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NA TIG Week: Needs and Artificial Intelligence by Ryan Watkins

I am Ryan Watkins and as a professor at George Washington University, where I do research on and teach about needs, needs assessments, and how people collaborate in making decisions with increasing ‘intelligent’ technologies. Making judgments about what actions to take (or what actions to recommend that others take) routinely requires complex considerations about the …

NA TIG Week: Needs and Artificial Intelligence by Ryan Watkins Read More »

NA TIG Week: Decision-making Resources for your Needs Assessments by Maurya West Meiers

I’m Maurya West Meiers. I work at the World Bank as a Senior Evaluation Officer working on the Global Evaluation Initiative.  I’m also coauthor of A Guide to Assessing Needs: Essential Tools for Collecting Information, Making Decisions, and Achieving Development Results (free World Bank book). Decision-making is fundamental to doing needs assessments (and other evaluation-related work) – whether in an …

NA TIG Week: Decision-making Resources for your Needs Assessments by Maurya West Meiers Read More »

NA TIG Week: Conducting a Labor Market Assessment for Youth Employment Programs: Three Resources by Sylvia Otieno

Hi, my name is Sylvia Otieno and I am a Research Assistant at Higher Ed Insight, we work with nonprofits, foundations, colleges and universities to help develop, implement, research and evaluate programs and efforts to improve education and workforce outcomes. In this blog, I highlight three resources on conducting a labor market assessment for youth …

NA TIG Week: Conducting a Labor Market Assessment for Youth Employment Programs: Three Resources by Sylvia Otieno Read More »

NA TIG Week: Lessons Learnt from Participatory Needs Assessment and Asset Mapping with Youth by Madhawa Palihapitiya

Greetings! I am Madhawa “Mads” Palihapitiya, an evaluator from UMass Boston. I have been using participatory approaches to needs assessment and asset mapping with youth for a while now. I have been evaluating The Youth Conflict Resolution & Restorative Practices Program administered by Massachusetts’ statutory state dispute resolution office (MOPC) for the past eight years. …

NA TIG Week: Lessons Learnt from Participatory Needs Assessment and Asset Mapping with Youth by Madhawa Palihapitiya Read More »

NA TIG Week: The Needs Index, A Simple Concept Maybe? By James W. Altschuld, Hsin-Ling Hung, and Yi-Fang Lee

Hi, we are James W. Altschuld, Hsin-Ling Hung, and Yi-Fang Lee from The Ohio State University, Virginia Commonwealth University, and National Taiwan Normal University and have presented on, written about, and been involved in NAs for years.  Need is the difference between the desired or what should be state of an entity and its current …

NA TIG Week: The Needs Index, A Simple Concept Maybe? By James W. Altschuld, Hsin-Ling Hung, and Yi-Fang Lee Read More »

NA TIG Week: Just-in-Time Community Engaged Needs Assessment: Driving Action by Lisle Hites

Welcome to the Needs Assessment TIG’s week on AEA 365! I’m Lisle Hites, Chair of the Needs Assessment TIG and Associate Professor in Community Medicine and Population Health at the University of Alabama. On behalf of all of us in the Needs Assessment TIG, I hope you’ll enjoy this week’s blog entries and we look …

NA TIG Week: Just-in-Time Community Engaged Needs Assessment: Driving Action by Lisle Hites Read More »

BH TIG Week: Program Evaluation in Behavioral Health: Limitations of Expert-driven Models and New Directions by Joanna Prout

Hi, my name is Joanna Prout and I am a psychologist and program evaluator in the Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at the University of Maryland School of Medicine. I help teams integrate behavioral health supports into school and community settings, including through work at the National Center for School Mental Health (www.schoolmentalhealth.org) and …

BH TIG Week: Program Evaluation in Behavioral Health: Limitations of Expert-driven Models and New Directions by Joanna Prout Read More »

BH TIG Week: Making Quality Improvement Accessible and Useful: The Key Role of Data Visualizations by Eryn Collins

Hello! I am Eryn Collins, Research Associate, from Choices Coordinated Care Solutions (https://www.choicesccs.org), a national non-profit organization that uses evidence-informed methods to support individuals in community settings who have significant behavioral, emotional, or substance use challenges. In our organization, we create Performance Quality Improvement (PQI) plans that are team-driven, individualized, and measurable. Our methods for …

BH TIG Week: Making Quality Improvement Accessible and Useful: The Key Role of Data Visualizations by Eryn Collins Read More »

BH TIG Week: Knack: A Tool to Enhance Data Collection and Reporting Efforts by Kristina Little and Sam Robison

Greetings everyone.  We are Kristina Little and Sam Robison from the Louisiana State University Social Research and Evaluation Center (SREC).  In pursuit of our mission to foster healthy social systems, the SREC team undertakes a wide array of activities (e.g., program development, program evaluation, research) requiring data collection and reporting.  Our work largely takes place …

BH TIG Week: Knack: A Tool to Enhance Data Collection and Reporting Efforts by Kristina Little and Sam Robison Read More »

BH TIG Week: Finding our way toward beneficiary-defined outcomes in behavioral health by Jessica Headley

Hello, I’m Jessica Headley Ternes, current manager at Third Sector Capital Partners and a former internal evaluator for a county behavioral health department. During my time spent working in behavioral health, I spent a lot of time interviewing and listening to clients within the system-of-care share their experiences with services and personal stories of their …

BH TIG Week: Finding our way toward beneficiary-defined outcomes in behavioral health by Jessica Headley Read More »