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DRG TIG Week: The role of humility in evaluation to rebalance democratic governance to-ward equity and sustainability, by Nicole Bowman, Larry Bremner & Andrealisa Belzer

Koolamalsi/Tanshi. We are Larry Bremner, Co-Founder, EvalIndigenous, Associate Editor, Roots & Relations, Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation (CJPE), and Past President, Canadian Evaluation Society (CES); Dr. Nicole Bowman, co-Chair, AEA Indigenous Peoples in Evaluation and Associate Editor, Roots & Relations, CJPE; and Andrealisa Belzer, CE, Indigenous Services Canada, and CES National Board. For several years …

DRG TIG Week: The role of humility in evaluation to rebalance democratic governance to-ward equity and sustainability, by Nicole Bowman, Larry Bremner & Andrealisa Belzer Read More »

DRG TIG Week: Closing Civic Spaces and the Decolonization of Aid: What role for program evaluation? by Alysson Akiko Oakley

Hello evaluators! I am Alysson Akiko Oakley, chair of AEA’s Democracy, Human Rights and Governance (DRG) topical interest group, and Global Director of Results and Measurement at Pact. Our TIG focuses on evaluation that supports programs that aim to build democratic institutions, such as civil society and a free press, among others. Last year our …

DRG TIG Week: Closing Civic Spaces and the Decolonization of Aid: What role for program evaluation? by Alysson Akiko Oakley Read More »

YFE TIG Week: The Importance of Empathy in Youth Focused Evaluations by Monica Coleman, Shannon Sharp and Moira Ragan

Greetings! This is Monica Coleman at the Center for Research Evaluation (CERE) and doctoral student in Counselor Education and Supervision at the University of Mississippi. I am joined by my colleagues Shannon Sharp and Moira Ragan, evaluation associates at CERE. We are sharing our thoughts on using empathy—the ability to understand and share another person’s …

YFE TIG Week: The Importance of Empathy in Youth Focused Evaluations by Monica Coleman, Shannon Sharp and Moira Ragan Read More »

YFE TIG Week: Empowering Young People to Advance Equity at Overnight Camp by Hannah Patterson

Hello! I am Hannah Patterson, the Evaluation Manager at Camp Fire National Headquarters. Camp Fire National Headquarters has embarked on an initiative with the goal of ensuring that all youth participating in overnight camp feel welcome, emotionally affirmed and physically comfortable. Our evaluations for this project centered on empowering youth to share their own program …

YFE TIG Week: Empowering Young People to Advance Equity at Overnight Camp by Hannah Patterson Read More »

YFE TIG Week: A positive youth development (PYD) approach to engaging young people in research & evaluation by Sarah Jonson

Hi, I’m Sarah Jonson (Technical Advisor for Youth Agency and Engagement, IYF). At IYF, engaging young people across the project life cycle, from activity design to measurement, evaluation, research and learning (MERL), is one way we practice inclusion and honor our commitment to youth engagement and youth-led evaluation. To ensure youth participation is meaningful, we …

YFE TIG Week: A positive youth development (PYD) approach to engaging young people in research & evaluation by Sarah Jonson Read More »

YFE TIG Week: Moving beyond the ‘Whys’ and ‘Whats’ of adolescent-led evaluation to practical ‘Hows’ by Susan Igras and Ousséni Kinda

Greetings.  We’re Susan Igras (Senior Technical Advisor at Georgetown University’s Institute for Reproductive Health and occasional Consultant) and Ousséni Kinda (Monitoring and Evaluation Manager at the Norwegian Refugee Council in Nigeria). These past few years, we have teamed up to promote youth-led participatory evaluation in West and Central Africa, drawing from our own experiences supporting …

YFE TIG Week: Moving beyond the ‘Whys’ and ‘Whats’ of adolescent-led evaluation to practical ‘Hows’ by Susan Igras and Ousséni Kinda Read More »

YFE TIG Week: You(th) Matter: A Collaborative, Youth-focused, Community-Involved Inquiry about Mental Health and Well-being by Christina Koumoutsidis and Charlotte Schwass

Hello Evaluators! Hello Evaluators! Our names are Christina Koumoutsidis and Charlotte Schwass and we are two research assistants part of a group of educational evaluators. We are writing to share our experiences collaborating with youth on a school-community mental health and well-being (MHWB) inquiry. For the past three years, we have been involved in an …

YFE TIG Week: You(th) Matter: A Collaborative, Youth-focused, Community-Involved Inquiry about Mental Health and Well-being by Christina Koumoutsidis and Charlotte Schwass Read More »

YFE TIG Week: Hosting a Youth Summit to Promote Community Change by Deacon Dzierzawski and Mary Ann Wojton

We are Deacon Dzierzawski (President) and Mary Ann Wojton (VP of Research) from Epiphany Community Services.  We have worked with Sandy Rayhons (Director), Allies for Substance Abuse Prevention (ASAP) in Hancock County, Iowa, on an annual Youth Summit for eight years. We would like to share some tips on organizing and implementing this youth summit. …

YFE TIG Week: Hosting a Youth Summit to Promote Community Change by Deacon Dzierzawski and Mary Ann Wojton Read More »

YFE TIG Week: Accessing Youth Expertise in Designing Surveys for Youth by Mary Murray

Greetings. I’m Mary Murray, founder of of MEMconsultants. For two decades my team has built the capacity of youth-serving organizations to use evaluation practices to strengthen programs. Consistently, this has involved gathering information from youth via end of program surveys, interviews and focus groups. Often, we incorporate activities that expand beyond simply collecting information from …

YFE TIG Week: Accessing Youth Expertise in Designing Surveys for Youth by Mary Murray Read More »

Evaluators As Essential Workers by Michael Quinn Patton

I am Michael Quinn Patton of Utilization-Focused Evaluation offering ruminations on evaluators as essential workers as a contribution to the American celebration of Labor Day on September 6. The pandemic has spotlighted and elevated essential work. Who are essential workers? Certainly frontline and emergency medical personnel, first responders, and all who maintain our infrastructure are …

Evaluators As Essential Workers by Michael Quinn Patton Read More »