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Search Results for: data analysis

FIE TIG Week: Donna Podems on the Difference Between Feminist Evaluation and Gender Approaches

Greetings from South Africa. I am Donna Podems, a Research Fellow at Stellenbosch University, and founder and director of OtherWISE: Research and Evaluation, a small monitoring and evaluation firm in Cape Town, South Africa. As a practitioner and academic, I often engage in discussions around evaluation theory and practice. One common discussion is around the …

FIE TIG Week: Donna Podems on the Difference Between Feminist Evaluation and Gender Approaches Read More »

Susan Kistler on Innovative Reporting Part III: Taking It to the Streets

I’m Susan Kistler, of TheSmarterOne.com, and I’m on to Part III of an Innovative Reporting Series (see Part I on chocolate reports and Part II on adding video to your toolbox). Today I wanted to share lessons from a project marrying street art, evaluation, infographics, technology, and community building. Lessons Learned: Last month, I had the …

Susan Kistler on Innovative Reporting Part III: Taking It to the Streets Read More »

APC TIG Week: Lisa Hilt on Yes, it can be that simple! Value for Money analyses in policy advocacy and campaigns

Hi! I’m Lisa Hilt, a Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Advisor for Policy and Campaigns at Oxfam. We strive for policy changes that will right the wrongs of poverty, hunger, and injustice. Much of our progress takes place in small steps forward, resulting from ongoing engagement with key stakeholders and multiple campaign spikes (high intensity, short-term …

APC TIG Week: Lisa Hilt on Yes, it can be that simple! Value for Money analyses in policy advocacy and campaigns Read More »

APC TIG Week: Kat Athanasiades and Veena Pankaj on Small Picture, Big Picture: Using the Framework for Public Policy Advocacy in a Large-Scale Advocacy Campaign

Hello evaluation world! We are Kat Athanasiades and Veena Pankaj from Innovation Network. This might sound familiar: you are given hundreds of pages of grant documents to make sense of. You are left wondering, “Where do I start?” We were recently tasked with guiding evaluation for a funder’s national advocacy campaign, and had to make …

APC TIG Week: Kat Athanasiades and Veena Pankaj on Small Picture, Big Picture: Using the Framework for Public Policy Advocacy in a Large-Scale Advocacy Campaign Read More »

SW TIG Week: Kathy Bolland on Ethics in Evaluation and in Social Professions

Hello!  I am Kathy Bolland, like many of you, a wearer of many hats.  I am an administrator and faculty member in a school of social work, where my research focuses on impoverished youth at risk and on assessment in higher education.  I also evaluate educational projects and social programs.  I am a past AEA …

SW TIG Week: Kathy Bolland on Ethics in Evaluation and in Social Professions Read More »

Shirah Hecht on System Mapping for Research Design

Hello, I’m Shirah Hecht, Ph.D,  Program Evaluator with Academic Technology Services within the Harvard University Info Tech area.  Here is a simple “trick” for beginning to develop a research design. I call this “system mapping.”  You may connect it to stakeholder analysis or concept mapping, since it blends the two in a way – but …

Shirah Hecht on System Mapping for Research Design Read More »

Best of aea365 week: Ted Dwyer on Responding to FERPA for Evaluators

My name is Ted Dwyer and I’m the Manager of Evaluations in Hillsborough County Public Schools. I have worked in multiple school districts and have served as the reviewer of external research projects in several districts. Today, I would like to share some of what I have learned and observed about FERPA and some thoughts from the perspective of …

Best of aea365 week: Ted Dwyer on Responding to FERPA for Evaluators Read More »

CEA Affiliate Week: Chelsey Leruth on Nuts and Bolts of Telephone Survey Administration

Hello everyone! This is Chelsey Leruth, an internal evaluator at Access Community Health Network in Chicago.  I am currently wrapping up the analysis for a phone survey of participants in one of our maternal and child health programs, Westside Healthy Start. Today, I would like to share some tips and lessons learned during the survey …

CEA Affiliate Week: Chelsey Leruth on Nuts and Bolts of Telephone Survey Administration Read More »

MA PCMH Eval Week: Ann Lawthers on Triangulation Using Mixed Methods Appeals to Diverse Stakeholder Interests

Hi, I’m Ann Lawthers, Principal Investigator for the evaluation of the Massachusetts Patient-Centered Medical Home Initiative (PCMHI), and faculty in the Department of Family Medicine and Community Health at the University of Massachusetts Medical School (UMMS). This week, the UMMS PCMHI Evaluation Team will be presenting a series of Hot Tips, Lessons Learned and Rad …

MA PCMH Eval Week: Ann Lawthers on Triangulation Using Mixed Methods Appeals to Diverse Stakeholder Interests Read More »

Jason Ravitz on Using Within-Teacher Comparisons to Evaluate an Intervention at the Individual and District Level

Hi, my name is Jason Ravitz, an Independent Research and Evaluation Professional and former Director of Research for the Buck Institute for Education, where my job included evaluating project-based learning (PBL) impacts.Here is a district-level approach developed with Melissa “Missy” Rowe, Executive Director of Assessment and Research at Grand Prairie ISD in Grand Prairie, TX. …

Jason Ravitz on Using Within-Teacher Comparisons to Evaluate an Intervention at the Individual and District Level Read More »