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Cassandra O’Neill on Engagement for High Impact Collaboration

My name is Cassandra O’Neill and I’ve been a consultant for the past 10 years. I’m a member of a network of consultants and coaches called Wholonomy Consulting.  I’m also the President-Elect for the Arizona Evaluation Network and a member of the AEA Local Affiliate Council. A theme in my work is using effective engagement …

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Kathleen Dowell on the Evaluation Client Feedback Form

My name is Kathleen Dowell and I am President of Partners in Evaluation & Planning. As a full-time evaluation consultant, and lead in a consulting firm, I continually strive to improve our practice and service to clients. Hot Tip: Want to assess the quality of the services you provide to evaluation clients? Then the Client …

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John LaVelle on OERL, PARE and Video Library

My name is John LaVelle, I’m a doctoral student at Claremont Graduate University.  I’ve been in a lot of evaluation courses, and these are some of the resources I’ve learned about from my faculty and other students. Rad Resource:  One of the sites I learned about in class is called the Online Evaluation Resource Library.  …

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Jara Dean-Coffey on Visual Facilitation and Graphic Recorders

My name is Jara Dean-Coffey, and I am the principal and founder of jdcPartnerships (www.jdcpartnerships.com). We partner with our clients to build their adaptive, strategic and leadership capacity and do so by using an evaluative inquiry approach to strategy formation, evaluation and assessment, leadership development and technical assistance and training. Our clients are in all …

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Paul Pope on EZAnalyze

My name is Paul Pope. As an evaluation specialist for Texas AgriLife Extension Service, one of my major responsibilities is to train our “faculty in the field” in the basics of program evaluation. County extension educators (agents) are expected to plan and conduct program evaluations in order to demonstrate the impact of their educational efforts. …

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Eric Graig on Requall

My name is Eric Graig and I am the founder and Managing Director of Usable Knowledge LLC. As part of my consulting work, I am always on the lookout for useful tools to help me stay organized and I regularly write about evaluation, consulting, and tech tools on my company blog at http://www.theusableblog.blogspot.com/ Rad Resource …

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Wendy Limbert on Google Sites

My name is Wendy Limbert. I’m an independent evaluator (http://www.limbertconsulting.com) and am also affiliated with Collaborative Research Associates (http://www.cr-assoc.com/) . I gravitate toward research and evaluation projects related to non-profits and/or social policies affecting disadvantaged groups. I am always on the lookout for new articles and reports in my topic areas, new technology tools, and …

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