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Susan Kistler on Registering for the AEA Annual Conference

My name is Susan Kistler, aea365’s usual Saturday contributor and guest weekday post provider this week. Today, I’m keeping it short and sweet with three tips about the upcoming AEA conference. Hot Tip – Register Now: If you are attending the American Evaluation Association Annual Conference next month in Minneapolis, and have not yet done …

Susan Kistler on Registering for the AEA Annual Conference Read More »

Susan Kistler on an Amazing, Free, Lifelong Learning Opportunity

I am Susan Kistler, the American Evaluation Association’s Executive Director and aea365’s Saturday contributor. Although it cleared 80 degrees today, Labor Day is nearly upon us and with it the return to school. This means the return of 30 teenage boys to the dorm in which we have lived for the past 10 years, high …

Susan Kistler on an Amazing, Free, Lifelong Learning Opportunity Read More »

Susan Kistler on Seeking an aea365 Intern

I am Susan Kistler, The American Evaluation Association’s Executive Director, and aea365’s ongoing Saturday contributor. Get Involved: Once again, we’re looking for an aea365 intern (with special thanks to June Gothberg who has served as the lead curator since March). The aea365 intern is responsible for: Recruiting contributors – send invitations, work with leaders of …

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Stephanie Evergreen on the Dynamic Dozen

My name is Stephanie Evergreen and I am AEA’s eLearning Initiative Director and lead of the Potent Presentations Initiative. I’m sitting in for Susan Kistler this Saturday and boy do I have something awesome to share with you. As part of the Potent Presentations Initiative, we identified the top dozen AEA presenters (that is, based …

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Susan Kistler on Getting Engaged in Environmental Evaluation

Happy Saturday! My name is Susan Kistler and I am the American Evaluation Association’s Executive Director and regular Saturday aea365 contributor. I returned earlier this month from the Environmental Evaluators Network (EEN) Unconference in Washington which brought together approximately 200 colleagues with an interest and investment in Environmental Evaluation. The event ended with establishing multiple …

Susan Kistler on Getting Engaged in Environmental Evaluation Read More »

Susan Kistler on Evaluation 2012 Coming Up in Minneapolis

My name is Susan Kistler, the American Evaluation Association’s Executive Director and aea365 Saturday contributor. I went to graduate school at the University of Minnesota and thus am especially pleased to be able to share with you information about this year’s AEA annual conference in Minneapolis. Hot Tip – Evaluation 2012: Registration is now open …

Susan Kistler on Evaluation 2012 Coming Up in Minneapolis Read More »

Susan Kistler on Resources for Evaluating Communications

My name is Susan Kistler, the American Evaluation Association’s Executive Director and aea365 Saturday contributor. This week, a colleague asked about resources for evaluation of communications. Rad Resource – Making Health Communications Work: On AEA’s listserv, EVALTALK, Pam Kelley recommended this free guide (more of a book, it is over 250 pages of assistance and …

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AZENet Week: Cassandra O’Neill and Amy Ashley on Local Collaboration for Big Impact

Hi, we’re Cassandra O’Neill, Senior Partner, Wholonomy Consulting, in Tucson AZ, and Amy Ashley, Policy and Research Technical Writer at the Center for Applied Behavioral Health Policy, Arizona State University. Together, we make up the co-president elect position of the Arizona Evaluation Network (AZENet). Welcome to Arizona evaluation week, where we highlight local collaboration for …

AZENet Week: Cassandra O’Neill and Amy Ashley on Local Collaboration for Big Impact Read More »

Susan Kistler on a Must-have Free Tool for the Evaluation Detective

I’m Susan Kistler, the American Evaluation Association’s Executive Director, and ongoing aea365 Saturday Contributor. Sometimes, you use a tool so much, you forget it’s there. Hence, my poor explanation for why I have not yet written about the tool I am sharing with you today. Rad Resource – OutWit Docs: OutWit Docs describes itself as …

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Tom Archibald and Jane Buckley on Evaluative Thinking: The ‘Je Ne Sais Quoi’ of Evaluation Capacity Building and Evaluation Practice

Hi, we are Tom Archibald and Jane Buckley with the Cornell Office for Research on Evaluation. Among other initiatives, we work in partnership with non-formal educators to build evaluation capacity. We have been exploring the idea of evaluative thinking, which we believe is an essential, yet elusive, ingredient in evaluation capacity building (ECB). Below, we …

Tom Archibald and Jane Buckley on Evaluative Thinking: The ‘Je Ne Sais Quoi’ of Evaluation Capacity Building and Evaluation Practice Read More »