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AEA365 Contributor, Curated by Elizabeth DiLuzio

What Do Blog Readers Think / Want to Know More About Social Justice? by Jeremy W. Foutz

Hi there, readers! I’m Jeremy W. Foutz, principal of STEAM Workgroup, a research and evaluation company in Indianapolis that specializes in working with complexity, cultural arts, and science. But really, I know very little in the scheme of things. For all my reading and listening regarding these (and other) social justice topics, for all my …

What Do Blog Readers Think / Want to Know More About Social Justice? by Jeremy W. Foutz Read More »

What are Some Resources to Assist with Social Justice Work? by Mellie Torres

Hola! My name is Mellie Torres and I am a Research Fellow and Visiting Assistant Professor at the City University of New York’s Graduate Center and also an independent evaluator focusing on education, social emotional programming, out of school time programming, and the education of young men and boys of color. Today’s blog provides additional …

What are Some Resources to Assist with Social Justice Work? by Mellie Torres Read More »

How a Seasoned Consultant Navigates Social-Justice-Oriented Evaluation by Jara Dean-Coffey

Hi, I am Jara Dean-Coffey, founder of Luminare Group and The Equitable Evaluation Initiative, and an AEA board member. Thinking about how to deal with push back in social-justice-oriented evaluation takes me back to the beginning of my career.  When I started in consulting in California, it was a different landscape. Conversion foundations were emerging, …

How a Seasoned Consultant Navigates Social-Justice-Oriented Evaluation by Jara Dean-Coffey Read More »

How do I Include Social Justice in My Work? by James Groh

My name is James Groh, I’m an epidemiologist at the Marion County Public Health Department in Indianapolis where I’m evaluating our Racial and Ethnic Approaches to Community Health (REACH) program which addresses racial inequities in chronic disease. As an evaluator, it is imperative to not only understand why social justice relates to my work but …

How do I Include Social Justice in My Work? by James Groh Read More »

Why should I Be Interested in Social Justice? by Jen LoPiccolo

Hello, AEA Community! My name is Jen LoPiccolo and I’m an evaluator with BECOME, a social change agency in Chicago with a mission to nourish communities affected by poverty and injustice to make their vision of a thriving community a reality. I’m excited to share why I believe the field of evaluation can be catalytic …

Why should I Be Interested in Social Justice? by Jen LoPiccolo Read More »

MIE TIG Week: What is Social Justice? by Nicole Clark

We are Nicole Clark, Jen LoPiccolo, James Groh, Mellie Torres, and Jeremy Foutz. We’re members of the Multicultural Issues in Evaluation TIG, and we joined the MIE TIG’s Social Justice Committee, led by Ayesha Boyce and Darla Scott, in 2019. We will also be accompanied seasoned evaluator and AEA board member, Jara Dean-Coffey. The MIE Social …

MIE TIG Week: What is Social Justice? by Nicole Clark Read More »

RoE TIG Week: Incorporating Research on Evaluation into your Evaluation Projects by Miriam Jacobson

I am Miriam Jacobson and I am an evaluator at ICF, where I evaluate workforce development programs and programs for low-income families. As a member of the evaluation field, I am interested in studying best practices for conducting evaluation and helping our field learn how to become more effective. To do this, I have gathered …

RoE TIG Week: Incorporating Research on Evaluation into your Evaluation Projects by Miriam Jacobson Read More »

RoE TIG Week: Lessons from Research on Evaluation for/of System Change by Emily Gates and Francisca Fils-Aime

Hi! I’m Emily Gates, an assistant professor of evaluation, and I’m Francisca Fils-Aime, graduate student, in the Measurement, Evaluation, Statistics, and Assessment department at Boston College. Interested in how evaluation can contribute to system change? Us too! This is a tough question for which there are no easy answers. But, we have a few lessons …

RoE TIG Week: Lessons from Research on Evaluation for/of System Change by Emily Gates and Francisca Fils-Aime Read More »

RoE TIG Week: What Do Evaluators Mean by “Context?” by Sarah Mason

Greetings from the Center for Research Evaluation! I am Sarah Mason—an Australian evaluator working in Mississippi—here to talk about contextually responsive evaluation. Like many evaluators, I’ve had regular conversations about the idea that context matters in evaluation. Context matters Context matters in our line of work because there’s no universal ‘right way’ to do an …

RoE TIG Week: What Do Evaluators Mean by “Context?” by Sarah Mason Read More »

RoE TIG Week: Evaluation Capacity Building Interventions & Sustainable Evaluation Practice: Research & Practice by Jay Wade

Hello, AEA folks!  My name is Jay Wade, and I am the Evaluation Director of Planning, Implementation and Evaluation Org (PIE Org), a non-profit consultancy in Chicago, Illinois that specializes in evaluation capacity building (ECB).  I have worked with a colleague, Dr. Leanne Kallemeyn of Loyola University Chicago, to study whether and how ECB interventions …

RoE TIG Week: Evaluation Capacity Building Interventions & Sustainable Evaluation Practice: Research & Practice by Jay Wade Read More »