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LaRED TIG Week: LaRED TIG Engagement and Collaboration During the Pandemic: A way to Engage, Learn, and Share Best Practices by Susana Morales and Alisha Garcia Flores

Hola!  We are Susana Morales and Alisha Garcia Flores, proud co-chairs of the LaRED TIG. For the past couple years we have had the privilege of building a community with our fellow LaRED members. The Latinx Responsive Evaluation Discourse TIG (LaRED) meets monthly via zoom throughout the year. Our mission is to increase representation, engagement and leadership of Latina/o and other evaluators in theory, research and practice of culturally responsive evaluation especially involving the Latina/o community through the development of sustainable avenues for the development and application of Latina/o responsive evaluation theory and practice.

LaRED TIG Week: Lessons Learned in Promoting International Discussions on Participatory Evaluation with Latin America and the Caribbean Region by Maritza Concha and Rasha Mannaa

Hola, we are the Center for Public and Nonprofit Management (CPNM) team at University of Central Florida.  My name is Maritza Concha, Director of the Center and Rasha Mannaa is my graduate assistant.  CPNM’s main goal is to provide capacity building services to nonprofit organizations including training and technical assistance on program evaluation. In April of 2022, my center coordinated, in collaboration with an international committee, the first virtual Participatory Action Research and Evaluation Conference also known as PAREC. The conference’s theme focused on working towards the Sustainable Development Goals through participatory research and evaluation empowering the Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) community. The conference had the following three main objectives:

LaRED TIG Week: Reflections and Examples of Decolonizing Our Research and Evaluation Practices by Martha Hernández Martínez, Kshitiz Karki, Samuel Leguizamon Grant, and Rebecca Saito

Hello everyone! We are Martha Hernández Martínez, MPA, Kshitiz Karki, MPP, Samuel Leguizamon Grant, PhD., and Rebecca Saito, MA. We are part of the staff at Rainbow Research, and we identify ourselves as members of the Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC), immigrant and refugee communities in Minnesota. We want to share with you our thoughts and experiences with decolonizing practices. Through some reflections and examples, we will share what we have learned.

DRG TIG Week: DRG Evidence and MEL Insights into Academic and Practitioner Efforts to Improve Solutions for Women and Girls by Tanyel Taysi and Salome Tsereteli-Stephens

We are Tanyel Taysi and Salome Tsereteli-Stephens from the American Bar Association Rule of Law Initiative. One of the programs our organization leads is Women and Girls Empowered (WAGE) with the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE), Grameen Foundation, and Search for Common Ground (Search).

DRG TIG Week: Process Tracing and Wicked Problems by Laura Adams and Sarya Sok

Hello, we are Laura Adams, a MEL Director at Pact, and Sarya Sok, Acting Team Lead for Applied Learning and Evaluation at the State Department’s Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor. We are fans of solving wicked MEL challenges in democracy, rights, and governance programs (aka pulling for the DRG underdogs with our MEL muscles).?