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Search Results for: data analysis

Bloggers Week: Daniel Catala-Perez on Comprehensive Evaluation

Call me Daniel. “Some years ago—never mind how long precisely—having little or no money in my purse, and nothing particular to interest me on shore, I thought I would sail about a little and see the watery part of the world”. (Herman Melville, 1851) Rad Resource – Comprehensive Evaluation. A site where to find various …

Bloggers Week: Daniel Catala-Perez on Comprehensive Evaluation Read More »

Kath McNiff on Tools, Tips and Other New Year’s Resolutions

Hey there. My name is Kath McNiff and I’m an online community manager at QSR International (the makers of NVivo). Lessons Learned: We’re heading into a brand new year of evaluation (actually, THE year of evaluation). Oh, the joys of a clean slate! A chance to right the wrongs, sharpen the tools, clear the decks …

Kath McNiff on Tools, Tips and Other New Year’s Resolutions Read More »

QUAL Eval Week: Katrina Bledsoe on Qualitative Inquiry and Theory-driven Evaluation

Greetings! I’m Katrina Bledsoe and I’m a research director at the Missouri-based DeBruce Foundation. The Foundation is currently working on starting a research institute that addresses issues related to education, community, and economic development. In my years of working with and in communities, I’ve found that qualitative inquiry is a foundational tool in being able …

QUAL Eval Week: Katrina Bledsoe on Qualitative Inquiry and Theory-driven Evaluation Read More »

#Eval14 Grad Students Reflections Week: Danielle Cummings on GEDI Intern Reflections on the AEA Annual Conference

Hello! My name is Danielle Cummings. I am a member of the AEA Graduate Education Diversity Internship (GEDI) program and a graduate student at NYU Wagner School of Public Service studying public policy analysis. Attending AEA’s annual conference was inspiring and edifying. As a graduate student learning analytical methods and research design, the conference was …

#Eval14 Grad Students Reflections Week: Danielle Cummings on GEDI Intern Reflections on the AEA Annual Conference Read More »

IE TIG Week: Boris Volkov on Internal Evaluation and Shared Expectations and Responsibilities

Welcome to the AEA365 Internal Evaluation (IE) week! I’m Boris Volkov, a Co-Chair of IE TIG; also, a Co-Director for Monitoring & Evaluation with the University of Minnesota Clinical and Translational Science Institute and a faculty at the UMN School of Public Health. During this week, our colleagues from evaluation units in different organizations will …

IE TIG Week: Boris Volkov on Internal Evaluation and Shared Expectations and Responsibilities Read More »

Sheila B Robinson on A Sure Cure for Evaluation Isolation

Hello fellow evaluators! I’m Sheila B Robinson, aea365’s Lead Curator and sometimes Saturday contributor, and I have to admit, I get lonely sometimes. After all, I’m the only program evaluator in my organization. Sure, there are other people who collect and analyze data, but no one who can sit down with me over lunch and …

Sheila B Robinson on A Sure Cure for Evaluation Isolation Read More »

Kirk Knestis on How Evaluators can Help Clients with Proposals in an Innovation Research and Development (R&D) Paradigm

Kirk Knestis, CEO of Hezel Associates, back again, following up on a previous post about how evaluators’ work in STEM education settings is being influenced by the Common Guidelines for Education Research and Development introduced by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and U.S. Department of Education. Hezel Associates studies education innovations so regularly supports organizations …

Kirk Knestis on How Evaluators can Help Clients with Proposals in an Innovation Research and Development (R&D) Paradigm Read More »

William Faulkner and João Martinho on Visual Communication with a Poster: A Quick, Dirty, and Biased Case Study

Hello, we are William Faulkner (i2i Institute) and João Martinho (PlanPP), writing here on our own poster design process, which apparently worked well enough to impress some of the judges at AEA 2014. We were guided by a simple principle: understand what the target audience considers relevant and where this overlaps with that which we …

William Faulkner and João Martinho on Visual Communication with a Poster: A Quick, Dirty, and Biased Case Study Read More »

Clare Strawn on Evaluating Communities of Practice

Greetings from Oregon. My name is Clare Strawn and I am an independent consultant primarily interested in community building of all kinds. I have had the privilege of helping to launch and evaluate multiple Communities of Practice with adult educators, NSF STEM grantees, and international STEM innovators. Hoping to be a good citizen in the …

Clare Strawn on Evaluating Communities of Practice Read More »

Sherry Campanelli and Laura Newhall on The Best Laid Plans: Navigating the Potholes and Pitfalls of Group Facilitation

Hi. We’re Sherry Campanelli, Program Compliance Manager and Laura Newhall, Clinical Training Coordinator, from the University of Massachusetts Medical School’s Disability Evaluation Services. As an organization, we are committed to ongoing quality improvement efforts to enhance our services for people with disabilities. Earlier, we wrote about common techniques that help a quality improvement (QI) team …

Sherry Campanelli and Laura Newhall on The Best Laid Plans: Navigating the Potholes and Pitfalls of Group Facilitation Read More »