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Search Results for: data analysis

QUAL Eval Week: Michael Quinn Patton on Practical Qualitative Analysis

My name is Michael Quinn Patton. I train evaluators in qualitative evaluation methods and analysis. Qualitative interviews, open-ended survey questions, and social media entries can yield massive amounts of raw data. Course participants ask: “How can qualitative data be analyzed quickly, efficiently, and credibly to provide timely feedback to stakeholders? How do every day program evaluators …

QUAL Eval Week: Michael Quinn Patton on Practical Qualitative Analysis Read More »

PD Presenters Week: Brian Yates on Doing Cost-Inclusive Evaluation. Part III: Cost-Benefit Analysis

“But wait — there’s more!” Hi! I’m Brian Yates. Yes, this is the third piece in a series of “AEA365’s” on using cost data in evaluation … and not entirely inappropriate for your former AEA Treasurer to author. (I’m also Professor in the Department of Psychology at American University in Washington, DC.) My past two …

PD Presenters Week: Brian Yates on Doing Cost-Inclusive Evaluation. Part III: Cost-Benefit Analysis Read More »

DVR TIG Week: Tony Fujs on Dataviz with the Grammar of Graphics: R you Ready?

Hello! I’m Tony Fujs, Director of Evaluation at the Latin American Youth Center, a DC based non-profit organization. Today, I want to share my experience using R and ggplot2 for data visualization. Ggplot2 is a great tool from the R toolbox (a package, in R lingo). It relies on the powerful Grammar of Graphics framework, …

DVR TIG Week: Tony Fujs on Dataviz with the Grammar of Graphics: R you Ready? Read More »

DVR TIG Week: Ann K. Emery on Dataviz2: Visualization and Reporting about the DVR TIG

Welcome! I’m Ann Emery, Co-Chair of the Data Visualization and Reporting Topical Interest Group (“DVR TIG”). It seems only fitting to tell you more about the DVR TIG through, well, data visualization and reporting! Some highlights: AEA has 48 topical interest groups. They specialize in everything from quantitative methods to advocacy evaluation to data visualization. …

DVR TIG Week: Ann K. Emery on Dataviz2: Visualization and Reporting about the DVR TIG Read More »

Laura Beals and Noah Schectman on Data Formatting for Performance Management Systems

Hello! We are Laura Beals (program evaluator) and Noah Schectman (database administrator) from Jewish Family and Children’s Service (JF&CS), located in Boston, MA. At JF&CS we use a cloud-based case management system to facilitate data collection about our clients and services. We are part of the internal evaluation department at JF&CS (i.e., he is not …

Laura Beals and Noah Schectman on Data Formatting for Performance Management Systems Read More »

Best of aea365 week: McQuiston, Lippin and Bradley-Bull on Participatory Analysis

Greetings!  We are Tom McQuiston (USW Tony Mazzocchi Center) and Tobi Mae Lippin and Kristin Bradley-Bull (New Perspectives Consulting Group).  We have collaborated for over a decade on participatory evaluation and assessment projects for the United Steelworkers (labor union).  And we have grappled mightily with how to complete high-quality data analysis and interpretation in participatory ways. Hot Tip: Carefully determine up front …

Best of aea365 week: McQuiston, Lippin and Bradley-Bull on Participatory Analysis Read More »

Artineh Samkian and Joelle Greene on Graphic Timelines to Capture Qualitative Process Data

Hello! We are Artineh Samkian and Joelle Greene. Artineh is an Assistant Professor of Clinical Education at USC and Joelle is a Senior Research Associate at Harder+Co in Los Angeles. Recently, we worked together to conduct an implementation evaluation of a place-based effort funded by First 5 LA. Because we are both very interested in …

Artineh Samkian and Joelle Greene on Graphic Timelines to Capture Qualitative Process Data Read More »

Viengsavanh Sanaphane and Katie Moore on Dynamic Data Presentation and Recording for an Empowerment Evaluation Approach

We are Viengsavanh Sanaphane and Katie Moore from Catholic Relief Services.  We are working on an Inclusive Education (IE) project in Southeast Asia. Currently, IE efforts are expanding. Experienced partners that have worked on IE for years in the local context were planning to share qualitative data about their project with stakeholders new to the …

Viengsavanh Sanaphane and Katie Moore on Dynamic Data Presentation and Recording for an Empowerment Evaluation Approach Read More »

Johanna Morariu on #eval13 Network Analysis with NodeXL

Hello evaluation community, I am Johanna Morariu, Director of Innovation Network. Do you like getting something for free? Me too! Using Twitter data of the use of #eval13 I will demonstrate how to get started with network analysis in NodeXL.  Were you at Evaluation 2013 in Washington, DC? Thousands of evaluators converged to talk methods, …

Johanna Morariu on #eval13 Network Analysis with NodeXL Read More »

YFE Week: Miranda Yates and Anne Gleason on Techniques for Involving Youth in Data Gathering and Interpretation

Hi, we are Miranda Yates and Anne Gleason from the Program Evaluation and Planning (PEP) Department at Good Shepherd Services in New York City.  As part of our agency-wide commitment to youth and family development and evidence-based practice, we recognize the profound value of partnering with youth participants at all stages of program evaluation.  Our …

YFE Week: Miranda Yates and Anne Gleason on Techniques for Involving Youth in Data Gathering and Interpretation Read More »