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AEA365 Contributor, Curated by Elizabeth Grim

FIE TIG Week: Storytelling among diverse groups builds solidarity and creates the space for deep learning on strategic challenges by Barbara Klugman

Hello, I am Barbara Klugman, South African strategy and evaluation practitioner, working with social and environmental justice organisations, networks and funders internationally. Since early 2020, I have been facilitating a learning process on power and movement-building among 34 diverse (by issue and continent and type of organisation – funders, networks and place-based) women’s /womn’s /womxn’s rights groups (groups’ discourses differ). They are all funded by the UK Charity Comic Relief’s “Power Up” initiative. The magic has been the shared learning across this diversity.

Building More, Making Time & Coming Together: Honoring A Magnificent Elder by Leah Christina Neubauer

I am Leah Christina Neubauer, Associate Professor, CREA Faculty Affiliate, and Chicagoland Evaluation Affiliate member. I am deeply humbled to contribute to a week honoring the great Professor, Dr. Stafford L. Hood. I’ve been challenged to put my deep reflections in writing. I welcome your understanding and interest as I share out some of it all.

The Many Ripples of Stafford Hood by Dominica McBride

Hi, I’m Dominica McBride, Founder of BECOME and a past student and long-time mentee and co-
conspirator of Stafford Hood. While ineffable, the following words represent just the surface of the depth of influence Stafford Hood had on my life, using my life as just one example of the many lives and minds he shaped.

Equity, Authenticity, and Convening: Reflecting on the Impact of Dr. Hood’s Mentorship by Ayesha Boyce

My name is Ayesha Boyce. I am an associate professor of Educational Leadership and Innovation at Arizona State University (ASU) and co-lead the STEM Program Evaluation Laboratory. Others within this week have done a beautiful job of highlighting some of Dr. Hood ‘s amazing contributions to our field. So, in my post, I reflect on my first meeting with him and some professional lessons I have learned from him. I met Dr. Hood at a pivotal point in my burgeoning career. I was just 25 years old and working for the Arizona Department of Education (ADOE). My supervisor and colleagues suggested I seek out Dr. Hood to inquire about a PhD program at ASU. I walked into his office at ASU and there were books in stacks on the floor, along the wall, and on his desk. Moving boxes were strewn across the room. Here is my vivid recollection of that meeting.

Work Hard. Be Each Other’s Business: Lessons learned from Dr. Stafford Hood by Pamela Frazier-Anderson

Hello! I’m Pamela Frazier-Anderson, a culturally responsive program evaluator and the founder of Kandaki Tech, a responsive website design company. In Reflections on the Journey of One Aspiring Culturally Responsive Evaluator-Thus Far, Dr. Stafford Hood wrote, “I have gotten beyond trying to explain how I got here. I do not think I have been in control of this ride; a lot of it does not make sense. Just a quick, subtle change of destiny and someone else would have been sitting here-not me.”

BH TIG Week: Go with the Flow by Elizabeth Oyer

Hello! I am Elizabeth Oyer, President of EvalSolutions, Inc. where I provide program evaluation and business consulting services. Over the last 5 years, business intelligence (BI) reporting has become commonly used to support users’ interactions with their data in a more immediate, individualized way. In my journey as a consultant, I have learned how to …

BH TIG Week: Go with the Flow by Elizabeth Oyer Read More »

BH TIG Week: Counting “Distinctly” in Excel by Elizabeth Oyer

Hello! I am Elizabeth Oyer, President of EvalSolutions, Inc. where I provide program evaluation and business consulting services. My projects come in all shapes and sizes and require different tools depending on the complexity and scale. One very familiar tool I use to create data summaries for smaller scale, simpler projects is the Microsoft ExcelTM …

BH TIG Week: Counting “Distinctly” in Excel by Elizabeth Oyer Read More »

BH TIG Week: For the Record by Elizabeth Oyer

Hello! I am Elizabeth Oyer, President of EvalSolutions, Inc. where I provide program evaluation and business consulting services. Like many evaluators, my program evaluation designs are often mixed methods with at least one focus group or interview to complement quantitative data. Through the years, I have used a variety of strategies to prepare the hours …

BH TIG Week: For the Record by Elizabeth Oyer Read More »