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Michael Matteson on the Hawthorne Effect and Empowerment Evaluation

I’m Michael Matteson and I’m pursuing a graduate degree at the University of Wollongong (Australia). Lessons Learned – What’s the Hawthorne effect? Why would it matter in Empowerment Evaluation? Most people will remember hearing of the “Hawthorne effect “based on a major study of organizational and environmental effects on productivity which gave confusing and contradictory …

Michael Matteson on the Hawthorne Effect and Empowerment Evaluation Read More »

Susan Geier on Using a Participatory Evaluation Approach

Hi, my name is Susan Geier and I am a doctoral student at Purdue University studying research methods, measurement and evaluation. I employ a participatory evaluation approach with the GEMscholar project and have learned much from the Native American college students and the dedicated program staff. Lessons Learned: I would like to share my three …

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E. Jane Davidson on Evaluative Rubrics

My name is Jane Davidson and I run an evaluation consulting business called Real Evaluation Ltd. In my work, I advise and support organizations on strategic evaluation; provide evaluation capacity building and professional development; develop tools and templates to help organizations conduct, interpret, and use evaluations themselves; and conduct independent and collaborative evaluations and meta-evaluations. …

E. Jane Davidson on Evaluative Rubrics Read More »

Susan Wolfe on How Community Psychology Influences My Work as an Evaluator

My name is Susan Wolfe and I am the owner of Susan Wolfe and Associates, LLC, a consulting firm that applies Community Psychology principles to strengthening organizations and communities. Applied research skills and program evaluation were core features of my Community Psychology graduate curriculum. Over the course of my evaluation career, I have become aware …

Susan Wolfe on How Community Psychology Influences My Work as an Evaluator Read More »

Judith Kallick Russell on Translating Findings Into Action

Hello Colleagues! My name is Judith Kallick Russell. I am an independent evaluation consultant in civic engagement, community development and peace building. My clients are national organizations (NGOs) and international organizations (UN agencies, international NGOs and foundations). In my work, I have found that it can be challenging at the report writing stage to provide …

Judith Kallick Russell on Translating Findings Into Action Read More »

Lisa Garbrecht on Overcoming Data Quality Challenges in School-Based Settings

Hello, my name is Lisa Garbrecht. As a Research Associate at EVALCORP Research & Consulting, I work on numerous projects requiring data collection from youth. As you may know, it is not always easy to obtain high quality data (i.e., sufficient numbers of completed surveys, academic data, etc.) when relying on schools to help facilitate …

Lisa Garbrecht on Overcoming Data Quality Challenges in School-Based Settings Read More »

Susan Kistler on TED Talks for Evaluators

My name is Susan Kistler. I am the Executive Director of the American Evaluation Association and I contribute each Saturday’s aea365 post. Resource: Have you ever wanted to hear “riveting talks by remarkable people?” That is the tagline for TED Talks, brought to you by TED, a nonprofit dedicated to “ideas worth spreading.”  TED hosts …

Susan Kistler on TED Talks for Evaluators Read More »

Rick Axelson on Where to Start When Introducing Evaluation to Nonevaluators

Hi, my name is Rick Axelson. I am a faculty consultant in the Office of Consultation and Research in Medical Education (OCRME) at the University of Iowa. OCRME works with faculty, staff, and students to support innovation and improvement in medical education practices. My colleague, Susan Lenoch, and I conduct workshops and individual consultations with …

Rick Axelson on Where to Start When Introducing Evaluation to Nonevaluators Read More »

Kimberly Kay Lopez on Getting Creative With the Data You Collect and Use for Evaluations!

Hello, I am Kimberly Kay Lopez, I have a community-based evaluation and research practice based in Houston, Texas. My work is concentrated in participatory evaluation methods used for the evaluation of youth programs and services. Hot Tip: Using Photovoice in an Empowerment Evaluation: When working with youth, I have used the Empowerment Evaluation model many …

Kimberly Kay Lopez on Getting Creative With the Data You Collect and Use for Evaluations! Read More »