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International and Cross-cultural Evaluation

Dianne Hofner Saphiere on Interculturally Competent Evaluation

My name is Dianne Hofner Saphiere and I am Founder and Principal at Cultural Detective®. We are a team of international professionals who collaborate to produce practical tools that use a theoretically grounded, proven process for enhancing intercultural competence. At Evaluation 2011 I’ll be facilitating a session entitled “Interculturally Competent Evaluation,” so I appreciate this …

Dianne Hofner Saphiere on Interculturally Competent Evaluation Read More »

Carlo Amillo on Resources for Impact Evaluators

Cheers aea365 readers. I am Carlo Amillo and I want to share resources for evaluators from around the world who evaluate development projects using impact evaluations. The following resources are for M&E practitioners in particular but useful to anyone who is a professional evaluator. Rad Resource – The International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie): 3ie …

Carlo Amillo on Resources for Impact Evaluators Read More »

Chris Camillo on Improving Monitoring Systems from an Auditor’s Perspective

Hi. My name is Chris Camillo, and I am an auditor and consultant on international child labor and education issues. As part of my auditing work, I visit rural development projects in Africa and Latin America to assess the quality of their GPRA performance data, their compliance with program requirements and their learning environments for …

Chris Camillo on Improving Monitoring Systems from an Auditor’s Perspective Read More »

Kylie Hutchinson on the Splash and Ripple Model

My name is Kylie Hutchinson. I am an independent evaluation consultant and trainer with Community Solutions Planning & Evaluation. I teach workshops on evaluation and occasionally facilitate the Canadian Evaluation Society’s Essential Skills Series course. I am also a regular workshop presenter at AEA conferences, eStudy Webinars, and the Summer Evaluation Institute. I also Twitter …

Kylie Hutchinson on the Splash and Ripple Model Read More »

Victor Kuo on Contributing to AEA’s International Listening Project

Hi. I’m Victor Kuo, one of AEA’s Board Directors and liaison to the International Listening Project (ILP). AEA has launched the ILP to consider strategies that will guide AEA into enhanced engagement with the international communities of evaluators, evaluation organizations and clients of evaluation in the coming years. The Board sees this initiative as aligned …

Victor Kuo on Contributing to AEA’s International Listening Project Read More »

Shortcut Week: Sharon Rodriguez on Shortcuts for Inserting Diacritics

Hello aea365 friends. My name is Sharon Rodriguez and I regularly work with international colleagues from other parts of the world. One challenge that we encounter is representing diacritics in reports and presentations (and even emails – but note that the suggestions below won’t work in all email programs). You can usually get these in …

Shortcut Week: Sharon Rodriguez on Shortcuts for Inserting Diacritics Read More »

Bikash Kumar Koirala on The Importance of Effective Communication in Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation

Hi, my name is Bikash Kumar Koirala. I work as a Monitoring and Evaluation Officer in the NGO Equal Access Nepal, which is based in Kathmandu, Nepal.  I have been practicing monitoring and evaluation work for over five years, which is focused on development communication programs.  A research project that EAN has collaborated on Assessing …

Bikash Kumar Koirala on The Importance of Effective Communication in Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation Read More »

Susan Kistler on the OECD Better Life Index

My name is Susan Kistler. I am the Executive Director of the American Evaluation Association and author of aea365’s Saturday posts. Today, I wanted to call to your attention the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Better Life Index (BLI). OECD launched the BLI in May, describing it as a “new, interactive index that …

Susan Kistler on the OECD Better Life Index Read More »

Susan Hahn and Guy Sharrock on How to Establish a Robust Project M&E System

Hello! This post is by Susan Hahn and Guy Sharrock. Susan works as a Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) consultant to Catholic Relief Services (CRS), a Baltimore-based international humanitarian assistance and development agency, with whom Guy is a Senior M&E Advisor. Evaluations are an important part of our project activities, but they must be linked with …

Susan Hahn and Guy Sharrock on How to Establish a Robust Project M&E System Read More »

Amir Fallah on Resources for International Evaluators

My name is Amir Fallah and I will be sharing resources for those practicing M&E (Monitoring and Evaluation) in the international sector. Rad Resource – My M&E: My M&E (Monitoring and Evaluation) MY M&E is an online collaboratively-developed home for M&E practitioners around the world. The list of partners includes the International Organization for Cooperation …

Amir Fallah on Resources for International Evaluators Read More »