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Tom Archibald and Jane Buckley on Evaluative Thinking: The ‘Je Ne Sais Quoi’ of Evaluation Capacity Building and Evaluation Practice

Hi, we are Tom Archibald and Jane Buckley with the Cornell Office for Research on Evaluation. Among other initiatives, we work in partnership with non-formal educators to build evaluation capacity. We have been exploring the idea of evaluative thinking, which we believe is an essential, yet elusive, ingredient in evaluation capacity building (ECB). Below, we …

Tom Archibald and Jane Buckley on Evaluative Thinking: The ‘Je Ne Sais Quoi’ of Evaluation Capacity Building and Evaluation Practice Read More »

Susan Kistler on AEA Setting Environmental Issues as a Priority and the Environmental Evaluators Network Forum Unconference

I am Susan Kistler, the American Evaluation Association’s Executive Director and aea365 regular Saturday contributor. Did you know that April 22 is Earth Day and that all this week we’ll be celebrating Earth Week on aea365 with our colleagues in the Environmental Program Evaluation Topical Interest Group? What is particular exciting is that this year …

Susan Kistler on AEA Setting Environmental Issues as a Priority and the Environmental Evaluators Network Forum Unconference Read More »

Susan Kistler on Tools to Help in Your Evaluation Job Search

I’m Susan Kistler and I am the American Evaluation Association’s Executive Director and aea365’s regular Saturday contributor. Spring has finally sprung in North American – I’m once again awakened by the birds in the morning and shuttling around between crew, track, and softball – the spring sports for my small family. For many, spring will …

Susan Kistler on Tools to Help in Your Evaluation Job Search Read More »

Regan Grandy on Newly Amended FERPA Regulation Helps Educational Evaluation

I’m Regan Grandy, and I’ve worked as an evaluator for Spectrum Research Evaluation and Development for six years. My work is primarily evaluating U.S. Department of Education-funded grant projects with school districts across the nation. Lessons Learned – Like some of you, I’ve found it difficult, at times, gaining access to extant data from school …

Regan Grandy on Newly Amended FERPA Regulation Helps Educational Evaluation Read More »

Lija Greenseid on Conducting Mixed-Mode Surveys

I’m Lija Greenseid, a senior evaluator with Professional Data Analysts, Inc. in Minneapolis, Minnesota. A mixed-mode survey is a survey that collects data by more than one mode, such as telephone, mail, or web. PDA has conducted many mixed-mode surveys as components of our evaluations of state stop-smoking programs, such as tobacco quitlines and in-person …

Lija Greenseid on Conducting Mixed-Mode Surveys Read More »

Bloggers Series: Glenn O’Neil on Intelligent Measurement

Hello, I’m Glenn O’Neil, founder of Owl RE, evaluation consultancy and co-author of the Intelligent Measurement blog. Rad Resource – Intelligent Measurement: The blog focuses on issues and trends in evaluation, with a particular focus on communications, training, development and events. On average I blog about one time a week and have done so since …

Bloggers Series: Glenn O’Neil on Intelligent Measurement Read More »

MN EA Week: Nicole MartinRogers on Project Management Tools for Evaluators

Hello, my name is Nicole MartinRogers. I am the Survey Research Manager at Wilder Research, in Saint Paul, Minnesota. Wilder Research manages projects that range from small evaluations for local nonprofits to multiyear statewide evaluations of complex interventions. Hot tip: Project management (the discipline) offers great tools that will help keep your projects on track, …

MN EA Week: Nicole MartinRogers on Project Management Tools for Evaluators Read More »

MN EA Week: Sarah Sevcik on Lessons Learned about Program Committees

My name is Sarah Sevcik and I serve as the Program Committee Chair on the board of the Minnesota Evaluation Association.  Our chapter hosts 5 events per year for our members, and I’m here to share some lessons learned about planning and hosting events and working with a program committee. Lesson Learned: Multiple Program Announcements …

MN EA Week: Sarah Sevcik on Lessons Learned about Program Committees Read More »

MN EA Week: Susan Keskinen on Applying Culturally Competent Practices

My name is Susan Keskinen. I work for Ramsey County (Minnesota) Community Human Services as a Senior Program Evaluator.  My evaluation projects are related to adult services and to employment related services provided to Minnesota Family Investment Program (MFIP) participants, Minnesota’s version of the Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) program.  I am also the …

MN EA Week: Susan Keskinen on Applying Culturally Competent Practices Read More »