nash on Tips for Submitting Proposals to the DVR TIG Read More »

DVR Week: Amy Germuth on Using Visual Design Principles

……When old age shall this generation waste, Thou shalt remain, in midst of other woe Than ours, a friend to man, to whom thou say’st, ‘Beauty is truth, truth beauty,—that is all Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.’ – John Keats ‘Ode to a Grecian Urn’ Hi, I am Amy Germuth, …

DVR Week: Amy Germuth on Using Visual Design Principles Read More »

DVR Week: Stuart Henderson on Using SmartDraw for Concept and Data Visualization

I am Stuart Henderson, Associate Director of Evaluation for the Clinical and Translational Science Center at the University of California, Davis. I have found that incorporating visual representations of concepts and data has helped me become a better evaluator and communicator. A software program that allows me to efficiently create visuals is SmartDraw. Although you …

DVR Week: Stuart Henderson on Using SmartDraw for Concept and Data Visualization Read More »

DVR Week: Juan Paulo Ramirez on Using Google Analytics

Hello, my name is Juan Paulo Ramírez, independent consultant, sole owner of “GIS and Human Dimensions, L.L.C.” As many of you may know Google Analytics (GA) allows you to track down the number of visitors that a website receives during a certain period of time. But GA does a lot more than that. If you …

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DVR Week: Chris Lysy on Data Sources that Embrace Data Visualization

My name is Chris Lysy and I am a Research Analyst at Westat. I am the creator of EvalCentral and I also blog at Fresh Spectrum. Additionally, you can find me on Twitter: @clysy. One promising new online trend is the addition of data visualization tools on major data source websites. So often data is …

DVR Week: Chris Lysy on Data Sources that Embrace Data Visualization Read More »

DVR Week: Stephanie Evergreen on the Data Visualization and Reporting TIG

My name is Stephanie Evergreen and I am so proud to be the founding Chair of the newest Topical Interest Group in AEA. What new TIG, you ask? It’s the Data Visualization and Reporting TIG. And we are so geeked to be here that we’ve taken over a whole week of aea365 to share with …

DVR Week: Stephanie Evergreen on the Data Visualization and Reporting TIG Read More »

Susan Kistler on Welcoming the Data Visualization & Reporting TIG and DVR Resources

My name is Susan Kistler, the American Evaluation Association’s Executive Director. This week I am excited to welcome AEA’s newest Topical Interest Group (TIG) focusing on Data Visualization and Reporting (DVR). All this week, we’ll be reading aea365 posts from our DVR colleagues and have DVR items highlighted on the Headlines and Resources list (you …

Susan Kistler on Welcoming the Data Visualization & Reporting TIG and DVR Resources Read More »

Dawn Henderson and Ebun Odeneye on Tips and Strategies for Internal Program Evaluators

Our names are Dawn Henderson and Ebun Odeneye. We are members of the 2010-2011 cohort of the AEA Graduate Diversity Education Internship (GEDI) Program. New internal evaluators often struggle with balancing general program duties with evaluation-specific responsibilities, so we will be sharing some effective tips to help evaluators facing this same challenge. Hot Tip: As …

Dawn Henderson and Ebun Odeneye on Tips and Strategies for Internal Program Evaluators Read More »

Oscar Chavez on Lessons Learned in Evaluating High School Mathematics Curriculums

I am Oscar Chavez, assistant professor at the University of Missouri, co-PI of the COSMIC project. We are examining secondary students’ mathematics learning from textbooks embodying two distinct approaches to content organization: an integrated approach (e.g., Core-Plus Mathematics) and a subject-specific course approach (students follow an Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II sequence). The study was …

Oscar Chavez on Lessons Learned in Evaluating High School Mathematics Curriculums Read More »

Jeremy Jewell on Using Wait List Control Groups in Evaluation

Hi, my name is Dr. Jeremy Jewell, and I am an Associate Professor in the Clinical Child and School Psychology Program at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. For several years, I have helped our local probation department evaluate various risk assessment measures as well as programs for probationees. When evaluating the effectiveness of a program, one …

Jeremy Jewell on Using Wait List Control Groups in Evaluation Read More »