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Search Results for: data analysis

DRG TIG Week: From Evidence Review to Practicing with Tools: Insights on Evidence-Informed Dialogues from USIP’s Learning Agenda by David Connolly and Jill Baggerman

Hi, we are David Connolly (Director of Learning, Evaluation, and Research [LER]), and Jill Baggerman (Program Officer, LER) at United States Institute of Peace (USIP), sharing fresh insights from rolling out USIP’s inaugural Learning Agenda. In USIP’s ongoing growth in evidence to practice, we outline the rationale behind the learning agenda, its cross-programmatic dialogue-based approach to generating evidence, and key lessons central to both peacebuilding and the democracy, rights and governance (DRG) fields.

DRG TIG Week: Democracy, Rights & Governance (DRG) Approaches to Learning Agendas by Laura Adams

My name is Laura Adams and I am a learning agenda fanatic (as well as the Co-Chair of the DRG TIG this year), so I’m happy to be introducing the DRG week blogs, all of which touch on learning agendas. “Learning agendas” have become ubiquitous across United States Government (USG) agencies over the last five years following the passage of the Evidence Act in 2018 and are now required as a type of systematic plan for identifying and addressing important questions to inform decision-making based on project evaluations. Our blog posts this week focuses on NGOs and also examines the slippery concept of “capacity building” in the DRG sector and will share some exciting updates from colleagues who have been part of the Made in Africa Evaluation project.

R Without Statistics by David Keyes

I’m David Keyes and I run R for the Rest of Us. Over the years, I’ve helped hundreds of people learn R through courses and trainings. For a long time, I felt like I wasn’t a “real” R user. Real R users, in my mind, used R for hardcore stats. I “only” used R for descriptive stats. I sometimes felt like I was using a souped up sports car to drive 20 miles an hour to the grocery store. Eventually, I realized that this framing misses the point. R started out as a tool created by statisticians for other statisticians. But, over a quarter century since its creation, R is as much a tool to improve your workflow as it is a tool for statistics. 

Tech TIG Week: Exploring the Potential of Automated Qualitative Coding by Vo Ram Yoon

Hello! I am Vo Ram Yoon (he/him/his). I am a Data and Evaluation Consultant at the Mid-Atlantic Equity Consortium (MAEC), where I work on equity audits for public school districts and nonprofit organizations. As a queer, Korean Bolivian evaluator, I am a proponent for using quantitative and qualitative methods to honor the complex narratives and …

Tech TIG Week: Exploring the Potential of Automated Qualitative Coding by Vo Ram Yoon Read More »

SCENE Collab Week: Strengthening Capacity for Equity in Evaluation Through Regional Networks by Emily Gates, Min Ma, and Andres Castro Samayoa

We are coordinators of the Strengthening Capacity for Equity in New England Collaborative (SCENE Collab), an initiative featured in this week’s posts: How did you become the evaluator you are today? What shapes your path? Each of us got into evaluation through unique avenues. While it’s amazing to have such variety in paths, we see …

SCENE Collab Week: Strengthening Capacity for Equity in Evaluation Through Regional Networks by Emily Gates, Min Ma, and Andres Castro Samayoa Read More »

RoE TIG Week: What are Evaluator Beliefs on Knowledge and Participation? An Instrument Design and Validation Study by Amanda Sutter

Hello! I am Amanda Sutter, long time evaluator, current doctoral student, and newbie researcher. I am excited (and nervous!) to share my first research on evaluation study, give back YOUR data, and share some tips I’ve been learning.  Study Overview This study was a response to a literature gap on understanding evaluation practice.  Perhaps no …

RoE TIG Week: What are Evaluator Beliefs on Knowledge and Participation? An Instrument Design and Validation Study by Amanda Sutter Read More »

RoE TIG Week: Who is Doing Research on Evaluation, and Where is It? by Dana Linnell, Esther Nolton, Michael, Harnar, Seema Mahato, and Travis R. Moore

Hello! My name is Dana Linnell (formerly Dana Wanzer). Along with my colleagues Esther Nolton, Michael Harnar, Seema Mahato, and Travis R. Moore, we are going to share information about research on evaluation (RoE) presented at the American Evaluation Association conference.  For context, here is the definition of RoE that guided our work: “Any purposeful, …

RoE TIG Week: Who is Doing Research on Evaluation, and Where is It? by Dana Linnell, Esther Nolton, Michael, Harnar, Seema Mahato, and Travis R. Moore Read More »

Distilling Evaluation Practice into 43 Essential Tasks by Kelly Robertson and Lori Wingate

We’re Kelly Robertson and Lori Wingate. We work at The Evaluation Center at Western Michigan University. We are part of EvaluATE, the evaluation hub for the National Science Foundation’s Advanced Technological Education (ATE) program. To help EvaluATE focus its capacity development work, we created a list of essential ATE tasks. We’re using this list to guide development of a comprehensive set of resources to support evaluation in the ATE program.

RTD TIG Week: A Dedicated Path to Building Evaluation Capacity in a Federal Agency by Yaw Agyeman and Kezia Dinelt

This week is sponsored by our colleagues in the Research, Technology, and Development Evaluation (RTD) TIG. The contributions this week are evergreen posts contributed by RTD TIG members about topics so important, they’re worth a second read. -Liz DiLuzio, Lead Curator Hello! I am Yaw Agyeman, Program Manager at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. I …

RTD TIG Week: A Dedicated Path to Building Evaluation Capacity in a Federal Agency by Yaw Agyeman and Kezia Dinelt Read More »

LGBT+ TIG Week: Counting Matters—LGBTQ+ and Two-Spirit Representation in Rural Areas by Cody Ingle

My name is Cody Ingle, and I am a Queer evaluator in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. I work for a nonprofit called Lost&Found that works in suicide prevention and postvention. I identify as a cisgender, gay male that uses he/him pronouns. I am new to the evaluation profession and have been an AEA member for …

LGBT+ TIG Week: Counting Matters—LGBTQ+ and Two-Spirit Representation in Rural Areas by Cody Ingle Read More »