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Health Evaluation TIG Week: The Health Equity Indicators for Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) Toolkit by Lauren Toledo

Hello! My name is Lauren Toledo, an evaluator with Deloitte Consulting LLP. I work with U.S federal health agencies to plan, design, and implement program evaluations.  Rad Resource Today, I would like to highlight a new resource published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention: The Health Equity Indicators …

Health Evaluation TIG Week: The Health Equity Indicators for Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) Toolkit by Lauren Toledo Read More »

Health Evaluation TIG Week: Fostering a Community of Health Evaluators by Jenica Reed, Grace Bachman, Gizelle Gopez, Faiza Haq, Molly Linabarger, and Leslie Otto

Hello! I am Jenica Reed, a Chair for the Health Evaluation TIG and leader within Deloitte Consulting LLP’s Evaluation and Research for Action (ERA) practice. We are hosting this week and sharing some of our favorite lessons learned, techniques for growing skillsets, tools to aid efficiency, and engagement strategies. We value learning from colleagues and …

Health Evaluation TIG Week: Fostering a Community of Health Evaluators by Jenica Reed, Grace Bachman, Gizelle Gopez, Faiza Haq, Molly Linabarger, and Leslie Otto Read More »

STEM Education and Training TIG Week: Learning to Evaluate STEAM Programs by Julia Li

Hello! My name is Julia Li, and I am a senior researcher at Rockman et al Cooperative, an education research and evaluation firm that specializes in STEM education. In recent years, I’ve seen a growing interest in STEM programs incorporating art-based lessons as a means to inspire more STEM engagement, learning, and identity in youth and adult audiences. The inclusion of art in STEM programs can create new evaluation challenges as art is an expansive genre and subjective to interpretation.

STEM Education and Training TIG Week: Strategic Outcomes Framework for Informal STEM Education by Laura Weiss and Deborah Wasserman

Hello all- we are Laura Weiss and Deborah Wasserman, researchers with COSI’s Center for Research and Evaluation and want to share with you an exciting tool for facilitating co-created informal STEM educational program planning and evaluation.

Informal STEM learning institutions, educators, and evaluators face a unique challenge. Each institution sponsors a wide array of programming for all sorts of learners. Educational interactions can range from two- or three-minute interactions to multi-year intensive programming. Across a broad spectrum of programming contact time, and learners, how do we plan and evaluate these programs in a way that is useful to the program providers while contributing to a single understanding of institutional impact?

STEM Education and Training TIG Week: Cultural Profiles of Islander Scientists: Broadening Participation of Underrepresented Minorities in STEM Based on Context and Place by Manuel Pérez-Troncoso

Hi! I’m Manuel Pérez-Troncoso, a postdoctoral researcher and evaluator at the NSF INCLUDES SEAS Islands Alliance. I’ve been fortunate to be part of this transformative project as a researcher and now an evaluator.

For the past five years, the NSF INCLUDES SEAS Islands Alliance, a collaborative endeavor of universities and research institutions initiated by the National Science Foundation, has been at the forefront of supporting strategies and interventions to broaden the participation of young islander scientists in the US Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, and Guam. This initiative, known as ‘SEAS,’ spans all levels of education, from middle school to the workforce, with the overarching goal of increasing the participation in STEM of young islanders’ scientists, particularly those from underrepresented minorities.

STEM Education and Training TIG Week: Scenario or Vignette-based Interviews by Melissa K. Demetrikopoulos and Terry Mills

I am Melissa K. Demetrikopoulos, Chair of STEM Education and Training TIG and Director of Scientific Communications at the Institute for Biomedical Philosophy here with Terry Mills of Morehouse College and BlueSKY Collaborative Partners. We are presenting information about an Exploratory Sequential Mixed Methods approach being utilized with our partners at Morehouse College including J.K. Haynes, Cynthia Trawick, Jigsa Tola, and Triscia Hendrickson.

STEM Education and Training TIG Week: Tools to Enhance the Functionality and Success of Science Teams by Sara Bolduc

Hi everyone! My name is Sara Bolduc. I am the President of my own external evaluation consultancy (Sara Bolduc Planning and Evaluation LLC) located on the Island of Oahu, in Hawaii. We evaluate STEM and Health programs in the Pacific Region (including remote Pacific Islands) as well as in the continental United States. Much of our program evaluation work involves working with large research, education and workforce development initiatives (NSF, NIH, CDC) with diverse, fluctuating teams working collaboratively towards broad societal goals. We have found that large science teams often experience similar challenges and have attempted to design tools to promote team progress and effectiveness.

STEM Education and Training TIG Week: Defining STEM Within Education and Training by Wesley D. Thompson and Andreas C. Thompson

Greetings. We are Wesley D. Thompson, Project Manager and Director of Exhibits at Haremco and Andreas C. Thompson, Graduate Student in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. We have collaborated on the development and assessment of informal STEM learning opportunities for gifted students. 

NPF TIG Week: AEA Awards Working Group by Eric Barela and Rhonda Williams

Hi everyone! We are Eric Barela & Rhonda Williams, this year’s AEA Awards Working Group Co-chairs. I’m Eric and I’ve been a member of AEA since 2000. I’m based in Los Angeles and have served in a variety of TIG and Association roles throughout my tenure, most recently as Co-Chair of the Awards Task Force that revised the Awards Program in 2021-2022 and as last year’s Awards Working Group Co-Chair. I’m Rhonda and I have been a member of AEA since 2017. I am based in Dallas and have served in a variety of TIG leadership roles and this year’s Co-Chair alongside Eric.