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150 Candles to Celebrate Canada Day! By Harry Cummings and Benoît Gauthier

Hello, we are Harry Cummings, President, and Benoît Gauthier, past president of the Canadian Evaluation Society, with a brief article celebrating Canada’s 150th anniversary, rich history, and evaluation culture. The Canadian Evaluation Society (CES), much like evaluation associations worldwide, is dedicated to the advancement of evaluation theory and practice. We promote leadership, knowledge, advocacy, and professional development.

CES joins all Canadians in celebrating Canada’s 150th anniversary in 2017! Not ones to miss an opportunity for reflection on lessons, patterns and improvements (nor to pass up a good reason for a celebration) evaluators far and wide are joining in the reflection on our rich history and what makes Canada unique.  Cherishing people and our land, Canada’s Indigenous peoples are valued globally and our bilingual heritage is deeply rooted in French-English with an ever-expanding multicultural fabric, pluralism and diversity.  Champions of the “little guy,” Canadians tend towards the middle ground, finding ways to negotiate and balance, generally seeking principles before interests.  Our strong and free inspired the UN and stand by our Constitutional Charter of Human Rights.

Lesson Learned: Could it be that all Canadians are evaluators at heart? Consider Canada’s accomplishments in:

  • supporting its people (evaluation = “objectives achievement”),
  • in emphasizing values like equity, respect, and truth (evaluation = “reflective practice”),
  • in contributing to a better world order (evaluation = “contribution analysis”) while not being blind to our own failings (evaluation = “impact analysis”) and
  • recognizing that we can always to better (evaluation = “formative”).

Canadians are good at questioning while not over-asserting our identity, yet stand proud and welcoming at a moment’s notice!  Cheers, salut and Happy 150th Birthday Canada!

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