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Integrating Technology into Evaluation

Tech TIG Week: Why Evaluators (and Everyone Else) Need a New Way of Talking about AI by Paul Duignan

Hi, I am Paul Duignan, a psychologist with a background in evaluation, outcomes and strategy work, including evaluating the opportunities and risks of new technology. I currently work on artificial intelligence (AI) strategies for organizations, AI’s social and psychological impact, and new, more appropriate language for talking about AI. The new terms being used regarding …

Tech TIG Week: Why Evaluators (and Everyone Else) Need a New Way of Talking about AI by Paul Duignan Read More »

Tech TIG Week: Harnessing Machine Learning for Ethical and Effective Evaluation by Peter York

Hello! I’m Pete York, an evaluator for more than 25 years, and I’ve been integrating machine learning and AI into evaluation for the past decade. I teach courses introducing machine learning to evaluators at The Evaluator’s Institute (TEI) and the International Program for Development Evaluation Training (IPDET). Hot Tip As demand for big data science, …

Tech TIG Week: Harnessing Machine Learning for Ethical and Effective Evaluation by Peter York Read More »

Tech TIG Week: The Use of AI for Qualitative Analysis – What Is the Harm? by Carolyn Fonseca

Hi I’m Carolyn Fonseca, PhD, Technical Director at Management Systems International (MSI) TetraTech. I have experience conducting evaluations for clients such as USAID, managing third-party monitoring platforms, and conducting special studies/research activities testing new technologies and methods. I, like many of you, am often under time, budget, and data constraints when carrying out work for …

Tech TIG Week: The Use of AI for Qualitative Analysis – What Is the Harm? by Carolyn Fonseca Read More »

Tech TIG Week: Hot Tips: Using ChatGPT to Transcribe and Summarize In-person Meetings by Noah Goodman

Hi, I am Noah Goodman, an evaluator and researcher at Education Development Center. Recently, one of my projects held a planning meeting with school leaders to help them reflect on results from a youth health and risk behavior survey we administered in their districts. During that meeting, participants used post-its to reflect on the data, …

Tech TIG Week: Hot Tips: Using ChatGPT to Transcribe and Summarize In-person Meetings by Noah Goodman Read More »

Tech TIG Week: “I Need Another Me”: Leveraging AI as a Solution to Increase Personal Capacity in the Evaluation Industry by Emily Smith

Greetings from Vermont! I am Emily Smith, Director of Program Evaluation for the Division of Family and Child Health in the Department of Health. My journey from research and academia to evaluation in the public sector has contributed to my current perspective on ethical and creative integration of artificial intelligence (AI) tools into my everyday …

Tech TIG Week: “I Need Another Me”: Leveraging AI as a Solution to Increase Personal Capacity in the Evaluation Industry by Emily Smith Read More »

Tech TIG Week: The Evaluation Time Machine: Charting the Course of Evaluation Intelligence by Zach Tilton

Greetings, colleagues. I’m Zach Tilton, Evaluation Specialist at The MERL Tech Initiative and Sandbox Working Group Co-lead for the MERL Tech Initiative Natural Language Processing Community of Practice (NLP-CoP). Today, I’d like to take you on a journey through the evolution of our field and introduce a concept I call “Evaluation Intelligence.” Imagine, if you …

Tech TIG Week: The Evaluation Time Machine: Charting the Course of Evaluation Intelligence by Zach Tilton Read More »

Tech TIG Week: A Snapshot of the State of Artificial Intelligence in Evaluation Practice by John Baek

I’m John Baek, Senior Education Evaluator at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and chair of the Integrating Technology in Evaluation (Tech) TIG. Along with Noah Goodman (Wednesday’s author), I’m curating this week’s AEA365 blogs from evaluators who are actively exploring the use of artificial intelligence tools as part of their evaluation practice. Tools like …

Tech TIG Week: A Snapshot of the State of Artificial Intelligence in Evaluation Practice by John Baek Read More »

ITE TIG Week: A Framework and a Process for Using Evidence Infrastructure to Inform Dynamic Decision-Making: Lessons Learned from the Federal Acquisition Service (FAS), General Service Administration by Ioana Munteanu and Clifton Best

Hello! We are Ioana Munteanu, Evidence Governance Lead, and Clifton Best, Chief Data Architect, at FAS.  For the past five years we’ve worked to build evidence capabilities, including evaluating evidence requirements, observing evidence challenges, and developing an evidence capacity framework and data infrastructure. Our objective is to empower staff across all levels and functions to …

ITE TIG Week: A Framework and a Process for Using Evidence Infrastructure to Inform Dynamic Decision-Making: Lessons Learned from the Federal Acquisition Service (FAS), General Service Administration by Ioana Munteanu and Clifton Best Read More »

ITE TIG Week: Never Assume Anything: Using System Data in EdTech Evaluation Work by Mingyu Feng and Kelly Collins

Hello. We are Mingyu Feng and Kelly Collins with WestEd’s Learning and Technology group. Mingyu is a Senior Research Associate who directs several Institute of Education Sciences, National Science Foundation, and Education Innovation and Research funded experimental studies. Kelly is a Research Associate who is a pro in data manipulation and analysis.  There is no …

ITE TIG Week: Never Assume Anything: Using System Data in EdTech Evaluation Work by Mingyu Feng and Kelly Collins Read More »

ITE TIG Week: Mobile Data Collection in East Africa: Lessons Learned from the Field by Chndy Rogel

Hello! My name is Chndy Rogel (she/her) and I am a research manager at a research, monitoring, and evaluation firm based in Hargeisa, Somaliland. I’ve been living and moving around Africa for the past three years and I would like to share some lessons learned from managing mobile data collection in East Africa. Most evaluation …

ITE TIG Week: Mobile Data Collection in East Africa: Lessons Learned from the Field by Chndy Rogel Read More »