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Extension Education Evaluation

Samantha Grant on Getting Program Staff Invested in Evaluation

Hi, I’m Samantha Grant, and I work for the University of Minnesota Extension as a Program Evaluator for the Center for Youth Development. As evaluators, incorporating evaluation into a program is as natural as breathing but for program-focused individuals, it is often the last, painful thought. In my work I have tried to show the …

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Sherry Boyce on Using Photos in Evaluation Reports

My name is Sherry Boyce, Extension Educator in Program Evaluation with the University of Minnesota Extension Center for Youth Development.  I have worked for Extension for 30 years, in a variety of youth development roles. I have also done extensive photography as a volunteer with several youth programs.  I’d like to share some thoughts about …

Sherry Boyce on Using Photos in Evaluation Reports Read More »

Sudharshan Seshadri on Resources for Program Evaluation

Hello! My name is Sudharshan Seshadri and I am currently pursuing my Masters degree in Professional Studies specializing in Humanitarian Services Administration. I started to realize that “data” is being considered as a most promising feature to understand the activity of evaluation. To abstract the data needs, I believe as an evaluator, we should be …

Sudharshan Seshadri on Resources for Program Evaluation Read More »

Monica Hargraves on Supporting Evaluation Practice in Organizations

My name is Monica Hargraves and I work with Cooperative Extension associations across New York State as part of an evaluation capacity building effort in the Cornell Office for Research on Evaluation (CORE).  My work with Extension is shaped, in part, by insights we gained through a Concept Mapping research project we did in late …

Monica Hargraves on Supporting Evaluation Practice in Organizations Read More »

Samantha Grant on Conducting Evaluations With Youth

Hi, my name is Samantha Grant, and I work for the University of Minnesota Extension as an Extension Educator for Program Evaluation. Some of my work entails designing and implementing evaluations with youth in the 4-H program. I would like to share some tips when conducting evaluations with youth. Hot Tip – Build relationships: “Kids …

Samantha Grant on Conducting Evaluations With Youth Read More »

Heather H. Boyd on Aligning Evaluation with Faculty Member Goals

Hi. My name is Heather H. Boyd and I am a program evaluator currently at Virginia Tech. Much of my work is with faculty and staff who are interested in learning about evaluation and improving their evaluation skills. My Ph.D. is in Mass Communications and I have been a practicing evaluator for more than fifteen …

Heather H. Boyd on Aligning Evaluation with Faculty Member Goals Read More »

Lisa Townson on Tailoring Evaluation to Your Audience

Hi!  My name is Lisa Townson.  I am Assistant Director of Programs at University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension and 2010 Chair of the Extension Education Evaluation TIG. In this day in age, accountability and impact has become the mantra for many publically funded organizations.  This posting suggests ways to consider your target audience when …

Lisa Townson on Tailoring Evaluation to Your Audience Read More »

Michael Duttweiler on Focusing an Evaluation

Hello, My name is Michael Duttweiler and I am assistant director for program development and accountability for Cornell University Cooperative Extension.  One of my roles is to provide evaluation planning assistance to local extension educators, many of whom do not have formal backgrounds in program development or evaluation. Hot Tip: Focusing an Evaluation Using a …

Michael Duttweiler on Focusing an Evaluation Read More »

Ellen Taylor-Powell on Teaching and Learning Materials for Evaluation Capacity Building

Hi, my name is Ellen Taylor-Powell; I am an evaluation specialist at the University of Wisconsin-Extension.  Evaluation capacity building is my passion. Over my career, I’ve had the pleasure to partner with extension educators who excel in making learning relevant, practical and fun!  I’d like to let you know about two resources that bring together …

Ellen Taylor-Powell on Teaching and Learning Materials for Evaluation Capacity Building Read More »

Nancy Franz on Approaches to Community Education and Evaluation

Hi!  My name is Nancy Franz, and I am a Professor and Extension Specialist at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.  I’m also the past chair of the AEA Extension Education Evaluation TIG.  Today I’ll be sharing some information on different approaches used in extension education evaluation. Hot Tip: As the figure below illustrates, community …

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