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Search Results for: data analysis

Tech TIG Week: The Use of AI for Qualitative Analysis – What Is the Harm? by Carolyn Fonseca

Hi I’m Carolyn Fonseca, PhD, Technical Director at Management Systems International (MSI) TetraTech. I have experience conducting evaluations for clients such as USAID, managing third-party monitoring platforms, and conducting special studies/research activities testing new technologies and methods. I, like many of you, am often under time, budget, and data constraints when carrying out work for …

Tech TIG Week: The Use of AI for Qualitative Analysis – What Is the Harm? by Carolyn Fonseca Read More »

ToE TIG Week: The Collective Closet: A Qualitative Analysis Activity by JoAnna Hillman

This post was originally released on AEA365 in 2022, and was so popular the first time around, it is being reshared from the archives at the request of the Teaching of Evaluation TIG. I’m JoAnna Hillman, Owner and Principal Evaluator for Hillman Associates, LLC, a consulting firm providing evaluation services, technical assistance, and training for …

ToE TIG Week: The Collective Closet: A Qualitative Analysis Activity by JoAnna Hillman Read More »

Cluster, Multi-Site, and Multi-Level Evaluation (CMME) TIG Week: Exploring the Data Utility of Publicly Available Individual-Level Data Sets to Understand Self-Reported Experience with Social Determinants of Health by Michele D Sadler, Hope Gilbert, and Shilpa Londhe

Hi, we are Michele D Sadler and Hope Gilbert from Deloitte’s Evaluation and Research for Action Center of Excellence, along with Shilpa Londhe from New York University. As evaluation consultants, we know that social determinants of health (SDOH) data are critical in identifying and evaluating the scope and magnitude of non-medical experiences which influence health. Most often, researchers use SDOH …

Cluster, Multi-Site, and Multi-Level Evaluation (CMME) TIG Week: Exploring the Data Utility of Publicly Available Individual-Level Data Sets to Understand Self-Reported Experience with Social Determinants of Health by Michele D Sadler, Hope Gilbert, and Shilpa Londhe Read More »

Cluster, Multi-Site, and Multi-Level Evaluation (CMME) TIG Week: Getting Gritty: Putting in the Work to Collect Quality Data for Multisite Evaluations by Felicia Seibert

Hello! I’m Felicia Seibert, an evaluator and member of the Evaluation and Research for Action Center of Excellence at Deloitte Consulting LLP. I support federal health agencies with data collection, including pulling in large quantities of program implementation data from medical providers nationwide. I work with federal grantees, ensuring that the data systems in place …

Cluster, Multi-Site, and Multi-Level Evaluation (CMME) TIG Week: Getting Gritty: Putting in the Work to Collect Quality Data for Multisite Evaluations by Felicia Seibert Read More »

LEEAD Fellows Alumni Curated Week: Advancing Data Equity through Culturally Responsive and Equitable Data Parties by Chandria Jones

Hello! I’m Chandria Jones, Principal Research Scientist in Public Health and Affiliate Staff at the Center on Equity Research at NORC at the University of Chicago. I’m also one of the editors of the book Culturally Responsive and Equitable Evaluation: Visions and Voices of Emerging Scholars. In the realm of public health and social sciences, …

LEEAD Fellows Alumni Curated Week: Advancing Data Equity through Culturally Responsive and Equitable Data Parties by Chandria Jones Read More »

PreK-12 and Education Evaluation TIG Week: To Use or Not to Use Sentiment Analysis: Lessons Learned From Research Which Can Inform Evaluation by Kinsey Simone

Hello! My name is Dr. Kinsey Simone, and I am an instructor of graduate Quantitative Research Methods at Tennessee Tech University in Cookeville, Tennessee. My PhD is in Program Planning & Evaluation, and my primary research and evaluation interests pertain to the effectiveness of large-scale events to decrease stigmas towards and increase awareness of invisible disorders, …

PreK-12 and Education Evaluation TIG Week: To Use or Not to Use Sentiment Analysis: Lessons Learned From Research Which Can Inform Evaluation by Kinsey Simone Read More »

NPF TIG Week: Moving from Mere Data Collection to a Strategic Evaluation Practice at Your Nonprofit by Emily Parrott

Hi! I’m Emily Parrott, PhD, Senior Director of Research & Evaluation at Thrive Scholars. I have over 15 years of experience in research, evaluation, and nonprofit management—including serving as in-house evaluation staff and an external consultant—and I’ve learned a lot about the impact that strategic data collection and utilization can have on nonprofits. I’m writing to pass on four key takeaways from my experience that can help evaluators build data capacity at their organizations.

Analyzing Qualitative Data with Relevant Frameworks for Program Evaluation by Liane M. Ventura

Hi, I’m Liane M. Ventura, MPH. I am a Research Associate in the Center for Applied Research and Evaluation in Women’s Health at East Tennessee State University. My primary role is leading a longitudinal qualitative research study to evaluate a statewide contraceptive access initiative. I also have a community health consulting practice where I provide technical assistance to practice-based organizations, including program evaluation services.

Making Data Accessible to All Using Data Warehousing and BI Tools by Taj Carson

I’m Taj Carson, founder and CEO of Inciter (formerly Carson Research Consulting). In the early days of conducting evaluations, I realized I was inadvertently gatekeeping a valuable asset by collecting and storing data in a way that only I could get to. Over time, I heard from many organizations that they wanted more – more access to their data, and more ?exibility to use their data to construct stories for a wider range of audiences. Although the standard, PDF format reports often take up the bulk of an evaluation budget, I don’t believe they provide the bulk of the value. For instance, clients may wish to explore evaluation data sets to inform programmatic decision-making, re?ect on progress, and share feedback with constituents long after the funder receives their report. Too often the resources spent on study design, data collection, analysis, and reporting did not usefully live on after the reporting stage.

A Systematic Approach to Addressing Data Management by Kavita Mittapalli

Hello! I am Kavita Mittapalli, Ph.D. I own a K-16 research and evaluation firm, MN Associates, Inc. (MNA) just outside Washington DC metropolitan area. I founded MNA in 2004 as a graduate student at George Mason University. I have a Ph.D. in Research Design and Methodology in Education. We are a team of five evaluators and an administrative staff with a combined 65 years of experience conducting a wide variety of social science and STEM education research and evaluation projects across the country.