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AEA365 Contributor, Curated by Elizabeth Grim

Washington Evaluators Affiliate Week: Evidence Act: Building Internal Evaluation Capacity for Social Impact Organizations by Quisha Brown

Hello, I’m Quisha Brown, author of “Racial Equity Lens Logic Model & Theory of Change” – a transformative guidebook offering step-by-step instructions on building a people-centered Progressive Outcomes Scale Logic Model (POSLM). In a world where social mission organizations struggle to demonstrate evidence of their effectiveness, the need to enhance the Evidence-Based Policymaking Act in …

Washington Evaluators Affiliate Week: Evidence Act: Building Internal Evaluation Capacity for Social Impact Organizations by Quisha Brown Read More »

Washington Evaluators Affiliate Week: Research Partnerships for Better Evidence-based Policy Making by Matt St. John

How can the US federal government bring new perspectives of evidence generation and evaluation to improve programs and policy? I’m Matt St. John, Program Evaluation Specialist with Guidehouse and Evidence Act advisor to the US Department of State (DOS), and I would like to share one initiative that I am working on with my colleagues …

Washington Evaluators Affiliate Week: Research Partnerships for Better Evidence-based Policy Making by Matt St. John Read More »

Washington Evaluators Affiliate Week: Accountability and Learning Perspectives on the Evidence Act by Terell Lasane

My name is Terell Lasane, and I am the Assistant Director, Center for Evaluation Methods and Issues (CEMI) in the Applied Research and Methods team at the U.S. Government Accountability Office. Language matters. And that’s particularly true when unpacking the Evidence Act. Early on in my evaluation career, I evaluated public programs for state, local, and federal entities. When I worked with these organizations, I always emphasized that fulfilling reporting requirements for accountability provided unique opportunities for program learning, and that these functions should be paired together whenever it was appropriate to do so. The actionable intelligence that could be garnered from evaluation activity is supported by the Evidence Act, and the legislation provides a valuable framework for marrying accountability with program learning and program improvement. Evaluation practitioners have long recognized the importance of this marriage for better government at all levels.

Washington Evaluators Affiliate Week: How the Evidence Act Has Spurred Action in the Federal Government by Natalie Donahue

Hi!  I’m Natalie Donahue. I am the Chief of Evaluation in the State Department’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs’ Monitoring Evaluation Learning and Innovation (MELI) Unit and am the Washington Evaluators (WE) Past President. The Evidence Act has had a great impact on federal evaluation practices. Over the past five years we’ve seen federal agencies create learning agendas, increase capacity-building efforts, update (or, in some cases, create) evaluation policies and accompanying guidance documents, and increase collaborative efforts around evaluation – both internally and with other agencies.

Washington Evaluators Affiliate Week: Looking Back and Going Forward with the Evidence Act by Valerie Jean Caracelli

My name is Valerie Jean Caracelli, and I am a Senior Social Science Analyst in the Center for Evaluation Methods and Issues, Applied Research and Methods team at the U.S. Government Accountability Office. As we greet the 5th year anniversary of the Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act of 2018, it is useful to reflect on federal evaluation and its use in decision making prior to the passage of the Evidence Act. In 2013 a series of evaluation questions were introduced into a generalizable survey of federal civilian managers and supervisors to obtain their perspectives on several results-oriented management topics, including the extent of and barriers to evaluation use. The survey results indicated just over a third (37 percent) of federal managers reported that an evaluation had been completed in the past 5 years on any program, operation, or project they were involved in. GAO concluded that agencies’ lack of evaluations may be the greatest barrier to their ability to inform program management and policy making.

Washington Evaluators Affiliate Week: A Milestone Worth Celebrating by Sana Ahmed Wilder

My name is Sana Ahmed Wilder, and I’m a program evaluator for the U.S. Small Business Administration. A five year old’s birthday is a big deal. It may be the first they’ll actually remember, a milestone celebrating increased independence, and the last one before launch into formal education; yep, I’m talking Kindergarten. So, a very happy and important 5th birthday to the Evidence Act!

Washington Evaluators Affiliate Week: What is the Evidence Act, And Why Are We Still Talking About It? by Nicole Germano

My name is Nicole Germano, and I serve as the Washington Evaluators’ Communications Chair. By day, I am an evaluation contractor at the Department of State. This week, Washington Evaluators will be sharing a series of posts related to the Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act, in celebration of the legislation’s fifth birthday. The Foundations for …

Washington Evaluators Affiliate Week: What is the Evidence Act, And Why Are We Still Talking About It? by Nicole Germano Read More »

Arts, Culture, and Museums TIG Week: Dance as a Means of Documentation, Exploration, Interpretation and Communication of What and How We Value by Vincent E Thomas and Geri Lynn Peak

This post was originally released on AEA365 in 2023, and was so popular the first time around, it is being reshared from the archives at the request of the Arts, Culture, and MuseumTIG. I’m Vincent E Thomas, a dancer/choreographer/professor. I move the body as a way to unearth layers of self for deeper understanding of …

Arts, Culture, and Museums TIG Week: Dance as a Means of Documentation, Exploration, Interpretation and Communication of What and How We Value by Vincent E Thomas and Geri Lynn Peak Read More »

Arts, Culture, and Museums TIG Week: De-Weaponizing Evaluation in a Public School District Arts Initiative by Sister IAsia Thomas and Rodney Hopson

Sister IAsia Thomas is an equity practitioner, arts administrator, director for Children’s Windows to Africa, and is a multi-disciplinary artist whose creative work is guided by Dr. Asa Hilliard’s precepts on Being an African Teacher and Fu-Kiau’s Kindezi: The Kongo Art of Babysitting. Thomas served as Pittsburgh Public Schools from 2014 – 2024 as project …

Arts, Culture, and Museums TIG Week: De-Weaponizing Evaluation in a Public School District Arts Initiative by Sister IAsia Thomas and Rodney Hopson Read More »

Arts, Culture, and Museums TIG Week: Listening/Creating Healthful Narratives: What else can we be? by Shanaé Burch

I am Shanaé Burch, an artist, public health creative, and cultural worker. I believe in the power of storytelling to revive health and reconcile hearts, so I study health justice and equity through the lens of better leveraging arts and culture for wellbeing with contemplative arts-based research methods. This blog begins with a statement of …

Arts, Culture, and Museums TIG Week: Listening/Creating Healthful Narratives: What else can we be? by Shanaé Burch Read More »