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NPF Week: Charles Gasper on Getting Involved in the NPF TIG

Hello! My name is Charles Gasper and I am the Director of Evaluation for the Missouri Foundation for Health.  I am also co-chair for the Non-Profit and Foundations TIG.  I am pleased to announce that this week the AEA365 blog will be focusing on specific issues on evaluation in support of funders and non-profits.

Hot Tip: Attend some of the sessions sponsored by the not-for-profit TIG at AEA2010!  We have an amazing lineup of exciting sessions, ranging from thought-provoking think thanks, engaging roundtables, and spirited discussions on ways of enhancing evaluation in not-for-profits and foundations.  Here is a link to the searchable schedule: http://www.eval.org/search10/search.asp

Hot Tip: Call for Nominations!  The current term for one of our TIG Co-Chairs, Les Baxter, is expiring and we are running an election to fill this leadership position for the three year term (2011 to 2013). The TIG Co-Chair is responsible for convening the TIG business meeting, fundraising and coordinating the TIG’s reception at the annual conference, and overseeing the planning and development of any TIG activities outside of the annual meeting. Chairing the TIG is a great opportunity to learn about and develop the field and to connect with the larger AEA community.  Get involved!

September 30, 2010 is the deadline to nominate colleagues or yourself for this TIG Chair position. Please send your nominations to Joanne Carman at jgcarman@uncc.edu. Please include a brief “candidacy statement” (about 2 paragraphs) that includes your background, why you want to be a chair, and what you would bring to our TIG.

Hot Tip: TIG Business Meeting at the AEA Conference

You are invited to attend the business meeting of the Nonprofit and Foundations Evaluation TIG.  Please join us on:

Thursday, November 11

4:30 pm – 6:00 pm

Long Star D, Room 105, Grand Hyatt

Hot Tip: Attend the NPF Reception at the AEA Conference!  You are invited to mingle with your colleagues at a reception that we are hosting. Relax after a full day at the conference. Catch up with old friends and make new ones.  Enjoy great food and refreshments while sharing new ideas.  Come join us!  The reception takes place after the business meeting on Thursday:

Thursday, November 11

7:15 pm – 9:00 pm

(Location to be announced soon)

The American Evaluation Association is celebrating evaluation in Not For Profits & Foundations (NPF) week with our colleagues in the NPF Topical Interest Group.  The contributions all this week to AEA365 will come from our NPF members and you may wish to consider subscribing to our weekly headlines and resources list where we’ll be highlighting NPF resources.

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