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AEA365 Contributor, Curated by Elizabeth Grim

DVR TIG Week: Three First Steps to Data Visualization by Kristin Giordano and Carise Mitch

We are Kristin Giordano and Carise Mitch of Equal Measure, where we partner with foundations, nonprofits, and government organizations to apply new ways of thinking and learning to advance social change. In 2020, Equal Measure launched an internal Data Visualization Learning Circle, combining discussion and reflection with the invaluable Ann Emery’s Depict Data Studio online …

DVR TIG Week: Three First Steps to Data Visualization by Kristin Giordano and Carise Mitch Read More »

DVR TIG Week: Taking the first step: creating a data visualization culture in our organization by Manon Billaud, Meredith Pinto, Emily Moore, Anika Hannan, and Whitney Rémy

Hi there! It’s Manon, Meredith, Emily, Anika and Whitney, and we are a group of Public Health Analysts, Evaluators, and Epidemiologists at RTI International – an independent, nonprofit research institute. We are passionate about creating engaging evaluation products, so we banded together as champions of data viz to improve how our organization shares project findings. …

DVR TIG Week: Taking the first step: creating a data visualization culture in our organization by Manon Billaud, Meredith Pinto, Emily Moore, Anika Hannan, and Whitney Rémy Read More »

DVR TIG Week: A web-based interactive dashboard to improve access to and use of data in decision making by John Manda

Greetings fellow evaluators. I am excited to share my experiences and lessons learned in our effort to improve access to and use of data in decision making through the development and use of a web-based interactive dashboard.  My name is John Manda, and I am the Learning and Dissemination Advisor on the United States Agency …

DVR TIG Week: A web-based interactive dashboard to improve access to and use of data in decision making by John Manda Read More »

DVR TIG Week: Using a Geographical Map Chart in Evaluation by David Fetterman

Hi. I am David Fetterman, President of Fetterman & Associates, an international evaluation consultation firm. I am a past-president of the American Evaluation Association and a co-chair of the Collaborative, Participatory, and Empowerment Evaluation TIG. In addition, I have 25 years of experience at Stanford University as an administrator and faculty member. I am also the …

DVR TIG Week: Using a Geographical Map Chart in Evaluation by David Fetterman Read More »

DVR TIG Week: Digestive Aids for Large Numbers by Amelia Kohm

Hello! I’m Amelia Kohm of Data Viz for Nonprofits (DVN). DVN helps organizations to quickly grasp their data, improve their work, and show their impact and offers up weekly 60-Second Data Tips to those in the nonprofit world. Today, I’m here to talk about BANs (Big A** Numbers) and aids for digesting them. BANs are …

DVR TIG Week: Digestive Aids for Large Numbers by Amelia Kohm Read More »

DVR TIG Week: Weaving Together Narrative Through Journey Mapping by Marsha Williamson, Manon Matchett, and Mindelyn Anderson

Greetings, I am Marsha Williamson, patient navigation member of Black Women Thriving East of the River (BWTEoR), a five-year breast cancer survivor, and I am a native to Washington, DC and have resided East of the River in Ward 7 for over 20 years. Hello, I am Manon Matchett, Co-Lead, BWTEoR and a 25-year plus …

DVR TIG Week: Weaving Together Narrative Through Journey Mapping by Marsha Williamson, Manon Matchett, and Mindelyn Anderson Read More »

ACM TIG Week: Evaluation, risk, and our collective power by Jeremy Foutz

My name is Jeremy Foutz, and I’m an ethnomusicologist, evaluator, and principal at STEAM  Workgroup, working with cultural and informal learning organizations. I’m writing this from the position of a cis white man who, although coming from a family that survived on welfare programs, had/has significant levels of privilege. This week of posts from the …

ACM TIG Week: Evaluation, risk, and our collective power by Jeremy Foutz Read More »

ACM TIG Week: Audience Impact by Jennifer Novak-Leonard

This post was original released on AEA365 in 2012, and was so popular the first time around, it is being reshared from the archives at the request of the Arts, Culture, and Museums TIG. Hi everyone – My name is Jennifer Novak-Leonard, and I’m a Senior Consultant with WolfBrown, an arts and cultural research and …

ACM TIG Week: Audience Impact by Jennifer Novak-Leonard Read More »

ACM TIG Week: Evaluating our Impact: Priorities and Instruments by Kari Ross Nelson

My name is Kari Ross Nelson. I am the Research and Evaluation Associate at Thanksgiving Point Institute and an independent consultant to museums and other informal learning organizations in the greater Salt Lake City area. My team at Thanksgiving Point is the research partner on an IMLS-funded project, Measurement of Museum Social Impact (MOMSI). This …

ACM TIG Week: Evaluating our Impact: Priorities and Instruments by Kari Ross Nelson Read More »

ACM TIG Week: Building Staff Evaluative Thinking (and a Pyramid) with a Guest Needs Hierarchy by Lauren Holley

Hello! I’m Lauren Holley, the Audience and Evaluation Specialist at Space Center Houston. I work with our full organization; as our first in-house evaluator, I am shaping colleagues’ perspectives of evaluation and embedding accountability, iterative improvement, and focus on outcomes into our offerings. Our greatest and broadest offering is our general visitor experience. With consistent …

ACM TIG Week: Building Staff Evaluative Thinking (and a Pyramid) with a Guest Needs Hierarchy by Lauren Holley Read More »