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Search Results for: linda

What’s next for Emerging AI in Evaluation? Takeaways from the 2023 AEA Conference by Zach Tilton and Linda Raftree

Greetings! I’m Paula Richardson from Salanga, an organization dedicated to reimagining monitoring and evaluation practices for community ownership, gender equality, and transformative change. Through our work with 50+ communities worldwide, we have gained insights and identified key takeaways from implementing a Community-Led monitoring, evaluation, accountability and learning approach (CoLMEAL).

IPE TIG Week: Calling on the Wisdom of the Seven Grandfathers by Linda Sue Warner (Comanche) and Jeremy Braithwaite

Evaluators working with Indigenous peoples and communities are often advised to become familiar with a Native community’s social, cultural, and spiritual values before beginning a project. As an evaluation community, how can we be more intentional about moving beyond mere familiarity and acknowledgement of these value systems to actively centering them in our evaluation work? …

IPE TIG Week: Calling on the Wisdom of the Seven Grandfathers by Linda Sue Warner (Comanche) and Jeremy Braithwaite Read More »

Decolonization in Evaluation Week: Knowledge asymmetries and struggles for space: Towards a decolonial turn in the evaluation of ‘development’ and ‘conservation’ programmes by Linda Khumalo & Gert Van Hecken

We are Linda Khumalo and Gert Van Hecken. We collaborate on a project to reimagine M&E from a decolonial perspective. Here we share some lessons learned. Linda is an evaluation practitioner and scholar contributing to the Made in Africa Evaluation (MAE) discourse who sees the challenges of applying a transformative evaluative lens. Gert is an …

Decolonization in Evaluation Week: Knowledge asymmetries and struggles for space: Towards a decolonial turn in the evaluation of ‘development’ and ‘conservation’ programmes by Linda Khumalo & Gert Van Hecken Read More »

Tech TIG Week: Collaborating on the Responsible Use of Emerging Artificial Intelligence for MERL by Linda Raftree

I’m Linda Raftree and I founded the MERL Tech community about ten years ago, back when monitoring, evaluation, research and learning (MERL) practitioners were just starting to explore mobile phones, digital devices, and digital data for MERL purposes. Technology has changed a lot since 2013 – and so have the ways that MERL practitioners use …

Tech TIG Week: Collaborating on the Responsible Use of Emerging Artificial Intelligence for MERL by Linda Raftree Read More »

Best of AEA365: Approaching Document Review in a Systematic Way by Linda Cabral

Greetings AEA365 readers.  I’m Linda Cabral from the University of Massachusetts Medical School’s Center for Health Policy and Research. Many evaluations that I’ve been a part of in my 15+ year career have required a review of existing program documents. This has involved a range of documents such as program descriptions, meeting minutes, proposals and grantee reports. There can be many purposes to performing a document review. Often, it can provide you the background necessary to formulate your primary data collection tools. Other times, document review can be your sole data collection method when your evaluation only requires descriptive information such as number and type of sites or a description of participants and program costs. Funders appreciate this data collection method because it does not pose a burden to program staff as the data already exists. Regardless of the main purpose of your document review, I’ve found it helpful to be able to approach this type of review in a systematic way.

Evaluation 2022 Feedback in Evaluation Working Group Week: Welcome to Feedback Week! by Britt Lake and Melinda Tuan

Hello, AEA! We are Britt Lake, CEO of Feedback Labs, which seeks to make feedback the norm in aid, philanthropy, nonprofits, and government, and Melinda Tuan, Managing Director of Fund for Shared Insight, a national funder collaborative seeking to improve philanthropy by promoting high-quality listening and feedback in service of equity. Both our organizations are …

Evaluation 2022 Feedback in Evaluation Working Group Week: Welcome to Feedback Week! by Britt Lake and Melinda Tuan Read More »

AEA’s Digital Data & Technology Working Group Week: (Re)shaping Evaluation with Insights from the MERL Tech Community by Linda Raftree

Hi all, I’m Linda Raftree and I have been leading the MERL Tech community of practice since 2014. MERL Tech is a term we use to describe technology-enabled Monitoring, Evaluation, Research, and Learning (MERL). Our vision is a world where the use of digital tools, technologies, and data for MERL in humanitarian, development, human rights, peacebuilding, and social impact programming is inclusive, ethical, responsible, safe, and sustainable.

IPE TIG Week: Lessons Learned from the Colonizer by Linda Sue Warner

From Oklahoma, the land of ‘red people’, from the Choctaw word oklahumma, my name is Linda Sue Warner. I am a member of the Comanche Tribe of Oklahoma and have worked in schools since 1970. As a former tenured faculty member at Tier 1 universities and President Emerita of the oldest continuously operated American Indian …

IPE TIG Week: Lessons Learned from the Colonizer by Linda Sue Warner Read More »

ITE TIG Week: Developing Practical Skills and Critical Consciousness for Tech-enabled Evaluation by Zach Tilton, Linda Raftree, Kecia Berterman, and Ichhya Pant

Hi! We’re Zach Tilton, Linda Raftree, Kecia Berterman, and Ichhya Pant from the Integrating Technology into Evaluation Topical Interest Group. We’re thrilled to share with AEA365 readers a week of posts about the intersection of technology and evaluation. Though we’re certainly biased, we believe the new year provides a great opportunity to pause and take …

ITE TIG Week: Developing Practical Skills and Critical Consciousness for Tech-enabled Evaluation by Zach Tilton, Linda Raftree, Kecia Berterman, and Ichhya Pant Read More »