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AEA365 Contributor, Curated by Elizabeth DiLuzio

Decolonizing Evaluation Week: Settler Accountability to Self Determination in Decolonizing Evaluation Practices by Kate McKegg

Kia ora, I’m Kate McKegg. I’m descended from Irish, Scottish and English settlers in Aotearoa, New Zealand. I’m also the owner of The Knowledge Institute and a member of the Kinnect Group and the Tuakana Teina Collective. Imagine being told that your land wasn’t yours. That you have to leave, without any of your possessions; …

Decolonizing Evaluation Week: Settler Accountability to Self Determination in Decolonizing Evaluation Practices by Kate McKegg Read More »

Decolonizing Evaluation Week: Questioning How White Supremacy Shows Up in Our Work by Lauren Beriont

Hi, Lauren Beriont (she/hers) here. I’m one of three owner members of Emergence Collective. We’re a women-owned evaluation firm that in many ways started as an experiment to build a business structure and way of working together fundamentally based in equity (yes we’re definitely still learning). As pointed out by colleagues, building authentic relationships is …

Decolonizing Evaluation Week: Questioning How White Supremacy Shows Up in Our Work by Lauren Beriont Read More »

Decolonizing Evaluation Week: Moving Beyond Cultural Competence in Evaluation to Ontological Justice by Jennifer A.H. Billman, Ph.D.

I’m Jennifer Billman, a biology professor, internal evaluator, and nonprofit cofounder who—wondering about my place in international evaluation—returned to school mid-career hoping to learn about evaluation in non-western settings. Unfortunately, most of the evaluation texts I read offered little reflection on place and failed to advance my understanding of non-western evaluation theory and practice.  The …

Decolonizing Evaluation Week: Moving Beyond Cultural Competence in Evaluation to Ontological Justice by Jennifer A.H. Billman, Ph.D. Read More »

Decolonizing Evaluation Week: Indigenous Storytelling: Evaluative Opportunity for Cultural Regeneration and Resistance by Persephone Hooper Lewis

First, I’d like to introduce myself. My name is Persephone Hooper Lewis. I am a citizen of the Yomba Band of Shoshone Indians. The land that we now call home was historically our Springtime place. It is high in the mountains, nestled in the pines, smells of Behoveh (Great Basin Sagebrush) year-round, and is nourished …

Decolonizing Evaluation Week: Indigenous Storytelling: Evaluative Opportunity for Cultural Regeneration and Resistance by Persephone Hooper Lewis Read More »

Tips on Following Up After a (Virtual) Conference by Elizabeth DiLuzio

Hi AEA! My name is Elizabeth DiLuzio, volunteer curator for AEA365, internal evaluator at Good Shepherd Services, and instructor of Quantitative Methods in Evaluation at New York University. Whether AEA’s is the first or one hundredth conference you’ve attended, turning the people you meet into colleagues and friends can be a challenge. Here are some tips …

Tips on Following Up After a (Virtual) Conference by Elizabeth DiLuzio Read More »

Washington Evaluators Week: Evaluation Without Borders: A Note from the Program Coordinator by Laura O’Brien

Hi AEA! My name is Laura O’Brien, currently serving as the coordinator for the Evaluation without Borders (EWB) program through Washington Evaluators (WE). I first got involved with EWB when I was matched with current WE President, Patricia Moore Shaffer, as my mentor through our Mentor Minutes program. Over a bowl of pho very close …

Washington Evaluators Week: Evaluation Without Borders: A Note from the Program Coordinator by Laura O’Brien Read More »

Washington Evaluators Week: Evaluation Without Borders: A Client’s Perspective by Jamie Kasper

I am Jamie Kasper, musician and director of the Arts Education Partnership (AEP). AEP is a coalition of national, state and local organizations dedicated to ensuring that all learners have access to an excellent arts education. It has been supported by the National Endowment for the Arts (Arts Endowment) and U.S. Department of Education (USED) …

Washington Evaluators Week: Evaluation Without Borders: A Client’s Perspective by Jamie Kasper Read More »

Washington Evaluators Week: Evaluation Without Borders: A Volunteer Team’s Perspective by Erin Clements, Sarah Kohari, Woody Stanley, and Jill Tirnauer

Hello from Erin Clements, Sarah Kohari, Woody Stanley, and Jill Tirnauer! While new to Washington Evaluators, the AEA Affiliate sponsoring this week’s blog material, our team has more than 60 years of combined experience conducting performance management and program evaluation studies in the public and nonprofit sectors. Previously employed in federal government agencies and international …

Washington Evaluators Week: Evaluation Without Borders: A Volunteer Team’s Perspective by Erin Clements, Sarah Kohari, Woody Stanley, and Jill Tirnauer Read More »

Washington Evaluators Week: Evaluation Without Borders: A Unique Opportunity for Evaluators to Pay-it-Forward by Lauren Jowell

Greetings, fellow evaluators! My name is Lauren Jowell, I am an evaluation team lead in the federal government and a member of Washington Evaluators based in Washington, D.C. After attending my second AEA conference in 2018, I was energized to be a more active member of WE. When I saw an email calling for volunteers …

Washington Evaluators Week: Evaluation Without Borders: A Unique Opportunity for Evaluators to Pay-it-Forward by Lauren Jowell Read More »

Washington Evaluators Week: Recounting Evaluation Without Borders: Experiences and Observations by Jacqueline Singh

Hello! My name is Jacqueline Singh, MPP, PhD., Executive Evaluation and Program Design Advisor at Qualitative Advantage, LLC. I’m also Co-chair of the American Evaluation Association’s Program Design Topical Interest Group and Board Member at Large for Indiana Evaluation Association. Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, I had been homesick for the East coast. Therefore, it …

Washington Evaluators Week: Recounting Evaluation Without Borders: Experiences and Observations by Jacqueline Singh Read More »