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AEA365 Contributor, Curated by Elizabeth DiLuzio

The Power of Youth Voice in Data Conversations by Stephanie Mui

Hello!  My name is Stephanie Mui, and I am a Senior Program Analyst at Good Shepherd Services, evaluating afterschool programs serving elementary and middle school participants.  One of my favorite parts of my job is involving afterschool youth council participants in the program performance management cycle, which has served to enrich and expand the impact …

The Power of Youth Voice in Data Conversations by Stephanie Mui Read More »

SIM TIG Week: The Growing Case for Evaluation in Social Finance and Impact Investing by Veronica Olazabal

Hey there! Veronica Olazabal, Rockefeller Foundation and incoming President-elect for AEA here to ask you a question: How are we holding ourselves accountable to the trillions of private sector dollars directed toward generating social and environmental good? Building on a rich and growing evidence-base, transparency in social finance was a topic discussed at AEA20 with …

SIM TIG Week: The Growing Case for Evaluation in Social Finance and Impact Investing by Veronica Olazabal Read More »

SIM TIG Week: Accelerating Action in Impact Measurement & Management Today, Together by Samira Khan & Eric Barela

Samira Khan, Senior Manager, Global Impact Engagement and Eric Barela, Director of Measurement and Evaluation at Salesforce.org here, saying hello … Social impact measurement is a hot topic today. How do we make it happen when funding and capacity are low and we sit at the intersection of multiple crises around race, climate, and democracy? …

SIM TIG Week: Accelerating Action in Impact Measurement & Management Today, Together by Samira Khan & Eric Barela Read More »

SIM TIG Week: Impact Investing, Public Policy, and Evaluation: Opportunity and Obligation by John Sherman

A question – why should you care about the intersection of evaluation, impact investing, and public policy? I am John Sherman and as a long-time evaluator interested in scaling social impact, the answer to this question is personal and professional. As my colleagues- Veronica Olazabal, Jane Reisman, and Deborah Rugg– and I explored at our …

SIM TIG Week: Impact Investing, Public Policy, and Evaluation: Opportunity and Obligation by John Sherman Read More »

SIM TIG Week: Transformative Evaluation and Impact Investing: A Fruitful Marriage by Courtney Bolinson and Donna M. Mertens

Hi! We’re Courtney Bolinson, MS and Donna M. Mertens, PhD. Our work focuses on marrying the transformative evaluation paradigm with impact investing. Our chapter in the Global Handbook of Impact Investing demonstrates how transformative evaluation can be used across the investment cycle to effectively improve social and financial investment outcomes.  Rad Resource: We tailored the …

SIM TIG Week: Transformative Evaluation and Impact Investing: A Fruitful Marriage by Courtney Bolinson and Donna M. Mertens Read More »

SIM TIG Week: Lessons for Evaluating the Impacts of Accelerators by Ben Fowler, Erin Markel, and Amanda Woomer

We are Ben Fowler and Erin Markel from MarketShare Associates and Amanda Woomer from the Terwilliger Center for Innovation in Shelter at Habitat for Humanity International. Business accelerators – which provide enterprises access to training and frequently links to capital – are increasingly used to help social enterprises increase their impact.  We at MarketShare Associates …

SIM TIG Week: Lessons for Evaluating the Impacts of Accelerators by Ben Fowler, Erin Markel, and Amanda Woomer Read More »

SIM TIG Week: Love the Connectors: The Measurable Value of an Ecosystem Focused on Social Impact by Leah Goldstein Moses

Hi, I’m Leah Goldstein Moses, founder of The Improve Group SBC.* I have a strong love for my home town, St. Paul, which sits on Dakota lands. I am the recent chair of the Social Impact Measurement TIG. My evaluation practice emphasizes community, justice, equity and love. There are exciting things happening in our region …

SIM TIG Week: Love the Connectors: The Measurable Value of an Ecosystem Focused on Social Impact by Leah Goldstein Moses Read More »

Where Do I Begin? : Using Best Practices in Culture Change to Incorporate Participatory Evaluation Into Your Work by Elizabeth DiLuzio

Happy weekend! I’m Elizabeth DiLuzio – volunteer curator for AEA365, internal evaluator at Good Shepherd Services, and instructor of Quantitative Methods in Evaluation at New York University. Recently, a few people asked me what I think are the first steps to incorporating a participatory evaluation practice. Suspecting that this is a popular topic these days, I …

Where Do I Begin? : Using Best Practices in Culture Change to Incorporate Participatory Evaluation Into Your Work by Elizabeth DiLuzio Read More »

Decolonizing Evaluation Week: Lessons in Anticolonialism from BIPOC Innovators by Geri Lynn Peak

Greetings good people, I’m Geri Peak of Two Gems Consulting. I’m refining my work through a liberatory lens with my Leaders in Equitable Evaluation And Diversity practicum team: Nitya Venkateswaran, Jennifer Torres, Kimberly Harris and Jochebed Gayles. Using a learning circle approach we aspired to elevate the cultural power of my existing tools inspired by …

Decolonizing Evaluation Week: Lessons in Anticolonialism from BIPOC Innovators by Geri Lynn Peak Read More »

Decolonizing Evaluation Week: The Role of Aloha in Decolonizing Evaluation by Kathy Tibbetts

Aloha, I am Kathy Tibbetts. I have spent my adult life in Hawai‘i where I have been blessed with opportunities by Native Hawaiian serving organizations and the community to work alongside them and serve them for the last 40 years.  A much wiser friend recently shared her view that Indigenizing is present in places where …

Decolonizing Evaluation Week: The Role of Aloha in Decolonizing Evaluation by Kathy Tibbetts Read More »