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Leslie Goodyear on Serving as a Reviewer for the National Science Foundation

I’m Leslie Goodyear, and I’m a Program Officer at the National Science Foundation, in the Division of Research on Learning in Formal and Informal Settings (DRL). The programs in DRL include: Informal Science Education (ISE), Discovery Research K-12 (DR K-12), Research and Evaluation on Education in Science and Engineering (REESE), and Innovative Technology Experiences for …

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Leigh Wang on Database Design

Hi, I’m Lihshing Leigh Wang, and I’m an Associate Professor of Psychometrics and Quantitative Methodology at University of Cincinnati. Today I want to share with you a tip about database design. Evaluation research that involves large-scale, multi-level, multi-year, and multi-cohort data presents special challenges to evaluators. Most training programs and publication venues focus on the …

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Susan Kistler on the AEA/CDC Summer Evaluation Institute Materials

My name is Susan Kistler. I am AEA’s Executive Director and I contribute each Saturday’s aea365 post. If you didn’t have the opportunity to join your colleagues at the AEA/CDC Summer Evaluation Institute this past month, you missed some great sessions  – the agenda may be found online. Hot Tip: Over 80% of the presenters …

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Gerri Spilka on the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Evaluation Fellowship Program

My name is Gerri Spilka and I am the Executive Director of the OMG Center for Collaborative Learning – a consulting firm that assists and assesses change through evaluation, strategic research and planning, grants management and capacity building. Among our many projects, OMG serves as the lead management team on the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation …

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Sarah Hug on Evaluating STEM Pipeline Programs

My name is Sarah Hug and I am a Research Associate with the Alliance for Technology, Learning and Society (ATLAS) at the University of Colorado at Boulder. I am going to give a few tips regarding “pipeline evaluation” for programs aimed at increasing enrollment and diversity in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields. Pipeline …

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Kim Sabo Flores on Engaging Youth in Evaluation

Hello fellow evaluators!! My name is Kim Sabo Flores and I am the creator of Evaluation Access, an evaluation capacity building organization that serves non-profit staff and youth participants.  I began my evaluation career with a focus on engaging children and youth in evaluation but soon realized that adult staff also needed support.  Over the …

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Martha Henry on Data Confidentiality and Data Ownership

I am Martha (Marty) Henry, founder and President of M.A. Henry Consulting, LLC in St. Louis.  Today I will be sharing a story and some hot tips about data confidentiality and data ownership. My firm was evaluating a federally funded project at a university under IRB oversight with approved consents for participants.  The consents stated …

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Linda Meyer on Helping Clients Develop Goals and Objectives

My name is Linda Meyer and I am an applied developmental psychology graduate student at Claremont Graduate University. I am going to give you a few tips on helping clients develop goals and objectives that can help you plan an evaluation. Knowing programs’ goals and objectives is useful for creating logic models for evaluation, but …

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Sophie Alvarez on Participatory Impact Pathways Analysis

Hi, my name is Sophie Alvarez and I work in the Challenge Programme on Water and Food (CPWF) as a consultant in monitoring and evaluation. During Phase I of the CPWF, we began developing an evaluation and monitoring methodology where a group of project researchers and some of their stakeholders get together and map the …

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